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By wifeofkuroken

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Serendipity (n.) to find something good without looking for it; to discover something beautiful by chance... More

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Character Profile/Application
Season One Main cast
Taking a Break


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By wifeofkuroken

Mystic Falls High | Ariana

"We're not saying don't date the guy we're just saying take it slow" Bonnie said talking to Elena about Stefan.

"Actually I'm not saying anything if you want to be naive and gullible and date him they by all means jump his bones" I retorted earning a glare from Elena which I returned and a nudge from Bonnie.

"You were the one who said to go for it" she replied back making me wonder why I was here again? "Now I'm saying take it slow" Bonnie said making me snort.

"Elena and take it slow in the same sentence? That's new" I whispered under my breath.

"Why the about face?" Elena asks "It's not an about-face. You're single for the first time in your entire high school career. It's the perfect time to play the field." Bonnie shot back trying to keep her safe.

Bonnie and Elena aren't exactly close but she tolerates her since we're close and because our parents forced us to include her.

"She needs to play her field and stay out of Caroline's" I muttered under my breath. "Oh, because I'm so that girl. Seriously, what are you not saying?" She asked back seemingly annoyed.

"It's stupid" she replied "Bonnie..." Elena said sternly making me roll my eyes and internally mock her.

I began to tune their conversation out like usual until I saw Stefan walk over. "Good morning, Elena. Good morning, Bonnie. Good morning Ariana" he says looking directly at me as soon as he comes over. I scrunched up my nose a little and narrowed my eyes.

"Hey, um, we've gotta find Caroline. She's not answering her phone. So we'll see you guys later." Bonnie said as we walked off trying to stay away from him.

While walking I bumped into someone looking up I saw a boy with tan skin, short brown hair, and brown eyes he kind of looked like a puppy.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going are you okay?" I asked looking at the boy.

He waved it off "it's fine, I'm kind of lost I'm looking for Mr.Tanner's history class?" he asked I perked up knowing we had the same class.

"Oh that's where we're headed you can follow us, by the way my names Ariana Gilbert and this is my best friend Bonnie Bennett" I smiled at him as Bonnie waved with a small yet welcoming smile.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jacob Black I just moved here from Washington so I'm new to town" I nodded as we reached Tanner's class.

"Well in that case you can come to me if you need anything I'd be happy to help" he nodded as we walked into class.

Me and Bonnie took our seats while Jacob stood at the front with Tanner. I watched as Elena and Stefan walked in and Elena stopped I swore I could see heart eyes causing me to roll my eyes

"Alright class before we get started today I'd like to introduce you all to Jacob Black he's new to town and will be joining us please make him feel welcomed Mr.Black you can go sit next to Ariana" Tanner said as I raised my hand high enough for him to see it.

"Now let's let's start World war II ended in...Anyone got anything? Miss Juan? 1945" Tanner asks while Elena talks to Stefan before getting called on. Hey helping her in class that day was a one time free offer.

"Pearl Harbor?" Tanner questioned her "um..." she said before Stefan responded for her I could feel his eyes on me and
I didn't like it I didn't like it at all.

"December 7, 1941" I narrowed my eyes at the boy before turning back to my conversation with Jacob which was a whisper I saw Elena glaring at me while I glared back and gave her the finger.

"1989. I'm good with dates, sir." I heard Stefan say making me roll my eyes of course you are you old bat.

Tanner:Are you? How good? Keep it to the year. Civil Rights Act.
Tanner:John F. Kennedy assassination.
Stefan: 1963.
Tanner: Martin Luther King.
Stefan: '68.
Tanner: Lincoln.
Stefan: 1865.
Tanner: Roe vs. Wade.
Stefan: 1973.
Tanner: Brown vs. Board.
Stefan: 1954.
Tanner: The battle of Gettysburg.
Stefan: 1863.
Tanner: Korean war.
Stefan: 1950 to 1953.
Tanner: Ha! It ended in '52.

Tanner exclaimed he seemed so proud of his answer and swore he was right but.....

"Uh, actually, sir, it was '53." Stefan related "Look it up, somebody. Quickly." Tanner said as people began pulling out their phones.

"It was 19...53." This caused everyone to laugh at the man class continued as normal aside from Tanners deflated ego.

Football Field | Ariana

"Oh, my god! You're here!" Bonnie said excitedly towards me not noticing Elena. "Oh hey Elena" she said blandly "yea sorry I took so long to come back" I laughed a little.

"Yep. I can't be sad girl forever. The only way to get things back to the way they were are to do things that were. Oh, and you're both coming to dinner tonight." Elena spoke up towards me and Bonnie.

Me and Bonnie look at Elena then each other. "I am?" Me and Bonnie asked at the same time.

"Mm-hmm. You, me, Ariana, and Stefan. You guys have to give him a chance." She said I raised my eyebrow.

"First off I live there, second off no, third off no, and fourth off NO!" I said back continuing my stretching.

"Tonight's no good. Have you seen Caroline? I texted her like a hundred times." Bonnie changed the subjected which didn't go unnoticed by Elena.

"Don't change the subject, Bonnie Bennett! You're both going to be there." Elena exclaimed I shook my head.

"Fine" Bonnie said back sighing "I'm not going I'm supposed to be meeting Jacob at the grill" I said still stretching.

"Jacob? As in the new boy?" Elena asked with a small glare there was a knowing expression on me and Bonnie's face.

"Yep, earlier after class he asked me if I wanted to go with him so I agreed" I shrugged my shoulders and slightly smirked at her. "Why?" she asked back giving me a weird look.

"Why do you care? Don't you like Stefan? Stop being an attention whore not everyone likes you and that includes Stefan god I feel bad for your bitter soul and his sad soul" I shot back as I heard Tanner call my name causing me to walk over to him.

"Hey Tanner what's up?" I asked him stretching my arms. "Can you do me a small favor?" he asked I nodded my head.

"Can you show Jacob and Stefan to the locker rooms and get them the practice uniforms and equipment?" he asked and gestured to the boys next to him.

I looked at Jacob and smiled but it faltered when I saw Stefan. "Yes sure coach come on guys" while we were walking I heard Tyler call me.

"Ari catch!" He yelled and threw the ball high up across the field me being me I ran and jumped up and caught it before quickly throwing it back.

"You asshole!" I yelled and glared playfully. "You still got it Ari!" Matt yelled as I giggled and showed the boys to the practice equipment.

"Okay so you have to pick your practice Jersey and your game jerseys so here's the box and I'll get your mouth guards, helmet, combination lock and padding" they nodded as I walked off to grab everything.

|Football Field|

"So Jacob dude I heard you asked Ari out" Tyler said trying to be friendly towards him I mean if he was going to be going out with his best friend he'd have to get along with him right?

He of course didn't forget about Arabella. As far as everyone knew that she left to live with her sister after the breakup.

"Oh yea, it's nothing too serious we're just going to the grill" he replied as he threw the ball to one of his teammates.

"Well you should consider yourself lucky" Matt piped in jogging over to the two. "Why's that?" Jacob asked while catching a ball thrown his way.

"Ari doesn't usually agree to go out with people she really dislikes being around people so it's rare for her to be seen outside of school" Tyler replied catching a ball thrown his way.

"Yea we're her best friends and even we have to drag her out of the house" Matt shook his head before they could continue Stefan came over.

"What's going on guys?" He asked as the three boys eyed him. "Nothing." They said before walking off to finish their drills.

Stefan already heard their conversation and he didn't like it at all. Why does he have to pretend to like Elena when all he wanted was to be with Ariana?

So what was he going to do about it? Find a way to get Ariana to stay home for the dinner with him, Elena, and Bonnie.

Salvatore Boarding House | 3rd Person

"How were tryouts? Did you make the team? Very Emerson, the way you reveal your soul with so many...adjectives." Damon asked with Stefan's journal in his hands before it was snatched away by the latter.

"What are you doing here?" Stefan asks eyeing his big but reckless brother. "I've come to apologize. I've been doing some thinking, some soul searching, and...I want us to start over. We need to put the past behind us. You're my little brother, and if you want to live a normal, happy human life, then I want that for you. Maybe I can do it, too. That I can learn to be a non-living living person. Maybe there's hope for both of us." Damon says trying to keep a straight face but fails miserably.

"You know, it doesn't have to be this way, Damon." Stefan shot back "Of course it doesn't. I saw the twins today Ariana especially, BTW. That means "by the way." She was at cheerleading practice. She looked so perky in her little short shorts. Just...simmer down, I didn't even go near her. I've got my own cheerleader now. Ooh, that reminds me...I gotta run. I have a date. Sweaty palms. Wish me luck." Damon said leaving Stefan slightly worried about Ariana oh yea Elena too.

|Gilbert Residence|

While Elena and Bonnie are preparing dinner well more like putting food that she order in bowls to make it seem as if she made it Ariana was sitting on the island waiting for Jacob.

"You explain it. Last night, I'm watching Nine-o, a commercial breaks come on and I'm like, I bet it's that phone commercial. And sure enough, it's that guy and the girl with the bench, he flies to Paris and he flies back. They take a picture." Bonnie says.

"Oh, come on. That commercial's on a constant loop." Elena retorts as I internally laugh.

"Fine. Well, how about this? Today I'm obsessed with numbers. 3 numbers. I keep seeing 8, 14, and 22. How weird is that?" Bonnie retorted towards Elena's retort.

Okay I'll bite "Maybe we should play the lottery. Have you talked to your Grams?" I asked "She's just gonna say it's because I'm a witch. I don't want to be a witch. Do you want to be a witch?" she responded I put my hands up in surrender mockingly.

"I don't want to be a witch." Elena responded before Bonnie spoke again "And putting it in a nice bowl isn't fooling anybody." I laughed "I wouldn't have to if Ari would've just cooked for me" I rolled my eyes.

"I refuse to cook food I won't be eating especially when I'm going out" I responded with a glare.

"Whatever" she responded while they continued I heard the door ring I went to open it and saw Stefan.

I internally groaned. "Hello Stefan." I gave him a tight lipped smile. "Hi Ariana" he smiled a genuine smile not one of them fake smiles he gives Elena.

I eyed him suspiciously I know he doesn't like her in that way but damn.

"Anyways Elena and Bonnie are in the kitchen" I didn't invite him in especially since Elena already had days prior so it made no difference.

He also obviously doesn't know me and Bonnie know and soon Caroline would as well and I had to keep that from him and his brother.

He came in and went straight to kitchen as I went to close the door but heard a voice.

"Ari?" I opened the door to see Jacob "oh hey come in!" I said smiling as he walked in. "Oh Hello Jacob!" Elena said cheerfully with that weird look in her eye.

Jacob shifted uncomfortably "Um hi uh who are you?" he asked as I snorted.

"I'm Elena Ariana's twin sister" she said smile not leaving her face. "Oh uh hi I guess" he said "would you like to stay for dinner?" She asked as I glared at her.

"um actually we planned on going to the grill and I wouldn't want to intrude" he responded.

"Oh no it's fine you wouldn't be intruding" Stefan pipped up walking over. I eyed the two of them, they were both acting weird.
But I took this as an opportunity for him and Bonnie to get to know each other.

"It's fine Jacob Bonnie is here so it gives you a chance to get to know she thinks you're pretty cool so" I shrugged grabbing his hand dragging him in. I could feel Elena's glare I turned around smirked and winked at her.

"Bonnie look who's here!" I said pulling Jacob over to the table. "Oh hey Jacob! I thought you guys were going to the grill?" she questioned after greeting him.

"We were but Elena and Stefan kept pestering Jacob about staying for dinner and she had the look in her eye the one where she sees someone and wants them" I felt Jacob squeeze my hand I looked up and gave him a reassuring smile.

"Is she like, going to try to date me or something because no offense but she's not exactly my type" he said causing me and Bonnie to giggle.

"Don't worry I won't let her she's just an attention whore it's probably because you look better than Stefan she goes for looks it's sickening" I scrunched my nose up before the three of us sat down Elena and Stefan joined a few minutes later.

"Did Tanner give you a hard time today?" Elena asked Stefan as I rolled my eyes and turned to Jacob.

"I saw you talking to Tyler and Matt, did everything go okay?" I asked because of the simple fact that Tyler and Matt are my best friends and I really want them to get along.

"Yea, according to them I'm lucky you accept my invite because you don't like going outside" he teased as I huffed, "aside from that the teams cool I can't really say the same for Stefan I don't think Matt and Tyler like him very much" Jacob said honestly as I nodded.

"Bonnie Ari, you should have seen Stefan today. Tyler threw a ball right at him, and..." Elena was cut off by Bonnie "yeah we heard." an awkward atmosphere loomed.

"Why don't you tell Stefan about your family?" Elena asked I looked at her. "Why is that his business?" I said then Bonnie spoke up.

"Um, divorced. No mom. Live with my dad." I sighed "No, about the witches. Bonnie's family has a lineage of witches. It's really cool." Elena spoke again causing me to glare at her.

"Why are you speaking on something that's not your business to speak on? God Elena can't you ever just keep your mouth shut? It's not that hard, when someone tells you something you don't go blabbing it to someone you barely know or anyone for that matter" I said standing up with my arms crossed.

"Calm down Ari just leave it also cool isn't the word is use" Bonnie replied as I sat back down in my chair resisting the urge to launch my fork at Elena's chest.

"Well, it's certainly interesting. I'm not too versed, but I do know that there's a history of Celtic druids that migrated here in the 1800s." Stefan said causing me to roll my eyes.

I felt a hand grab mine and looked down to see Jacobs I smiled before continuing eating. After a while the doorbell rung causing me to get up and go answer it.

Opening it I saw Caroline and.....Damon just great. "Surprise! Bonnie said you were doing dinner, so we brought dessert." She said as Elena came over followed by Stefan who was followed by Jacob because he, Tyler, and Matt don't trust him.

"Hope you don't mind" Damon said as I glared at him with my hand gripped on the door.

"Actually I don't Care being here but you can suck my di-" my sentence was cut off by a hand covering my mouth.

"Okay let's go Ms.Foul Mouth" Jacob said as we went to the living room. "Who was it?" Bonnie asked I shot her a look.

"Damon and Caroline." she scrunched her face is disgust. Eventually the other four joined and began talking.

"I cannot believe that Mr. Tanner let you on the team. Tyler must be seething. But good for you. Go for it. As for Jacob I heard Tyler and Matt liked you nice job! If you got Ari's best friends then you're in the clear!" Caroline cheered making me smile at her.

"That's what I always tell him. You have to engage. You can't just sit there and wait for life to come to you. You have to go get it." Damon said speaking about Stefan I groaned and buried my face in Jacobs chest.

"I hate it here" I mumbled "Yeah, Elena wasn't so lucky today. It's only because you missed summer camp. God, I don't know how you're ever going to learn the routines." Caroline said clearly annoyed.

"I guess we can put her in the back." Caroline said as I snorted. "Ari you did well today but you need to get the new routine down" Caroline said "I'll work with her. She'll get it." Bonnie spoke up as I smiled at her.

"You know, you don't seem like the cheerleader type, Elena" Damon said I looked at him. "Oh, it's just 'cause their parents died. Yeah, I mean, she's just totally going through a blah phase. She used to be way more fun. And I say that with complete sensitivity." Caroline spoke I yawned as a weird atmosphere surrounded us.

"I'm sorry, Ari. I know what it's like to lose both your parents. In fact, Stefan and I have watched almost every single person we've ever cared about die." I rolled my eyes at him.

"The were Elena's parents as well not just mine but thanks I guess." my eyes began to get droopy.

"Jacob, can you take Ari to her room? It's the third door on the right" Bonnie asked he nodded and picked me up. "Goodnight Bon Care" I waved as I was taken to my room.

Jacob placed me in my bed "tonight was....entertaining.....I'll see you in school Monday" he smiled and kissed my forehead before leaving. Maybe branching out won't be so bad?

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