Archon of Time : Zagan (Gensh...

By SixthHaven

4.3K 123 38

While patiently biding her time in the world, Zagan decides that it is time to make her presence known to the... More

Reunion with Morax
Interesting Person
Simple Gift
The Archon of Time
Adventure to Experiments


309 9 2
By SixthHaven

Zagan "What about you Barbara? Surely you have family here."

Barbara "Yeah I do, my big sister Jean, who is currently the Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius!"

Zagan "Wow, that's quite the title, so she runs everything here?"

Barbara "That's right, well more or less. She is a really great big sister! But she spends most of her time with the Knights of Favonius work that we hardly have time to spend with each other."

Her smile disappears for a moment and the reappears back on her face.

Barbara "But that's okay! She is working her hardest to keep the peace in Mondstadt. That means I have to do my best when healing the hurt adventurers in the Adventurers Guild!"

Zagan "Wow you seem like a hard worker, the both of you."

Barbara "Haha, thanks! Come on, I have more to show you!"

She tugs me by my arm and pulls me towards different clothing stores, food stands, and two wineries.

Barbara "This is so much fun right!?

Zagan "Yeah, this actually is fun. There are so many things that I haven't heard of!"

Barbara "Okay next he have-Oh no!"

Zagan "Hm? What's wrong?"

Barbara "Sorry, I have to go! Choir practice starts soon, and I have to find sister Rosaria! Sorry to end this so abruptly.

Zagan "Oh it's fine! I really had fun today! Thanks Barbara!"

Barbara "All in a day's work by Mondstadt's Greatest Idol!"

She dashes towards the Church at full speed.

Zagan "I guess this place has changed drastically after Barbatos took over."

It was beginning to become sunset; I took a gander at the horizon.

Zagan "This isn't a bad view."

I stood there lost in the moment, not realizing that I was next to someone who was painting.

??? "Beautiful view, isn't it?"

Zagan "Yeah it's...Huh? How long have you been there?"

??? "I've been here for about 3 hours, waiting for the right moment of the sunset."

Zagan "3 hours?"

??? "Yes, that's right. I know I could've spent my time doing Alchemy at Dragonspine, but for some reason I wanted to paint the perfect sunset."

Zagan "You...What's your name?"

Albedo "Oh, sorry for not introducing myself, my name is Albedo, and I am the Chief Alchemist and Captain of the Investigation Team of the Knights of Favonius."

There are people that are fascinated with Alchemy? It sounds like a good hobby but...

Zagan "Don't you ever get bored of doing the same thing repeatedly every once in a while?"

Albedo "Well, that's the thing about Alchemy, not all experiments will yield any good information or gain. Alchemy is more of a way to solidify a fact or to rebound an opinion. Another thing, the bounds of Alchemy is limitless, the thirst for more knowledge and Information can never be fully or successfully quenched."

He almost lost me there for a second, almost. But I can feel his passion for his hobbies as I take a long look at his painting.

Zagan "That is amazing!"

Albedo "It's nothing really, all I am doing is just copying down what I can see."

I don't think he understands how and what an amazing talent that is.

Zagan "Well, it was interesting to meet you Albedo, my name is Chronos.

Albedo "..."

I don't think he heard me as he continues to draw the sunset as he draws everything within the view of him. The water, the fish, the hilichurls dancing around the campfires, the crystal flies and...was that me? It was me when I had first mentioned that the sunset wasn't that bad. So he added me to the painting?

Zagan "I'll just see myself out."

Time then stops, Aether must've pressed the button. I open a portal to Inazuma and leapt through it to see...a group of people fighting as if they were fighting a war. What the hell happened?! I was only gone for half a damned day! They all look like normal people without any visions, fighting against others that also had no visions.

Zagan "Hm? A total of two people on the battlefield have visions. so why was the button pressed?"

I look over my shoulder to see that the signal of the button was not coming from Aether nor Paimon, but from the bushes. I walk over to see Kazuha, Beidou and her crewmates waiting for an ambush. The one that pressed the button was Kazuha. How and why did he get the button? I form my scythe in my hand and snap my fingers.

Beidou "Now! Charge!"

While they haven't noticed me yet, they all charged into the fray of battle. Before they all clash, I slice my scythe downward causing a thin deep trench that extended from the island to the mountains, splitting the two groups.

Paimon "Look! It's Chronos!"

Kazuha "Huh, so that's what the button does."

I plant the bottom of my scythe in the ground like a flag.

Zagan "Listen here, I don't know what the hell is going on, but all I know is-?!"

Really again?! She should know that it's me by now! No, she's targeting Aether! I pull my scythe out of the sand and warped towards Aether and blocked the attack from the Shoguns lance.

Zagan "Hi again, Shogun."

She doesn't bat an eye at my remark as the bounces me back. Then a girl with a bow and black hair falls to one knee.

??? "It's her majesty! Bow before her!"

What I think is the opposing group instantly drops to their knees and lower their heads. The Shogun keeps her eyes locked on Aether. I put my scythe in front of him and she turned her attention towards me. I gave her a look that could kill someone ten times over, she could feel my bloodlust.

Paimon "W-What's going on?! The tension is so thick that you could cut it with a knife!"

Lightning then crackled in the sky.

??? "S-She's planning to attack! Lady Kujo Sara, what doe we do!?"

Kujo Sara "Fall back men! All of you!'

The opposing side scatters and retreats while our side stood our ground.

??? "So this is the Raiden Shogun..."

A dog-eared boy readies his bow.

Beidou "Hold!"

??? "Why? Why don't we all attack her?"

Beidou "Because I don't want any unnecessary casualties, besides, I've been curious about her."

The Thundering and Lightning grows louder.

Paimon "Hey do you see that! Something is happening around Chronos!"

Kazuha "The air around her is cracking like glass...!"

Time and space begins to spiral out of control around me whenever I am angry, and it was as clear as day that I was pissed.

Zagan "So trying to take something away from me again huh?"

Flashes of Guizhong's face races through my mind.

Zagan "You succeeded in doing so the first time since I wasn't there, but now that I am here...You sure as hell aren't doing that again. I don't care if I'm fighting the one that didn't kill her, but you have the same face, so that's fine by me."

I stabbed the edge of my scythe into the sand and dragged it through the sand as I begin to slowly walk towards her. The trail that was left behind in the sand look like a void, nothing but darkness.

Shogun "..."

It begins to pour down rain, I know what she was doing, she isn't going to fight me, the doll is going to fight and until her doll is on the verge of breaking, she won't come out and face me. I was trying to bury the hatchet, but I'll show you...the agony that you put me through in the war.

Zagan "..."

Without even moving, I slashed at her and she deflected it with the hilt of her sword. A gust of wind follows after the shockwave of the attack.

Zagan "..."

I let her slowly pull out her sword from her chest as she points it up towards the sky. Lightning strikes the edge of her blade making it look as if she was holding a bolt of lightning.

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