beast Tamer?? ((twisted wonde...

By Mushroomchild96

17.7K 696 196

Yuu was allowed to attend classes because they were considered a beast Tamer. however what if this was actual... More



3.2K 120 41
By Mushroomchild96

I got along well with Master Crewel. He was also a beast Tamer though he was first and foremost a Mage. I had Private lessons with him. Apparently there weren't any other Beast Tamers in our College. That was the main reason Crowley had wanted me to stay. The day after I went to Ignihyde I had Lessons with Crewel. 

"So what you are saying Puppy is you have been given the Opportunity to work with a Cerberus Beast?? That is wonderful" I blushed and nodded.

"He is a good boy Sir." Crewel petted my head.

"I'm sure he is. I am surprised if they were having trouble they did not ask for help" I shook my head.

"I don't think they knew they were having trouble. They thought Hyde was just like any regular dog. It's a common misconception I'm sure you are familiar with" Crewel nodded.

"Sadly I am. Many have a hard time telling the Different between Beast an Animal" I nodded agreeing as we worked with a one of the Kelpie Stallions. They were hard to work with. Our school had Rare Black Kelpie's at that. They were calmer then their White counterparts. But still you had to be careful not to touch their skin bare handed. 

"I told them they should keep Hyde outside, Sir. So that he can keep an eye on his students better" Crewel nodded.

"Agreed it is best he stay outside of that room. Honestly I told Crowley we should do Dorm checks. He however believes the students are responsible enough to care for these Creatures and the students alone" I chuckled.

"Sir, Most are" Crewel turned his nose up.

"We shale agree to disagree Puppy now back to our Kelpies," 


Our lesson went on for an hour. Pretty normal. It was my job to help Crewel care for the schools Beasts and Creatures. Dorm Creatures were the Dorms responsibility. walking back to my dorm I took a breath. Grim was walking beside me and saw how Tired I looked.

"Yuu, Maybe you should take a break. " I shook my head and gave him a smile.

"I'm ok, Thank you though Grim. Just. A lot with new people. It's like during that Cultural Festival. So many people and the boys wanted me to help them with the Vocal and Dance Championship. I wasn't really for it. I don't like being in front of a lot of people. Sadly that all went down the toilet fast. 

Walking to my dorm I saw Hyde peeing on my flowers. Taking a breath I looked at Grim who glared at the Beast.

"I'll take him back, You start on dinner ok?" Grim pouted and nodded.

"Fine, But if he keeps pissing on the flowers they ain't gonna make it yuu!" I sighed and nodded.

"Noted." Taking some rope I tied it on his collar's D ring.

"Come on Hyde, Lets take you home" His head dropped and he whimpered.

"I know bud but you got to give them time to move your things. This isn't your home" His six ears all dropped as I started walking him back to the Mirror hall. Inside I went into the Ignihyde mirror only to get knocked into someone and fall on my but. Hyde barked loudly and I covered my ears. It was really loud!

"Oh no, I-I look I didn't. I mean I" I cracked my eye open to see a stuttering Idiia. I waved my hand.

'I-I'm ok. I-I'm sorry I didn't see you c-coming through" I said hurrying to stand up. How embarrassing. He looked from me to Hyde. I looked around but Ortho wasn't anywhere.

"you t-took him for a walk for us?" I shook my head.

"N-no... Yes? K-kind of? he kinda showed up at my d-dorm again. and so I thought I should walk him home. S-sorry" Well this was Awkward. Idiia nodded.

"T-thanks I guess" giving him a small smile I followed him to Hyde's room.

"D-did your um.. Brother tell you about changing his room" I can do this I can make conversation.

"O-oh er ya. S-said it would be better for him to be outside, Though not sure why he's gotta be out there. It smells and he'll get hot. Why anyone would want to go outside is beyond me its must better inside" I looked down and Hyde huffed. I guess Idiia mutters when he doesn't want anyone to hear him. Sadly I'm right next to him so I can hear everything.

"I-its just he needs to see people coming though. M-maybe have more room to play" Idiia jumped and looked at me.

"Y-you heard me!? omg how fucking embarrassing now they think I'm a creep. This is the worst. what do you even say to someone like them? Making small talk sucks." I winced. yes yes he did mutter. Maybe I should just shut up. 

"S-sorry" I said. we walked quietly after that. Hyde walked to into his room with out any problem. I did see a treadmill in there now but that wouldn't really do because Hyde didn't know how to use it. At least they were trying.

"Brother! Yuu! I'm so glad to see you both together! Brother did you make a Friend??" Idiia looked confused and blinked.

"I well you see- They um" I looked at them and chuckled.

"W-well I mean If Idiia would like I would love to be f-friends" Friends are always nice to have. Besides maybe if we're friends it wont be so Awkward. Idiia looked at me confused and Ortho flew around us excitedly.

"That's great! You should come to gaming night this week! We're going to try to get the Sword of HellFire!!" I blinked and rubbed the back of my head.

"N-not sure how well I'll be of help, I-I've never played Video games before" Idiia looked at me shocked.

"did you live under a rock?" I blushed and so did he.

"I-I mean I er um" I started to laugh and gave him a small smile.

"Y-you could say that. My hometown didn't have technology or Magic. We all just did things by hand" He looked at me weird.

"W-well if your interested I could..teach... you" I blinked and felt something warm in my chest.

"R-really?" He nodded and I smiled.

"Thank you! that would be great! I hear so much about them but I never really understand!"  Ortho looked between us and was doing his closed eyes smile.

"Great! Two days at 7pm!!" I nodded Idiia looked hesitant and I saw him messing with his hands. He seemed like he had a similar issue to me. Not knowing what to say and who to trust. 


A few days passed and it was time to head over to Ignihyde dorm. Ace had looked at me shocked when I told him I had been invited. Cater had tried to get me to let him come to so he could make some friends in that dorm. However I thought it would be best that I just went. I did bring grim however this time. It made me feel better knowing I had him just in case. 

"Ya sure ya wanna be friends with this guy, Yuu?" Grim asked as we walked to our dorm to get changed out of my uniform. I nodded at Grim.

"Ya, He seems nice and Ortho is a good kid. It could be fun" I said Grim raised an eye brow at me.

"Ya cause lookin at a screen is fun." I laughed.

"Just cause we've never done it doesn't mean it won't be fun. Besides we can check on Hyde while were there and maybe make a friend" Grim winced. I had a thing with friends. It looked so easy but the only time I had ever made Human friends was when It was from a Trauma bonding experience. I never really am able to make them on my own. This could be a chance to make a friend my self. 

"fine fine! But I aint playin" I nodded.

"Noted. Maybe Ortho will hangs out with you while Idiia explains the game to me. I just hope he isn't to disappointed at how badly I will probably be playing." I said looking down. Grim narrowed his eyes at me.

"Stop thinking that, Ya be fine! Just gotta get that confidence up. Come on do the thing" I groaned. I hate the thing!

"Do it! say the thing!" I sighed.

"I am smart, I am kind, I am important" I muttered blushing.

"With feeling! Come on human Speak clearly!!" I blushed worse and took a breath.

"I Am Smart, I Am Kind, I am Important!!" Grim grinned and nodded.

"Ya you are! Now keep that in mind when you talk to people" I rolled my eyes opening the door to our house. The ghosts greeted us with grins. our relationship much better. They even helped me to cook and clean on bad days. Honestly I think they were just lonely being in this house so long with out guests.

"Yuu, Grim! Welcome home" one said grinning.

"T-thanks how was your day?" He shrugged.

"Boring, You are the cat still heading out tonight?" I nodded

"ya, So don't worry if we are out late ok" He patted my head.

"Just get home safe" Another floated behind us.

"Ya don't want ya joining us to soon." I chuckled and nodded.

"No worries I'll be safe" they nodded as I walked up to my room grabbing a sweater and some pants. Vil had been kind enough to give me some clothes from when he was younger. Honestly I think he just wore then once and never wore then again. Alot of my friends gave me clothes to help me out. I was lucky I was so small. Everything fit me just fine that way. or atleast was large. Floyds shirt reached passed my knees after all. Do not ask why I have it. One day it just was in my clothing pile and I now own it.

Throwing on a black sweater and my Dorm Jeans, I brushed my hair and walked downstairs to Find grim wearing his Ramshackle house ribbon. We had finally gotten noticed as an actual dorm now that we were in our second semester. This meant actual Uniform colors, Actual dorm uniform and an Dorm Symbol. Ours was a manor with ghosts coming out of it. Our colors were White and Blue. Our dorm uniform was rather simple compared to everyone else. Ours was a Ripped white sweater with Black jeans. Blue chairs hung of our pants. with small Blue accents. Simple but Comfortable and just enough to appear Intimidating. 

"Ready?" I nodded at grim and he jumped off where he had been talking to the ghosts. Walking outside I was happy I had chose this sweater. It was really warm and soft. The chains of my jeans jingled a little as I walked. It was like little music with every step.

"Yuu, What game we playing again?" I looked down and shrugged.

"I don't think they told me what we were all playing. Just that it was Game night." Grim pouted.

"That's not helpful" I shook my head and grim climbed up to my shoulder.

"It will be fine grim, I'm sure it will be lots of fun" Grim looked at me skeptically but didn't say anything else. We got to the Mirror Hall and walked through the Ignihyde Mirror. Ortho was waiting for us and I saw Hyde outside in his new Home. A large dog house far bigger then him was outside along with a Metal fence and toys galore. I pet his head as we walked past.

"Yuu! You made it! Hi Grim!" I smiled at Ortho. He really was a nice person.

"Hi Ortho, How are you?" Ortho grinned and we started to walk inside.

"I'm good, Idiia is waiting in our dorm room! " I smiled back. He just had a way of making you wanna be happy along with him. We walked and many Ignihyde students parted ways for us. It would be funny if not for the fact that none looked up from their Electronic of choice. It was like watching Cater walk through a sea of students and never trip all while Posting pictures. We got to a door and Ortho knocked.

"Brother, Open up Yuu is here" The door slowly opened and Idiia peeked out at us.

"r-right the newb was coming" I blushed and so did he.

"I-I mean" I shook my head.

"N-no its ok, I am new after all" Grim glared.

"He still didn't have ta be rude bout it!" I tapped Grims head.

'I-its fine Grim, Please be nice" Grim grumbled but walked in as Idiia opened the door a little more. His room was a tad messy. There were lots of books and boxes full of things I didn't even know the name of. Grim looked around and was about to say something when I gave him a look. He shut up right away.

"Thank you for inviting us" I said giving a small bow. Idiia blinked and rubbed the back of his neck while Ortho grinned.

"Sure thing!! This is going to be so much fun!" I gave a soft smile and Idiia directed us to a large Monitor were controllers were littered around. I wasn't sure what did what or even what game station he had but I'm sure I would get the hang of it.




I did NOT get the hang of it! What did these buttons even do?! I blushed as I continued to die in the game and blushed as Idiia demolished creature after creature. His armor class was apparently so good that when Creatures hit him his Health bar barely went down! What even was this!? How the hell do you beat these things as a new player!

"I-I'm sorry" I said looking at Idiia who sighed.

"New this wouldn't work out, Newbs are so hard to train and not only that now I won't get that sword." I heard him Mutter, I looked down. Grim for his credit glared at Idiia.

"Not their fault! Yuu's never even picked up a controller before, Lay off will ya" Idiia yelped and looked at Grim shocked. I shook my head.

"Leave him be, Grim. He is right... With me on his team he won't get his Sword he wants. I'm sorry for causing trouble" Grim looked at me and signed crawling into my lap.

"I-I'll just watch for now" I handed Ortho a controller and sat back with Grim petting his head so I could calm down. Ortho looked at us a little sat but turned and started playing. In no time they had gotten the sword. Now that I wasn't playing I could watch the story line a little. IT actually was really interesting now that I didn't have the Stress of fighting in the game. Grim felt me relax and I heard a soft Purr. 

Idiia and Ortho were really Great team! They defeated enemy after enemy! Killed countless creatures that came to attack and with in almost thirty minutes they had gotten Idiia's sword! I smiled brightly at how Happy Idiia looked. I wish I could have helped but it was ok to just watch. I don't think my Anxiety would let me play such games again. Maybe I could ask to play a calmer game a different day. 

"Great job guys!!!" I smiled. Idiia jumped and looked back. He must have forgotten I was here. I was being very quiet.

"Y-ya? Thanks." I looked at the Sword. It was a bright red color with bones as the Hilt and a Fire opal at the base. 

"What does the sword do? How does it help your character??" I asked excited! I might not be able to play but watching was much more fun! Idiia looked surprised then grinned.

"Well this sword raises my hp up by 56%, It also is able to do crite hits against any thing with a hp less then 3600! its incredibly strong and durable but the real kicker is that its lore is based off of The king of the underworld. While the actual king didn't have a sword he did have a helmet of invisibility. The sword can be used like that helmet in firescape zones in the game world! It's so hard to get even the game developers had a hard time with it during testing! However the kept it in as a challenge for players. Only like four other people have it! Thats why I knew I just had to get it because of how OP it is!?" Idiia finished then covered his mouth.

"I- er  I mean" I smiled brightly.

"That's amazing Idiia! and now you have it to! your gonna crush in the next game! can I come watch you play again?" Idiia blinked looking confused.

"Y-you liked watching me play?" I nodded.

"Yo-your not just m-messing with me right? wouldn't be the first time someone game over and they just wanted to play a joke on me. Not like anyone actually cares about my feelings or how it effects me" Idiia said playing with the zipper of his jacket.

"Actually I liked watching more then playing. I guess I'm not much of a gamer when its these types. I loved watching you beat everyone though! I kinda wanna read up on the game now cause it looked so interesting!" He looked shocked and Ortho grinned.

"It is! Its all about the Gods and different levels are different gods. All the boss battles are God passed or Demi Gods! In one you have to fight against a Mutated Hercules It's amazing!" I flapped my arms excited.

"Really!!?? That's amazing!" Idiia gave a soft smile.

"Y-you can come watch." I smiled brightly.

"Thank you!!" He nodded before looking at his Game station.

"W-well now that I have the Sword... Do you maybe w-wanna play something a Easier? I got some world building games that you might find better suited?" I grinned and Grim smirked.

"Yuu, Would love to" I blushed and looked at Grim who smirked. 

"Go on, Go play" I looked at Idiia who was looking confused. I smiled a little at him.

"S-sure a world building game sounds fun... How do you play" I heard him sigh as he motioned me over and we sat down. He showed me a game called Beast Junction. Apparently you start on a Island and have to Build a town on it. You have Villagers who were based of different Beasts in the world. Idiia helped me to make a house on his Island. I even saw one of his Villagers was a Flame Feline Beast! Like Grim!! this ones name was Mitzy though. 

I found I liked this game a lot more. Idiia came on in his little character and showed me all around his island! Ortho also had a character on his Island. They both looked so Cute as characters in the game. I dressed mine up and Idiia showed me all around. He had worked hard on it as apparently the game came out about 2 years ago.

Really this was the most fun I've had in a long time. 

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