beast Tamer?? ((twisted wonde...

By Mushroomchild96

19K 742 217

Yuu was allowed to attend classes because they were considered a beast Tamer. however what if this was actual... More



6.2K 176 56
By Mushroomchild96

It started when I was four. I had found a kitten behind my shed. Dad had wanted me to get rid of him but I couldn't. He was so small. He had the cutest little Blue flames on his ears. He was a feisty little thing and I got bitten more often then I would like to admit. However it wasn't long until he became my best friend. He followed me everywhere. I found he was a beast. Dad was less then thrilled however he didn't make me get ride of him either. I named him Grim. After the Brothers Grim books.

Sense that day I had found it easy to make friends with animals. They were easier to understand then people were. Cats, Dogs, Pretty birds. I even had a friend who was a bear! Dad worried for me. I could see it in his eyes every time I felt our small home. We lived in the woods in the Land of Dawning. We didn't go into town much and While we did have Electronics there was only the basic necessities. Mages were not born in our small home.

It was a shock to wake in Night Raven College. A pleasant shock but a short. Right before waking up I remember the Screams as a Fire had taken over our Forest. Dad had yelled at me to run to the sea. I had a potion in my pocket so that I could breath under water once I reached the Coral sea. Dad had not followed and by the time I realized it was to late. The fire had spread. I remember a sound of a Horse. a Pulling feeling and the sound of Grim on my shoulder yelling about being grabbed. Then I woke in the Coffin of Night Raven's portal.

It had been a shock to wake there. It had been even more of a shock to get to stay. The mirror had said I did not have magic. This I knew however Grim did. Grim had been excited to be here. It had truly been an accident. Grim had been so excited he accidentally set a drape on fire. It had caused quite the commotion and well I ended up being punished for it. Grim had apologized to me but it didn't mater. I only had to clean the place before being sent home. Nothing overly upsetting. The headmaster said I could clean the Mirror room after a good nights sleep thankfully. He allowed us to stay in a Manor that the College had used before as a dorm. I later found out why it wasn't anymore.

Three ghosts had lived there! This had been a shock but after talking to them for a short while I learned they were not all bad. They were just lonely. I could understand that. Even with all my animal friends I had been lonely two. There was only so much I could do and while they were great listeners They could not fill that hole in my heart to make friends. But people were scary and It was hard to talk with them.

The only reason I could talk to the head master and later my friends was that I had Grim with me. Grim made me feel brave. He let me hold him in my arms when I was upset. He let me pet his head when I needed a boast of confidence.

I had made friends and we went on a little adventure. Ace had been talking to us in the mirror chamber. Making fun of us for causing so much Trouble. Grim had gotten defensive and he ended up Burning an artifact! Ace had been fighting him and when the Headmaster found out we all were punished. Forced to clean one Hundred windows. Even when we went to do it and Ace didn't we tried to finish before finding Ace. It wasn't hard. We just asked a painting in his class.

Finding Ace Grim chased after him. We got a boy by the name of Deuce to help by summoning a Cauldron! of course this only ended in disaster when Grim went to head back to the Dorm. We had finished our windows after all but Ace didn't see it that way and forced Deuce to help him chase after Grim! Grim wasn't to pleased when Ace called me a Useless Dead Weight and so gave him a chase for his life. He climbed onto a chandelier in the Cafeteria! Deuce thinking he was helping through Ace to get him. and he did, With the Chandelier along with him.

The Headmaster walked in right when it went CRASH! and we all once again got into trouble. Fixing it was easy. We went to the Dwarf mines. it was fine with the ghosts however then the Monster came out. It was like a lost soul! I felt my heart ack for it. Even as we had to destroy it I felt my self tear at how it had lost its way.

After that things just sort of fell into place. I was allowed to attend the College as a regular student. Grim had joined as my Magic. I thought this was funny. From emotional Support Beast to my Service Beast. Magic deficient, It was enough to make me chuckle. Ace often joked about it to. Though Deuce felt he shouldn't I knew he thought it was a tad funny as well. Grim was like my voice. He pushed me to talk to people even when I felt I couldn't.

He knew sometimes my voice gave out and learned to read what I signed to people for me. He would help me get out of a panic when people surrounded me. I think it had gotten worse sense That day I came to NRC. I started to have a small fear orange flames. Blue was fine it was calming but as soon as I saw Red I would freeze up.

Weeks and Months passed. We had an Overblot incidents. The houseWardens being the main few to have them. Riddle Rosehearts was first. I Felt for him. His mother was a cruel women. Even in my shall Island I knew of her. She was a renowned Doctor in the Queendom of Roses. However she treated her son like he was a Prize dog to show off to all. A perfect breed. It made me sick once I found out. I never knew my mother but I hope she was nothing like Dr. Rosehearts. This was were we learned I was truly a beast Tamer. I was able to talk Riddle down enough that they could destroy the blot that had formed behind him.

After him more fell into Blots, Leona Kingscholar, Jamil Viper, Vil Schoenhiet. All of them fell into blots. Soon the only houses not affected were Ignihyde and Diasomnia. However many thought soon they would. The houseWarden of Ignihyde was known to have Social Anxiety. He was rarely seen much like the rest of his Introverted house. I had never even meet him. That is until today.

I had been gardening. The Faerie Gala had come and gone and Lilia had been kind enough to Gift me wildflower Seeds. I had planted them at the start of the season and now they were all in full bloom. I had a few flowers I could cook with and was excited to Bake and gift them back to Lilia as a thank you! That was where I meet them.

They were large, with a Beautiful black coat! Bright blue almost glowing collars and eyes. I almost would think they were the same breed as Grim if I didn't know grim was a feline Beast and this was a Canine Beast. Three large heads stared at me through the trees. I crouched down as I stared into Their Six Bright glowing eyes. A hell Hound Breed. Something similar to IgniHydes Symbol. Every dorm had Symbol. Ignihydes was of Cerberus. A ancient Three Headed Hell hound that was the Great God Hades Familiar.

While this one was far smaller then the Rumored Familiar of the Underworlds King. It was still fairly Large. Bigger then me but smaller then say Floyd. It charged and I crouched before feeling the world go dark. Looking up the large Canine Beast wagged their tail and licked me up my face.

"ACK! hahahaha well aren't you friendly" I laughed. They wagged their tail and crouched onto their front legs. I smiled. A canine beast was still a Canine. Grim had taught me that. Beast's each had a main feel to them. Gray black fur, Blue eyes and Powers, Large when grown. This one seemed to be in its mid life. Grim while small could grow larger if he chose. He had done so during the over blots. Most were terrified of his Much larger form. He was about as large as a small house after all. But this one seemed to still be growing.

I looked at their blue color and saw the name Hyde, On the tag. I chuckled and pet the middle head. They panted and fell to the ground rolling to their stomach.

"Well what a good Beast you are!" I smiled. Rubbing their belly. I heard panting and turned to see a boy with bright blue flaming hair followed by a smaller boy I had seen often around Campus. Ortho I believe the small boy was called. But I didn't know the taller boy. Maybe this was the brother Ortho talked about often.

"You found him Yuu!!" Ortho said flying over. Hyde stood and barked. I chuckled and covered my ears.

"So their Your Beast Ortho?" I smiled Ortho shook his head.

"Not mine! IgniHydes! He's been living at our dorm for years now. Brother is in charge of his upkeep as HouseWarden. Oh! You've never meet my brother before right? Yuu this is Idiia! Brother this is Ramshackles Perfect Yuu" I blushed and looked at the tall flame haired boy. Idiia looked at me and looked away. Ortho chuckled.

"Thanks for finding him" I shook my head.

"I think he found me honestly" Ortho chuckled. I gave him a soft smile. Smaller people were easier to talk to then taller. Ortho looked at his brother and stared. Idiia gulped and nodded.

'Y-Ya thanks, not that it matters not like it we wouldn't have found him our self." I heard him whisper the last part and looked down. I nodded at him.

"no problem and um.. N-nice to meet you Idiia" I said backing up a little. I heard Grim run out.

"Yuu! What ya doing out here? Who are these guys?" Grim narrowed his eyes as he jumped into my arms. I took a breath relaxing a little. Grim had a way of making a scary situation all better.

"Grim!? Sorry about that. This is Ortho and his Brother Idiia. Idiia is the HouseWarden for Ignihyde" I smiled. Grim looked at them Suspiciously.

"These guys? Thought Ignihyde never leaves there dorm. What they want" I saw Idiia backing up and looked sadly at him.

"Their Dorm pet, Like how Riddle has the Hedghoges and Flamingos? This is their dorms Pet Beast, Hyde" Grim hmphed and glared at Hyde. Hyde Barked at grim and he hissed. I blinked and holding him close to my chest.

"S-sorry about that. Grim isn't a fan of Canines hehe-he" I laughed nervously. Ortho blinked and his eyes squinted in what looked to be a smile.

"That's ok we should be heading back anyway! Hyde had to be feed and looks like he already had his walk" I nodded smiling gently.

"Looks so. Well, If you life you three are always welcome to come back to Ramshackle anytime. We have a nice forest for walks" I said. Ortho's eyes widened.

"Hear that brother!? We should go sometime" I saw Idiia's eyes warm looking at his brother.

"M-maybe Ortho..." I could tell he didn't look like he wanted to. I gave him a small smile as they all walked away. Letting out a breath I crouched down. Grim looked at me and I felt him Purr to help me calm down.

"I'm ok Grim, Just..." He nodded.

"Ya I hear ya. New people suck to meet. Come on Yuu lets go eat! That always makes me feel better" I chuckled and nodded standing.

"That's because you have a bottomless tummy" I smiled brightly. Grim pouted.


That was not our last meeting with Hyde and his Caretakers. Day after day He would appear in my dorms Yard. Sleeping, Peeing. Rolling in my flowers. and Every day it was Ortho who came to get him. Idiia would come to but not often. After two weeks of this I finally got up to courage to help Ortho take him back. Ortho had been having trouble pulling poor Hyde back to the dorm. I didn't mind helping. Grim asked if he wanted me to come but I told him it was ok. It was just a drop off. Or so I thought.

"Thanks again for helping Yuu. I don't get how he keeps getting out" I shook my head.

"He probably just wants to be friends. It's not the first time a Creature followed me home" I said with a smile.

"BArk BaRk!" I nodded and pet the Left head.

"Just right Hyde I think so to" I said. Ortho looked at me confused.

"You understand him?!" I shook my head.

"N-not in the human sense of the word. I understand what he is trying to tell us. He is bored at home, Wants to go out and play. My Dorm has a large outside and forest all around to play in." Ortho nodded with his eyes Wide.

"That's Great! Ignihyde doesn't really have much in the sense of Forests or outside. Most of our dorm in inside." I nodded.

"W-well there you have it. He just wants to play more." Ortho smiled and we got to the mirror room.

"thanks for the help. Hey! How about comeing back to the dorm with me? You've never been to our Dorm right? Maybe you can give some tips on how to help?!" I blinked. Go... do a dorm... with out grim!? I didn't think I cou- I looked at Ortho who was giving his best at a pleading look. Hyde helped with all three of his heads. The dreaded Puppy eyes. Curses I was never gonna get out of this. Taking a breath I nodded.

"S-sure." Ortho smiled his closed eye smile. Even with his mask it was easy to see what he was feeling. He truly was an open book.

"This is great! Come one. Hyde Come!" Hyde barked and jumped through the Mirror. I was surprised the Mirror was big enough for him to fit. Then again Floyd and Jade could fit through theirs. Height didn't seem to be an issue with these portals.

"Come one Yuu! This will be great you'll see!" I gave him a nervous smile. It would be ok... I hope. Ortho flew through followed by me coming. If I'm to be honest. Their dorm was spookier then Mine and that was saying something. Blue and Gray black was everywhere. The Banner of their Dorm hung like the flag of a Kingdom. Boney Finger like plants hung over the walk way to the dorm. It was like Skeletons were reaching out at you. It did fit with the Ruler of the Underworld but as a dorm it was just Creepy. Walking inside was vastly Different however. Inside was clean and there were work tables with lab tops everywhere. Of all the dorms this was the most hi-Tech one I had ever seen. I was a little scared of what would happen if I bumped into anything and broke it. There were Screens and holograms everywhere.

"Great isn't it?!" I nodded looking around. Hyde whimpered and his Left head nuzzled my face. I felt my self relax and I put a hand up to scratch one of his Necks. He was a good Boy. The Middle head licked my cheek.

"Its lovely." I replied feeling slightly better knowing Hyde was here. I should have brought Grim. Ortho nodded and I saw a few students roaming the halls. All this Tech was beyond me honestly. My home barely had heat never less all this. Magicam was a whole new concept to me as well. Cater had spent the better part of an hour teaching me how to use it and I still didn't understand what was so great about it. Other then cute pictures of Grim and my friends I hardly ever posted or checked anyones pages.

Walking through the halls even more screens could be seen. How many screens did this Dorm need? I could understand if everyone had one or two in their rooms but the hallways as well?? Ortho chuckled as he watched me look around.

"We take pride in using the latest Technology to create and easier for our Dormmates to study! We have Virtual Tutors, Research charts everything anyone needs to know!" I winced a little and nodded.

"Its alot not sure what any of this really does though. Sorry" I admitted. Ortho however wasn't fazed.

"That's ok! It is alot isn't it. Brother always says its best to be prepared. He wants our Dorm to Succeed after all" I nodded.

"Your brother sounds like a really great person" Ortho stopped and looked at me Wide eye.

"Recording saved" I blinked.

"W-wait Ortho what was that" He shook his head.

"Nothing! Ignore that. Hey lets get Hyde back to his room and you can check it out" I gulped. Please tell me Ortho was being funny! I really hope he was. If he showed that to Idiia I would be so fucking Embarrassed!

Hyde's room was well. For a lack of a better word, Small. He needed alot more space then then and a play area. I looked around and noticed that the walls were flame proof. I felt the walls. Hard and cold.

"H-he needs a warmer place. somewhere bigger" I said quietly. Ortho nodded.

"OK! Anything else?" I looked around. Barely any toys. It was kind of...


"Boring?" I Blushed and covered my mouth.

"S-sorry! I meant to say that it was a tag dull in here for someone of his size. He needs toys to play with. maybe a friend? it feels kind of lonely. How often is he walked and who feeds him?" Ortho looked and nodded.

"Well I normally walk him and Brother and I take turns feeding him. We never realized he might be lonely but I guess that makes sense." I nodded and pet Hyde.

"A friend might help if he is lonely however he might also not like having someone he is unfamiliar with if that is the case then a slow introduction is best" I said and Hyde followed me around. Ortho nodded.

"Everything I pulled from the web said Dogs like these kind of toys" He showed me the dog toys and I shook my head.

"Dog toys are nice but Hyde isn't a dog. He is a Canine beast. They act similar but they behave differently when in play. running around and attacking are a beasts nature. I personally play battle with Grim on occasion in his larger form so he can get energy out. Fighting is in a Beast nature. The type of Beast Hyde is are very protective. Maybe even moving his home outside so he can see everyone come in and out will help him to want to stay put. He only knows you and Your brother" I said. Ortho blinked.

"Wow Yuu! You know alot about Beasts" I blushed and played with my hands. Hyde being such a good boy he nudged his right head against mine and I signed as He moved it so I could comfortably pet that head.

"Good boy" I muttered.

"Can you come over more often then and help us with him?" If I had been drinking something I know I would have choked.

"W-wh-what?! C-Come here? Shouldn't we ask your B-Brother about this?" I said shaking. Ortho shook his head.

"Nope he has given me the authority to allow others to visit our or others dorms! So Can you please? I want to learn how to take good care of Hyde. and then Our next Housewarden after Idiia graduates will have a good care guide!" Right. This was for Hyde. I could do this for Hyde he was a good Beast. He deserved a better living situation. I nodded and Ortho flew around the room.

'This is great! Thanks Yuu!" I sighed. I could do this. It was just for a little while.

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