Running out of time

By UniteTogether

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Everything has to meet its end one day, and humanity is not an exception. SCP Foundation is fully aware of th... More

Part 1 - Beginning
Part 2 - On the way
Part 3 - Finding our destination
Part 4 - Investigation
Part 5 - Preparations
Part 6 - Operation Mushroom and Abel's confession
Part 7 - What should we do now?
Part 8 - Olivia's story
Part 9 - April Fool's in SCP Foundation
Part 10 - Once upon a time... Myung-Ok's backstory
Part 11 - A secondary character, or the main one?
Part 12 - Something's wrong
Part 13 - A dilemma
Part 14 - Do it or not?
Part 15 - Broken Masquerade
Part 16 - Final attempt
Part 17 - Days before the disaster
Part 18 - That's how passes away glory of this world
Part 19 - Explanation
Part 20 - Secure, Contain, and Protect the world
Part 21 - Changing the world


263 9 19
By UniteTogether

Location: Earth, new universe

Date: 5th March 2025 – 8th October 2035

Your POV:
It has been over ten years, and many things have changed during this time. I still remember the day, when Iris and Abel got married.. The happiness on their faces was indescribable, while we were wishing them the best of luck in their new life. Sooner or later, the rest of us met the same fate. Myung-Ok found somebody in her world, Cain and Olivia found their soul mates too,  while I met a wonderful person, who became my husband and with whom I had three children. We became a happy family, while the world around us was slowly changing

It became obvious that GARO was getting more powerful with each day, and it was a matter of time before nobody would be able to stop us. We started releasing our products to the public, and people wanted something to change. We did for them more than any government in existence, so we have decided to take care of this world ourselves. The entire council agreed to this, and at 19th January 2027 we took control over all governments across the world, thus gaining the absolute power. However, we didn’t plan to abuse it, we knew many things had to be changed, so after a common agreement we came to another decision.

We changed our name to Compendium and united the entire world, while performing multiple reforms, which allowed us to achieve an unachievable. Within the next five years, we completely eliminated world hunger, brought free healthcare to all places in the world and made education accessible to everyone. We knew how to do this, and anomalous technology made it easier for all of us. The entire world began developing was faster than it used to be, and when we proved to everyone that we had good intentions, our reputation has increased even more than before. There were no protests, no rebellions, no terrorism, no wars, and crime level was decreasing with each year.

This allowed us to perform a unification on even deeper level than before. Just like the previous universe, this one also contained multiple worlds, including the one from which Myung-Ok came to us, and this was the greatest opportunity to put all differences away. We met up with leaders from those worlds, and after few weeks of negotiations we signed multiple treaties, which began a long process of creating a common society. And of course, for this we needed diplomats and ambassadors, but we already had people for these jobs, and Myung-Ok was one of them.

She agreed to take care of relations between our and her world, because as it turned out, the SCP-001 effect also worked on other worlds, and not only on ours.With her helping us, we only had to put few more people in charge of this in other worlds, but this wasn't a problem, as we quickly found competent ambassadors, who were willing to help us with this mission.

As it turned out, Scarlet King wasn't a danger for our universe anymore, as Olivia and her siblings took away most of his power, which was corrupting him. At the beginning I was afraid it would take over her too, but thankfully she was more resistant and instead of the power controlling her, it was the opposite, and she started changing this world completely.

While she made this universe a perfect copy of our previous world, she wasn't particularly proud of how our planet looked like. Carbon dioxide pollution, terrains which were completely unhabitable, plastic lying almost everywhere and causing deaths of living organisms, and of course limited number of spieces, which were endangered because of what we did.

She knew it had to be fixed one way or another, and as a reality bender, she was able to do it. She gathered part of the carbon dioxide into one place, and then sent it to a completely empty universe, where she split all those molecules into oxygen, which she spread across our world, and carbon, which she turned into diamonds and started selling online, in order to earn some more money.

With terrains it was more complicated, as she didn't want to completely kill spiecies living in there, so instead of terraforming everything, she only did it to a part of the Earth, in order to fix environments, which were slowly dying and had to be saved. This was a preparation for another move, which she would do later.

Having terraformed the planet, she wanted to take care of plastic pollution, but ultimately decided to get rid of all trash from this planet. She concentrated on the world, and moved her hand up, in order to lift every single piece of trash from this planet, and throw it into an empty dimension, where she would get rid of it by merging all of its mass into a black hole, which she could later use for something else.

However, there was one more type of pollution, which wouldn't disappear for the next millions, or even billions of years. Radioactive waste usually couldn't be used again for something else, and it was lying in lead boxes in order to prevent its dangerous effects. Olivia wanted to get rid of it too, but except throwing it into the same black hole she has created, she couldn't do anything else.

And after doing all of this, she began her project of saving endangered and dying spiecies. She took samples from all organisms, which belonged to these categories, and started analysing their DNA. Everything had to be done carefully, because even the slightest mistake was able to completely mess up her work. While everything else could be done almost instantly, this took her almost a month in order to fully analyse everything, and when she was ready, she created countless clones of these organisms, each one with different genetic code in order to keep future generations healthy, and then distributed them back to their habitats, where they could renew the population.

After all of that, it might have looked like there were no problems in this world anymore, but it was not true, because despite eliminating hunger, bringing free, global education and healthcare, and fixing problems with our planet, there was still poverty in this world, and there were many social problems which had to be solved. While people were willing to help us, and social problems would be eliminated within the next two or three years because of reforms, getting rid of poverty would take us at least twenty more years, before the living standard on the entire planet increases.

It was our main goal at that moment, and I knew it was possible, but deep in my heart I felt sad and helpless, because we were unable to fix these problems immediately, even with Olivia on our side. On the other hand, we did so much for this world, that even if we couldn't do something instantly, we would still be able to do it in the future.

However, there was one, major problem, which we would have to solve in the future, called overpopulation. We wanted to make sure humanity had enough space to live, but our planet wasn't infinite, and sooner or later, we would have to start colonising the space. And again, Olivia had an idea which helped us a lot, as she started terraforming the Mars, in order to make it habitable for living organisms.

Having planned it, she began changing the planet, in order to make it generate magnetic field, which would protect it from solar winds. When it was done, she began bending time-space continuum around it, in order to make sure everything would work for longer periods of time, and when it was ready, she created an atmosphere for it, before changing its terrain.

We were watching it, but none of us was able to understand how she did that. Oceans, seas, lakes and rivers filled with water appeared almost immediately, while plants similiar to those on Earth started growing up because of her powers. Within few minutes, everything was ready, and we had a second, but not industrialised planet waiting for us.

Time was passing, and the world was slowly becoming an utopia It was something we only could have dreamt about in the past, but it was slowly becoming a reality. As Compendium, our goal was to help everyone, and within first seven years of our organization, when we were still known as GARO, we made sure to help SCPs contained in our facilities, and give them a new life. Some of them could be released instantly, like SCP-2662, who became a world-known gamer and managed to get rid of all cultists, by showing people how he really looks like.

However, people like SCP-166 had abilities, which were too dangerous in the public, and we had to get rid of them first, and after combining our efforts with Olivia's powers, we were able to release everyone, thus fulfilling our goal. Even SCP-682, a hard to destroy reptile, which in the past hated all life in the universe, was now free, and it looked like nothing would change it.

But the greatest surprise for us was how he reacted when we released him. We thought he would go away and never come back to society, but instead, he decided to spend the rest of his life helping to save people from natural disasters, and if I didn't see it with my own eyes, I would have never believed it.

We had a world, which was almost perfect, but the question remained, what to do next? In few years, every problem on Earth would be fixed, while humanity would begin space exploration in order to possibly find other life forms, but except that there was nothing else we could do. The vastest disadvantage of having a perfect world is being unable to make it better. Of course, we could have researched even more technology, which would have improved our life quality, but that wasn't something we wanted.

If we had everything, we wouldn't be able to help other people anymore, and existance of Compendium would be questionable, as everyone in the world would be satisfied from their lifes. We could create artificial problems, but that would be inhumane and against our goals. And because of that, we set another goal for ourselves. If we managed to fix all of our problems, and everyone would be living in good conditions, then we would start helping other universes.

With help of reality benders like Olivia, we were able to open portals to other worlds. Some of them were indifferent to us, while others had a completely different timeline with alternate history, but our goal was to help them too. Sooner or later, there would be no problems in our universe, but in theirs there were many things which had to be changed, and we were willing to help.

Not immediately of course, and we wouldn't force them to accept this, but we would analyse each world we saw and decide, if they needed our help or not, before making an offer of help. By doing that, they would get a choice, which in our opinion was necesarry if we didn't want to spread our ideals like a disease.

It didn't take us long to find the first world where we could help, and we quickly realised that our situation was surprisingly good compared to other worlds. At the beginning we didn't know, if it was possible to help them, but considering the fact, that we managed to do it in here, we decided to take a leap into the unknown and give it a shot.

We weren't extremely advanced, but our technology was fastly developing and we knew, nothing was impossible for us. Divided, we were able to achieve something, but together, there were no limitations for us. Without pointless and self-destructive wars, humanity was on a path to success. With global co-operation, nothing stood on our way. And if one day, we managed to find a different civilization, we would greet them with the same thing. Not with anger and hostility, but with peace and brotherhood.

Of course, there was a chance we would get attacked, so we were slowly developing new weapons to defend ourselves in case of agression, but we didn't plan to make the first move in that direction. There was no point at destroying the entire civilization, which for us was already possible.

Unification worked for us, because SCP-001 event has created a perfect society due to its effect, and we knew it could be impossible in other worlds. However, maybe instead of fighting and killing innocent people, everyone could start working together and live in peace? To all of those, who are reading this, think about it. We managed to do it, despite our differences, so what is preventing you from doing the same?

The end.

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