
By A_Strange_0ne

3.8K 162 9

Wilbur was a hero, the second best hero to be exact. And it was his job to protect everyone that resided in h... More

Prolougue || Goodbye
Chapter One || The New Vigilante
Chapter Two || Nightmares
Chapter Three || Mellohi Reappears
Chapter Four || Exhaustion
Chapter Five || Stab Wounds and Secrets
Chapter Six || Tech Labs and Sneaking Out
Chapter Seven || Forgiveness and Crime(?)
Chapter Nine || The Return of Shift
Chapter Ten || Revealed Identities
Chapter Eleven || Stressed Comfort
Chapter Twelve || Immune
Chapter Thirteen || The Party
Chapter Fourteen || Developments
Chapter Fifteen || Shift
Chapter Sixteen || An Offer
Chapter Seventeen || Information and a New Ally
Chapter Eighteen || The End

Chapter Eight || The New Scientist and New Leads

171 6 0
By A_Strange_0ne

(No pov)
(One week later)

Wilbur was quite excited for work today, he thought as he approached the newly repaired Tech Lab.

A day or so after he'd met up with Dream, he'd went to Sam, the lead tech designer, and proposed his idea for Dream to help him with inventions.

Sam dwelled on that thought for a few seconds before agreeing and telling Wilbur what days Dream could come in for a day trial or something. Wilbur happily passed the message along to Dream and both embraced excitedly.

The next day Dream went to the lab and met Sam, the trial went well, he was told, and today was his love's first official day as a scientist in the lab.

And Wilbur was also supposed to be helping Sam with certain experiments and such! So he can do work while seeing Dream! An absolutely stunning work day, he thought.

Wilbur parked his car before getting out, grabbing his bag and hurrying into the building. He knew that he was on time but he still wanted to be early.

He strolled into the lobby and up to the front desk, "Good morning, Sally." He greeted the familiar salmon hybrid, they were in the same high school and were acquainted briefly.

Sally had long, curly, bright red hair and always had a strand of it in her face, she had bright green eyes and freckles dusting her nose, cheeks, and slightly pointed ears with hanging sea-glass earrings. She wore a white dress shirt and black jeans with a pair of converse. She always had a few rings on as well as her pearl necklace.

"Morning, Siren. ID?" She greeted as she looked at him from the computer. Wilbur took his Hero's ID out of his pocket and showed her the card.

"Alright, testing and theory, room 208 on the second floor. You are a bit early, as always." She told him after scanning it, he slid the ID back into his wallet before thanking her and heading to the elevator.

He waited and tapped his feet impatiently as the elevator slowly climbed up to the second floor, it dinged and the doors opened. Wilbur quickly walked down the hall and eventually reached Room 208.

He heard sounds from behind the door, voices, footsteps, machinery and tools. Wilbur took a deep breath before knocking. A few rustling sounds were heard before the door opened, revealing Dream in a flipped up welder's mask.

His eyes lit up, "Wilbur!" He said enthusiastically and hugged the taller, "Dream!" Wilbur responded, matching his energy, and returning the hug.

When the two separated and entered the room, Wilbur looked around and took the giant room in.

It was huge yet spacious, the wall were pure white while the floor was black concrete, there was a giant cylinder that took up nearly a quarter of the room, a large screen with four couches and a chair in another corner, and multiple other small machines in the other half of the room along with a closet. There were computers everywhere as well.

When Wilbur was done looking around, he saw that Sam was staring at them with a fond yet unimpressed look in his eyes.

Sam had dyed short green hair with a welder's mask that resembled a Creeper from a book series settled on his head, nearly covering his dark brown eyes. He had a black unzipped sweater with a bright green T-shirt underneath, he wore comfortable black pants with green vans.

Sam was rarely assigned patrols due to his vast knowledge in science and technology, his experiments and inventions helped numerous heroes with tasks and managing their powers while also helping with medical equipment and tracking down criminals, villains, and the occasional vigilante.

He.. also wasn't assigned patrols often due to his power. He'd chosen the hero name 'Detonate' because of his powers, the ability to manipulate technology. It caused a lot of damage to their city and, very rarely, a life.

His power could trigger any sort of technology, from a simply light switch to causing entire power outages. But most of the time the technology would explode from a glitch in it's system or code, so he chose to remain off of patrols and less serious missions.

Sam never meant to kill or hurt innocent people, but sometimes he'd get distracted and didn't see where the explosion was or who was there. Sometimes he got too stressed or was in too much pain to realize it.

So, both Sam and the higher-up heroes opted to stay away from combat unless absolutely necessary. Everyone agreed that it was the best decision, both for the city and for Sam.

"Did you ask me to consider hiring Dream because he was your boyfriend of because of his intelligence?" Sam asked jokingly, Dream laughed and Wilbur smiled.

"His intelligence, though I do love seeing him more often though." Wilbur answered and kissed Dream's forehead with a grin. Dream's smile widened before he unwrapped his arms off of Wilbur and stood beside him.

"My intellect or not, I'm glad I'm here and using my knowledge to help people." Dream said cheerfully and flipped his welder's mask down, revealing a pure white mask with a painted on smiley face. "The equipment here is definitely helping my experiments as well."

Sam nodded, "He does have some interesting ideas on ways we can improve older technology, he's also come up with some new useful inventions that we're currently working on." Sam added, Dream's slightly visible eyes lit up at that.

"Oh yeah! We needed someone with powers to help us with experiments and tests, we would've just used myself or Sam, but just in case something went wrong... it'd be easier if both of us were running the tests." Dream explained, trailing off at the mention of something going wrong.

"So, you're experimenting on me today?" Wilbur asked cautiously, Dream noticed the tone and stared at him in shock. "Technically, yes- but none of these tests are designed to kill or to knock you out- I'd never do that to you!" He reassured Wilbur, still shocked at the worries.

"Okay, I trust you." Wilbur said, his voice was still shaky. Dream nodded to Sam and grabbed Wilbur's hand reassuringly. "Nothing bad's going to happen, birdy."

Sam suddenly took out a clipboard from nowhere, "Let's get started then, shall we?" He proposed as Wilbur took a deep breath and Sam led them over to a machine.

Wilbur took in the machine first, a large, ten-foot tall glass cylinder with a cut out door and a large amount of machinery for a top, and was set on a metal base with stairs lead to the door.

Sam immediately walked over to the computer nearby and powered the machine on, a loud whirring noise was heard as the glass and circuitry in the machinery glowed a faint blue, Dream's eyes wrinkled as if he were grinning while Wilbur looked at the container uneasily.

"This," Sam began as the whirring died down, "Is a Ability Training and Identity Analyzer and. It's a more advanced version of the original Power Analyzer and the Power Researcher and a combination of both, it allows us to run tests on someone's power while analyzing it and adding the new information to our database." He finished before typing in a command and opening the door.

Dream gestured for him to go into the machine, which Wilbur hesitantly did. He slowly climbed the stairs before looking back at Dream- who nodded encouragingly- and stepped into the machine.

The floor was smooth with circuitry lines running through it, as well as the ceiling. The door suddenly closed and locked, he heard Dream and Sam talking faintly through the thick glass before a speaker was turned on in the room.

"Wilbur? Can you hear us?" Sam's voice said, a rustling sound was heard, followed by the click of a pen. "Yes, what do I do?" Wilbur responded before carefully looking at the blank surroundings with his wings held protectively.

"Give us a minute while we start the program..." Sam answered, followed by a clicking noise. Soon enough, bright blue hexagons covered the walls and floor, effectively trapping him in there.

"Okay, to start off, we're going to scan you for powers and hybrid DNA," Sam said, all three laughed quietly at that, "It might make you feel a bit nauseous at first, but it should only be a few seconds." Sam added, followed by more keyboard clicking.

The hexagons turned white then, and a bright green layer of light began crawling up the room. As soon as it touched Wilbur, he felt sick- he nearly fell as his vision swam but quickly steadied himself once the scan finished.

Scan finished

A mechanical voice sounded followed by keyboard typing and the sound of a pen. A hologram of a file showed up after that, one of Wilbur.


Wilbur S. Minecraft | Siren

Ability: Mind Command (Type: Vocal)

Age: 24

Height: 6'5 1/2

Features: Brown eyes, hair, wings, glasses

Hybrid/Human: Avian (See, DNA)

Danger Level: 21

Connections: Angel of Death (Father) Ares (Brother) Dream C. WasTaken (Lover)

Occupation: Hero (2nd with Ares)

Other Notes: Wings are powerful, can fly for hours at a time. Mind Command works for as long as wanted, can injure vocal chords as a side effect.


"Woah..." he heard faintly from Dream, "It... It works! It actually works!" He yelled in excitement before laughing. The pen scribbled on something before the file hologram was taken away.

"The second test is for your powers, basically just testing it's limitations and how far it can effect someone." Sam told Wilbur, "Dream will be helping for this one so I can record data." He added as the door unlocked and opened again.

Dream entered the room with a proud look in his eyes, the welder's mask was left behind and Dream looked like he couldn't care less.

"The room can mimic distances, so you job is to try to use your voice on different distances while also giving Dream difficult commands to test the limitations." Sam explained Wilbur nodded, and the tests began.

-Two hours later-

The tests were finally done, Wilbur thought as he slumped against one of the rooms walls. He was exhausted yet he still had a few more machines left to test.

Dream ran towards him with a tired looking smile, he sat next to Wilbur and leaned his head onto Wilbur's shoulder while also getting wrapped in a wing.

"I'm proud of the progress we've made today," Dream whispered, "And I'm proud of you for helping us." Wilbur smiled and leaned his head on top of Dream's.

"I'm glad I'm helping expand our knowledge on powers and technology- what's the point of this machine anyway?" Wilbur asked, Dream's face lit up at the question.

"Well, we created it so heroes, or anyone with a power, really, can test their abilities to the limits while also knowing exactly what that power is! It also has the file about you for identifying you or to identify villains with taking the mask off." Dream explained proudly, "It's just an advanced way to train and see people's files without having to search the database for them!" Dream added.

Wilbur nodded, "That can be very useful." He said, Dream sighed happily before the two enjoyed the other's presence while they waited for Sam to give them new instructions.

A few minutes later, the speaker crackled to life after being turned off. "Alright, Wilbur, Dream, you two may exit the machine now." Sam said as the door appeared before opening.

The two untangled their limbs before Wilbur stood to help Dream up, then the two exited the room, hand in hand.

Sam waited to greet them with a triumphant grin, "Good job, you two. I'll tell the higher-ups that it's done and present it to them, I'm sure this'll be an easier way to train others without injury or damages." Sam informed them, Dream grinned, he'd worked so hard to get here and was happy to have helped.

"What's the next machine?" Wilbur asked, Sam checked the clipboard before sighing. "I'm going to go set this one up, it takes awhile." He said and shook his head, "Dream, how about you show Wilbur the DNA tester while we wait?" Sam asked, Dream nodded before grabbing Wilbur's hand and leading him over to a table in the corner with the couches.

It was a solid rectangular block that jutted out from the wall, and the computer sat atop it. A large screen with the Heroes symbol, a Creeper's face with a crown, and a smiley face was in the top left corner of the screen. A slim keyboard was connected to the screen while the screen was connected to a large flat square on the table next to it.

Dream hummed as he turned the screen on, "This," he began as the screen lit up and a green grid appeared on the flat square, "Is our DNA testing computer. It can analyze anything that contains DNA and pulls up that person's file on the screen." Dream explained excitedly, "The difference between this and the last machine, is that this can scan anything without the person being present." Wilbur nodded along the explanation before pausing.

"Anyone?" Dream nodded, "So, like Shift?" He asked hopefully, Dream giggled at his lover's idea. "Exactly correct, birdy! You're so smart." Dream cooed as he turned and cupped Wilbur's cheek with his hand before tilting his head up and kissing Wilbur's forehead.

Wilbur blushed as Dream turned away and began demonstrating how the machine worked, "So first, you need someone's DNA- this could range from their blood to their hair- and then you place it onto the scanner." Dream plucked a strand of his blond hair with a wince before placing it onto the scanner.

"And then you hit the scan button." He explained as he pressed a green button on the scanner. The grid disappeared before a bright green line appeared and slid down the scanner. Once the line had finished, a message had appeared on the screen next to it.

<DNA Scan Complete - Open Dream WasTaken's file? Y / N ?>

Dream pressed the Y on screen and Wilbur gasped as a file suddenly appeared about Dream.


Dream C. WasTaken

Ability: Enhanced Intelligence

Age: 22

Height: 6'3

Features: Blond, freckles, green eyes, pointed ears

Human/Hybrid: Human

Danger Level: 5

Connections: Siren (Lover) D. XD WasTaken (Brother) Drista WasTaken (Sister, DEAD)

Occupation: Assistant Scientist, HSATL

Other Notes: Pointed ears since birth, kidnapped and forced to help #1 Villain, Shift. Drista (See, Connections) killed in Villain battle. D. XD was selected as The Temple Keeper.


Wilbur noticed Dream wince at the sight of the connections part, Wilbur felt a sharp stab of concern and wrapped a wing around Dream. "I miss them." Dream whispered faintly.

"Drista was killed in a battle between Shift, Zero, and The Angel of Death- she was in one of the accidentally collapsed buildings. And the city council doesn't allow anyone to visit Temple Keepers, I sometimes wonder if XD even knows about Drista..." Dream said as his eyes teared up.

Wilbur felt a sharp stab of pity and wrapped his arms around Dream, he heard Dream sniffle and felt his shoulder dampen.

"They- the heroes- told me Shift copied Zero's power and manipulated a storm that collapsed the building she was in. It hurt to find that out after being told that I wasn't allowed to see my brother." Dream cried quietly, Wilbur whispered him soft reassurances and rubbed his back soothingly.

"Can you..." Dream began to speak, "The next time you fight or see Shift, can you see if you can find some of his DNA?" Dream asked quietly, Wilbur hummed an answer before continuing his reassurances.

"I'd... I'd like to bring Shift to justice. I want to avenge my sister." Dream said with a sniff, Wilbur pulled away from Dream slightly and wiped the stray tears away and resting his hands on Dream's face.

"I'd love nothing more," he kissed Dream's nose, "Than to help my wonderful boyfriend with that." Wilbur promised and sealed it with a kiss.

(2722 words)

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