Beyond His beauty & his Charm...

By ScriptStories13

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Karla is just a normal 22 year old girl making a living in NYC . While trying to succeed in getting a her dip... More

Beyond His beauty & his Charm
Beyond His beauty & his Charm chap 2
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Walk in Central Park
walk in the park part 2
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Angels Wings - Part2
In a Italian Restaurant
If only She Knew!
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The truth comes out.
Sparks Fly
caught on the couch!
Introducing Libby
In the Mirror In My Dream
Secret Idenity ... he's a WHAT!
Home sweet Home [part 1]
Home Sweet Home [part2]
Baby Shower [part 1]
Baby Shower [part 2]
Love Bite Under the Moon Light.
Little Zoe
Tied up
The Great Love Guru
The Night Of the Sacrifice.(part1)
The Night Of The Sacrifice (Part 2)
Back to New York
She's Missing
Mangers Office
Johnny's Timber,Cars and Co. [Part 1]
Johnny's Timber,Cars& Co. [ part 2]
At the hopital (chapter 27)
Chapter 28- Still The Same Raph.
The Perfect Distraction
30- Meeting Penelope Walsh
Thank you

Beyond His Beauty & His Charm... chap 3

6.4K 51 3
By ScriptStories13

UPPPDAATTEEEE been bit spaced out lately but yer heres update VOMENT :) 


“God help me” I whispered looking at the ceiling really dreading walking out this room and into my dungeon for the next well I don’t really no he didn’t give me a finishing time. GREAT even better.

“I'm not that bad” his voice echoed through the small room  startling me . he stood leaning against the door fame .

“I uh. It wasn’t a about you” I looked away embarrassed focusing on the mugs before me

“oh yeah? Then what’s it about?” I herd his footsteps  looking up at him he was striding towards me  gracefully till his chest was a Meir 3 inches from mine well really my face to his throat since he towered over me.

“um. It was about um” he started to chuckle noticing how uncomfortable I was being this close to him reaching behind me  grabbing his mug. I was surprised he hadn’t flinched or cussed as he held the steaming hot base and not the cool cold handle any normal sensible person would’ve. No he just sipped his cup not its wasn’t burning his flesh the slightest.

he stepped back leaving a convenient space between us  without it being uncomfortable or awkward “it was about my leg and uh arm and stuff”

he nodded but I knew he only half believed it. “right. How are you feeling  Last night was rather eventful.”

“fine” I replied short although I was in sheer agony. But I wouldn’t let him no or anyone for that fact , I'm not a wimp. He stared at me with an arched eyebrow

“I have  a bruise on my leg the size of China and another bruise on my arm accompanied by 3 long scratches and red finger prints. But other than that I am fine I've had worse” i found myself saying.

“it could’ve been worse” he mumbled “what about your neck?”

I almost forgot I distinctly remember that ass  choking me I subconsciously rub it with my hand flinching slightly “ its fine”

“I don’t believe you” he narrowed his eyes



“well do”

“well I don’t”

we stood just glaring at each other  not blinking hardly breathing 

I felt like I wanted to rip his head off for being so annoying but  this was one of the many rare moments he actually acts like he cares so I gave in choosing not to loose the moment

“fine” I sighed “I feel like shit. Happy?”

he smiled “actually yes I am , you finally gave me an honest answer” he nodded

“what?” when before did I lie?

“you don’t remember” he asked  eyes narrowed

“remember what exactly?”

he shook his head laughing “do you even  know how you got home?”

“a cab?” I asked hopefully.

“no. actually I drove you home” I groaned my hand flying over my eyes , there's no doubt I embarrassed myself doing something stupid, it’s a tendency for me to do something or say something dumb when I'm intoxicated.

“oh god I embarrassed myself didn’t i?” I peeked from my fingers face burning hot red

he hesitated “yes you did ,3 times in fact” I looked at him horrified he laughed

I stopped before asking my next question , did I really want to know how I embarrassed myself in front of my boss who is extremely hot and well  I'm me . screw it Ive embarrassed myself already “what did I do?"

he lent back  against the back of a chair smirking “not much” he paused “it was all me really” I didn’t just sleep with my boss? Did i? how could I not remember doing it! I mean I was drunk but that I would’ve remembered right, especially with him.

he suddenly burst into fits of laughter . “I'm kidding, wow I never thought a girl like you’d believe me .Other girls yeah but you , wow your gullible” what a jerk nearly causing me a heart attack.

‘but really what did I do ?” I ignored his immaturity shaking my head.

“Well the bruise on your leg is from the stairs you fell up them so I had to carry you to your apartment” that wasn’t so bad Ive had plenty of those did i mention I'm clumsy.Just like Jessica Alba in good luck chuck. not sure if i mentioned that before ?!

wow wait hold up. he was in my appartment how shameful its not a bad place but he probably lives in a pent house with big tvs exspensive funiture and high end stuff while i struggle just to get the bills and rent payed everymonth. i wasnt poor but i did struggle.  

“huh and the other 2?” i asked hesitantly. 

“The arm was this guy-“ he started  his amused expression falling  into a  serious almost scowl.

“PhoenixI remember” I cut him off  though i wish i didnt his husky voice ringing in my head i could almost smell his disgusting alcohol breath from when he tried to kiss me.

“the 3rd, you couldn’t unlock your door you literally took 10 minuets so I stepped in being the more sober one. By the way why the hell do you have so many keys?”

I shrugged “um I honestly don’t know” I never really did notice my collection of keys on my chain. Now I think about it there must be 12 at least.

He chuckled “thank you” he looked up from his cup slightly surprised.

“Your welcome” he smiled, im not talking his usual cocky or fake smile it was genuine which had me surprised, I was so surprised I decided to take a mental picture because im sure id never see it again or on rare occasions but my god was it beautiful. Perfect straight and white he could be on one of those toothpaste adds just for his smile.  

“well uh the files are on your desk just you know file them in to their spots and ill be in my office finishing off the others.” Then he turned and left, I stared after him sighing. I was actually enjoying this whole normal exchange even though it was slightly embarrassing he had to care for me last night. Of all people it was my boss, how could he look at me now and take me seriously after seeing the drunken clumsy girl last night.

Im surprised he didn’t fire me for being so irresponsible.

“THOSE FILES WONT FILE THEMSELVES!!” he called I grunted pushing myself off the counter and walking out to my desk where said pile of files stacked were waiting.

Here it goes boring work.


Unlike I had thought he did most of the work locked up in his dark room. I wondered how he could even work in the dimness of his lamp without a head ache yet he did with no problem. So I had moments where I could sit back and daydream about well nothing but that was only a moment since he was speeding through his work.

if I was lucky id be out of here by 5 or maybe 4:30pm right at the moment it was 3 the sun was slowly lowering and the air was still cold but lucky our heater system was amazing and kept me snug so I didn’t have to wear my black cotton jumper the only downfall to that, the bruise on my arm and marks had my mind wondering constantly back to what happened. I really am so unlucky it couldnt have happened to any other girl, not that id wish it on girl, but me why me?!

“coffee!” his voice said through the intercom(which he rarely used) I slowly made my way to the kitchen for the 3rd time today and made the coffee one for him and one for me. 

while the kettle boiled I looked out at the window seeing even though the sun was out there were grey clouds above I was certain within maybe 3 to 4 weeks it’d snow but im a California native so I might be wrong. I looked on at the few people walking down below some couples and some men with brief cases.  Its amazing how in a city as big as New York you could feel so lonely with the millions living in it. I wondered if I ever was going to be married have kids or be a successful movie maker or doing something within that region of movie business at all. 

I could see a couple sitting on a bench holding hands laughing; I wish I had my camera that would’ve made amazing footage for my project. I watched them for a second then continued making our coffees once I finished I carried both steaming mugs out of the kitchen I placed mine on my desk on the way to his door.

Approaching it I herd his muffled voice which seemed to hold frustration and a hint of boredom. I guess he was on the phone. As I lifted my hand to knock I suddenly stopped at the mention of my name. Why the hell my name would be bought up in his conversations.

“She’s fine … so far!” he said rather bored. So far what did that mean?

“No, No! Im fine, abit thirsty but I can handle it I have self control you know” he grumbled.

Good timing I thought looking down at the white coffee in my hands smiling.

“NO! Of course she doesn’t know dimwit! Like im just going to blurt out hey im a-“he  whispered the last part so i couldnt hear throgh the door unfortunately.

 he sighed out of relief “listen I have to go shes probably on her way!” “Okay, yes! … Alright. I wont don’t worry. Im fine bye” he said rather rudely nothing unusual for him he wasn’t the nicest person when he was on the phone.

I waited a few more seconds before knocking  making it seem less suspicious.

“Come in” he replied I pushed the door open he was rubbing his hands over his face

leaning back in his desk chair turned to the side.i couldn’t stop my gaze from wondering to his arms which flexed at his slight movements he really was fit I could see the curves of his muscles  under his white button up shirt I wonder to myself what else was hidden beneath it . not that I should be wondering that but hey im a girl hes a guy I can dream.

“i-uh have your coffee” I spoke softly he let his hands fall to his lap looking towards me nodding I walked over carefully placing his mug in front of him.  He took it in his hands sipping it  slowly . “um what time are we finishing here?” I asked hesitantly still keeping my voice low sensing he was stressed. 

he shrugged “when I say!” great he’s back in boss mode and so my slavery begins in hell-I mean the office.  His chuckling woke me from my daze his eyes looking at me in amusement “what?” I frowned.

He cleared his throat “You. You keep going off into dream land today!”

“oh uh , just a little tired that’s all”

“Huh! Well here’s more files! Get at it only 10 more” he smiled handing them to me

I took them walking back to my desk engrossing myself into filing them and checking them over.

I was on my 3rd of the 5 files when he walked out of his office puling on his coat

"I uh I forgot something at my apartment" he said noticing my questioning glance

"Oh" I mumbled so I was going to be left alone great how fun spending my Saturday hangover alone in my office. "Karly"

"Karla" I corrected he nodded with a shrug

"I just said im uh going to uh be about 15 minuets" I nodded noticing his face was flushed of its usual tan replaced with a pale white his eyes lighter then their glowing blue he also seemed to stammer.

"Are you okay? You look sick?" I got up walking over Ignoring his worried face lifting my palm to check  his forehead "you’re cold?"

"Im fine" he said almost in a whisper taking my wrist of the hand on his forehead and Lowering it slowly down paused at his lips and nose taking in a breath before dropping it. he looked me but it was like he was looking into his stare tense and intimidating it worried me he never looked at me like this. 

"ill be back you can just finish off those files then maybe if your lucky take a quick nap so when im back you’ll be able to work without constantly daydreaming" he  joked stepping backwards smirking devilishly at me while I rolled my eyes. When he pressed the elevator button the doors opened and he disappeared behind them.

I looked to my hand it was still slightly cold with tingles going through it, it was a weird sensation and what was the whole holding my wrist and what looked like smelling it.

And how is it possible he’s that cold with being inside in the heated room I mean im so close to peeling off my shirt cause im so warm – not that I would. completely inappropriate- he was like ice cold I don’t think ive ever felt someone so cold.

 I was confused, worried and completely just freaked out by the whole thing. He continues to be a mystery that I want to figure out. i decided to just finished the other files and take his advice and lent my head  on my arms apon my desk falling asleep instantly.

falling asleep into deep blackness through the dark redish brown light started to appear blinking I slowly opened my eyes adjusting to the room .

but I wasn’t at my desk in fact I wasn’t even in my office  all I could see around me was nothing, a beaten up old room I was lieing on my side on cement floor  water droplets fell onto my face and next to me about a foot away a puddle of water with droplets falling into it from the ceiling.

It was dark but there was also light streaming in from the window. Probably around 5 oclock the sun was setting behind the building I guessed so that didn’t leave much light. But I could still see properly, I felt drained of my energy I wasn’t hunger over I was just tired. My body felt like it had been running for miles like jelly I could hardly move the most I could do was roll onto my back and turn my head to look around.

I spotted a door it was  a deep dark maroon colour wooden with scratch marks and chipped wood and paint. Taking a deep breath I pulled myself up off the floor and stumbled towards the window I looked out hoping that id noticed the street or place to get an idea of where I was. I was about 6 stories high  down below a farmiliar street.

I looked up to the building across , I was right across the road from my work.

but how did I end up here I don’t remember even walking over.

a pain in my rib made me slide down the wall and yelp with tears my hands flew to the area rubbing it slightly I felt a bone sticking out . I had a broken rib? Soon as the pain died down I lifted  my shirt , not my shirt I wasn’t even in the same clothes I was in a  pencil skirt with a hot pink button down blouse , I lifted it seeing the protruding bone and surrounding it purple marks and grazes with blood trickling.

“oh sweetheart don’t cry” a smooth voice said softly my head snapped up

and my eyes bulged it was phoenix but his voice wasn’t so rough it was well smooth and normal. He grinned walking over to squat infront of me

his red eyes locked on mine his hand cupping my face I winced at his cold touch his thumbs rubbing over my lips before he llent in and pressed his own to mine.

I couldn’t even fight him off I felt too weak to even speak. He pulled back

but only to look at me “oh sweetie , no one can hear you so theres no used of crying.”

if only I had the strength to punch his smartass face “im going to make you scream”

he whispered In my ear  nibbling my ear lobe “your going to scream my name and then your going to beg , beg for your life” he kissed down my jaw then down my throat

“ill make you feel things no other human being has felt”  I felt so repulsed having him even looking at me  even breathing in the same space. did he use that on every girl he harassed.?

 I tried to talk but all that came out was a moan which only gave him satisfaction “mm yes see ive already got you in the palm of my hands” his hands moved down my chest stopping on my breast before they moved to the buttons and began undoing them. I struggled I used everything in me to wiggle and move around  but 1. he was stronger so he just pulled me to lay down and straddled me and 2. hes also bigger as in heigh and size and. 3. well no one could hear me im 6 stories up in an old abandoned apartment complex.

I knew this building I've herd about it but  if I did run I wouldn’t no where to go and with my chances he'd find me and rape me within the first 4 minuets. I was hopeless and scared to death. I didn’t no what to do so all I did was cry with pleading eyes hoping he'd just let me go and be the nice guy but he wasn’t this is phoenix hes doing what he wanted to do with me in the alley and he wasn’t going to let anything ruin this moment.

I closed my eyes preparing for the worst  his grunts and moans fading into nothing  just the sound of my heart slamming in my chest filled my ears just taunting me.

“KARLY!!!” I jumped up at the  shout of my name my heart racing a mile  “hey” a hand fell to my shoulder I jumped out of my seat back into the wall thinking it was phoenix I closed my eyes wishing to be somewhere else , somewhere safe.


so there it is im sorry its crappy  i didnt plan it out properly so it all just popped out of my head and onto word. not sure how long it is . but anwayss i caught my dads cold which sucks mayjor so im abit lazy right now ahhaah  VOMENT !!!! xo

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