(New) Why Me? (RWBY x Male Re...

By Dadlovekid

14.5K 344 123

(Remake of the Old Story) When a young Rose was abused for most of his life, ran away into the arms of Evil... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two: Him
Chapter Three: Her
Chapter Four: Them
Chapter Five: Start
Chapter Six: Train
Chapter Eight: Meeting
Chapter Nine: Club Rose
Chapter Ten: Interrogation
Chapter Eleven: Downfall

Chapter Seven: Crimes

669 18 8
By Dadlovekid

Y/n move towards a club known as Juniors, with Gray, Shinya Hiragi, Aoi Sangu, and Esdeath. He was going to make a deal with the owner's father to have a presence inside Vale to move troops and other things without much of a question from most people in the underground world.

Y/n finally walks in, not before turning his head towards his companions. He motions them to sit down somewhere. He was going to deal with Junior alone.

Y/n: "Wait here for me here. This is going to take a while."

The four sat down on some chairs as Y/n walked up to Junior, fixing his suit. Junior spat his drink as he turns to the Ghost Lord as the four talked to each other while the two bosses move to somewhere quieter.

Shinya: "Gray. I hope you don't mind me asking."

Gray: "We are not having this conversation again."

Shinya: "As your cousin, I have to ask, why must you follow him?"

Aoi: "I too would like to ask. What draw you to him? When you contact me that you got a job for me that is better than huntsmen work, you have my curiosity. Now, the more that I work under him, you have my attention on why and how you met and work for him."

Esdeath: "I am curious on how you two met as well?"

Gray: "I was dying. My team died as Grimm surround me. All under the orders of Ozpin to hunt down that nest. I remember the Grimm growling at me as I was bleeding from wounds, before I saw a little boy in the distance. Asking me if I want to live."

Shinya: "A boy? Impossible, Y/n is obvious 18."

Gray: "14. His 15th birthday is coming up soon."

Aoi: "He is only 14 years old? Must be using his semblance on himself then."

Gray: "He is. After telling him that I want to live, he saved my life. I been by his side ever since. I request you two to help me command his troops because I trust the two of you above anyone else, but him. That is all you need to know, anything else, you like to ask?"

Esdeath: "What drives him? What motivates him to kill and attack? His reason to kill others. Attack and destroy everything that relates to Atlas."

Gray: "The Death of his Mother Figure, follow by the death of his unborn child. All by the hands of the Exterminators. The continue harassment from them as he tries to find peace. They haunt him as he is haunted by his past. He can't escape from his past, nor find peace."


He sat down in Junior's office without the female bodyguards that Junior always had around. It was them, no one else. Y/n give out a confident smile as Junior was a bit, cautious, about the man that calls himself as the Ghost Lord that was sitting in front of him. A big shot like him from across the sea, would bring big business, or his death if misspoken.

Junior: "We don't get much famous people around here."

Y/n: "Consider this your lucky day Junior."

Junior: "What do you want? Drugs? Men? Weapons? Information? What?"

Y/n: "What I want? Bold move mister. Usually, the people that I go to ask something of me before I ask them. But to be truthful, I want to know about the Crime Lords here in Vale."

Junior: "May I ask why?"

Y/n: "Why else, to control the Underground Criminals. Being the one that Control those Lords."

Junior slow reach for a weapon under the desk without Y/n knowing as he continues to explain.

Junior: "You are saying something about being in control of the Crime Lords. No one ever have done something like this. I don't think they want to follow some stranger from Mistral."

Y/n: "I want the resources that they have to find those that I want dead. The Atlas Exterminators."

Junior stop and relax. He too has a problem with them in Vale, and his business partners over the seas. In fact, most of the Crime Lords wanted them dead too.

Junior: "Why didn't you say so? We have problems with them as well. But of course, that would be a problem in itself, with the whole thing about the Lords. But I can arrange something for them. Like a meeting."

Y/n: "That is all I need. Ever need."

Junior lean back in his chair in relief, feeling something on the back of his head. A barrel of a gun. Junior was spook before turning his head to see who it was. It was a ghost.

Y/n: "You think I would not have eyes elsewhere when making deals?"

Junior: "How? How did you do it?"

The Ghost removes his mask to reveal that it was Y/n, standing there at the same time he is sitting on the chair. Junior look at the two men confused.

Y/n: "My semblance. Clones."

Junior: "So that how you have several thousand men move from place to place so quickly in a short amount of time."

Y/n: "How else can I have men with Training that can fight against the Atlas Military with Hatred?"

Junior: "I see, I do what I can for the meeting."

Y/n: "You are a smart man mister Xiong. See you later for the details."

He stand up as the Ghost disappear before exiting the room. When he walk out of the room onto the dance floor, his group stand up to walk along side him as he walk out of the club. They walk down the straight towards a limo with some men standing beside it in suits.

Y/n: "Gray. Inform the doctor that we have a meeting. Get the drugs ready as soon as possible."

Gray pull out a scroll as Y/n look towards Shinya.

Y/n: "How is the four boys?"

Shinya: "They are going to be enroll into Beacon next year."

Y/n: "Wonderful. Esdeath, how is your informant? He got anything new for us?"

Esdeath: "Nothing yet sir. He is still working on it."

Y/n: "Aoi?"

Aoi: "Sir? You need anything?"

Y/n: "How are the White Fang and their troubles with the Local Police? They have to be tip top shape."

Aoi: "Not much from what I last heard. They have been good so far. Nothing to report."

Y/n: "So you say? Just know that we got time before the meeting so we can help them for now. But as soon as its over, we need to start moving product over here as soon as possible."

Aoi: "Understood."

Gray finally finished with a short phone call before looking towards Y/n.

Gray: "The Doctor will get everything ready for then sir."

Y/n: "Good."

Y/n spun around and pull out a knife to place it against Shinya's chest. Shinya gulp his fears as Y/n stare towards him with blank silver eyes. He then slid the blade up, without cutting him.

Y/n: "And if I hear you question loyalty again Shinya, I will have your head on a stick. Gray is the most loyal one of all of you, I just so happen to allow you and Aoi to join my Ranks because I trust him and he trust you."

He press it softly.

Y/n: "Meaning if I think you are a danger to me, I can blow your brains out at any time. So beware there buddy. I hate to see Gray sad because of it."

He put the knife way before continuing his walk. Gray look at his cousin.

Gray: "I told you, we shouldn't have that conversation again."


Summer was in a meeting with Ozpin, Qrow, Ironwood, Glynda, and another person. The Commander of the Atlas Exterminators, Ashen Blood.

He had grey hair with red eyes, wearing black version of the clothes that Ironwood wears. Only with a red version of the Atlas Symbol on his officer hat and on his arm.

Summer was pacing the room as Ozpin was in his chair, Glynda next to him, and Qrow sip with his flask. Ashen was standing next to Ironwood who was in a phone call with someone.

Summer: "I do not know how Gray is not dead. You told me that he died. Yet there he was, following someone."

Ozpin: "Did he tell you who he is working for?"

Summer: "He never said who, but that whoever he is working for took a deal with Salem."

Everyone stop to look at her.

Ozpin: "Salem?"

Summer: "Yes. He was with the Ghosts, part of the Ghost Reich. I believe the Ghost Lord is in on it, but I don't know how far. But that Lord must have a deal with Salem if he mention about it."

Qrow: "Was there anything else that you know?"

Summer: "No. All I know is that these men are moving rather too in sync. Almost like they are part of some kind of hive mind."

Glynda: "Why you say that?"

Summer: "All of them are about the same height, weight, posture, even down to the mannerisms. Like they are exact copies, clones of each other."

Ashen: "A cloning semblance have been seen before." Everyone look at him. "It could be possible that one can use their Aura to make multiple copies of oneself using their semblance. Small version up to 5 is common with this type of Semblance. But any more than that is something unheard of."

Ironwood: "That would explain much about the Ghost Lord's movements."

Ozpin: "Okay. I would put a word out in Vale if any huntsmen that know anything about the Ghost Lord, should step forward. He is starting to be a problem here in Vale, but Mistral."

Qrow: "Him working for Salem? He was a problem before, now, he is just a big problem. Leo should have dealt with him as soon as possible."

Ashen: "My men tried to contain him, but they all have failed. I am still trying to find out how he know some of their movements."

Ozpin: "I see. I want to know everything about him. How long he been operating? His 'friends'. Family. Everything there is to know. I want it all."

Ironwood: "We do our best with that."

Ozpin: "How soon can you get me that?"

Ironwood look towards Ashen and Ashen pull out his scroll to type to someone.

Ashen: "Three to Four days. 19 hours by a secure scroll line that we can set up."

Ozpin: "How quickly can you set that line?"

Ashen: "2 hours."

Ozpin: "Get it done as soon as soon as you have that report. Now if you may, leave me be for a bit."

Ozpin then motion everyone to leave the room, which they did. He pull out a scroll and dial a number. He lean back in his chair as he press a button, slowly closing blinds to the massive windows in his office.

Ozpin: "I know I am going to regret this call."

He put the scroll down and sigh to himself. As it rang Ozpin pull out a shot glass and a bottle of vodka on the office. He pour himself a shot as the scroll finally answer.

???: "Hello? Ozpin?"

Ozpin: "Yeah, its me. I want to know about someone."

???: "You know you have to stop calling me. Its getting annoying every time you do."

He down a shot before answering.

Ozpin: "Look. We had a deal. You have the Grimm under control as I have the humans. I have one that is disturbing the peace. Goes by the Title as the Ghost Lord. What do you know of him, Salem?"

Salem: "Someone we both know. Close to that pretty little rose you got."

Ozpin down another shot. He start to refill the glass after every bit of listening to Salem.

Ozpin: "Related to Summer you say? I already had to kill several of my best men the past few years because they start to get to close to important people and learning the truth. This bastard have Gray, Salem! I had to get rid of him because of his knowledge."

Salem: "I know."

Ozpin: "If he finds the Pool of Life, it can spell bad things for both of us."

Salem: "I am already aware of the situation. I have him under control for now. But one bad thing about his past, can mess with everything."

Ozpin: "What do I need to do?"

Salem: "Keep the Rose Family away from him. Including the other members of team STRQ. He wants the Exterminators dead, that's all. He can be in peace once they are dead."

Ozpin: "I will see what I can do to assist you with that. I am getting a report in 19 hours."

Salem: "You won't like what he has become. He is a broken man Oz."

Ozpin: "We both know what a broken man can do, I am one."

Salem: "Not like this Ozma. Not like this. You are something below this one. I never seen one like this before, of all my years. I don't think anyone had ever see something like this. Not even the gods. Most can be under my control, but he is actively resisting the magic. No human had ever done this before. I am afraid of what he can become."

Ozpin: "What do you mean?"

Salem: "He pull out his Silver eyes and replace them. And he is insisting that I give him a Grimm Heart. I haven't done it yet, but I am fearing that I may have to give it to him or else. This one is special Oz. I can sense this aura of death around him, yet he is not dying. Almost like Death itself is keeping him alive.

Ozpin: "Hold back on it for now. Let me figure something out with him as much as possible. Then we can discuss about possible detaining him later."

Salem: "You better come up with something quickly, he is on a death march against Atlas. I have an idea why, but I still don't know what is going on in his head. He won't let me see it. He is too good for his own good."

Ozpin: "He sounds more dangerous the more you speak about him."

Salem: "He is the most dangerous person I know. More than you if you actually tried for once."

Ozpin: "Whatever you do, keep him busy. Sleep with him if you have to. Have his kids for Oum sake!"

Salem: "Are you drinking again?"

Ozpin: "Don't you dare to judge me! I am having my own issues to deal with!"

Salem: "Fine. I do what I can. But he is moving on something big soon. I can't stop him, but I can slow him down enough to buy you time."

Ozpin: "May Oum have mercy on all of our souls."

Salem: "And sleeping with him, already did that a few times. First time since we both had kids, and I never felt anything more alive. He had me feel good in places that I never thought imaginable."

Ozpin: "I don't give a fuck about the details! Just deal with him!"

He slam the scroll on the table and turn it off. He toss the scroll away.

Ozpin: "How am I going to deal with this?"

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