Scars From The Past (In...

By Niko_HD

464 2 56

"Prequel to the Lion King 1, a story that take its base from A Tail Of Two Brothers and expand the Askari's l... More

Chapter 1: An unfair fate
Chapter 2: The Pridelanders (part 1)

Prologue: Calm before the storm

240 1 0
By Niko_HD


                 Here's my deviantart page (It's pretty empty for now but I'll upload the fanarts right there when I finish them ^_^):



Old generation: 

Mohatu: Idris Elba  

Msitu (Mohatu's wife): Tara Strong

Ahadi: Keanu Reves

Uru: Veyoncé


Nalla (Mlezi's bioligical mother):

Kamal (Mlezi's bioligical father):

Mpenzi (Sarafina's father): Gordom Ramsey

Hasira (Sarafina's mother): Margot Robit

Narudia (Sarabi's mother): Emma Stone

Silaha (Sarabi's father): Johnny Depp 

Mwanga (Mlezi's adoptive mother): 

  Askari (The fiercest and the leader): Michael Luwoye

Kabili (The bravest): Ryan Reynolds

Asani (The fastest): Jamie Foxx

Nguvu (The strongest): Dwayne Johnson

Mtazamo (The kennest of sight): Chris Pratt

Woga: Paul St. Peter 

**************************************************** *******************

New generation:

Mlezi: Chris Evans  /    Lil Mlezi: Jesse Mcartney

Sarabi: Yara Shahidi  /     Lil Sarabi: Anna Kendrick

Mufasa: Norman Reedus /   Lil Mufasa: Anthony González

Taka: Ben Diskin / Lil Taka: Corey Feldman

Sarafina: Jennifer Lopez / Lil Sarafina: Niketa Calame 

Diku: Kristen Bell  /    Lil Diku:  Dakota Fanning

Dwala:  Selena Gomez /  Lil Dwala:  Dakota Fanning

Naanda: Gal Gadot /    Lil Naanda: Kaitlyn Dias

Maisha: Daisy Ridley / Lil Maisha: Daveigh Chase (Mlezi's little stepsister)

Nafasi: Nadji Jeter

Basi: Dusan Brown /  Lil Basi: Dusan Brown

Janna: Mela Lee

 Makucha: Steve Blum (Teen badass voice acting)

Hi there! If you're reading this, welcome, I hope you enjoy it very much. My activity on internet (both in fanarts so in the story itself) is non-profit, my only goal is to share this idea with all of you, so I would like to hear your opinions ^ ^. Now, enjoy!!


The world in which this alternative universe is set is basically a reimagining of a "modern" Africa (like zootopia but with less futurism), although maintaining cartoonish elements and changes that on several occasions do not reflect details of real life.

(Year 1957) It all starts with a young lion, Mohatu, that plagued most of the territory. From the hatred between races depending on the nature or place of origin of each animal to the abuse of power by the monarchs who believed themselves untouchable, the relationship with his family was quite normal, luckily for him and his little brother Askari.  Although the nature of the royal family was based on being (and has always been) distant from the rest of the inhabitants, it was inevitable to witness the decrepit situation that plagued the underworld.

The years go by and Mohatu is crowned king and is married to a kind lioness named Msitu, sister of a queen from a nearby territory. And the same year that Askari finished his military training and was promoted to sub-general of the royal guard, his daughter born, princess Uru.

The life of a father-king was not exactly to Mohatu's taste, especially with a hyperactive daughter who spent her time wandering around the palace, avoiding all kinds of royal stuff that her parents were trying to teach her, something that worried her mother. And unfortunately the problems had only just begun, there were constant complaints that a group of troublesome citizens refused to follow the laws of Mohatu. All those who came to complain about it repeated the same name, hyenas, a bunch of anarchist hyenas who believed they were above their word, both he and his brother had already tried to make indirect statements to stop them and they were already beginning to lose patience.

One day the king lost patience and they went directly to demand from those hyenas that if these behaviors did not decrease, their days in Pridelands were numbered, which they did not take very well. Mohatu ordered Askari to improve the security of the citizens, a rather heavy task for him alone, he would need new companions if he wanted not to end up dead in combat or from exhaustion..

The cheers of joy didn't wait and a few years later Mohatu was considered the best king in all of Africa to date, many heirs to the throne from other territories began to follow his example and little Uru was freed from her commitment and was able to lead your life at your pace.

Speaking of Uru, she tells her father about a new friend she has met on her recent escapes from the palace, a grumpy traveling teenage lion named Ahadi whom she played ball with from time to time since she had no friends. Mohatu this finding began to worry him, so he invited the boy to the palace to talk to him, once there he got up to date on who he was and to his surprise he didn't find a completely embittered person but rather someone with a complicated life, but even so he knew that he cared about Uru. He decides to put this into practice by letting Ahadi decide not to play with Uru if he wants, although to his relief he never says no to spending time with the little lioness, he just pretends to bother him while he studies and whenever she does something stupid, Ahadi stops what he is doing to help her and tell her to stop doing those things. All this leads to a calmer and healthier relationship on the part of both in which Uru matures and Ahadi shows himself to be kinder and more good-natured, everything continues like this until Uru reach the 18 years old and expresses his love for him, which Ahadi shows the same. She asks for his hand (or paw XD) getting married years later with the absolute approval and tranquility of her father.

After this introduction, let's start with this-


(This also happens before 1957)

The radiant sunlight falls softly on the grass, the wind caresses the leaves of the trees and all this is accompanied by the cheers and shouts of the residents of Luanda (Angola).

In the distance you can see a kind of stage with many well-dressed citizens around them chatting with each other until a voice from the speakers around the place interrupts them.

(Something like this but bigger and during the day)

A bear in suit makes an appearance on center stage and walks around a bit while talking "Greetings, ladies and gentlemen! Even if you are younger or older, even if you are from closer or further away, none of that is an impediment for be welcomed to this great festivity!!! " The citizens applaud like crazy to this "Thank you, thank you very much. But before anything, I invite you all for toast for this wonderful day and for many more like this! HAPPY WORLD PEACE DAY! *everyone present at the ceremony cheers louder and the representative of the ceremony raises the glass of champagne* Cheers!"

"*He clears his throat* Good... we are going to present the project that represents this year's ceremony, one that I have been working on for three long years, in collaboration with my dearest mediators and citizens. It's purpose is to put an end to the corruption that plagued during years to the countries of the Middle East, and erradicate the activity of organized crime in Africa and America where..."


During the presentation, the attendees asked their questions, and the attendees's children played on the grassy esplanades next to the exhibition site, everyone enjoying the evening in their own way. Everyone, except three lions (Lion 1, 2 and 3) who watched the scene from afar "What a clown..." Says the darker one (lion 3) annoyed "I would love to explain a couple of things to his face"

"Easy brother, don't raise your voice too much. You could ruin the surprise" Lion 2 added "Right, boss?"

Lion 1 stopped drinking a little from his cup without stopping to look at the stage with a penetrating look "Sure...and what's more, it's going to last even less than you think, just be patient"

After a couple of minutes a panther approaches these three, wearing the same sunglasses. He had a noticeable scar running across his cheek and a firm yet charismatic demeanor "In five minutes the firework's show will start, prepare yourselves, we're leaving"

Lion 1 smiles mischievously at such a statement, creating an uncomfortable atmosphere "Excellent, time to take out 'our things' " The panther replies. 

 "Good luck" Those were the last words of the panther before leaving the place.

Immediately afterwards, these three go to the back of the vehicle, open the trunk and inspect the contents with an approving look, lion 2 makes a downward whistle of satisfaction. Lion 1 removes his glasses showing eyes red as wine, accompanied by a black sclera that conveyed anything but a good feelings "This should do it"


"...the law that will be born regarding this project will be approved on September 21... And now, enjoy the soiree, let ours lights illuminate the skyyyy!!" The bear announcer yelled, instantly, a bunch of fireworks shot into the distance behind the stage, whistling into the distance only to finally explode into a beautiful dove.

The little ones pointed happily to the sky while the adults enjoyed the show and the couples shared kisses and hugs between them. What they didn't realize was the trio of strange subjets that were approaching them from behind the curtain, Lion 2 even throws his glasses to the ground and smashes them with a stomp, presenting the same type of eyes as his companions.

Before going through it, Lion 1 finished his drink and turned his head towards his companions "Remember, it ONLY matters to make the message clear, nothing more"

They both nodded to the boss's orders and entered very sure of what they were doing.

The colorful rockets exploded to the beat of the music "They make it better every year, right?" the presenter asked the musician on his side while they watched the show.

"You know what they make better every year too?" The cat responded with a smirt.

The bear raises his eyebrow "Surprise me"

"The cake, I'll go get a piece..." He replies with a laugh as he turns to leave the stage. The presenter removes a pocket watch from his suit jacket, making sure how much was left for dinner.

Suddenly, he sees the same musician he was talking to before running out in terror towards where he was looking, the bear yelled to get his attention. But the cat just hurriedly yelled at him while he kept running, something that the presenter didn't understand due to the noise of the fireworks and the crowd "..."

"Didn't you say it was good?! hahaha" the bear shouts, trying to reason his behavior, but behind his back, the cheers of the crowd gradually change into thunderous shouts and screams. He turns around to witness the worst, many of the audience stayed on the ground sobbing, those who tried to flee the place were shot in the back, one of the two stage guards fell dead at his feet with three holes in the chest as the second guard took refuge behind the stage pillar, the red-eyed trio fired assault rifles haphazardly at anything that moved. Lion's 1 eyes suddenly pointed at him, smiling slowly.

"Hapo ulipo..." (There you are in Swahili).

Although fear immobilized him, he knew what he had to do, run away "Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh...!!"

Lion 3: "Where do that bag of fur think he's going?"

Lion 1: "What in the hell does that matter? After him!!"

Lion 2 running after him: "He's mine!"

Lion 3 laughing: "Of course not!"

Lion 1 finishing off a bouncer while he's down: "I don't care who catches him, just be quick!"

The presenter ran like he never did before, his breathing was heavy and his legs even more so, but the sensation of having those criminals behind him prevented him from stopping. The screams of the crowd around him pierced his eardrums and even more so the screams of the infants who desperately sought help.

A whistle passes right by his ear, destroying an ornament in its path, he turns his head a little while continuing to run "Stop running away and no one else will get hurt!" The bear regrets turning around and keeps running pushing people in front of him out of terror "I knew you were a filthy coward! You better run because we won't have mercy on ya' now!" Add lion 2 frowning more showing an exhaustion of his patience.

The chase persists for about 5 more minutes, until the presenter sees an escape route outside the dining area and decides on one last spring hoping to save himself, but his smile fades after a few seconds when Lion 1 appears walking through the crowd.  Who flees by putting himself in front of his path waiting for him.

The bear stops short before his pursuer raises his weapon but falls on his back in the attempt, Lion 1 tries to sympathize with him for a few moments, to which the bear tries to wriggle away, which results in a direct stomp on the bear's ankle causing him to writhe in pain.

 After this, the other two lions meet with their leader "You two! Do something and take him to the vehicle!"

This provokes an angry expression from both partners "Excuse me?! And what do you think we've been doing all this time?"

"Nothing, that's it. You had only one mission; "After him". And you haven't managed to catch a 500-kilo sack of fur, all fat" Replied lion 1 "If I-"

But a cloud of smoke appeared before them, from which several police officers appeared running towards them at gunpoint with lasers "L.P.D (Luanda's Police Department)! Drop your weapons and put your paws where we can see them!" A zebra in a captain's uniform yelled into a megaphone while also pointing a gun at them "All of you are under arrest! Release the hostage and no one else will get hurt. Otherwise, we have permission to open fire"

"I don't think you understand what position you are in...!" Lion 1 said smiling as he grabbed the presenter by the neck of the suit.

To which the policemen react pointing directly at the leader of the group "*sounds of denial with the mouth* I don't recommend that *points the gun directly at the bear's head*, unless you want to bury another one"

The captain grunts and gives a signal to his companions so that the crosshairs can spread more among the three members of the band "What do you want?"

The leader smiles mischievously as he clears his throat "I want you to remember this day, as the beginning of a new era for all of you, the rebirth of a new order. *The police squad looks at each other confused* Poverty, corruption, beliefs without purpose... the brotherhood of the scar are here to eradicate all that divides animals and unite our citizens for a more equal cause!"

 One of the officers surreptitiously signaled to his captain to open fire and the captain nodded. But unfortunately for the agents, the leader noticed this "We have already done our part, Makuu. Imekuwa heshima! <It has been an honor>"

BANG!! The bear's body plummets to the ground leaving a pool of blood around it as the leader smiles closing his eyes.

"FIRE!" Orders the zebra, to which the entire police squad begins to shoot at them mercilessly until all the magazines are empty. And when they reload, they approach the bodies, they remain observing them for a minute until one of the officers notices a grenade without safety that rolls out of the hand of one of the downed criminals "BODY TO GROUND!" An elephant that was part of the squad screams desperately, although it was too late.

The grenade exploded sending several agents flying a few meters backwards, only a few were saved from the explosion, while those who were affected by the expansive slingshot writhed in pain with their uniforms half burned. A few seconds later, medical help arrives seeing the massacre in which all that became.


The agents didn't give credit to what happened but the phrase in Swahili was interesting too for them, so they had suspicions of some kind of terrorist attack by one of the south-african governments (Mohatu's monarchy among them).

After a long period of investigation, the reputation of South africa in general found itself in a garve danger as the proves come out.

But some months later, it was discovered that this was caused indirectly by a lion named Woga (a lion with brown fur and red eyes) who seemed to be a close friend of Askari who also turned out to be a traitor of the crown (he was the one who sent those three on their own and then to a sect in which it was discovered that he was the leader), the elite royal guard made up of the best soldiers in the Pridelands state, which was the general Askari and his four companions/friends, each noted for his speed, another for his brute strength...etc (they weren't the lion guard at the time as the roar didn't exists by then, they didn't even have the mark) they took the Woga's case by the horns. They got him a time later and Mohatu exiled him permanently (going to maximum security prison until his execution day). But he managed to escape through his contacts, apparently, there were more subjects involved than they thought.

Until that day, Africa had been harassed by these "animals" (those ones seemed like cruel monsters with no purpose of their own other than to serve their terrible cause), in that dictatorial organization called Brotherhood Of The Scar (the kingdom of fear worthy of a nightmare), called the scar sect by almost everyone. And it's not for less having in account who is it's leader, Woga, a persuasive but bloodthirsty leader who made the hair of anyone stand on end that just having him in front of you.

This accompanied by a dark and deep voice that left anyone cold, any moment by his side could be the your last. Everyone said he's the cornerstone of everything related to the mark of evil, it's curses and conspirations that it carried. Their objective wasn't known yet at that time, and that, and that worried everyone.


-After the context, we start with the main plot (year 1947):

It all begins on a day like any other in the warm beaches of Marbella, a small coastal location at the south of the Iberian Peninsula. A shadow runs past towards the beach, this is Mlezi, a nine year old lion cub.

[I clarify, all the breeds of animals here have the same life expectancy as humans]

He has cream colored fur, blonde hair and water-blue eyes. He walks through the long streets near the beach, there were many restaurants and diferent types of animals walking quietly. He usually liked to sit on the edge of the stairs that overlooked the sea in the foreground and hum the songs which could be heard on the radio.

He walked happily over to one of the restaurants near the waterfront promenade. Once inside, he walks over to the bar counter and prepares say hi to who was behind it.

The old chamois at the counter was putting his glasses in the bottom drawer, once the cub gets close enough, he senses someone's presence "Is that you Haki? You know exactly where the mop is, you've been asking me all a week on that. Come on man, I haven't had more than 50 orders today so you ca-..." until he's done with the glasses and is about to look over the counter and sees the guy. 

He was in his 45s with graying black fur, a short goatee and italian accent. At first he looks a little surprised and suddenly starts to smile "Mlezi! hahaha, what's up my boy!?" 

Mlezi smiles at this. "Come here, come on!" He opened the counter door for the cub and began to hug and pet him.

"How are you?" Asked the old chamois as he finishes with the kisses. "Heh! I'm fine Fab, why so happy all of a sudden?" the boy asked. 

Fabio smiles again with a slightly tired face "*sigh*... You know? When you reach this moments of the life, there's nothing like enjoy your last years of work with what you love most. Do you know what is it for me? The sea *contemplates the coast*, my home and my people *pats Mlezi's head*"

"Hey thanks, I'm happy to come here too. I feel confident" says Mlezi. Fabio laughs a little as he strokes his fur again "Alegria! That's what life is for, to live it till the last moment"

"By the way, what do you need?" Fabio asked. 

"Oh well umm...I had an order for tonight" The cub responded.

"For your parents isn't it? *he nods* Okay, just give me a second... *put all the thoughts inside the bag* and that's it" said the chamois "Anything else?"

"Nope, that's all. Thanks again" Said the little lion taking the bag from the table.

"There you have it... they already paid it so you don't have to worry about it" said Fabio 

 "Alright...bye!-" Mlezi said as he turned to leave the restaurant, until he called back "Hey Mlezi..." 

 "Huh?..." The cub asked. 

 "Would you like to stay a little longer, I want to show you something" He said. 

 "If you want to..." Mlezi accepts as Fabio signaled him with his arm to follow him to a sofa that was at the entrance of the bar with a table while he said to one of his employees "Kanai...look for the counter table just a moment please! It will only be a moment!!".  

Then an Oryx came out of the kitchen and asked: "Sure, boss, everything in order by now!" And then he noticed the boy "Oh, hi Niko..." .

*The boy greets him affectionately with his paw from afar*

The two sit at the bar table while Fabio began to take out a pen and a notebook from a drawer, he opened the booklet in front of Mlezi and showed him one of the pages "You like it?"

The cub looks at the page for a few seconds, letting out a sigh of amazement "Wow, how did you detail the waves like that?!"

"Heh, practice I guess, do you want me to show you?" Mlezi nods enthusiastically and Fabio begins to give him instructions. 

Then the man takes out a homemade fruit juice that they had in an elegant bottle and to which he went to serve it in two glasses, Mlezi tells him "It's not necessary, Fabio, I really don't want to receive free things. Especially from someone who works so hard for this".

"Nonsense" said Fabio with a smile, "You're like my second son, I want you to...".

"Thanks! And talking about sons... How's Vincenzo by the way?" Mlezi then asked as the man sat down on the sofa with him.

"He's fine, he's in America right now. He's married and starting to work. It's a proud for me that he follow my steps..." Then he looks at the sea in front of them."It's like they say in Africa, how was it?... the circle of life, right. I learn because of my mother who was a chef in Florence, I went here, I met my wife and I had my son. And today, he continues the family business...".

"Cool, I'm happy for him... by the way, what was all that about? About that Haki?" The cub asked. 

 Then Fabio made a facepalm "Uhgg... It's one of my employees but what could I tell ya? He's a disaster!; always late, he broke a mop three days ago, and yesterday he had the wonderful idea of ​​putting a porcelain bowl in the oven, no comments". 

 "So sorry hahaahahaha~" Mlezi laughed *Both start laughing*

 "Oh man... so late, do you want help with the cleaning job?" Mlezi said to which Fabio smiled and said no because he wanted him to go home. But if he felt like it (because he knew the lion cub loved to help), he could help him preparing eveything for the next day.

*Two hours later*

It was almost 8:00 pm, that is, almost time to close the site.

Even though Mlezi ended up having to clean up due to the disastrous guy who couldn't work in the end. Fabio insisted on giving the boy the money, but Mlezi obviously said to give it to the disastrous clerk as he would need it more.

"Well kiddo, it's almost time to close, you should go home before your mother get worried" The owner of the restaurant said with a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Every day, nobody knows how, you're better drawing... you're awessome, seriously".

"I'm learning from the best" said Mlezi.

 Out of nowhere, a young camel in a tracksuit appears with a sleepy face, to which the boy makes a face of bitterness and anger. Then he looked at the boy with a smile and said: "Yes, that's the idiot of Haki. Don't worry, this guy is going to meet the italian fury hehe, go home now. Your parents must be worried, are you sure you don't really need help for take you home?"

"Nah I'm fine , good night Fabio!" He said as walked away. "Buona serata kid!" The old chamois told him before moving on to the mess of his employee...


 "But...wait a sec, wasn't it time to clean up?" Haki said sleepily.

The cub laughs as he walks away towards his home.


He walks a couple of blocks until he reaches a block of buildings, takes the elevator up to the third floor and stops looking at the door with the letter B. He rings the bell and after a few seconds the door opens, the cub stays looking at the lioness with brown fur and blue eyes who opens the door for him showing her crippled leg up to the thigh and a crutch. She reacts with a sweet smile when she sees him and starts caressing his face "Mlezi! Where have you been honey? I told you to not be so late"

"I'm sorry, mom. I never remember check the time" Mlezi said, shrugging her shoulders with a sad smile, which provoked a lick on her cheek from the lioness.

The lioness laughs knowing what her little one is really hiding as she beckons him to enter "You know that Fabio is perfectly capable of running his business, sweetheart"

"I know... Oh yes, I've done this too, he's been teaching me a few tricks to draw in more detail" Mlezi said as he took out the drawing and showed it to his mother.

She takes it and looks at it carefully "Oh sweety, this is beautiful! Thank you very much my boy" She says bending down and licking his head.

"Mom! You're messing up my mane!" Mlezi says annoyed.

A voice from the living room calls them "Nalla?! Has the kid arrived yet, love?"

"Yes!" Nalla replies turning to the cub "Come on, go with your father"

Mlezi stands before his father and he looks at him with a serious face "So... coming home late again"

"I..." The boy tries to excuse himself but his father interrupts him.

"Even though we already told you *sigh*... You" He began to say in a serious tone until he started laughing out of nowhere "You remind me of when I was your age, come on, come with your pita (Father in hindi)"

Mlezi happily sits on his lap and hugs him. Everything was quiet at that time. Tomorrow would be another day...

The next day was almost equal, but this time he keep looking throughts his room's window during the night while his parents watched the TV. Then, a light from a spotlight that had a lighthouse near there hit his eyes, and on the top there was a bird waving his wings. Mlezi tried to see more in the distance, concentrating his eyes a little.

The bird who made the signs was wearing a green jacket. But there was a peculiarity, he had a panic face and was trying to say something, the boy had an unusually sharp ear so he could more or less understand what he was saying: "They're coming, they're coming!... THE SE-!" At that very moment, a shot can be seen and that almost hit him in the head, but hi flied in terror.

Mlezi's eyes narrowed, he went to the stride where the viewpoint to the outskirts of town was:

Several carriages forming a kind of armed convoy. Although the cub's eyes were fixed mainly on a specific one. All those who were in the escort carriage quickly got out of them and began to split up, some were inspecting the terrain with the lights in all directions while a few approached the escorted vehicle. Almost all were lions, they carried some kind of huge machetes with a peculiar blade edge attached to the body and a... metal stick? with a spear point no more than 30cm long at the back.

But there was something strange in his eyes, something... uncomfortable. They all had red pupils like wine and a sclera so black that it was almost indistinguishable that they had something there, it was a complete void just like their facial expressions. They acted like they didn't care at all about anything other than their mission.A few seconds later the doors of the central vehicle open, and different types of animals start to get out of it.

It begins by going down a crocodile, a white tiger, a flamingo, a rhinoceros and finally, a hyena. They were all dressed in a more elegant way than the rest and they didn't have the same eyes as their "guards", their eyes were completely normal.Several policemen together with a giraffe in a suit carefully approached these strange guys with the purpose of talking to them. Mlezi's fur began to stand on end, something was wrong, very very wrong.

The hyena stepped forward to speak as louder as he can.

"Good evening everyone, I'm so sorry for interrupt" he said all this in a sinister and slightly mocking tone "but we have seen interest in something in this place and wanted to know if we could... take it".

Suddenly the mayor approach with guards coming from the city hall "What is all this about? Who are you? I really don't think we have anything that might interest you" 

 The hyena laughs "Somes ill-mannered have called me many things; criminal, thief, disgusting murderer... But you can call me Zahur. Rather I was referring to someone... someone who is living here in this place of yours..." 

"What?! But if we are just a peaceful town, celebrities don't usually come here" The mayor excuses himself "A-and we can't give people just like that"

"Our decision is already made, either you give us what we seek or we'll take it by force!" ordered Zahur. 

 "NEVER, before dead!" the mayor trying to defend himself fearfully "Attachs them!" 

 He speaks again in an even more sinister voice and closer to the microphone "As you wish..."Out of nowhere, one of the guards takes something from his belt and throws it into a window of a nearby house, a few seconds later the object in question explodes causing the house to collapse. Mlezi with horror looks at the rest of the neighbors leaning out of the windows of their houses, paralyzed by fear and exhausted by the recent explosion.

 "LAST WARNING: GIVE US- THE- CHOSEN ONE" He demanded angrier. 

 The mayor didn't answer this time but Woga said something in Swahili knowing that the supposed chosen one knew the language too " Ukooo wapii?(wheree aare youuu~?)"Mlezi's blood ran cold at this. 

 And then the mayor spoke again "GO TO HELL YOU SCUM!".

"Hahaha of course...but, you first" laughted Zahur making a gesture towards the ship where it was noted that he was making the gesture of slitting his throat as if to say: kill them.

And as if it were the third wold war, a lot of explosions began to hit in residential areas, unfortunately. Mlezi hears his mom's voice inside his head that little by little get more louder "Sweety, we have to leave, NOW!"

"I'M GOMING" The boy says scarry running away with his parents trying to scape from the building, his dad holds his mom in arms and they all run away from the appartment. In the hall, his father tries to call the elevator but an explosion in the distance followed by a noise of breakdown denies their purpose "Down the stairs!"

Once on the street, they run towards the coast but are intercepted by a guard. They stare at each other for a few seconds until the guy says something to himself "Did you really think you could run away from us?"

The father leaves his wife on the ground and tries to confront the guy by slapping him across the face while trying to compose himself. He turns his head for a moment "Honey, take Mlezi out of here-!"

But he receives a claw in response from the guard during his distraction, the father steals his knife but he pushes him back meters causing his head to hit the wall of the building with brutal force.

"Dad!" Mlezi yells and turns snarling at the other lion "You..."

His mother tries to crawl towards her husband as the pup distracted him "Oh! Are you trying to intimidate me furball? Let's see how tough you are"

Mlezi slowly backs away as the guard approached laughing at him, then he pulls out the metal stick from his belt which unfolds into a rather sharp spear. The lion cub is cornered between the spear and the wall, but before he can do anything, his own knife pierces the chest of the terrible lion.

The lion's body falls leaden to the ground and from behind comes his mother looking at her son with tears of happiness.

They both hug each other affectionately, until Mlezi notices an grenade falling from the sky "MOM! Behind you!"

His mother quickly faces her son and extends her arms as she turns around, seconds later the car explodes leaving a large cloud of smoke around her. The boy's reactions changed to desperately looking for his mother in the rubble, he began to remove bricks and things until he heard his mother coughing near to him "Mom? MOM!!"

There she was, dirty, dying and with horrible injuries, the cub tries to get her out of there as he can "...Mlezi? *cof*..."

"I-i'll get you out of here, just-" Mlezi tries to comfort her but she cuts him off, caressing his face "Leave... *cof* it honey..."

"What?! No way! We're leaving, you, me and dad!" Said the boy euphorically.

"For dad's too already late, and about me..." Mlezi doesn't understand her, until he sees the glass stuck into her chest and arms like knives "It will be too... it's my fault, I should have ending this before"

"*sob* what?... what will I do without you?" He asks devastated, seeing his family like this caused him greater pain than the one his mother was feeling.

"It's time... you're our last chance *she joins her forehead with that of her son and a radiant yellow glow begins to come out that passes from her to the cub*, you must to live" He looks at her confused while she takes a golden amulet from her pocket with a kind of drawing of a roaring lion "Go with Fabio, go to Pridelands as you can, and find a friends *cof*... of mine, name's Askari *moan in pain*... give him this, tell him Woga's seeking it"

The boy shakes his head crying while looking at the amulet "To Pridelands? I don't understand, please, I don't want to go alone..." He hugs his mother resting his head on her chest "*sobs* please mommy" 

"You won't be alone and I'm not leaving you, we'll be with you, forever..." There was a moment of silence where Mlezi got scared and tried to wake her up "Come back with me! I can solve this"The mother smiles "This doesn't matter anymore, but you can still save what is to come. Learn from the mistakes of the past and make a brighter future with it, don't ruin your life only because us. Do you understand sweety?"

"No... but, I'll do everything for you, I promise" The boy said, to which his mother responded with her last breath "I'm sure you will..."After that, Mlezi waits in silence, saying goodbye to the two most loved people in his life. 

The hairs of his mane tremble when he hears a couple of soldiers near him "I heard something around here, come on!" Recovering his composure, manages to slip away and ran as fast as he can to Fabio's restaurant.


When he gets there he sees how one of scar's soldiers is beating him, then the boy sees one of the meat knives on the ground. And that's where he climbs over the pillars of the structure, positions himself just above the guard's back and..."*shout of  rage*I HATE YOU, I hate you all. GET -*stab* -OUT *stab* -OF *stab* -MY *stab* -LIFE!!" in an uncontrollable rage he falls on top of the sentinel and stabs him several times.

Until he got tired and while he was taking breath, Fabio approached him more disturbed than sure "My godness..."

Mlezi stares in shock at his blood covered hands as he drops the machete right next to the mess "W-what have I done?" Fabio stands next to him "It's ok, it was him or us. Let's get out of here Vanesa" 

And from behind a piece of furniture comes out his wife with tears in her eyes who hugs him and sees the boy with the pints he had "Poor boy, are you okay?!"

The boy had a broken voice "Not much". Fabio goes ahead of the restaurant and tells them "You must to get on the boat, fast!" 

When they both arrive at the boat that was docked at a dock, the woman chamois asks: "Where are we going?" To which the cub responds quickly as Fabio prepares the boat with his things in suitcases "To Africa, we need to reach Pridelands, that was the last thing mom told me"

"Why?..." Then, the man looks at both of them with his eyes fixed and, as if he were a profesional, he took out a knife and pointed it at them, immediately afterwards: *Miss!* 

 When Mlezi looks back and sees a sentinel with a knife in his throat falling on his back to the sand of the beach. And the scared female chamois turned to him.

"Why are they doing this?!" Asked she in panic.

"They're coming for me. I don't know why but they want me" Mlezi explained and then Fabio turned to him "If so, then they will not see you again for the rest of their lives. Quick boy, we have to go get your parents and get out of here...!!". 

 To which The cub quickly replies "THEY WON'T!". 

 Fabio looks at him strangely until the boy told him "...It's too late for them". 

 Fabio looks back and sees in the distance the demolished building where they lived and tears began to fall from his eyes as he murmured to himself "Requiscat in pace, friends of mine... (rest in peace)"

 Then he looks at him and says "Don't worry little one, in my family you'll always have a home..."Then he hugs him and the boy says "*sob*Thank you...*sob*". 

His wife approaches and also hugging him telling Fabio "It'll be better if we go, we're not safe here".

"Yeah... we need to go as soon as possible, before that maniac find us" Vanesa said. 

"Wait a minute, he said something in your language, what was that? I couldn't understand anything" Asked the italian chamois.

"I... dont know, he said something about looking for someone" Mlezi responded without understanding much of what was happening "And I don't know what they want, but they're after me".

 "Whatever it is, I don't see them with peaceful intentions. But it's not the moment for this, now we must to leave!" Said the man getting to the steering wheel "Everyone, get inside!"

They had only just left the town's when they see a black SUV chases them and Fabio tries to hit the accelerator to the fullest to leave them behind above them. There was no option, for the others to flee there was a price to pay... and the boy knew it well because even if they tried to avoid everything they would chase them until the end of the world. Mlezi started to speak "Fab..., please go away without me. Save yourselves"

"NO! I'm not going to leave you behind... you don't deserve this" answered the man immediately "You're *sob* very important to me..."

"Same for me..." He said as they both turned around "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GOING TO DO?!"

The boy was out of the passenger seat and on the edge of the car "I'm sorry but... our trip ends here, it was a pleasure to meet you...*he looks at them with a sad smile* I love you all" then he jumps into the grass leaving the car behind and running away.

"MLEZI!!" The man cried while his wife hugged him from behind. The boy could be heard saying to run away and although it hurt Fabio, he stepped on the accelerator pedal, losing himself in the high sea "*sob*... I'll stay with you wherever your heart takes you, boy..."

The couple finally fled and the boy came to the a forest fleeing from the shots of the sentinels, until the boy tripped and fell. 

 "Get down on the ground! Stay there!"The guards approached the boy and suddenly he stands up in a combat pose while they point their weapons at him, until another lion with different clothes arrives again. 

"A cub?! We spent so much time researching and developing strategies for a damn lion cub?!" a sentinel complained, but he feels a presence behind him that makes his blood run cold"Oh! Makuu, sir..."

Said the sinister lion behind him as he approached to the soldier next to him "I think I was very specific with the orders; stop the target. Yes, STOP the target, DON'T attack the target. I choose my words very carefully, stop, attack, stop, attack. Do those words, means the same to you?" 

The soldier was petrified looking everywhere except Woga "Everything went wrong...and yhey were Zahur orders"

The sinister guy approaches him to hear him better "Sorry, I couldn't hear you"

"It went wrong, sir" the soldier repeated to which Woga replied "Of course, the thing went wrong..."

Next, he grabs the soldier by the face as if it were a grandmother to her grandson "But don't worry, I forgive you..."

"R-really?" Woga nods to his question "That's right, but regarding my superiors, well..."

Woga puts his fist under the cheetab's chin and a large elongated blade of some kind of red energy goes through the guy's head, bothering the rest of the soldiers and leaving Mlezi breathless, a few seconds later the blade disappears and the soldier's body falls down. Woga shakes his hand to remove the blood "What a waste..."

Mlezi tried to leave while the rest were distracted but one of the guards noticed "Hey! Where do you think you're going tadpole?" 

"Stay away from me, I'm warning you...!" He said fearfully and furiously. "What? Do I scare you, blondie? boo! heheh" Said the henchman bringing its claws closer to him. 

"I said..." the cub's blue pupils changed to be on fire "BACK OFF!". He caused an explosion of flames around him sending the lions flying while others took the fire off their suits. Even it affected Woga too, but almost nothing "Keep underestimating him and you won't need a punishment from me" 

"I don't know where that came from or why I can do it. But I demand you, tell me right now what you want from me!" Said the frustrated lion. 

"It's nothing personal. Just business, divine bussiness, specifically with a certain spear. I would need your cooperation with it" Woga explained with a smile. 

 "Divine bussiness? Spear? What the hell are you talking about!? I'm just a boy who an hour ago had a life and you took everything from me! EVERYTHING!" He shouted with tears in his eyes to which Woga respond coldy "It wasn't that good as you think you know... You should deserve more than this, that gift of yours is the prove of that. However, here you are"

"SHUP UP!! YOU WILL BURN FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO MY PARENTS!! You hear me?!" A shot of fire came out of his hands to Woga's face. 

 Woga dodge this with a move of head "Heh don't worry, cub... I offer you a new start, you and me"

Mlezi looked at him shaking his tail with more anger "Both of us are more special than sewer rats, you have been chosed, like me. And we are destined to guide those below, unify everything under our command... why submit to the same laws as the others? Why let the weaks ones choose for us? Why do some shed both their blood and other's in the name of arrogant individuals who don't give a damn about us? ...C'on, think about all we can do together, could quit all that unnecessary scum of our lands" Woga explained while he smirted, extending his paw "What do you say?..." 

Mlezi felt the fury and his need for revenge grow within him. "You're crazy! I won't submit myself to you. Do you want my opinion!?... Well, there you have it!! HYYAAAAAAAhh!!" The boy pounced on Woga, but this one leaved him unconscious with a kick like nothing. 

"Hmmm, still so blind..." He closed his eyes as he saw his enemy talking to him "Don't worry, I'll show you the truth, they won't lie to us again... pick him up, he'll go with us. And carefully"ordered the sinister lion turning back to his other leaders. 

 "Yes, makuu" One of his henchman said taking him off the ground.

Next, Mlezi's eyes closed little by little till everything went black.


(PD: The "protagonist" of this story is a cannonical character, but with a design/development from my part because Disney never did it in the first place lmao )

First of all, thanks for reading it, it cost me a lot to write this because on top of that the automatic google translator usually messes you up while you write but well here you have it :) 

 And at this point you may be wondering, when will the others pridelanders characters come out? 

-Calm down, they will arrive for (Spoiler Alert) chapter two. 

And third, I know that there are about 65 semi-canonical lion guards before this generation  but... it  really matters? at least not for me, we don't even know the others between Askari's and Taka's. In this AU we'll only see already known lion guards ;)

(Probably nobody cares about this but here is it, I love ya all XD)

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