Violent Kiss (TaeKai)

By renmustdie

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Creatures like them shouldn't feel something other than anger and hate. Coz they were made from the darkness... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Kill All Your Friends
Sing Songs That Make You Slit Your Wrist
Author's note!
Withered Past And Blurry Future
Denial And Shitty Reasons
My Sacrifice
Stomach Tied In Knots
Yeah Boy And Doll Face
He Makes Dirty Words Sound Pretty
Left Alone
Angels Lie To Keep Control
Couldn't Hate Enough To Love
Love Is Just A Camouflage For What Resembles Rage

Chapter 3

1.1K 44 38
By renmustdie

             It's been a week since he was been taken to the vampire lair, or so he guess. He doesn't even know what time it is exactly most of the time. He's allowed to go out only in the mornings and just for a few hours. Baekhyun still brings him food and other things he necessarily needs and Sehun not-so-happily lend him some books to read when he's stuck in his room with nothing to do. He guess, only five vampires live here, but he haven't been seeing the two though. Kris and that scary dude with dark circle around his eyes. He doesn't even know his name, might as well ask Baekhyun for future references. And as for Kai, he only sees him when the vampire comes in his room and check up on him, it seems like Kai is avoiding him. Or maybe not, maybe he's just not interested to interact with him. But after that day he's sure as hell something changed.

           That day, he woke up feeling well rested. His pillow seems to be cold and a little bit hard but it's comfortable nonetheless. He felt protected for some reason, like something is gripping on him like he's some precious jewel. And so he thought his day will start in a good way. But then his pillow started moving and groaning. Wait. His pillow is alive?! He looked up to see a tan male with dark hair covering one of his eyes, his lips thick and his jaw sharp.  Isn't he a gorgeous lad. But forget about that. He shook his head. He's sleeping with a vampire! He's sleeping with Kai, he's practically laying on top of the vamp. Well, his pillow wasn't alive after all. It's moving, yeah but he's practically dead. A moving corpse. But that's not important either, he's sleeping and cuddling with Kai. The person who hates him with passion. He blushed as he remembered what happened the night before. The licking and touching. Woah! That sounded dirty. He blushed even more. He was shaken by his trance (literally shaken) when Kai sits up, forcing him to sit up too. The lad only looked at him with piercing black eyes. His dark hair all dishevelled in a sexy mess. Taemin only looked at him blushing.

          Kai groaned and stand up. Not bothering to look back at the human as he started to walk over the door. Taemin was about to speak but Kai spoke up with his voice even more deep and raspy than normal because of sleep. Shit. Can't he be more sexy?

          "Forget that this happened." And he started to walk off, slamming the door shut hard, leaving Taemin confuse and alone on the cold bed.

            After that, everything seems to be even more colder between him and the vamp. He sighs. They're not that close but he still feels that a hole was made inside him after that. A much bigger hole than the hole his family left. Family, he wonders if they're okay. He wonders if they notice that he is missing. Probably not, they don't care about him anyway, that's the reason he left and live on his own. He doesn't have anything to comeback to even if he escape here. Better to just stay here or die. His life was cold and lonely as far as he can remember so what's the big deal with the stupid bossy vamp ignoring him. He's just a corpse. He snorts. That's a pretty mean thing to say but he laughs at his own thoughts nonetheless.

            The door opened minutes later as Baekhyun comes in with his breakfast. He smiles at the pretty vamp.

             "After you're done eating, fix yourself coz we have a general meeting." The vamp informs him.

             "Meeting? Why am I invited to that too? Isn't it supposed to be just for you guys?" He looks at the vamp confusedly as he takes a bite on his pancake. Baekhyun shrugs, "Don't know. Kris ordered that all should attend. Maybe because you're living here too so that's why." He hums as he continues to eat. And he remembers that he will ask Baekhyun about the other vampire's name.

              And so after the chitchat and dressing up, Baekhyun leads him to the meeting room. They step inside. They're the only ones who are being waited for. He looks around the table, everyone is seated and so is Kai. He's on the end of the table besides Sehun, while Taemin sits on the other end of the table besides Baekhyun. Tao, now he knows his name, thanks to the pretty vampire, is seated beside Sehun too. It seems like Sehun has the most of the vampires as his friends. That's a surprise considering his attitude. Maybe they're all have attitudes. Yeah, definitely Kai has but he doesn't know about Tao.

            "Good, everyone is here." Kris speaks up, Taemin didn't notice him earlier, where did he came from? Tsk. Vampire tricks.

             No one speaks, he is getting nervous as seconds past. This meeting seems pretty serious base on the looks on everyone's faces. They are all blank, they look like manikins and it's starting to freak Taemin out. But Kris speaks up again before he can scream and run out. He feel so out of place.

             "The research is now done." He can see in the corner of his eyes that Kai sits up, looking even more serious. "It's a very new thing and very interesting. I didn't know it can really happen—" A voice interrupted him, "Just say what it is." Kai's annoyed voice echoes in the room. Kris cleared his throat and continues. "Right, well it seems like you got yourself as soulmate Kai." The room was silent. No one moved, all of them seems shock for a while, until...

         "What?! Soulmate? Last time I checked you guys don't even have souls! How can you even have soulmates?! And I thought you aren't capable of love or whatever sappy thing that is!" Taemin was shouting hysterically at Kris who only watches him calmly. "Yes, yes. That is what I thought before. But it seems that we got it all wrong. And about the soulless thing, we do have souls that's why we are alive. Our souls are stuck here in our body forever."

          "That's still not an explanation! This is all wrong!" Taemin shook his head as he collapse back down on his seat, feeling weak and dizzy. "Please tell me this is a joke." He heard a deep voice speak, he seems in a trance. "No Kai, I'm serious and it's hundred percent true." Kris answered.

           "Wow." Baekhyun gasp, it seems like it only sinks in him just now. It's probably a record seeing that it's the first time the latter turns speechless. Sehun remains silent but he seems to be thinking, same as Tao.

          Taemin looks up at Kris, defeated. "What should we do now?" Kris shook his head, "That's for Kai to decide, if he wants to keep you or not." "If he keep me?" "Then you'll stay here." "If not?" Taemin bites his lower lip. "Then we have to kill you." Taemin's eyes grow large, "What?!"

          "I don't want to keep him." He heard Kai speak and he look at him, his mouth agape. "Kai, we shouldn't make rush decisions." Kris countered."You said I'm the one to decide, I decided that I don't want to keep a bitchy kitty that would just probably be a problem." Kai looks at Taemin pointedly making the human shiver.

         "We should atleast try first." Kris suggest. "No! I don't want him!" Taemin recovered from his own shock as he heard those words left Kai's lips, feeling hurt and angry at the same time. "And I don't want you too! You're a heartless beast!" Everyone looks at him with wide eyes, Baekhyun laughs, enjoying the scene.

             "Tsk, see? He's a bitch." Kai whines at Kris. "Who wouldn't be a bitch if your such a dick?!" Taemin countered and Baekhyun laughs loudly now. Sehun surprisingly chuckles with Tao giggling. Kai stared at him wide eyed and then glared, hissing. Kris pinches the bridge of his nose and everyone stops their laughter. Tao stands up seeing the older vampire having a headache, concern on his face but Kris just shook his head at him before the vamp can even walk over to him. He then turns his attention back to the two bickering soulmates. "This meeting is done. You'll try to get a long with him, Kai and that's an order." Kai makes a high pitch sounds in his throat like a kid and Taemin stuck his tongue at the vampire. "You too, human. Don't give him a hard time or your life will end much sooner." Kai smirk as the scared look flashes on Taemin's face. The human nods. Then everyone was dismissed after saying more other orders like Baekhyun no longer needs to bring Taemin's food and other necessities, Kai will do it all. Kai should be with Taemin all the time, causing another groan from the vampire. Then Kris took his leave.

           Baekhyun taps their backs, congratulating them, Sehun is snickering. Tao surprisingly stayed, not following after Kris and walk over to the mortal.

          "Hi, I believe we're not yet formally introduced. I'm Tao." "H-hi, I'm Taemin." Tao smiles at the stuttering human. Tao is kinda intimidating like Sehun and Kris, making Taemin nervous and shy. "Thanks for making our life interesting, like you." He blush.

           "Earlier you're a bitch kitty now you're acting like a sweet little kitten. Hah." Taemin and Tao looks at Kai who scoffs. Taemin is about to retort something back but Tao pulls him closer, whispering in his ear. "You're soulmate is kinda the jealous type, beware." He chuckles as he stood straight up, ruffling the blushing Taemin's black hair. They can hear Baekhyun wolf whistle and Kai groaning. Sehun clears his throat, getting Tao's attention and the three vampires took their leave but not without leaving some teasing words about the two soulmates.

             Awkward silence was the only thing that is left with them. Then Kai starts to walk off. Taemin follows after him, don't know what else to do.

           "Uhm..aren't we suppose to talk about what to do?" He ask carefully, he doesn't wan to piss the vamp even more. Kai might bite his head off any seconds now.

           "What else can we do? I have to stick with you until Kris sees what an annoying bitch you are and order me to kill you." He answers monotone. Taemin cringe. They're now on the long hallways but they're not heading to his room. Thank god. He don't want to be lock up yet.

           "Are know...will try it?" He tilts his head sideways as he looks at the back of Kai's head. The vampire stops and so does he. Kai looks at him, his face blank. "Try what?" He blush but continues to answer. "Try to get to know each other and hopefully, get along..?" His answer became a question. Kai stays silent for a while before starting to walk off again. Taemin follows him. "Maybe." He heard him whisper. He doesn't want to admit it but he feels happy, he feels a pleasant churn in his stomach as he skips up his steps to match the fast pace the vampire is doing. Now walking beside him.

          Taemin feels fresh air and sunlight hit his face, he's too lost in his thoughts earlier that he didn't notice they're going outside. He is greeted by the sight of the forest, trees surrounding him. The smell of soil, plants and wood mix in together producing a relaxing smell. He looks around to find that Kai is watching him. He blush, knowing how stupid he looks smiling at the flowers and the plants around him.

           "Hurry up. The city is a 3 hour drive from here, we should hurry up." He looks at Kai wide eyed. City? He's taking him to the city? Will he take him back to his old life? But he said he'll try about this soulmate thing. Taemin feels disappointed now, pouting.

          Kai groans, "I'm not taking you back. We're going to get some of your things so hurry up before I change my mind and lock you up in your room." Taemin looks up and smile, hope bubbling inside him and run over to Kai. He wants to hug Kai right now, he doesn't know why he feels attach to him so easily. Maybe because of the soulmate thing? Maybe he fancy Kai already. No, that can't be.

            He looks up at Kai on his side coz the vampire is a little taller than him, watching his emotionless face. "If you continue watching me you'll trip" And as if on cue, Taemin feels himself falling forward as he trip on a wood or something. He waits for him to hit the ground but what he feels is cold arm around his waist and a hand on his shoulder, stopping him halfway from hitting the ground. Kai pulls him up, steadying him on his feet. Taemin blush as Kai smirk at him.

           "Told you. Stop daydreaming about me babe. We have a lot of time for that." He pulls away from Kai and clears his throat. The nickname making him feel hot from his neck up to his ears, he's probably blushing so hard right now.

             Kai leads him out the forest until they reach a clearing where a black shiny sports car is park. Kai opens the car and orders him to get inside. Inside is all black leather. It's beautiful. "Nice car." He mumbles. Kai just hums and help Taemin put his seatbelt around him. Kai hops in the driver's seat and starts the car, it roars alive in the quiet forest then they started moving. A few minutes later they are on the road on the way to the city. Kai's driving pretty fast, but Taemin doesn't feels sick. It's thrilling and it makes him giddy.

           He pushed a button then the radio came off, the song High way to hell came out loud, bouncing inside the car. Kai curse as he jump on his seat, surprise by the sound but soon relax. Taemin giggles and sing a long to the song. Doing some air guitar as he head bang. He can hear Kai laughs beside him but didn't look at the vampire, it may kill the happy mood around them.

           Taemin makes a mental note in his head: Kai drives like a madman. Kai loves heavy metal rock and Kai can laugh. He smiles at his note, satisfied on what he learned this day. He pulls his legs up onto his chest and hug it. He can see the City sign outside the window. They're in the city. He's old home. He wonders if they're trying to find him. Probably not.

        A lot of people are outside, having their own little world. The streets are busy. Small cafes and store are full of people. No one would notice if one of them is missing, like him. He sighs. They park outside his small house. Kai is the first one to get out of the car and he soon followed. He feels nervous and melodramatic. This might be the last time he'll see this place, might be the last time he'll set foot in his house. He walk over to the door, picking up the key hiding underneath the doormat. He push the key inside the doorknob and twist it, opening his wooden door. His lights are off but it's not too dark inside. He step in with Kai following behind him. He looks around, everything is the same as he left them. Like he hasn't been gone.

           Kai started to go upstairs, probably getting his stuffs. He follows him, and there he is. Stuffing a travel bag with his clothes in a lightning speed. He probably wants to get back to the castle sooner. After a few minutes he was done. His closet clear from his clothes.

          "Is there anything else you want to bring back to the castle?" The vampire ask. He shook his head, no. He looks at the bedside table where his picture with his Taesun hyung is standing in a frame. He'll forget about me soon. Kai nods, he might have heard Taemin's thought but didn't say anything. They were soon out the house and inside a cafe. It's almost dinner and Taemin needs to eat.

          They are sitting on the very back so no one will notice them so much. Attention is the least they want right now. Taemin is munching on his steak as Kai watch outside the window. It's raining. How great. It seems like the sky is mourning with Taemin. Then he heard someone calls his name, he looks up at Kai but the vampire isn't looking at him. Lost in his own thoughts. He heard his name again, he looks around. His eyes widen and his fork fell on the floor with a loud ring gathering Kai's attention. Taemin found himself looking at a handsome face, his pale face becoming red and he can feel the tears stinging his eyes.

Chapter 3. This doesn't have gore in it too. Just wait. Or should I not put some in my story? Thanks for reading. And just so you know, I'm not editing my chapters so sorry if there are wrong spellings and wrong grammars. XOXO

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