Reborn as a Shadow Papyrus

By UnderTaleHyperFixed

34.5K 1.6K 1.4K

Someone dies and are reborn as a Shadow Papyrus. Let's see how thet deal with it shall we? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 3

3.4K 171 98
By UnderTaleHyperFixed

Kage POV

  It's been about a week or so since I made the buffet. Papy seemed to have let his rage about Nightmare calling me 101 fade, seemed being the key words. I know he hasn't let it go because he's been planning something big, and I have a feeling I'm gonna get the punishment. Dust agree's with me. Papy is gonna do something and either I or both of us will get the punishment. So we have been trying to keep an eye on him.

Everyone in the castle noticed, even Nightmare. Witch is surprising since unless he wants or needs something he ignores everyone. Speaking of witch, he's been wanting more of the Negativity food. I have everything planted in my own garden so I'll be able to grow everything. Over time it'll become big enough to sustain Nightmare but so far nope. I need Dust to go get more of the ingredients today. So off to look for Papy I go!

Half an hour later

I was still looking when, "Papyrus what the hell did you do!" That was Dust, shit. I teleported over, and holy mother of shit. Nightmares office was a fucking mess. Dust and I were looking at it in complete horror while Papy seemed proud of himself. That's when Nightmare teleported to us to see why Dust yelled.

As soon as he saw the state of his office the castle became extremely dark and cold. I have no doubt that everyone who was Papy was filled will fear. I was uncomfortable and weary to say the least, terrified even. One glance at Dust and it was obvious that he felt the same. "What. Happened." Dust gulped but decided that he would explain, his sacrifice is appreciated.

"I, I was looking for Papyrus because 'Kage' or 101 and I haven't seen him for a while. I found him and y-your office like this..." Yes, you heard that right. Dust stuttered. No one would blame him. "101 is this true" eeep- I was kinda forced into the bowing/kneeling position and answered automatically. "Yes, it is true Lord Nightmare" I could see Papy starting to get angry but a glare from Dust seemed to make him keep quiet. Thank you Dust!

"I see" He was furious, everyone could tell. Horror, Killer, Error and Cross were hiding in their rooms. No one wanted to face an angry Nightmare. "Well since it seems that you both are having struggles with containing Papyrus then you'll both need some initiative to do better." Oh no... Dust and I both probably had a spike in fear. Papyrus also seemed to suddenly realize that Dust and I were gonna pay the price. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY CONTAIN?"

Papyrus we love you, but please shut up. Nightmare seemed to find pleasure in what he was about to do, and what he was about to explain to Papy. "Well Since I hold the alive beings responsible for their ghosts that means that what ever the ghost does reflects on them." He said this so casually, he's baiting Papy, Dust and I can tell.

"WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH KAGE?" Shit, Papy no! "Since you seem fond of 101" "THEIR NAME IS KAGE!" Papy please shut up. "Since your fond of 101 it seems appropriate to also hold it responsible" Papyrus was about to explode in anger when, "So from now on when ever you do something 101 will be on the receiving end of the discipline"

Papyrus stoped when he was about to say something, Thank god. "See? It's already working" Papyrus was fuming but he left before he could do more damage. "101, clean this up. Then once your done come to the dungeon, Understand?" "Yes Lord Nightmare" "Good. Dust, Dungeon. Now." Dust just nodded and shortcut to the dungeon. Nightmare turned his head towards me again "I want this room spotless" Then teleported to the dungeon.

I let out a sigh of relief once he left. God damned it Papy I told you to let it go! Then I got to work, wincing everytime I heard Dust scream or a bone break. The dungeon is sound proof unless your in Nightmares office, in fact I can hear everything going on, including when Nightmare is talking. I have a feeling Nightmare purposely wants me to hear everything.

You see, as a Shadow Papyri I can feel Nightmares emotions if he wants me too. Right now the link is fully open to I can feel his Joy and amusement about everything. When the link is open I have no doubt that he can feel my emotions in more detail. Witch is why I'm trying not to think about anything. Anyways it took me a good 2 hours to get the office spotless.

I accidentally let relief spread through me about if being finished, witch basically told Nightmare that I was done, shit. I quickly put the cleaning supplies away and teleported to the dungeon. Nightmare finished with Dust a half hour ago, kind of. Dust past out. I was in the bowing/kneeling position infront of Nightmare.

"I want you to bring Dust to his room and patch him up. Come right back after your finished" "Yes Lord Nightmare" Then I quickly grabbed Dust and left. Dust was in pretty bad shape to say the least. It took me a whole nother hour to patch and heal him up. Papy was, well I could tell he felt guilty. "THIS IS MY FAULT, ISN'T IT?" I didn't answer him until I got Dust situated. "Do you want the truth or for me to sugar coat it?"

"THE TRUTH PLEASE...." "Then yeah it can be considered your fault. Nightmare isn't a good person, the reason he has a gang is for his own benefit, not to help you guys. Dust and I love you, we really do. However you really need to control your temper before it gets others killed." Papyrus went quiet after I told him that. "Well I have to go, Nightmare only wanted me to patch Dust up before going back."

Papyrus just nodded not talking his eyes off of Dust. One last look at the pair of brothers and I teleported back, ready to face the music as people used to say. Once again in the kneeling position Nightmare looked down at me with malicious Joy. Right, the link is still open. Fuck. Oh well. "101, what took you so long" To lie or not to lie? Fuck it, it's not like he's gonna Kill me. "It took longer then anticipated to heal Dust up My Lord" I feel sick. "I see, well for every 15 minutes you were healing Dust, will be an extra hour of pain for you" "Yes Lord Nightmare"

7 hours later

"Be sure to not disappoint me in the future 101, now clean this mess up" "Yes Lord Nightmare" and then he was gone. Fuck am I in pain. With a sigh the first thing I did was stop my 'bleeding'. Then I cleaned up the whole dungeon. I was in agony the whole time but I wasn't aloud to heal myself until the dungeon was clean. Fuck Nightmare, and to think I made him his special Negativity food!

It took around 3 hours to fully clean everything, there were a bunch of stains so it took a while. Then I healed myself up and left to check up on Dust. Thankfully Nightmare closed the link once I began healing myself. Dust was still unconscious but a quick check showed that he was fine, probably just tired. If I was being honest, I was exhausted. So after telling Papy to come get me when Dust woke up, I went out into the woods, found a nice tree branch, and passed out. Today was a fucking shit show.

Here is chapter 3! What do you think of it?

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