Majorix faires - Season 1 - [...

By Malinastar

916 24 16

Synopsis: After the Winx return the magic to earth with their believix powers, the group said goodbye to Roxy... More

- The magic of the earth -
- A real fairy -
- A new beginning -
- Action and consequence -
- Roads of destiny -

- Wings to fly -

137 4 9
By Malinastar

A starry night fell at Alfea, waiting for the arrival of a new school day to instruct the fairies.

Everyone was sleeping, but there was a fairy that had problems in her dreams, it was Roxy.

She seemed to be having a very disturbing dream, moving from side to side. In her dream, Roxy was alone, transformed into a believix fairy in the middle of nowhere. Suddenly, the silhouettes of the rebel fairies appeared before her in colossal size, blocking her path.

"Don't come any closer!" the fairy implored.

One of those silhouettes managed to catch her by taking her by the wings. Despite the fact that the girl struggled to free herself, she was never able to do so. The silhouettes laughed out loud mocking her for her weakness until they suddenly vanished. Letting the fairy down to the floor slowly, her believix outfit disappeared returning to her casual clothes but her wings still remained on her back allowing the girl to descend slowly until touching floor.

"I am strong and I believe in my own magic." the fairy repeated to herself between sobs. "I'll get my wings back, YOU HEAR ME! I WILL GET THEM BACK!"

"Roxy?" She heard the voice of her friend Phoebe pronouncing her name. "Roxy, wake up!"

Roxy came to her senses and realized that everything had been a nightmare. She was safe in her room where it was still night, along with her roommate who was looking at her worriedly.

"Thank goodness, it was just a nightmare."

"You were talking in your sleep and you worried me," Phoebe said worriedly, "Are you going to be okay?"

"Yeah Phoebe, don't worry, I'll be better in the morning." Roxy told her friend as they both went back to bed, but she wasn't really sure if she could fall asleep again.

Early in the morning, the fairies pprepared themselves for a new day of classes. The school was returning to its usual itinerary after the attack they suffered at the beginning of the school year and it seemed that tranquility had returned to the teachers and their students.

"Good morning ladies!" Professor Wizgiz happily greeted his class, he was a Leprechauns with pointed ears and slightly yellowish skin who taught the girls the art of change. "I hope that today y'all woke up with a lot of energy, because we are going to perform a spell that requires your absolute concentration."

As the teacher spoke, Noelle noticed how Roxy looked out the window without paying much attention to the leprechaun's lesson and occasionally lost her gaze into her textbook until class was over.

"It's everything okay Roxy?" Noelle asked her friend.

"Yeah, it's just that I didn't have a good night."

"Hello girls! How was your class?" Serena asked when she and Phoebe came to talk with their friends during the change of classes.

"I know Roxy loves potions class, but I'm just looking forward to having self-defense class with Miss Griselda."

"I still don't believe what you're saying, Phoebe."

"Why?" Asked Phoebe surprised, "I'm new with magic. So I love to fly and learn to use my powers at any dangerous situation."

"I hope you keep up that enthusiasm throughout the week, Miss Phoebe!" Miss Griselda's voice was heard behind them, surprising the girls since she had managed to hear them. "The corridors of the school are not a waiting room ladies."

"Sorry Miss Griselda." Serena apologized on behalf of all her friends.

"Miss Faragonda requests the presence of the four of you at her office, immediately."

"Did we do something wrong?" Phoebe ask to her friends. Roxy just shrugged her shoulders showing that she was just as confused as she was.

The girls followed miss Griselda to the principal's office immediately and one by one began to enter the office.

"Mom, what are you doing here?!?" Roxy exclaimed in amazement as soon as she entered into the office discovering not only headmistress Faragonda, but also her mother Morgana and the rest of the Major fairies of the earth Aurora, Sybilla, Diana and Nebula were there.

"Faragonda has called to inform us about the problems we've had lately," Morgana explained, approaching to hug her daughter. Sibylla and Aurora did the same with Noelle and Serena, "Good to see you, Phoebe." Morgana said, waving to the only girl who hadn't been greeted by someone.

"I'm glad to see you again Miss." Phoebe answered happily, but embarrassed to be the only one who didn't know the great fairies.

"Then why did you send for us Miss Faragonda?" Noelle asked.

"Your headmistress has already told us what happened to your powers Roxy" Diana commented, although remembering the fact saddened Roxy, "And we are aware of the attack that Nebula has suffered in the Tir Na Nog castle."

"We believe that the girls have stolen the white circle to locate the next victims of their attacks," Morgana added, "They have previous knowledge about the operation of the white and the black circle thanks to their training during the war against the wizards of the black circle." The former fairy queen explained as Nebula looked guiltily at the ground.

"The three rebellious fairies, Alexanna, Nila and Zarina, decided to leave their light and their wings to continue their revenge, but to do so they executed an old spell." Nebula explained at the same time that she used her magic to project the image of some ancient scrolls. "These spells were originally created by the wizards when they opposed the power of fairies on earth."

"Do you remember how they pronounced the spell when they took away your powers Roxy?" Morgana asked her daughter.

"They pronounced it something like "magic guides our curse, wings and..."

"Black and dark magic?" Nebula asked anxiously, interrupting the girl.

"Yes, that's it."

So quickly Queen Nebula went through the old scrolls.

"It seems that your suspicions were correct Nebula." Faragonda mentioned happily.

"What's wrong?" Phoebe asked seeing that she wasn't the only one of her friends who didn't understand the situation.

"It's the same spell the wizards used to strip fairies of their wings."

"They were able to create such a spell?" Phoebe asked again.

"So that was how they managed to rip off their wings and steal their magical power to become more powerful when people stopped believing in their existence?" Noelle added.

"Does that mean that Roxy had her wings ripped off too?" Serena asked.

"I'm afraid so." Sibylla replied making Roxy sad.

"But if so, there's good news for you girl" Diana added, capting everyone's attention. "Your believix power was incomplete, since to obtain it a fairy would first have to have reached the proper level of a full fairy."

"Which means that they only took the power that was incomplete, but your real power hasn't been awakened yet." Aurora said. "When you manage to wake them up, your wings will re-emerge just as it happened to us."

"Is it true?" Roxy asked in shock. "A-and how can I awaken my true powers?"

"I guess it will happen like any fairy your age with their first display of magic or a strong magical connection."

Roxy's face filled with joy as she received very good news, there was a way to recover her magic power, to see herself again and move on.

"You heard that Roxy, you just have to find that source of power to awaken your magic." Phoebe said encouraging her friend.

Roxy was overjoyed, if she tried hard enough, her magic would come back to her. So after that little meeting the girls returned to the dorm with a spark of hope in them.

"I can't believe it, are you sure I'm not dreaming?" Roxy said entering her bedroom with all her friends behind her.

"Believe me my friend, this is not a dream. " Noelle answered Roxy amid laughter that could be heard even in the rooms of her classmates Ellie (the fairy of inventions) and Shantel (the fairy of natural essence), both terrestrial fairies, just like them.

"Looks like our neighbors are having a party." Shantel joked as she heard the laughter of her neighbors from the other room with whom she had barely talked.

"Do you think so?" Ellie answered, quite thoughtfully looking at the wall from which the laughter of her roommates came.

"I have to start training, right now." Roxy added.

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself Roxy. They just told you that you have to awaken your magic and you want to go and awaken it immediately?" Serena said.

"Well, yeah." Roxy placed her hand behind her head, embarrassed by the comment, "But I'm not just referring to magic but also to the physical, I must be in optimal conditions if we are going to harm those rebellious fairies."

"But how?" Phoebe asked. "The school gym is still undergoing repairs."

"I can go for a jog around Lake Roccaluce."

"But Roxy," Noelle objected, "It's late and the curfew will start in a few hours."

"Don't worry, I've always been someone quite sporty." Roxy clarified in response to her friends' doubts, "I'll run a couple of laps and I'll be back just before curfew, I promise."

The girls looked at each other doubtfully thinking that maybe their friend was being overconfident, but she insisted so much that they let her go so as not to dampen her enthusiasm. After all it would only be a couple of hours and she would return back to Alfea.

Meanwhile the three rebellious fairies were in their refuge surrounding the white circle that they had managed to steal from Queen Nebula from her palace in Tir Na Nog trying to break her seal with a spell.

"Come on girls, just a little longer!" Alex said to her friends.

"Did you really think we'd stop with a spell like this Nebula?" Nila mentioned focusing all her energies on the white ring along with her friends.

From one moment to another the girls intensified their magical energy which created a small shock wave that made them go back, but they ran back to the ring as soon as the light has disappeared.

"It worked?" Zarina asked as Alex took the ring.

"Girls," Alex mentioned between laughs, leaving her friends in suspense, "we have our fairy finder."

Quickly the three girls gathered around the ring to gaze at it with excitement.

"Where will we go first?" Zarina asked.

"We have to think." Nila answered, "We can't go into the attack like the last time."

"What does the ring see?" Zarina asked.

"How strange" Alex mentioned. "The ring says that there is a small source of earth magic at the magical dimension, but it doesn't let me see what it is."

"We'd better investigate."

The afternoon was advancing and Roxy had gone around the lake a couple of times since she enjoyed jogging for a good while, but this time she felt much lighter when running since her worries had been lifted from her.

"I've been running quite a bit," Roxy told herself as she rested under a tree. "If I go back now I'll be there before curfew falls."

Roxy took out of her pocket a small potion that she had made during Professor Palladium's classes to recover energy. It worked and she was about to leave, but was interrupted when she felt someone approaching. She hid behind a tree watching the rebel fairies levitate through the magix woods and seemed to be searching for something.

"This is the place?" Zarina asked.

"An essence of earth magic is really here?" Nila asked incredulously. "It seems deserted."

"Let's check the area" Alex said, "This could be one of Nebula's security seals."

"Oh no, not them!" Roxy complained, wishing with all her might that they would go away so she could return safely to her school. "I have to go now before they notice I'm here."

Taking a step back, Roxy accidentally stepped on a leaf that crunched, catching Zarina's attention, who unthinkingly launched an attack at her direction.

"Girls, we have company" Zarina said in a serious tone, gathering her friends with her, when they noticed how Roxy ran out from behind that tree.

"Roxy?!?" Alexa exclaimed surprised.

"All that stupid ring could get was an earth fairy with no powers?" Nila reproached her friends.

"You always have to be so obtrusive little princess." Zarina mentioned, taking flight to follow Roxy through the forest to which her friends joined her.

Night had fallen just like the curfew for Alfea students, but Phoebe was pacing her room like a caged lion worried about her roommate who hadn't shown up yet.

Phoebe quietly slipped out of her room and knocked on her roommates Serena and Noelle's bedroom door.

"She hasn't arrived yet?" Noelle asked her friend as soon as she opened the door.

"No, I'm worried girls" Phoebe said anguished. "I'm seriously thinking about going after her."

"You can't go alone Phoebe. You're still learning how to use magic." Serena commented.

"If you go, we'll go with you." Noelle replied.

"But we have to find a way to keep the school's magical energy field open."

"Maybe if one of us stays here to watch."

"Girls?" Ellie's voice came from behind them surprising them. "Something wrong? I could hear your whispers from my room."

The girls looked at each other not knowing what to say, when Noelle took the initiative to speak first.

"Sorry Ellie, it's just that Roxy left before curfew and she's not back yet."

"We think something might have happened to her. We have to go look for her!" Serena exclaimed.

"Ellie, please don't tell any of this to Miss Griselda!" Phoebe begged Ellie while she taking the hands of her roomate, asking her not to tell about her escape with the assistant headmistress.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone," Ellie answered, taking Phoebe by the shoulders and drawing a huge smile on the girls' faces. "I want to help you. So as soon as you find Roxy let me know and I will open the field for all you."

With nothing to lose, the four girls ran quickly to one of the magical limits of the school, there Phoebe, Noelle and Serena transformed and Ellie opened the energy field so they could get out. Now with some extra help, the girls set off for Lake Roccaluce to look for their friend.

Meanwhile, Roxy ran as fast as her legs would allow her while being chased by the three rebellious fairies, dodging some attacks thanks to the trees.

"You've already taken my powers. " Roxy yelled at her pursuers. "What more do you want from me?"

"Maybe we were wrong to take away your magic power Roxy, you're even more annoying without them." Nila answered casting a spell at her.

Zarina attacked Roxy from the side making her fall and the three rebel fairies gathered around her in a circle.

"Three against one?" Roxy exclaimed "That's not a fair fight."

"It's better this way, now that your little friends aren't here to help you, it will be much easier." Zarina added, pointing at Roxy with her hand, preparing to cast a spell.

"Who said she's alone?" The rebellious fairies looked up upon hearing Serena's voice, who had indeed arrived along with Phoebe and Noelle, landing in defensive poses against any attack the girls planned against them.

"This doesn't surprise me anymore." Alex added, a little annoyed.

The six girls began to battle each other with magical attacks flying everywhere. Roxy stood up to run and push Zarina who was casting a spell against Noelle near her. As soon as Alex noticed her, she cast a spell forming magic rings that enveloped the girl suspending her in the air against her will.

"No, not Roxy." Alex scoffed. "Four against three is not a fair fight."

Zarina cast a spell that gathered the majorix girls into one point like a magnet and the rebellious faeries also gathered before them.

"Girls, it takes you many years of practice to deal with us." Nila scoffed.

"This has become a nuisance, every time we make progress this group of brats shows up to stop us and I can't live with that much stress." Zarina complained. "We'd better get them out of the way somehow."

"Since you have the noble cause of helping your friend, it would be good if all of you joined her as mere mortals." Alex said. "Don't you think girls?"

"True." Nila replied upon hearing her friend's brilliant evil plan, "Four fairies without wings, and three of them are daughters of the major fairies."

"I feel like it's my birthday!" Zarina jokes.

"Don't you dare!"

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot you were there." Alex turned to Roxy who was still suspended from the ground by the rings that surrounded her.

"You take the fun out of everything." Zarina complained.

Alex waved her hand and sent Roxy away so she wouldn't bother them with morality talk, but sent her to a point in the air where she could see everything.

"Enjoy the show." Alex rejoined her friends forming a circle around the girls to cast the dark spell they used to take Roxy's powers away. "You know how this goes girls."

Noelle, Serena and Phoebe were struggling to get rid of the spell that Zarina had cast on them to keep them together but it was useless, they couldn't move and they were surrounded, unable to flee and go to a safe place.

Roxy also struggled against the magic rings that had her imprisoned but that magic, her own magic, didn't give in to her and the rebellious fairies were beginning to cast the spell on her friends without her being able to do anything.

"No, this time I will not give up, my friends are here for me, it's my turn to save them."

Roxy said to herself in her head, launching a great scream that awakeneda great magical aura that enveloped her in a great flash of light, capturingeveryone's attention and invoking a flock of magical crows that pounced on thedark fairies, managing to awaken her powers back and awakening the basetransformation for a student fairy, the Magic Winx.

Her new outfit consisted of two pieces, a top attached to the neck with a metal ring, a skirt open on one side with pants below it, and long gloves that covered her arms.

The crows that Roxy summoned continued to pounce against the rebellious fairies, there were so many of them they had to take their minds and hands away from the spells they were performing against the girls of the majorix fairies, thus freeing them from their spell.

"Damn birds!" Zarina complained trying to keep the crows away with her hands "GO AWAY!"

The intense light gradually faded, revealing Roxy transformed and unconscious, slowly descending to the ground.

"Now girls!" Phoebe yelled at her friends to fly as fast as they could through the crows to meet up with Roxy.

"Is she okay?" Serena asked.

"She's unconscious" Noelle answered, "Phoebe and I will take her while you clear the way Serena."

"I'm on it!" Serena took flight and her friends carried Roxy supporting her on their shoulders, leaving at all the speed that her wings gave them, while little by little the crows disappeared, leaving Nila, Alex and Zarina alone at the forest.

"Where did they go?" Zarina asked.

"Did the ravens and that light come from Roxy?" Nila asked, "How is that possible?"

"I think we forgot that the white circle is never wrong." Alex replied as she stared into the direction where the girls had left.

After a while the girls reached Alfea through the forest and Roxy was complaining and starting to come to her senses again.

"I've sent a message to Ellie" Serena mentioned flying in front of the group "We have to be attentive to a light on one side of the school."

"There it is!" Noelle exclaimed when she noticed the small light where Ellie greeted them and upon their arrival, she managed to open the magical barrier for a few seconds so that the girls could enter without problems.

"Wh-what happened?" Roxy asked a little disoriented.

"Don't worry Roxy, you're safe." Phoebe replied noticing her friend trying to stand up on her own and her immediately returning to her casual attire.

"Is Roxy okay?" Ellie asked when she has reunited with the girls.

"She will be" Serena replied with a smile on her face. "Thanks for your help Ellie, we owe you one."

"I don't think so!" Griselda's voice made them turn around realizing the presence of the headmistress and her assistant "The school are recovering from a magical attack and you can't wait to get in troubles, can't you?"

"Sorry girls, you broke the school's security code." Faragonda added "I'm afraid I'm going to have to punish you."

"You better go to bed now because I want to see all of you the first hour of the day tomorrow morning in my office" Griselda warned them.

The girls looked at each other worriedly. They knew that they wererisking too much by going out but despite the precautions they took, they werediscovered so now they would have to accept the punishment for having brokenthe school rules. At least they had managed to bring Roxy back safely.

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