Always Together// Hualian Sho...

By Novelsiast

12.4K 342 125

[COMPLETE] So this is the continuation of Hualian's love story, since the last scene was at Qiandeng temple... More

chapter 1
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 9
Shameless recommendations

Chapter 2

1.5K 44 7
By Novelsiast

Upon arriving at paradise manor, Xie Lian shamelessly throws himself on the giant bed. Thanks to Hua Cheng's reassurance, he no longer feels as tense as the last few times he visit, he now considers this place as his own.

Hua Cheng, seeing Xie Lian being so cute can't help but chuckle and joins him on the bed

"Gege's happy"

"Why shouldn't I be when I'm with San Lang?"

Hua Cheng's caught off guard by that response, Xie Lian has indeed changed these months they've spent together, he's no longer the shy and reserved, calm and collected person he used to be, of course he has to put up a front in the presence of other heavenly officials and folks, but he doesn't feel the need to when he's with Hua Cheng, In fact he feels that Hua Cheng is the last person he would ever reserve himself in front of ever again. Xie Lian has become accustomed to voicing his cheesy thoughts to Hua Cheng more, and as flirtatious as they may sound they are just his thoughts nonetheless, Xie Lian is not a natural flirt unlike the sly Hua Cheng. And seeing that his cute husband's subconsciously flirting, Hua Cheng can't help but feel happy that Xie Lian is no longer restricting himself.

"But why is gege happy when he's with me, and does this happiness only apply to me?"
Hua Cheng asks feigning obliviousness

"San Lang you're just trying to squeeze a compliment outta me"

Xie Lian says with a raised eyebrow, staring squarely onto Hua Cheng's face while folding his arms across his chest

Hua Cheng, in a side lying position with one hand supporting his head, raises the other hand in a 'i surrender' gesture, saying

"Guilty, gege is as sharp as-"

"But, it's obviously because you're my beloved, remember what I said on black water's island?, Only after having met you did I realize it's such a simple thing to be happy? I meant that............. even though I wasn't quite clear of my feelings for you back then, I still can't imagine true happiness without you in it"

Xie Lian says as matter of fact, causing a pink tint on Hua Cheng's cheeks which is rarely seen, of course he's blushing, he didn't expect that answer, he was once again caught off guard by Xie Lian's brutal honesty.

Hua Cheng was about to say something too when suddenly, his face scrunches up a bit, his pointer and index finger pressing against his temple, his expression going blankly dark

By seeing his gestures, Xie Lian can obviously tell that he's speaking to someone in the spiritual communication array, but question is...............who?, Hua Cheng isn't exactly 'close' with Alot of other people and is definitely not the type of person to easily give his verbal password to just anyone, so the thought of Hua Cheng freely giving his password and that person shamelessly reciting it makes Xie Lian jealous? He too doesn't get it, the last time he felt like this was when Hua Cheng was talking about his beautiful, noble, gracious special someone without Xie Lian knowing that he was actually referring to him and thought that he was talking about someone else and got jealous, which was pretty silly if he thinks about now. But this time, his jealousy is justified right? Although he knows that Hua Cheng belongs to him and him alone, this is something that Hua Cheng has proved countless times, he just can't help that little pang of jealousy when he thinks about how he struggled to just recite Hua Cheng's embarrassing password, yet this person can do it easily? Just who is this?.

His reverie is cut short when Hua Cheng puts his fingers down and stares at him seeming to be amused. Xie Lian doesn't want to pry and ask who he was speaking to, even though he's itching to outright ask.

"Huh?" Hua Cheng asks

"What?, I didn't say anything" Xie Lian says, his subtle attempt to avoid eye contact failing

Hua Cheng, seeming to sense his husband's dilemma, asks, "Doesn't gege want to know who reached out to me just now?, Who has the guts to recite my verbal password?, And why I would give it to them?"

Xie Lian, being caught, is speechless at his husband's terrifyingly good guess. But then again, Hua Cheng's guesses have always been spot on, like this one time he guessed Xie Lian's course of action when dealing with the foetus spirit; which was to recklessly swallow it and together with his sword................ Hua Cheng was not happy to see that he was actually planning to do it had he not intervened.

"If you want to tell me, I won't stop you, but if you don't want to............I won't pry"

Hua Cheng chuckles "you have every right to know who I talk to gege"

"It was black water"

"Black water?, What did he want?"

"he wanted to borrow more merits from me"

"And you're gonna give it to him?"

"Yeah, I guess"

"Was it because we ruined his place"

"No, he was actually happy that we used it for our battle because I had to deduct from what he owes me, for was a win-win situation no matter how he looked at it.
He just wants to borrow more because he's pursuing someone at the moment"

"Who? I didn't know He Xuan fancied someone"

"That, he didn't tell me, but don't fret gege..... he'll tell me when he succeeds"

"When did you two exchange passwords?"
There it is..... Xie Lian's internally kicking himself for asking that, guess he just had to scratch that itch

"It's been quite a while, it was when he first borrowed from me, of course I had to keep track of him in case he disappears with my possessions" Hua Cheng says with a bit of humour

"Ummm ok, thanks for telling me San Lang"

"Is my interrogation over already?"

"I wasn't interrogating you, you spoke up all on your-"

Xie Lian touches his head as if he's got a headache

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