𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐚 - a collec...

By teaandcakee

183 20 70

💌 a collection of short stories, poems, head-cannons, playlists, rants and more. no schedule ... More

storytime #1 (LOTF)

short story #1

62 6 50
By teaandcakee

so i had an english assignment where i had to write two short pieces of literature. one imaginative and one persuasive. we had stimuli that we had to use, and (ew) a word limit of 600-800 words with an allowance to go 10% over. (i may or may not have got to 890 words. we don't talk about that.)

anyways, this is my imaginative story, i love it a lot.  

when you don't know the idea i had i feel like it'll really make you think and give you freedom to your imagination. 

BUT- because of the word limit i think it can feel pretty rushed at parts which sucks ass cause the ideas pretty cool if you ask me, but other than that i think it's pretty good- writing wise.

so yeah hopefully you enjoy. don't hate on it, please, but feel free to give constructive criticism my fellow writers.

enjoy !


(this was the stimulus- the pathway was slowly being erased by a cloud of soft grey. the cloud grew darker by the minute, it was a darkness that I saw, and felt.)

Imaginative portfolio.

Stimulus A.

The story goes that the little boy never made it home. He walked into the forest and was lost in the rolling hills forever. Some say no one ever looked for him, and without any acts of love he perished in silence and sadness as the twisting paths of oak trees swallowed him whole. Some say there's a grave for him somewhere, something his spirit created as a reminder that he loved himself. Still, that wasn't enough to save him.

I wasn't sure how much I believed in the story, I wasn't even sure if I wanted to be here, waiting at the entrance of the dusky forest for my friends, who planned to go searching for the spirit of the boy. I wrapped my jacket tighter around my shaking arms as I peered down the road. The pathway was slowly being erased by a cloud of soft grey. The cloud grew darker by the minute, it was a darkness that I saw, and felt. I turned to look back at the tall trees and waited, entranced by the lonesome beauty of the situation for another two minutes before the buzzing of my phone interrupted me from the serenity of the forest.

'Let's go to the bowling alley, the forest was a stupid idea. See you at 8!'

I cursed loudly and turned to look back down the lowly lit road, illuminated softly in the mist by glowing yellow streetlights. Gathering my thoughts I decided to just go home. I hated the bowling alley. As I turned to wish goodbye to the forest I spotted something abnormal peeking out through the trees, I studied it closer, focusing my attention on the ghostly figure. I suspected it to be a deer, perhaps, but as I stepped closer, letting my eyes adjust to the dark, I screamed.

Ghostly was the right way to describe the boy that stood, staring at me blankly, right in the eyes. Adrenaline pierced through my veins, my heart pounding rapidly in my chest as I realised I could see through the aura of bluish-white light that moulded his body. I blinked a few times, wishing for the figure to disappear, but when he smiled, his eyes lighting up at the realisation I could see him, he beckoned me forwards, into the forest.

I don't remember why I followed him, but I did, allowing my feet to walk behind him as he skipped through the trees. The mist had cleared, leaving a soft glow from the moon to ripple through the breeze. I continued to follow easily, despite the darkness of the forest enveloping my vision. I stopped suddenly as he turned off sharply, into the surrounding bushes, he turned slowly and giggled, beckoning me to follow once again. I pushed through the sharp branches, cutting myself on the leg as I walked through and came to a clearing where the little ghost boy stood. I walked up to him slowly, my eyes falling to the small headstone below his feet. An 'S' was scratched into it messily. I traced my fingers over it slowly as I pieced together the pieces that had been so obviously shoved in my face.

He was the little boy. This was his grave.

I went to look back up at him but all I saw was the starry night sky, the light laced over the area as I looked around again, aching with anticipation of seeing the small figure. I frowned. He had disappeared. I stood up, picking a bright blue flower from one of the bushes and placing it gracefully onto the headstone.

'If nobody loved you, little one, I will.' I thought to myself, making my way back to the path.

As I walked back out onto the road I saw a small child crying, hugging his knees as he rocked back and forth. I ran over, tapping him lightly on his shoulder.

"Are you ok?" I whispered. He shook his head, wiping a few tears from his eyes.

I asked him where he lived and he told me he didn't know. I decided on walking him back to my house, at least he'd have shelter from the veil of darkness that came with the misty winter nights in the forest. As we were walking, we passed a house where the boy stopped, running over to a woman who was calling frantically for someone. She gasped and embraced the small boy, thanking me repeatedly as she held him close before ushering him inside.

I wondered about what would have happened if I left him there, if I'd gone to the bowling alley instead. Imagine if he'd gotten lost in the forest...

As I went to sleep that night I prayed that I had dreamt the events that happened, but when the morning arrived and the images of a ghostly white boy still echoed through my mind and a small red cut was still etched onto my skin I decided on visiting the forest again.

It was a clear day and the sun beamed down through the leaves as I hurried along the dusty path. I sighed happily as I walked into the clearing I was shown only a few hours prior, hoping to follow the boy around again, only something felt different as I looked around.

The headstone was gone.


kind of love it ngl. but the bit where she's walking him home is so rushed, i would extend it but i would definitely pass the point where i could hide going over the word limit hbdehjb

anyways, give it a vote and let me know what you think <3

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