Sonic the Hedgehog [Sonic x G...


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[Name] and Sonic. Both anointed as enemies, since the moment they met. It seems like for many years, [Name]... Еще

Speedy Tortoise Ride
Lifestyle In The Cave
[Name's] Progress
The Sonic Boom
The Search
Chatting Away With The Donut Lord
The Road Trip Begins
Resistance Doesn't Last
Bar Funtime!
Bar Fight!
Hotel Escapade Gone Wrong
The Car Feud Starts
Road Chase Montage!
❝W̵̆͛̀H̷͋̅̂̆͠E̶̓R̶̡̩̬̟̳̜͗̕E̷͌̑͝͠ ̵͌̌͑Ä̶́̂͘͘M̵̉͒ ̴̃̃͌Ḯ̴͍́̎͑̔̉̃?̴̧̱̗̍̎!̶̅❞
❝R̸E̴̊O̷͒C̷C̶U̸R̵̀R̵̀I̴N̸Ġ̴ M̸E̸̕M̸O̷͑R̴I̷E̶S̸͒ Ã̴N̸̍D̶ ̸T̷̊H̴̏O̷U̴Ġ̷H̶́T̴S̶❞
A Heart-Felt, Yet Awkward, Conversation With A Certain Blue Hedgehog
Arrived At The Final Destination
The Chase Becoming A Fight
This Could Be The End Of Everything
Outtakes, Deleted Scenes And Bloopers

The Not-So-Bright Beginning

7.6K 163 263

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The sun was shining brightly in the city, all seemingly being well. Though, there were explosions being set off in the distance, a flying machine of some sort was flying and zapping twice at nearby places. It looked, like the person in the machinery was after something.

A blue blur was running through the streets of the city, while a [Colour] blur was zooming on a hoverboard of theirs, the green faint lines in the hoverboard gleamed with energy. The person in the flying drone wore quite peculiar glasses, letting out a small grunt from turning their steering rood to divert his direction to stay in the route of catching the two specimens.

The shots being fired, were getting quite particularly close. The blue hedgehog jumped to the side of a car, moving away from the ongoing explosion and the [Colour] [Animal Name] managed to do a kickflip on their hoverboard, almost falling off from the explosion. The screen froze at this particular scene.

"So, I know what you're thinking. Why is that incredibly handsome hedgehog and that awesome, but dangerous [Animal Name] being chased by a madman with a moustache from the Civil War?"

The scene unfroze, as the [Animal Name] steadied themselves on their hoverboard, skidding by the windows, as they were blasted behind them and the blue hedgehog kept on running, both of their colours being vivid blurs to the human eye.

"His moustache does look ugly."

A small laugh off-screen came from a certain hedgehog, "That was a funny joke, [Name]!"

"That wasn't a joke, hedgehog. It's a fact."

Sonic let out a small huff, as he cleared his throat and continued his speech. "Well, to be honest, it feels like I've been running my whole life."

The blue mobian dashed past cars, doing his best to dodge the fact that him and the hoverboard-riding mobian were vivid targets for the scientific man that was chasing them at this moment.

"Is this too much? Am I going too fast?"

"You're always fast, Sonic."

"Yeah-- It's kind of what I do, [Name]...You know what? Let's back up."

Sonic and [Name] swerved to the left, the drone following them on, as another shot was fired towards them. But, everything was reversed back, as the two started to mimic what a reverse audio would sound like. 


On another planet, far from Earth, the sun was on the horizon of a beautiful landscape of land. The greenery was certainly pleasing to the eye.

"This is the island of where me and [Name] are from."

A small blue blur quickly passed by the checkered-green grass, birds fluttering about and water was rushing out from a waterfall. All seemed to be quite peaceful, except from the blue blur that was vividly seen whirring around the island.

"It had everything; sandy beaches, cascading waterfalls, public access to loop-de-loops." The blue blur zipped past a bridgeway that crumbled behind, zooming on a loop-de-loop. "And, I never had to catch a school bus because I could run across the entire island in less than two seconds. Also, there was no school."

Looking onto the small blue blur more closely, it seems that the blue blur is a younger Sonic, who seemed to be having the time of his life. As he started speeding on, his feet were dapping against the grass in a light and rapid manner, before curling himself up into a ball.

"I know, pretty sweet island, right, [Name]?"

"Our home was really beautiful."

Young Sonic whirred through a small tunnel, jumping up into the air, the wind flowing through his blue quills and his arms were spread out in joy. A childish grin formed onto his face, as he jeered out a; "Yeah!"

"I was born with extraordinary powers and was told to keep them secret. And like any kid, I did the exact opposite."

The kid of a hedgehog was bouncing from cliffsides to cliffsides, a giggle leaving his mouth and he diverted his direction onto a bridge, making his way up to way seemed to be his sanctuary and he barged through the door, bumping into an owl that seemed to be either resting or meditating. "Whoo-hoo!"

The owl had been woken up from her state, her wings were spread out in a startled manner, before calming down her tense manner and narrowed her eyes sternly at the laughing hedgehog.

"That's Longclaw. She took care of me. She was basically Obi-Wan Kenobi...--"

"--If Obi-Wan Kenobi had a beak and ate mice."

"Sonic, someone could have seen you." The owl's soft, but stern voice rung through the young hedgehog's ears, but he shrugged it off, as he felt pretty confident on no one being able to see him from his powers.

"No one saw me. I'm too fast!" The young hedgehog grinned confidently, running on the spot to show how skilled he was, before stopping to reach into the back of his quills. "And, I wanted to bring you this." He brought out a flower, a smile brought up onto his face, as Longclaw softened her eyes at the child's kindness.

Reaching her claw out to take the flower, she stopped herself upon looking behind the hedgehog to see multiple echidnas, holding bows 'n arrows and nets, ready to get what they came for. What surprised the owl even more was that she saw a smaller masked one, seemingly Sonic's age that was fumbling with their bow and arrow, puffing their chest in confidence and released an arrow towards Sonic.

In action, Longclaw grabbed Sonic and shielded him, using her claw to quickly shut the door, as the sound of the thuds from arrows were released to the door. "Get down!" Many arrows dented the door, and one even submerged through the window, piercing through the flower on the floor.

"Turns out, with great power comes great power-hungry bad guys. And, I led them right to us."

The whole lot of them started coming through, surrounding the place and one emerged from the window with a net in the grasp of their hands. Sonic was cradled in Longclaw's arms, fear struck in his eyes, whilst the owl was glaring at them all.

Before anymore could come in, Longclaw busted through the window, Sonic in her claws, and one of the echidnas fell out from the window. The young masked mobian ran alongside on the branches and aimed their arrow at the owl, so did the other echidnas.

Each of the arrows whistled, as they all whizzed by the graceful owl. Her movements may have been graceful, at first but, they were to be flawed. As the masked youngling released their arrow, the arrow managed to hit its target. The target being; Longclaw.

A pained hiss left her beak, the flapping of her wings were ceased, as she was struck down to the ground. Her and Sonic toppled onto the ground, the young [Colour] [Animal Name] raised their arms in the air in victory, as another masked echidna came up to them and ruffled their head in a form of congratulating them. It seemed that everything was going to go, as the Prophecy had planned for them, after all.

"Listen carefully, Sonic. You have a power unlike anything I have ever seen. And, that means someone will always want it. The only way to stay safe is to stay hidden. You need to stay hidden, especially from that small one you saw with the bow and arrow earlier. Did you see them?"

In response, the small hedgehog slowly nodded, to which; the owl then clutched a ring from her small satchel and tossed it. The ring whirled up big enough into an entrance into another planet; Planet Earth.

"This world is on the far side of the universe. You should be safe there. Safe from them."

"Who are they?" Sonic asked, his frown only worsened in fear for what his caretaker could say next.

"They are someone you should stay away from. Those group of people have deemed that they will be the one to be after you and to--" The guardian owl was cut off from hearing the war cries in the distance of the echidna tribe of them, the small [Colour] [Animal Name] being on one of the tallest echidnas shoulders.

"I--I don't want to go without you, Longclaw!"

"You must..." Longclaw sighed heavily, this moment was paining her that she had to say goodbye to someone she had cared for and looked after all these years. Sonic was, like a son to her. Reluctantly handing the rest of the rings in the satchel, she then spoke up again; "These rings will be your most important possession. If you're ever discovered by anyone or even by the [Colour] [Animal Name], use one. Never stop running."

Pushing the hedgehog gently with her wing, young Sonic could only gaze up at her with everlasting sadness. "Now, go!" And, with that; Sonic rushed through the ring portal. As he kept on running, he dared himself to look back and that is what he did. To see Longclaw with her wings spread out, ready to fight the echidnas, made Sonic lose it and he dropped the bag of rings, running towards the portal.


The echidna with [Name] on their shoulder, gruffly whispered to them; "Take this ring." He handed the ring to them and then quickly said, "Don't come back here, until you do what you've been trained for. Okay?" Young [Name] slowly nodded, looking outwards to the blue hedgehog that was running to the portal.

"Goodbye, Sonic." Longclaw responded, her eyes softened in sorrow, accepting the fate that was written for her.

"No!" Sonic yelled out, reaching his hands out towards the portal, but he was sent flying back, upon someone tackling him down. It was [Name], for they had been thrown by the echidna and they flailed their arms at the blue hedgehog, young Sonic let out a yelp of fear and kicked the [Colour] [Animal Name] off from him.

Shuffling back, Sonic widened his eyes at the glowing ring portal disappearing and glanced back at the masked [Animal Name], who was running towards him again. Sonic ran to the side, grabbing his satchel of rings and started running off, [Name], tried to run on after him, but it was too late, as Sonic hid himself behind a small bush and covered his mouth, afraid of being heard by them.

Young [Name] let out an annoyed huff, looking back at, where the ring portal was and muttered; "I will live up to my destiny!" They raised their little fist into the air, letting out a small triumphant squeak and grinned brightly. Looking around, they started to walk away, feeling that the hedgehog was not in this range of zone.

Upon seeing them leave, Sonic let out a small breath of relief and removed his hand from his mouth, letting out heavy breaths and blinked away his oncoming tears. The young hedgehog rubbed his eyes, emerging from the bush and he then realised;

He was all alone.

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