Ancient Agenda

By SharylFriend

768 80 67

Shane moves to a small town in Louisiana from Connecticut to start over from an uneventful life. What she doe... More

Ancient Agenda Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Author's Note;
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Ancient Agenda

442 31 45
By SharylFriend

Opening my heavy-lidded eyes and turning my head, that which felt just as weighted down, my brain finally registers that I am lying in a pool of my own blood that is slowly absorbing into my chestnut -auburn hair.

"Ugh." I moan to myself and make a small effort to lift my head to assess my surroundings.

"What the hell happened?! " I whisper, the strength going out of my shakey neck. Letting the back of my skull return to the blue, carpeted bathroom floor, I close my eyes.

I'm so cold.

I know I am dying.

Chapter One

"Oh my God! Ma'am! What happened?!" a slightly familiar voice shouted just in front of my face. So close, I can smell the night before alcohol on their breath. Being awakened by the offensive stench, I open my eyes to see my new landlord peering, not two inches away from the tip of my nose.

"I don't know Al. But could you back away, out my bubble, cause you're going to literally quicken my death with that breath." I complain with a wave of nausea, closing my eyes once again.

"Sorry Shane. Went out with the boys last night." apologized my landlord Al Ripping. A scruffy cowboy type, of whom liked his bachelor life and the fact that he had little, if no responsibilities being in his 70's.

"What can I do? Do ya want me to ring for an ambulance? " continued Al.

"No! No doctors, e.r's! No! Just help me sit up, so I can check where I'm bleeding from." I explain to Al, pushing my elbows down on the floor to assist my landlord in easing my back up to sit in a prone position.

"Whoa there ma'am! Easy does it." he ordered when he noticed how pale I became once I was upright.

"Ugh." I muttered for the second time. "I feel as if I have been drained of all my energy. Never felt so wiped out Al."

"Well, I think ya really oughtta let me call up the 911. Ya'ain't lookin' so hot. Makin' me nervous, is whatcha are!" said my landlord, still holding my back, kneeling at my side and shaking his nearly bald head.

Feeling as if I would faint, I whispered, "Yea, maybe you're right. Call."

That was when the world as I had known it for thirty years, went completely black in an instant.

Chapter Two

"Miss Shane! Miss! Wake up now dear!" a sweet, cheerful voice brought me out of a nondescript dream state.

"Ah! There we are! Welcome to the land of the livin' honey! "

My eyelids shot open, seeing a brunette nurse at my side, fiddling with the tube attached to my I.V. bag. She was smiling at her work, so I realized her to be a pleasant type, not "Nurse Ratchett."

"Hi." was all I muttered, not knowing what name to address her by, because her black hair hung over her name tag.

I didn't need await long, as she turned to me and said,

"Well! Ya look a heck of a lot better than when ya'all came in here! That is fer sure! "

"What happened? I don't recall much. Just lying on my new apartment's bathroom floor, blood all over the place and my landlord calling an ambulance. Other than that....nothing." I explained, finally noticing the pleasant nurse's uniform name tag that said 'Tammy.'

"Yea, well I was on that night. Saw ya'all come in dear ta death's door hon! Doc Woolf saved yer life, he did! Ya had a bump on yer head the size of a goose's egg and two puncture holes under yer right breast! Took the doc some time tryin' ta find were you was bleedin' from. Real strange, ya ask me! Doc thought so too!"

"Puncture holes?! What?!" I asked in total surprise. "What the hell from?"

Tammy the nurse's brown eyes widened, "Now no need ta be usin' potty mouth Miss Shane! " she smirked, but I could tell she didn't appreciate cussing. Here in these parts, outside of the city of New Orleans, she was most likely a faithful church going woman.

"Allow me to apologize Tammy. I did not mean to offend. I'm only extremely confused. You see, I just moved here from the east coast. Connecticut. I'm very puzzled about this happening to me." I explained, now feeling on the verge of tears and definitely alone in this strange town.

"Oh! Don'tcha worry yerself none. No offense taken." said the nurse with genuine understanding of my current situation. "Doc'll be in, in justa spell. You enjoy the rest of yer day. I'll see ya tomorrow, cause I think you'll git released in the mornin' right after my shift starts. Ta'ta!" And off nurse Tammy went, wisked away with starched uniform and squeaky white sneakers. Left alone, I laid in the warm blankets of my hospital bed, awaiting patiently for the doctor that had apparently saved my life.

Chapter Three

"Hello there miss! " greeted a strong, deep, but cheerful voice. I lifted my head and slowly eased into a seated position to see, whom I assumed to be,my doctor.

"Hi." I replied, not feeling as happy.

"Wow! You look great Miss Shane! Much better than when ya came in the other night! That's fer sure!" said the tall, dark and handsome man(naturally), who appeared to be around my own age.

"I assume you're the doc that saved my life? Dr. Woolf?" he nodded as I continued. "I have lots of questions." I finished.

"As of course you would." the doctor said with a smirk of good humor, of which I was certainly not feeling much of. At least, not until I got a sound explanation about what had happened to me.

"What do you mean, 'the other night?'" I asked for starters.

"You've been here coupl'a days miss." said the doc. "Yer friend Al brought'cha in with our ambulance Friday night. Today's Sunday. Afternoon time." he finished with that same good-humored smirk on his smooth-complected, handsome face. The good doctor had amazing green eyes with small flecks of yellow. His brows so perfect, it appeared they were professionally waxed. His nose long and thin, but attractively so. Cheekbones that any woman would kill to possess, as well as perfect, full lips with a subtle dip over the top lip. He was clean shaven and slightly tanned. I couldn't be distracted. I needed answers. Well, not TOO distracted anyway. After all, I WASN'T dead.

As if the doctor could read my thoughts, he said, "No. You are quite alive. And, I will be more than happy to answer any questions. If I can answer them."

"What does that mean, 'if you can? Don't you know what's wrong with me? I mean, was. What were the punctures? Where could they have come from? I have been moving into a new apartment. Maybe I cut myself. I just don't understand all of that blood! " I asked frantically. "And that bump on my head! Did I hit it falling, or did someone deck me? I don't even know if I was robbed!" I continued, now literally crying. This was so overwhelming! First the move. Then secondly, having to heft all of my belongings out of my Range Rover, into the apartment, then dropped into the proper rooms that the boxes and 30 gallon, plastic bins have to be unpacked in!

Just too much for little me!

Getting over my silent pity party, I said more calmly, "I am truly sorry doctor. I'm just really overwhelmed about now."

"Completely understandable. Your head injury was caused by a blunt object, so you were attacked by someone. As far as what you were hit with, your guess is as good as mine at this point. My main concern was the bleeding at the time you were brought in. The punctures appear to be bite marks. From what, again your guess, is as good as mine. Do you have any pets? A dog perhaps?" asked the doctor, his head slightly tilted to emphasize his curiousity and attempt at figuring out this mystery."What really has me stumped, is the loss of so much blood. Your injuries didn't warrant such loss, and now you are on the border of anemia. Were you always anemic? "

"No! Never! I am in the best of health! I just had a physical before moving here, just to have peace of mind until I find a doc here in Louisiana." I explained, my eyes still bugging out of their sockets since my conversation with the doc began.

"Good. That answers at least one medical question. As for the rest, I'm afraid you have a bonified mystery on your hands. Before I release you in the morning, I would feel a lot better if you have the Sherriff go on over to your place. Ya know? Check things out to make certain of your safety in returning to the apartment." he suggested with genuine concern."I would feel much better about releasing you knowing you'll be safe once you're home." He smiled. I smiled back. For some odd reason, talking with the Dr. Woolf had made me less uneasy. I even felt less overwhelmed, like everything was going to be alright after all.

"Yes! I will phone the Sherriff. That's a great idea and will put my fears to rest until I get out of here and can find out what happened. I just don't know how I could've possibly been bitten by anything. I would know it, if I had. Maybe I punctured myself leaning for boxes from the trunk of my Rover." I thought out loud as the doc got up to shake my hand and leave for the rest of his patient rounds.

"Yea. I suppose that makes sense too Miss Shane." he replied.

"Thanks Dr. Woolf! " I said as he turned to leave my private hospital room. "And, call me Shane! " I smiled.

The handsome doctor replied with a smile back, "If you call me Eric?! "

"You got it! " I giggled like a school girl in middle school, feeling an unexpected blush creep onto my pale cheeks.

Eric gave a short nod, winked one eye and quietly closed the door with a click.

Chapter Four

"Thanks a lot Al. I appreciate you waiting around for my release." I said to my short, lean and by the scent that I had to endure in the rankety old Ford pick up truck he drove, unclean as well.

"Ain't no problem Miss Shane! My pleasure!" Al answered, walking around the front of the truck to open the passenger door.

"I'm really o.k. Al. I'm capable of getting out myself. Nice of you, but there's no need to fuss over me." I told my kind and helpful landlord as I jumped down onto the ground with a short grunt.

"Now ya see? Ya ain't quite entirely healed up. Since the wife passed, it's kinda nice, ya know, fussin' over a right perty gal, such as yerself." laughed Al as he quickly grabbed my arm and slowly walked me to my apartment door.

"Do you plan on renting out the second floor Al? I asked, curious if I'd be having a new neighbor eventually, and hoping it would be someone quiet, as they would be living over my head. I started to wonder if I shouldn't have rented that small house down the street. Most likely would have been worth the extra hundred dollars a month for complete privacy.

"Well now, I know whatcha must be thinkin'. And ya don't need ta be worryin' none. That second floor needs a whole guttin' and rewirin'. More likely gonna take me some time, before that apartment's rentable. Just worry on gittin' yerself 100% first!" Al sweetly reprimanded me as we walked into the small kitchen. Al dropped my animal printed tote on the cherry wood kitchenette table with a huff of genuine relief at being "home." Al had been so considerate in coming back to the apartment after I had been admitted into the hospital, packing a few things that he had me list him from my still unpacked belongings, so I'd have a book, toiletries and clean clothes to return home in upon my eventual release.

"Welp! Ya should be all set here now. Just remember what doc said 'bout keepin' that wound clean and all. It should be gone in no time. Right nice of him to give ya that antibiotic stuff to put on it. Saved us a trip to the drugstore!" Naturally Al couldn't help but mention the handsome Dr. Woolf. SINGLE Dr. Woolf, for the tenth time since leaving the hospital.

"You can just wipe that smug smirk off your face Al. I am not up for dating and I'm not looking to anytime soon. I just want to get unpacked, settled, start my job at the Vet Clinic and enjoy my new dull routine before dating comes up in my face Al." I sighed. I was really starting to like my landlord. I felt as if I found a new friend, as well as a second grandfather. Poor man, losing the love of his life after 40 yrs together. My landlord and his wife Trixie, "Trix," as he refers to her, had known each other since they began grammar school. Finally when they reached high school age, Al couldn't keep his love for her a secret any longer. The feelings were mutual, and they married soon after high school graduation in the month of September. Al worked as an electrician, Trix went to college and became a nurse. Unlike Al, Trixie came from an upper middle class family, her parents able to afford her a continued education. Al was raised by his mother who cleaned houses, because Al's dad had been killed in the Korean War, leaving Al the man of the house and working odd jobs to help out with the household finances until graduation. They couldn't send Al to college, but had enough to send him for his license to become an electrician getting, as much work as he could until he fell into starting-up his own business. Being handy, he and Trix purchased the two family house I just moved into, but Al lived next door in the tiny house that Trixie's grandparents left her after they died. They moved out of the two family, deciding to keep it as an investment and extra income for their retirement. Sadly, Trix wasn't able to enjoy a future with Al, as she died a year ago, due to "mysterious" circumstances, of which her landlord was yet to share.

As if reading my mind for a second time, Al clapped his labor worn hands and declared, "Well! I'll let ya git ta unpackin', gettin' settled Miss Shane! " with a seriousness he said, "Look. I have a feelin' ya been through some hard times back east. I ain't gonna ask no questions, cause ya'll tell me when ya git ta know me better. But just remember. Things always turn out fer the best, even if they look grim at the time. Ya seem like yer tough, a survivor, so I know I'm speakin' the truth. I just want'cha ta know, I'm only right across the yard there, ya ever want'ta set a spell over a cup a Joe and talk." he finished with a smile and headed back to the kitchen door that led to a small all-weather patio to the driveway.

Without thinking, going on pure human emotion, I went to my landlord and hugged him tight. Doing so reminded of the big hugs from my Grampup.

"Al! You are just about the sweetest, kindest, most loveable man I have ever met!" I blushed and released him."Thank you. Thank you for welcoming me. Anyone else in your position would tear up my lease and would direct me to the nearest looney bin for putting you through all of this drama!" I laughed as I walked him to the door, his arm around my shoulder like we were family.

"Like I said, no need thankin' me Miss Shane. I enjoy fussin'!" he smiled and we laughed as he got back into his truck and put-putted over to his house next door.

I slowly shut the storm door still smiling.

That was when I heard the floor creak.

"Old house settling." I muttered to myself under my breath.

When I turned to go in the pantry to unpack nonperishable food I had brought with me......

"That's what you thought you heard love?"

I jumped, so scared that I couldn't gasp in fright, there was a cloaked figure standing in the middle of my kitchen.

Chapter Five

Before I could move, react, scream, the shadowed figure was upon me, it's large iron gloved hand over my mouth.

"You don't want to scream or bring any attention to yourself. I'm certain, you wouldn't want your friend back here, because I would have no choice but to kill him." the rough monotone voice whispered in my ear, causing chills up my spine and my hair to stand on end to the point of prickling needle pains all over my skin. I shook my head.

"Yes. I figured as much love." the voice agreed."Now. I am going to place this tape over your mouth. Then I will be taking you to the bedroom where we can be uninterrupted and unseen. If you do anything to even annoy me, or attempt escape. I will not chase you. I will go directly to your friendly neighbor and rip his throat out. Then I will come for you." the voice said with knowing satisfaction.

I nodded my complatency.

"Very smart love. Come. We have much to discuss." the voice, which by now I knew to be male, said pleasantly as we strode side by side in the direction of the rear of the apartment where my bedroom I had yet to sleep in, was located.

For the second time in 48 hours, I knew I was dying.

The cloak the intruder wore, was a silky black that reached the stranger's ankles. He wore jet black boots that were steel-toed. His scent was pleasantly spicey, but I couldn't think of the herb by which the scent comes from. This was not the common cologne that any men wore unfamiliar, but not. His touch was forceful, but by no means caused me pain, but I am scared to death. Questions reeled around in my head, I could barely see straight. If this was the robber that decked me the other day, putting me in hospital, then why didn't he just take what he wants and leave? Oh no. He's going to freakin' rape me, isn't he?! I was now feeling the onset of nausea and started shaking uncontrollably. Why doesn't he just get it over with?! Why drag out the inevitable before Al decides he forgot something and comes back!

"Easy love. All of those scenarios going through your mind right now is not what I am here for. Quite the contrary in fact." the figure laughed. "As a matter of fact, what I am here to achieve just might intrigue you." he said, making sure the grey electrical tape he had put over my clamped shut lips was securely in place before dragging his large, long fingered hand down the side of my head as if he was petting a friggin' dog.

"That's right. Calm yourself." he continued in a soft, low voice. "I have come to change your life. At least, as life as you currently know it." Strangely, the more the figure spoke, the faster I was finding myself to relax. The tension in my shoulders no longer feeling like a painter's canvas stretched over it's wooden frame to be fitted.

My eyes were still bugged out of their sockets in fear, and I was beginning to feel the stirring of a headache coming on.

"Relax. I need your full attention. One cannot focus on tasks at hand, when one has a headache, right?" the stranger replied, definitively reading my thoughts. "There. Now does that not feel much better? I prefer to communicate with you lucid, than having to compel you for what I have to offer love." The stranger had taken off the hood of the long cloak. He isn't familiar to me. What does he want? Maybe this is just a simple case of mistaken identity. I'm a no one from Meriden, Connecticut. U.S.A.! This dude's a freak! A Gothic-looking freak!

As I thought this, his smile became wider.

That's right. He knows what I'm thinking.


I really do not believe I want to know.

All of this is unreal. I must be dreaming. That's it! I'm still in hospital having a nightmare!

O.K! Time to wake up now!

While thinking this, the figure's smile gets wider and wider.

That's when I noticed the fangs.

Chapter Six

"No love, you are not having a bad dream. Yes, I can most certainly read your thoughts. I can hear them as if you are speaking aloud." said the freak holding me hostage in my bedroom. My ragged intake of breath is making me lightheaded, I feel as if any second I'm going to start hyperventilating, pass out or just plain pee my jeans.

"Oh! Now we cannot have that!" the figure said in annoyance. "You humans can be so vile, with your disgusting bodily functions! " he commented and backed away from where he stood directly in front of the foot of the bed where I sit now.

After staring at me, I guess to make sure I didn't pee, he reapproached me and sat next to me. Turning my head to look at him, I noticed how unflawed his pale complection is. He has the yellowish-green eyes of a cat and gorgeously ridiculous shiny long hair that spiraled to the middle of his broad shouldered back. Obviously flattered, reading my thoughts, he eased himself out of his black cloak. I admire his obnoxiously confident self-esteem, regarding his handsomeness. Jerk.

"No need to get snotty love. I am aware of how good looking I am. It is something I have known for 400 years.One cannot help becoming a little conceited, when that is the first thing I hear in the thoughts of humans upon meeting them." he said with a heavy sigh. "It would be nice, just once, to have humans realize there is more to us than our perfect beauty." What the hell is this nut talking about?! I just want him to let me go!

"Yes. Well "I am afraid I cannot do that. You see, I have my orders from the Ancients." the guy, for lack of a better term for this freak in my house, speaking at me like he knows me, when I haven't the foggiest notion who he is, or what he wants. Beside the fact, that this one sided conversation is beginning to annoy the crap out of me, my fear turning to anger.

"We'll get to all of that soon. I just need your absolute assurance that you will not scream, nor foolishly attempt escape. Because dear, there is no escape. It is time for you to be taken to face the Ancients and fullfill your contract. Or more appropriated, a contract that your Ancestors promised to fullfill. It is pay up time love. I am only the messenger." the stranger explained, relaxing back on his hands as if we are chillin' out at the beach on a delightfully warm Summer afternoon. I nodded. Throughout my childhood I had heard vague remarks from my grandparents. My grandmother arguing with Grampup about breaking some contract that her parents made regarding her family's Clan in Scotland. Thinking back on it and now hearing the referral to some old promise that was spoken about in variations of hushed whispers over the years, I suddenly realize this guy sitting next to me isn't full of shit. Now he has my attention, peaking my curious nature.

"Ah! So you do know what I speak of! This will save me much explanations, as there already has been enough valuable time wasted with all of this unnecessary drama this day." he smiled with relief. I again nodded, wanting to get this over with so I could get rid of this guy and go on with my business of getting settled. The only reason I decide to listen now, is for the fact that this regarded my grandparents. I still miss them both so much. When they passed several years ago, each within a year's time of each other, I thought Life was pointless. They WERE my Life! But, Life does go on and they wouldn't want me to continue grieving their deaths. They would want me to celebrate their Lives and all of which they taught me for living a good Life of my own. This was more than half the reason for my current move to Louisiana, away from the east coast that I despised so much. Connecticut has nothing to offer me. Now I'm finally here in the South, and now this! Damn!

The stranger, freak, whatever he was, leaned slowly toward me like he was about to kiss me, so I start to back away, up more toward the middle of my bed, eyes widening at his nerve, when he stopped and put a gentle hand on my back and said, "Love. I am not going to harm you. If that was my intention, you would be dead by now. I only desire to remove the tape from your mouth, so that we may converse in a more human, civilized manner."

Again, I nod and sit still. "Thhht!"

"Aahhh!" I complained and clap my hand over my sticky lips. "Gosh! That hurt damnit!"

"My heartfelt apology love." he smirked and crumpled up the silver electrical tape in a ball, looking around for a wastebasket to toss it in.

"In the kitchen. As you see, you have rudely interrupted my unpacking." I said.

"Yes. And for that too, I apologize. But, there are much more important things at hand." said this increasingly annoying stranger that has invaded my life.

"Yea well, say whatever it is you have to and let me start doing what I have to do. You have been wasting MY valuable time with all of this." I said, sighing heavily to emphasis my frustration. I am beginning to feel tired. When I get this tired, I have no patience. My inpatience is rapidly escalating and I am starving.

"Allow me to properly introduce myself love. I am Tesayne. I represent the Ancients of Scotland's Vampire Clans." he said with a short nod, as if he was addressing a Royal. "I am he-- "

"WHAT the hell did you just say?! " I interrupt him in mid-sentence. "VAMPIRES?!!!! Oh man! You ARE a freak! Get out! NOW!" I holler and shoot of the bed before this nutso can grab me and subdue me again. I run for the bedroom door.

And there he stands. Right smack in the doorway! I glanced back behind me, where he should be still sitting on the end of my bed. Nope! Not there! In front of me!

How, What, what IS this! What are YOU?!" Now frightened, my legs feel shakey and I need to pee for real!

"Sit. I shall explain Shane." I realize this truly is serious, as he has used my given name. I walk back over to the bed and gladly sit down feeling totally defeated.

"Alright. What? Explain then leave. Please." I said quietly.

"Deal. But unfortunately Shane, it is not quite as simple as that. Yes. I shall leave you. I will explain to you what this is all about, but you will need to leave this place. and come with me to appear before the Ancients. Yes. We do exist. No. I shan't harm you. I will be your companion on your journey, and I hope, eventually your friend. You love, have to fullfill an ancient promise. A contract. This was a contract signed by your family's Clan, on your Mum's side. Your grandmother's Clan to be exact." Tesayne started looking genuinely apologetic, seeing the flabbergasted, overwhelmed appearance of horror on my face. With downcast eyes, Tesayne reached for and held both of my sweating hands in his prestinely soft ones.

"Why? I don't understand any of this! Vampires are mythical creatures! Do you know how utterly crazy you sound Tesayne? But, I can't help to believe you. If I'd hadn't heard Grammy and Grampup talking over the years, arguing over some 'Contract' that sometimes had Grammy in tears. I would never, in a million years, ever believe this shit! I don't want to believe it NOW!" I said in desperation, as if I could talk Tesayne into forgetting he found me and tell these 'Ancients' to pound sand. Find some other gal for the job! Yea! What about my sister! Not that I would want her to ever deal with such a ludicrous thing. SHE would NEVER believe THIS, let alone GO WITH it! Jeesh.

"I must warn you love. There's a small catch. In order to anty up your odds of your success, you must become one of us. The Ancient Blood. You must become Vampire. Being of Ancient Blood will enhance your natural power as a Witch." Tesayne explains gently, but wincing as he waits for me to become more angrily overwhelmed with this situation. "I really have no choice, do I?" I finished, hands on my hips, pacing in front of by bedroom's master bathroom door, shaking my head. This just keeps getting better and better, I think to myself.

"I am afraid you do not Shane." Tesayne said, as he turns and walks into the small apartment living room that is filled with stacks of unpacked cardboard moving boxes, apparently reading my thoughts for the upteenth time, and annoyingly so.

"I am just an average 30 year old woman who solitarily practices Witchcraft, a traditional belief passed down throughout the generations of my family. There's Catholics and Protestants in the family, but is anyone asking them to perform exorcisms?!" I ask him, shouting into the living room where my strange visitor is standing and glancing around as if he is conjuring up decorating suggestions, instead of planning a trip to my eventual death.

I am seriously wonder if I will end up back here,in my new digs and begin living a life that I only dreamt of.

"Come. We have to make plans. You shan't be gone forever, but you must take care of your personal and business affairs, so no one becomes suspicious over your absence. Starting with your houselord."Landlord,Tesayne." I correct the Vampire.

Oh gosh. A VAMPIRE!!

Things are NOT going to go well for me in the upcoming weeks.

I am going to keep in mind, I am strong and have the tenacity to adjust any situation tossed my way.

THIS though?! This. just may be a crap shoot.

Chapter Seven

"well love! Here we are! " Tesayne hooted with excitement.

"Why are you so happy? This sucks! And, I really did not appreciate your holding my ass the whole flight! Couldn't we have taken a plane like normal folks? Don't ever pick me up and take to the skies like that again! I am not kidding! " I shouted at the vampire, still shaking like a leaf and dizzy from our "magickal flight."

Tesayne replied with a smirk, "I apologize love, but there is no time for that. We must proceed to the Ancients post haste! " Tesayne grabbed my hand and led me up a rocky hill toward a castle that was cloaked in the early morning fog of these Transylvanian mountains.

"Hey Tesayne! Slow down a bit! I am still human, ya know! " I said out of breath with a pain in my side from trotting so fast up the hill, when to my surprise, we came up onto a beautifully manicured lawn.

"Wow! " was all I could say when I eventually caught my breathe.

"Yes. It is magnificent, isn't it love?! " Tasayne said, waiting for my human lungs to fill up with enough oxygen to proceed across the lawn to the castle's front entrance.

Tesayn assisted me up the stone steps to the castle's front entrance. He hesitated before lifting his arm to knock on the brass ring that is attached to a beautifully sculpted dragon head.

Tesayne looked down at me with a warm smile of empathy on his handsome face, "Well love. Are you ready? Your life will be forever changed from here forth."

"I guess so. Considering I really have no choice, now do I?" I said smartly and with courage that I didn't feel.

"Alright then." he said, looking a little green too.

Tesayne rapped the front door knocker in three hard knocks.

Then we waited.

I held my breath.

Just as I was changing emotions from anticipated fear to hip cocked annoyance, one of the two massive wooden castle doors opened slowly revealing a stunningly gorgeous female child. My hand went to my chest at the sight of the child's bright red eyes, the pupils black as onyx.

"Greetings Leigh! 'tis I Tesayne come with the human woman they wish to see! " my vampire explained to the child, of which I realized is also of the vampire persuasion.

"Alas Tesayne. Has taken you long enough?! The Ancients are beginning to become impatient." the vampire child retorted sarcastically. I am taken aback by her fresh manner. I can't help but smirk, even though I am going to die in a matter of hours.

"I shall make our apologies to the Ancients. But, for the moment, would you be so kind in showing the human woman her resting quarters, so that she may wash and dress for her meeting with the Ancients this evening?!" Tesayne said with a humble bow, while I knew, he really rather slap the child for being such a smart ass. I liked her immediately.

"Certainly. Come." the child reached her cool hand and grasped my warm, clammy one. I am still slightly trembling.

"Do not be afraid. Your purpose is a very important one. No harm shall come to you." assures Leigh.

All I can muster up is a short nod and follow the little vampire, reluctantly leaving Tesayne in the large candlelit vestibule just inside the front door of the castle.

Chapter Eight

Leigh and I finally arrive at a closed, double door of rustic looking wood, cast iron adornments and all. The lock under the black iron handle is the kind that is fit for the old skeleton key. I admire the ancient looking door with fascination and can only imagine the decor that is within. Feeling excited, I turn to glance down at the vampire child, "Wow."

"I know, it is a lot to take in. This place is beyond spectacular. I come from the poorest region of London, and when I was shown around the castle, I too was amazed beyond words." Leigh replied with a crooked grin that showed the tip of one tiny fang over her full lower lip.

"Well, let's go see my new room! " I said, still smiling down at Leigh.

Leigh opens the doors slowly, glancing back up at me to await my reaction and smiles when she sees my green eyes widen in sparkling amazement, my mouth literally hanging open. I can only stand there like a ventriloquist's dummy with no one's hand in my back to animate me. "Oh! My! Whoa! " is all I can say. The room is humongous and decorated in the finest dark wood furniture and tapestry of the late 16th Century, complete with a sheerly curtained, king size, four poster bed. A large granite stone fireplace took up almost one entire wall on the right side of the bed. On it's mantle was a dozen beeswax pillar candles yet to be alighted. On each side of the fireplace is built in bookshelves filled with old hardcover books that appear to be first edition collections of poetry and classic literature. "Oh! I AM in heaven! Books! " I said to Leigh who is still standing at the rooms threshold. I continue exploring the elaborate room with my eyes, only moving my head in a slow circle.

There is a night table on each side of the bed, tall authentic looking oil lamps on each. The wall at the foot of the bed was taken up completely with double arched, glass doors with tiny beveled cut panes of glass opening out onto a large stone balcony filled with swirling vines of ivy and filled in with Wisteria. My breath hitched into a gasp, as the balcony looked out onto the rear property of the castle and it's magnificent gardens and large water fountain. The fountain's host, a beautifully carved, stone Gargoyle.

I turned to Leigh, "I am speechless! There are no words. " I put my hands on my hips and turn to walk toward the door that was in the room to the left of the bed. "What's in here? A closet? " I asked, as I make my way over to it to see where it leads to, but the child beat me to it and opened the small wooden door. "This is the bath." Leigh answered. "There is a dressing room, vanity and the closet. There is the loo and shower, as well as a modern whirl pool bath Shane." I peer in, hesitating in overwhelmed awe. "Jeesh! It is huge! This bathroom is TWO rooms in one! " I shake my head, unsure if I can take anymore decor beauty. Leigh, standing right beside me, also looking around at the splendid room, giggles. "Yes. This is more beautiful and larger than my own quarters!" she commented, but in good humor.

"Do you stay near here, down the hall? I asked, hoping my new little friend and castle guide was right in the next room from my own new quarters.

"Yes Shane. As a matter of fact, I am directly across the hall." Leigh answered with a comforting smile, seemingly relating to my unspoken fear.

"Great! I am glad. I really don't understand what is going to happen to me. It's a comfort to have someone I know now, close by." I explain with a heavy sigh, feeling a bit embarrassed at my obvious vulnerability and uncertainty of the comming future of my very Life!

"Do not worry yourself so Shane. I told you before not to be fearful. No harm shall come to you. If you need anything at all, do not hesitate to seek me out. I would like to be your friend." Leigh said reassuringly.

"Thanks Leigh. You have no idea how much of a relief this is, having you say this, as well as being nice to me, showing me around and all.


"No need Thank me. It is an honor to be of help to you. You do not understand your importance to the Ancients, nor for our entire race. Without your assistance our future is uncertain. I should be Thanking you " Leigh explains, bowing her head slightly as if I am Royalty. This show of her respect and gratitude, for something I haven't even attempted yet, makes me feel a bit squirmy and uncomfortable. What if I don't succeed? I don't want to disappoint Leigh, even Tesayne, I think to myself. Although I want to pop him upside his head for coming into my Life and disrupting it as he has! Grrr!

Leigh goes over to the door to leave me to my own devices and get a bit of rest before I'm to be introduced to the Ancients after night fall. Unlike Leigh and Tesayne, the Ancient Vampires cannot tolerate sunlight. Sunlight is one thing that will kill them, that much Tesayne had informed me back at my apartment. Has something to do with the Ancient's direct Bloodline. Tesayne and Leigh, as with all the other vampires, are of a "branched" Bloodline.

Whatever. To me? A vampire is a vampire!

Chapter Nine

"Hey! Can I come in?" I hear Tesayne on the other side of the door to my temporary quarters in this humongous, incredibly remarkable castle.

"Of course. Come in Tesayne." I answer.

Tesayne enters the room in a huff of chilly air from the expansive hallway and bangs the door closed with a bass-like 'Boom!'

"Must you be so loud Tesayne?! Jeesh! We are guests in someone else's home!" I complain in annoyance. This vampire can really get under my skin.

"Sorry Shane." Tesayne apologizes with a pout as if he actually gives a crap whether he aggravates me or not.

"Anyway babe, it is time to get crackin' with this meeting, and all. You 'bout ready?" My new partner in crime says happily, smiling like an under age kid on his way to see strippers in a nightclub.

"Why the rush Tesayne?" I say, curious what he has planned for accomplishing this 'Big Favor" I'm supposed to carry out for the Ancients.

Tesayne glances back at me sheepishly. He's been staring out at the beautiful grounds of the castle that is located right outside of the room's enormous arched windows.

"No, no rush Shane! Really! I just would like to get this show on the road, cause it's a long road ahead of us. I do not believe you have any inkling of how long, and I got other places to be, other people to eat, uh I mean MEET!" he explains trying to be funny as well as trying my patience.

"Fine! But, we set out in the morning after we have eaten, properly rested and are packed up with whatever and ALL of what we'll need for this trip. I refuse to get stuck without! Am I clear Tesayne?" I finish lecturing him with a lifted eyebrow. He knows I obviously mean business. No more jokes.

"Loud and clear, babe!" he smiles, showing the white tips of his long canine teeth, reminding me that after all, he IS a freakin' Vampire!

"Ugh" I think to myself. "What the hell have I gotten into?!"

"And by the way Tesayne. STOP calling me 'babe!' You got me?" I said, just short of growling.

"Loud and clear!" he answers smirking.

I just shake my head and follow him out of the illusionary safety and comfort of my warm quarters.

Chapter Ten

As Tesayne and I walk down the enormously spacious and elaborately decorated Victorian style hallway, I notice a figure approaching us at a casual pace. As the figure came closer I saw that it was my little child vampire friend Leigh!

"Hey, Leigh!" I called out to the vampire as we met each other face to face.

Leigh grasped my hands lovingly and said, "Shane, I am so happy to have caught up to you before your meeting with the Ancients. I wanted to give you this Moonstone pendent as a sort of protection amulet." Leigh explained, motioning down to her level of height in order for her to attach the necklace around my neck, her light touch immediately relaxing my heightened nerves for the meeting ahead. "Wear it with my protection always Shane." Smiled the little blonde vampire.

"Thanks Leigh. You have no idea how honored I am." I exclaimed genuinely.

"Yes. I do Shane. Not only am I a vampire, I am clairvoyant and sensitive to the true emotions of humans." Again Leigh smiled and stood back to admire her gift upon my throat. Creeped me out for a split second, because after all, Leigh IS a vampire! The feeling of creepiness passed quickly and I nodded at the little one with genuine gratitude. I had a gut feeling that I would eventually find myself in desperate need of this amulet in the near future.

After finishing up our farewell pleasantries, Tesayne and I continued making our way through the maze like hallway until we came to an large arched steel door. The look of the door with it's quarter size steel rivets, started my nerves to go out of control. "Tesayne I just decided that I can't do this! Can't you all look for someone else? I am not cut out for this! I feel like I'm going to faint or vomit, whichever comes first is on YOU! Literally! You have to take me back home to my cozy, safe apartment NOW! Maybe we can think about doing this at a later time!" I began hyperventilating, patting my chest as if that would get more air into my lungs. "I'm totally serious now!" I pleaded with my traveling VAMPIRE companion. "Really Tesayne, this is just too much! I need to lie down and you need to get me out of hear ASAP! I don't care how, but it has to be SOONER rather than later!" I kept babbling, grasping for breath, then found my back side sliding down the cold, thick steel door until my butt sat down on the burgundy red carpet that covered the hallway floor throughout this level of the castle.

"You'll be perfectly fine, babe. Trust me." Tesayne said calmly, kneeling down next to me on the floor in front of the door that housed the Ancient vampires I was to be meeting with right at this minute!

"I said to stop calling me that!" Anger showing itself through my panic attack. This was not the time for his freaking jokes!

Tesayne grinned, "See? If I can still piss ya off, you'll be just fine."

"This isn't funny, you jerk! I don't believe this is even REAL! Never mind that it's happening to ME!" I shook my head and gazed at the floor. "I don't understand any of this. I don't even believe that any of this vampire shit EXISTS!" I explained, desperate for Tesayne to really grasp where I was coming from. Possibly make him feel pity for me and take me back to the safety of my new apartment that I barely got the chance to LIVE in yet!

Tesayne looked at me with a side smirk, his dark eyebrow arched higher than the other, "Nice try babe."

"I'm freaking SERIOUS, you insensitive blood sucking jerk!" I growled at Tesayne, pissed that he thought I was FAKING my fear and sincere emotional vulnerability! This would be the first, certainly the last time I try to confide my true feelings to this asshole vampire!

Apparently there are assholes in EVERY species!

"Fine! I'm ready. But don't you dare speak to me or I will knock that smirk off of your face so fast Tesayne, you'll wish you picked someone else for your dirty work! I kid you NOT!" I said and stood up to face the door that started slowly opening with a wisp of cool, crypt like air.

As the huge door opened fully I winced with anticipation, like before you get a slap in the face from foul mouthing off to your parent.

Slowly I squinted open one eye, then the other when I realized that this room was nothing as I imagined it would be. In my mind's eye, which can play upon my fear and anxiety at stressful times such as this, I imagined a dark stone walled room with monsters upon their thrones of ancient power and black hooded cloaks.

Not even close!

One of the ancient vampires spoke from the throne in the middle, of which was the most elaborately decorated and largest of the other thrones spoke first.

"Please, come closer my dear. My eyes are not as they were when I was a new vampire." He said with a hint of humour. Here I stood ready to pass out or pee right where I'm standing and this guy, for lack of a better term, was attempting to crack a joke to break the tension that I so obviously was displaying. After all, I stood shaking and wide eyed no matter how hard I tried to appear to these vampires that I was cool and collected.

I cautiously took a couple of steps and stopped.

"That is fine dear. We understand your reluctance. We first want to stress the fact, as I'm certain you have previously been told by the child Leigh, that no harm shall come to you here in our home. Think of this place as your home. This is the safest place you can be in, from hereafter." explained the vampire. As he spoke I couldn't take my eyes off of him, he was that beautiful. He, like the other Ancients were amazing to gaze upon. I could've stood there gawking at them all night. The vampires were old, but appeared to be in their thirties if they were human. Their skin was blemish and scar free, very pale but soft, like when you get your portrait taken and the photographer airbrushes all of your facial flaws out. The feature that stood out most of all was their eyes. Violet in color and intense, as if they could see into your inner being, your soul. I just couldn't speak.

Then the spell was broken, because the wise ass vampire Tesayne, had to open his big mouth to embarrass me and look a fool himself!

"Yeah well, Shane here is impressed by you all here, but we need to get down to business, turn her and be getting on the road. Time's a wasting!" Tesayne huffed.

"SILENCE!" hollered the third vampire on the left of the center, larger throne. "We are well aware of the time! Do you not have the slightest compassion for this young woman?!"

The center vampire, of whom I surmised at this point was the "boss," placed a slim, pale hand upon the third vampire's elbow attempting to calm her.

"Tesayne, son. We do realize how stressful this is for all, especially Shane. We would like to discuss the situation to Shane, not turn her against her will. If she decides not to assist us in our quest, we shall fully understand and respect her decision." said the middle vampire.

I stood there in shock, because I didn't know I had a CHOICE, with the way Tesayne was running me around talking about Destiny and some such crap! That asshole! Now I'm steaming pissed, all of my fear but disappeared! Tesayne must have felt my angry vibe, knowing he was caught out in his lie, he looked at me with a raised brow of realization that he got snagged. I gave him a 'Shane's look of Death' and turned my full attention back to the three vampire Ancients.

"Please forgive this misunderstanding Shane. Tesayne obviously is determined to carry out our quest, which is admirable, but we do not wish it to be carried out against the will of any human, most especially you." explained the vampire sitting on the right, of whom had not spoken until now. This vampire appeared a bit younger than the other two, almost as if he could be their son and spoke so softly I could barely hear him from where Tesayne and I stood in the middle of the room. The other two Ancients nodded in agreement.

"First, let us introduce ourselves, shall we?" asked the Ancient in the middle.

"I am known as Marcus. To my left is Amber, my wife. And this young man, my son Mario." Marcus informed me with a smile.

"Nice to meet you." I said awkwardly.

I glanced back at Tesayne with a scowl, so he didn't forget that I would ream him a new one as soon as we were alone. Tesayne gave me a sheepish grin and we both looked back at the Ancients ready to get the information we were standing here for. I had an awful feeling I was not going to like what I was about to hear, but knew that in the end I would go through with whatever request these vampires were going to ask of me.

(Note; I will be updating this week, (May 20th - 25th)now that I have had a couple of interested readers and some more time to do so.Lol!)

Thank You for reading 'Ancient Agenda,' as well as Voting, Commenting and Following me!

Any ideas for this story?

Would love to hear them, as they may be more to my liking than my own! Lol!

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