+82...WRONG NUMBER? [yoonmin]

By YoongiAndHisMochi

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In wich Yoongi gets his friend's new number but had been given the wrong digits. He ends up texting an unknow... More

🌼twenty one🌼
🌼twenty two🌼
🌼twenty three🌼
🌼twenty four🌼
🌼twenty foive🌼
🌼twenty six🌼
🌼twenty seven🌼
🌼twenty eight🌼
🌼twenty nine🌼
🌼thirty one🌼
🌼thirty two🌼
🌼thirty three🌼
🌼thirty four🌼
🌼thirty five🌼
🌼thirty six🌼
🌼thirty seven🌼
🌼thirty eight🌼
🌼thirty nine🌼


886 64 25
By YoongiAndHisMochi

That same day Jimin was taken to his session. The doctor stood next to him as they did some exercises. if he stopped moving he will get blood clogs and he didnt want that so keep moving was important. He walked around on his own and each week a professional check up with personalized exercises.

"Okay, just walk from this line to the other, three times" the doctor said pointing to the colored lines. "Take it slow, dont overdo yourself" he added not wanting jimin to overwork his heart. 

"good, two more." He followed jimin in case he lost his balance, Jimin's balance wasnt so great anymore after walking barely. He spend most of his time sitting down in bed or on the ground if he was somewhere else. he didnt stand up a lot. 

Finally after the snail pace walking Jimin finished his two rounds and sat down on the chair that was placed for him at the start. he panted a little but nothing to worry about. The doctor quickly di8d a few checks to make sure his blood pressure was okay and his breathing pattern wasnt disturbed by anything. those things would harm Jimin's heart the most. It happends the most if jimin was too active wich makes the heart having to work faster. or any overwhelming emotion like stress caused it at well. at the worst scenario he wont just pass out but have an heart attack. Luckily his first surgery went without any health risks. he came out fine and alive. but they were not able to help him as much as jimin had hoped for. 

"You did wel today, how d you feel?"

"i feel alright, exhausted but fine" jimin smiled.

"thats to be expected. take a short nap or relax in your room. you can cal for lunch after your pills have been consumed through your body, okay?"

"yes yes, i know" jimin nodded and took the medication from him.

"just with water, dont use soda."

"i knowwww, you dont have to bring that up" jimin whined. he knew it was stupid but he just didnt wanted to get up to get water. Oh well, he learned his lesson.

"i will see you next time, take care"

"thank you again" Jimin made a small bow as low as his body allowed him. He then left the room with the assistant who was waiting for him at the door to guide him back to his room. he let the lady support him to his room as he was too exhausted to walk fully on his own. 

"How did it go Park?"

"it went well, i did all exercises by myself"

"thats great to hear." she smiled and while jimin sat on his bed she got him a glass of water for the pills. she gave jimin the right amount and took the pills away with her to store it in Jimin's locker. they never left the pills with the patient. especially not Jimin. A doctor forgot to put te box away and that night jimin had made a scene again by taking too many. Luckily they were in time and it havent damaged his body yet. they were not extra careful with the things they left inside the room. 

Even if Jimin had been very stable the last few weeks. the boy was unpredictable. one day he was all happy and then suddenly he can switch. the smallest thing can trigger him to fall back.

After she left the room Jimin was left alone. he had to wait an hour before he could order his food, and as usual he grabbed his phone and checked his notifications of the past two hours he havent been online. He didn't have much, wich made him go to texts quite quick. to his surprise the one he wanted to text was already typing.




Hi hyung!


hey Jimin, how are you today? 

oh, you're here already keke. 


im good just had my exercises. now im resting in bed


glad to hear your doing okay. 

*yoongi is calling*

*1 missed call from yoongi*


SORRY i didn't mean to press call!


keke its okay, you can call me if you want. i wouldn't mind~


really? i would like to knw what your voice sounds like


lets...call? i am shy tho... i wont be as talkative as here....heh


dont worry about that


okay. lets call then. :)

*yoongi is calling*

*on call, 00:03 minutes*

"Hello? Its yoongi" 

Jimin almost gasped when he hard the other's voice. it was so much lower than his it made him self conscious. yoongi had such a calm and relaxed voice.

"h-hi" jimin said shyly "its..Jimin"

"wow, your voice is beautiful. is that your actual voice!?" yoongi said sounding surprised.

"yea, it is"

"You're like an angel, damn"

"yah, d-dont make me embarrassed"

 "sorry sorry" yoongi chuckled. and that chuckle he made Jimin's belly tingle with butterflies. there was something about this man's voice that made him feel so funny and warm inside. 

"its nice to be able to imagine a voice to the face now. i didnt expect your voice this low"

"hmm no?"

"really, i thought it was a little higher. mine really high but, so not as mine but just a little bit"

"i hope i didnt disappoint"

"NO no no not at all. i love your voice. its really soothing to listen too. please dont think bad. i really like it" jimin quickly said not wanting yoongi to feel hurt. Jimin didnt mean it in a bad way. 

"dont worry about it i get it hehe" Yoongi smiled on his end of the call. He felt butterflies inside his stomach as soon he heard Jimins sweet voice. it was such a unique sound he have n ever heard before. he havent heard anyone with a voice like jimin's. Oh he wished to spea to him more, he didnt want the call to end soon. He wanted to talk forever. 

"Soooo...what are you...doing?" jimin asked trying to not let the conversation die. but what he didnt know is that yoongi was having so many questions but was too lost in listening to Jimin and thinking that he forgot to actually talk.

"Oh uh. i was just tuning my guitar."

"oohh guitar, can you play it well?"

"im just average i guess? i do better on piano. i learned a lot of instruments but guitar is still a little difficult to master for me. But i will get there"

"could you play something for me?" jimin asked and got really nervous for an answer. was he a little o demanding by asking this?  maybe yoongi didnt want to, oh now what did he even ask!?

"sure!" immediately jimin's panick faded back and he calmed down again. glad to hear the relaxed answer of the other. "is it okay if i play something on the piano? i know something i can play for you"

"whatever makes you happy!" jimin smiled, he was already more than happy yoongi wanted to play for him.

"okay one second, gotta walk to my piano" yoongi said and the sound of his walking around was heard. then te sound of the phone being placed somewhere. "okay, its not lont just a minute i think. okay okay, listen"

"i will!"  jimin quickly shut up after and smiled even wider when the first notes were being played. The song yoongi was laying was beautiful. Jimin didnt know what if was about but he did feel like he was inside a magical world he didnt feel like he was in a hospital anymore. the music was taking him on a journey. a journey where everything was better. Jimin felt so calm by these tones that he had laid down with a smile and had the phone close to his ear not wanting to miss a single note.

sadly it was way to short. the piece suddenly ended and Yoongi was back on the phone.

"uhm, how was it.?"


"it was...beautiful. really....so beautiful." Jimin replied honestly.

"really, im glad you do. its one of my favorites so far but i haven't finished it fully yet. im like...halfway there, i think. its a long piece im writing and never found the time to finish it. i lost inspiration to finish it. one day i will. and you will be the first to hear the full version"

"I will look forward to it, as far i've heard your music is amazing. your are such a musical person it inspires me"

"do you have any other hobbies as well?"

"well i listen to music a lot. i dont do much now with my current health..."

"and before the hospital?"

"i used to dance, i wanted to become a dancer. but i cant do that anymore. i try sometime when i feel good but its too exhausting to properly do any movements. i cant support my weight like that for so long anymore." jimin sighed.

"im sorry to hear that. but once you are better, please dance again. you sound like dancing was who you were"

"it was. i loved it so much. but luckily my loss off dancing didn't make me lose my love for music"

"Im glad too."

"please spoil song to me more!"

"yah dont leak themmmm" yoongi joked with a laugh.

"hmm no no, its for my ears only. I might talk about them with my assistant keke"

"hmmm alright, i will see if i can sen you more sneak peaks when i have any"

"yay!" Jimin smiled.

the two were having a lot of fun on the phone that the wait of one hour soon passed by almost over three hours. the assistant had to get to jimin a little worried why he havent called for any food yet. wich made jimin end the call with yoongi with a pout. But he wasnt sad, he felt really happy. yoongi was such a sweet guy.


thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter!


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