π‘»π’˜π’Šπ’ π‘΄π’Šπ’“π’“π’π’“π’”: A Ha...

By MellowpieSweet

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A tricky Harry Potter fanfiction, Two siblings and their cousin get dragged into a different dimension. They... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Oh my god
Chapter 3: Sorting Hat
Chapter 5: Classes!!

Chapter 4

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By MellowpieSweet

Stella's POV

I woke up from loud whispers around me as I open my eyes and saw three girls over my bed I yelped at their suspicious looks "What's up with her?" Another girl questions, she was the only one not beside my bed. She had long jet black hair that almost reaches he waist. She had an eyebrow raised and a book on her lap.

"She is basically startled by us looking at her when she woke up" One girl on my left answered, she has dirty blonde hair and dark blue eyes.

"Oh! We're so sorry!" A girl on my right that has short Brown hair that only reached her shoulders said looking at me with an apologetic look with her bright yellow-ish eyes. As I just smiled not knowing how to respond.

"Can you even speak?" The other girl beside the girl with dirty blonde hair asked concerned I noticed she has freckles on her cheeks and some on her forehead, This girl has brown hair like the one girl on my right but much longer with curls at the ends and she has the same eyes as her too, I'm guessing they might be related, but I couldn't tell how long as her hair was tied up on a ponytail. I wasn't talking since they woke me up, I wasn't quite sure if I should answer or not.

"I can" was all I can say because I don't know much of this language, I know some basics but not all. So I better get help when I meet Jacob and Abby later, I hope they had a nice sleep. All the girls smiled at me when I finally talked.

"Oh! Introductions, I'm Melany Vineyard and that is my twin sister Kienna. You can call me Mella or Any or Melany, Anything you want." The girl with short hair said with a kind smile, I nodded and The girl she mentioned as her sister. Kienna just rolled her eyes at her sister for doing the introduction for both of them.

"I can speak for myself, thanks Mel. Anyway as my sister said. I'm Kienna vineyard, call me Kie, Anna or Kienna. I don't really mind any nicknames but watch on what you call me" Kienna said as I just giggled then nodded.

"I'm Penny DeLore, Just call me Penny. Allison why won't you meet our new roommate?" The girl who has dirty blonde hair said before turning to the other girl who is on another bed with a book. Allison is her name, Nice. Allison looked up from her book then sighed "Fine" she said and put her book down on the bed then walked over as I sat up, I didn't notice I was still laying down while we were talking.

"Allison Crévay. Hope we will get along" Allison reached out a hand as I gladly shook it.

"Nice to-... Meet you all?" I said trying not to mess up my language as Allison went back to her bed and continued reading. Penny raised an eyebrow at me.

"Are you okay? You don't seem happy or is it just me?" Penny asked as I tried to think and shake my brain for something to answer.

"I-i can't speak... This language that well" I hoped I said the right things as Penny said "Oh" I think she got the message and nodded.

"Oh so your not from here? Where is your hometown then? Are you french?" Melany asked many questions but I couldn't understand some words.

"I'm from.... A far country" I said as Melany nodded.

"Wait! You didn't tell us your name yet!" Kienna said out loud as I nodded.

"Stella Cruz, That's my name" I said as I felt hungry. "What uh time is it?" I asked looking at them.

"It's 11:48 am, You missed the morning classes, We didn't know if we should wake you up because we saw a letter from headmaster that we had a new roommate that just arrived at morning and told us to let you sleep, I think everyone had the message but different words" Penny explained as I nodded it seemed a bit understandable for now so I got up and went to a trunk that had my name and read the letter quickly and got some clothes out, I decided to wear my Hufflepuff's uniform since I always wanted to get robes but my parents wouldn't buy me one from any online shops because they say it's too expensive for us so I was happy when I went to the bathroom to shower and change.

When I went out the shower in my uniform I tried doing the yellow and black tie but I kept messing up so I just asked Melany to make it since I didn't know How to, she chuckled at me and fixed it. I looked at the mirror and thanked her. "Let's go get lunch at the great hall" Kienna said and linked her arm on my left and Melany Linked hers on my right, I smiled as Penny joined us on our little line and went to the great hall, Only Allison didn't join us on the arms linked together as we walked. She was so busy with her book of magical creatures.

We reached the great hall as my jaws Dropped at the sight, Candles floating over the heads of the students, Many food on the five tables. Representing all the houses. My newly friends led me to the Hufflepuff's table as we sat down. I was still between Kienna and Melany as Penny and Allison sat opposite to us and we started munching while talking. Well they were the ones who talks as I just have nods and smiles sometimes answering some questions but my answers were always short.

"What's your favorite so far?" Penny asked me motioning to the foods infront of me, I looked at the food on my late.

"The mashed potatoes and This pumpkin pie" I answered pointing at the two delicious food I was eating. I quite liked the pumpkin juice too.

"I know right? The pumpkin pie is Soo good!" Melany said munching on her third slice of the pie as I laughed a bit. Kienna was munching on some piece of chocolate since she said she wasn't hungry and just eats candies.

Penny has a plate of salad which is almost finished, Allison was STILL reading while eating some shredded chicken with gravy.  I looked around for any sign of Abby and Jacob but my eyes darted at the Gryffindor table and saw the group of Harry Potter, I was about to explode.

I was staring at Harry Potter as I couldn't believe my eyes, But my eyes went wide when Hermione nudged him and he looked straight at me and he smiled awkwardly, It was so awkward that I turned around and pushed my plate away as I put my head on the table as my arms covered my face as I was so bright red. He looked at me when I stared at him! So not cool Stella!

"Pst Stella, Someone is looking for you" Melany whispers to me I felt her shake my shoulder a bit, I groaned.

"Who?" I whispered back as there was a pause, Please not be Harry.

"The guy you were looking at, Harry Potter" Kienna replied as I gasped a little, Oh god please kill me now.

"Tell him to go away!" I whisper-shouted panic rised as I didn't want to face THE Harry Potter. Not that he saw that I was staring at him!

I heard Melany and Kienna laugh as I raised an eyebrow but they didn't know that since I'm hiding my face. I heard penny sigh at them and say "don't listen to Anna, Stella it's your brother" Penny said as she tapped my head on the table as I looked up and saw Jacob behind me as I quickly stood up and enfluged him in a hug. I heard 'aws' from the girls except for Allison of course she was quiet.

"Whoa, Okay you missed me already?" Jacob joked as I punched his arm jokingly, I looked around.

"Asaan si Abby?" I asked

"Asa labas sya Ng great hall, She's waiting so let's go na" He held my hand and dragged me out as I waved to my Hufflepuff friends before turning back to our goal to go out the great hall.

We met Abby outside the door as we went to find the library, they filled me in the plan on the way. They said that first they need to teach me to properly speak English with the accent so I'll fit in and understand the classes, second we need to get through the classes with passing grades so we won't be too suspicious for the other student. They both told their roommates that we were from ilvermorny and just got here late, And since they don't have wands yet. Dumbledore ordered Hagrid to take them to diagon alley to get wands. Somehow, When we went through the mirror we went to their dimension of the world which has more slower time. Their timeline is much older than ours. Oh, Did I mention that, That misterious mirror that had sent us here had given us magic and turned us into witches and wizard, Unbelievable right? But we don't have time to gossip and keep on rethinking this we have to survive here. We didn't tell anyone about us knowing everything that will happen in the next few years in this world.

We were sitting in the library and was currently being teached by Abby and Jacob how to speak English with the British accent, I failed many tests in English in our school since I'm not a fast learner of different languages. But after an hour of learning, I finally got to speak in the British accent without sounding forced. My English wasn't that bad now but I still needed to carry a dictionary with me Incase I forgot some words. "I think I get it now" I said to Abby as Jacob was getting an ink and quill from his bag, He also took out a parchment. Am I doing a test now? Ugh I suck at that.

"Please don't tell me I'm gonna do a test at this point" I whined looking at Jacob pleadingly so he won't give me a test. He chuckled when I said that.

"Don't worry, there's no test. I'm just going to write down some words already translated so you won't have to fuss on that dictionary, I'm going to write down the words and some phrases you might need to use" He explained and started writing, While he was doing that me and Abby were just chitchatting about our experience so far here. But what we are worried about is getting to do REAL magic and do test and exams about it, Not to mention this year is supposed to be the goblet of fire movie. So we are looking forward to seeing the beauxbatons and durmstrang students at November.

We turned around to see the half giant hagrid waiting for us with professor Dumbledore in the headmasters office as we wore our normal cloaks to fit in the crowd when we reach diagon alley, Me and Abby went in the fireplace first as we took a handful of the powder like ash from Dumbledore " yer supposed to say diagon alley when you let go ter ashes" Hagrid explained even though we already know that but we just nodded.

"Diagon alley!" Me and Abby said in sync before letting go the ashes as the green fire surrounded us, I flinched thinking it would burn us but it didn't. We moved out the fireplace and saw that we were in a pub. We turned when we heard the flames turn up again and saw Jacob go out of it dusting himself.

"That was so dusty in there" he complained as I rolled my eyes at him, we waited until hagrid was there crouching so he would fit in the fireplace as he went out.

"You okay hagrid?" Abby asked the giant helping him dust the dirt off his clothes, Hagrid nodded and told her he was fine and he's used to doing that but his back is about to hurt the next time he does it again, before leading us to the end of the pub where a brick wall blocked the way.

"Watch closely yer' gonna need to remember it" Hagrid said before tapping his umbrella on the brick wall that forming a pattern as me and Abby smiled at the bricks starting to move out of the way revealing the magical place we wanted to go to. Diagon Alley.

"Cool" Jacob said rather impressed at it, We walked to the not so busy Diagon alley as we headed straight to Olivanders to get our wands! I'm already excited at holding my own wand and not just a chopstick we get from home!

We walked in Olivanders wand shop as we saw high shelves filled with wand boxes from top to bottom as I shook Abby so excited as She pushed me away from her. "We are really here Abby!" I almost screamed in excitement.

"Hey keep it down, Ella" Jacob glared a bit for me being so loud as Mr. Olivanders came out from behind the shelves of wands.

"I didn't expect a visit of students today, let alone a Hogwarts student" Olivander said looking at us three before he took a measuring tape and measured our left and right hands and how far is it from the ground if we hold out a wand before he went rumaging with a few wands for Abby first.

Olivander came back to us holding a long wand case and opened it revealing a nice wand, The top was black but the handle is fading into a dark color of blue and he handed it to Abby "Vine wood, 11 ½ Inches, Dragon Heartstring core. And slightly flexibility" Olivander explained the things in the wand to Abby as she nodded and flicked it, She smiled as a rainbow went around the store lighting the dark place, The rainbow went away eventually. "Ooh first try, You next dear" Olivander said towards me as he went to the shelves again.

He handed me a wand that is much smaller than Abby's "Unicorn tail hair core, Yew wood, 10 inches, Not flexible" He said as I gave it a wave and broke a window. I quickly put the wand down on the counter.

"I'm so sorry!" I apologized to Mr. Olivander as we waved his hand reassuringly.

"It's fine dear, It isn't the first" he waved his wand and fixed the broken window as he took the wand from the counter and put it back in it's box and went back to the shelves, He went back after a couple of minutes and handed me another wand. "This must be the one. Veela hair, Willow wood, 11 inches, Very flexible. If someone tries to break it he or she might take a while" He chuckled as I smiled and took the wand feeling a connection to it as my smile grew wider.

I flicked it towards a vase near the counter as the vase was filled with flowers when I pointed my wand at it. "It's amazing" I said amazed that I did actual magic with a wand.

"Yes, Perfect for you. Now you boy" I walked at the back beside Abby as Jacob walked to where I was standing, I gave him a thumbs up as Olivander got a wand from the shelf beside us and handed it to Jacob.

"Elder wood, Dragon heartstring core, 12 inches, Not flexible" Olivander said waiting for Jacob to wave or flick it but Jacob just stared at the wand. "well give it a wave" Olivander encourage him as Jacob looked at Olivander first before actually waving it and a light surrounded Jacob as Olivander nodded at the success. "That would be 21 galleons" Olivander smiled at us as Hagrid handed me the gold coins which I stared for a second before handing it to Olivander before we walked out the shop and started walking back to the pub we came from. But one store caught my eyes and I couldn't help it.

"Hagrid, Uhm can we get some ice cream? Pleaseee" I put my hands together pleading the half giant as He chuckled and agreed. Abby and Jacob followed us to the Ice cream shop where there were plenty of flavors.

"I'll have the chocolate frog Vanilla ice cream please!" I said to the girl in the counter as the girl nodded and scooped the specific flavor in a ice cream cone.

"Chocolate and raspberries for me" Abby said and got her ice cream and Jacob bought Stick toffee pudding before we finally continued in our way. Eating the ice cream we just bought we climbed in the fireplace and grabbed the floo powder.

Me and Abby stood beside each other as I swallowed the last bite of my ice cream cone before we said clearly "Hogwarts" and the green flames surrounded us and we were back home... I mean at Hogwarts!


"See you later guys!" Abby called out as she went with her prefect to go around the castle before dinner as Jacob went to their Prefect and I waited for the Hufflepuff's girl prefect.

"You must be Stella Cruz?" A girl about 3 year older than me said as I nodded, I noticed her prefect badge and her Hufflepuff's uniform so I guess she was the prefect.

"Yes, You must be the prefect" I said as he smiled and nodded.

"Jennifer Quilt, but call me Jenny" She said holding out a hand as I shook it and that's where we started the tour. She showed me where the classrooms are, The courtyard, Told me some stories from her previous school years and How the teachers act. The subjects and other Hogwarts grounds. By the time we finished, It was already dinner time as we both went to the great hall and separated to go to our own friend groups.

I saw Melany waving at me from the head part of the Hufflepuff's table as I jogged towards them and took my usual seat between Melany and Kienna. Penny and Allison were opposite to us again.
We greeted each other and I told them about the whole thing that I did as we ate dinner. They laughed about the Ice cream part that I was trying to catch all the frogs jumping out my ice cream but it was only three frogs that got away from me! I was just so frightend about them jumping around and panicked on how to catch them but I managed to eat and catch some.

After eating we went back to out dormitory and continued talking until we were sleepy and decided to change and go to bed. This day is the happiest day of my life. So far. Everything is great, I have friends, Got to know a lot about Hogwarts. Everything is just great.

3310 words

Hello! I just finished this week's modules and I am so hyped that I got to finish this chapter, Well I'm greatfull by the 6 reads but I hope it will go up someday. Anyway, What do you guys think about this chapter? I wrote it a bit longer now because I gotta write about the whole thing with the details, I think it's still missing some things. But if there are errors at my grammar, I'm sorry. That's all please like, comment and share! Bye

MellowpieSweet 🎉

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