If I Go

By Pretty-Little-Writer

948 69 35

This story is about a girl named Natalie who has everything that she could ever ask for: A loyal best friend... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 22

10 0 0
By Pretty-Little-Writer

I must have fallen asleep at one point because I woke up lying in a hospital bed. Chloe was in a chair beside me, flipping through a magazine. When she looked up, her eyes widened.

"Good," Chloe said. "You're awake. How are you feeling?"

"I'm a little groggy," I replied.

"They took out the bullet when you were sleeping. They numbed your shoulder just in case you woke up." Chloe informed me. "I think they either put stitches or just bandaged it or something. I'm not sure."

I nodded in response and slowly sat up. Chloe put her magazine down as I got myself situated. Once settled, I finally spoke. "Thanks, Chloe. You really saved my life there."

Chloe smiled at me. "No problem. So, do you want to hear the rest of the story of how I found you in the woods?"

I nodded at Chloe, eager to hear what she had to say.

"So once I got out of my house, I quickly hid behind the left side of my house and watched you get into a brawl with Calvin and Ian. In a flash, you were gone. I saw you sprinting towards the woods, with Calvin and Ian close behind. Once Calvin and Ian were far ahead of me, I followed them." Chloe explained. "Then, I hid a few trees away from where Ian and Calvin cornered you. I saw Calvin aiming the gun at you and Ian pinning you to the tree. I formed a plan to try and save you. I was putting my life on the line by just tackling Ian but I couldn't just run away from the situation. I couldn't leave you hanging. So I just went for it, and luckily it worked out in my favor."

Then Chloe took a deep breath and asked a question I was dreading to answer.

"Where's Gaven?"

I gulped back a lump that formed in my throat. "Umm. . . Well, he's no longer—alive anymore." I replied, my voice cracking. Tears threatened to come, but I held them back. "Ian killed him."

Chloe's eyes filled with sympathy for me. Then, Chloe stood up and looked down at me. She smiled sadly at me. Tears of joy pricked the back of my eyes. I pulled her into an embrace, grateful that she was here. She hugged me tight, making me feel secure in her arms. All of a sudden, my door opened with a thud. Chloe and I pulled away from each other and looked to see who walked in. We both stared at the door, eyes wide with dread.

Calvin walked in, and closed the door behind him. He locked it and slowly revealed the small handgun that was in his back pocket. He looked up at us with a scowl on his face. His eyes had a sparkle of anger in them and he was breathing in heavy breaths. Calvin walked over to Chloe and me and glared at us.

"It's all your fault," Calvin whispered angrily at Chloe. "If you hadn't shown up, if you hadn't interfered like you did, then Ian would still be alive and well. Natalie would have died there, in the woods, with no savior. Instead, Ian died and I shot him. I killed him and Natalie stayed alive." He took a shaky breath and looked at each of us in turn. "Both of you have to pay the price now!"

In one swift movement Calvin put the gun up to Chloe's forehead. Chloe's eyes widened, unable to move. I froze up as well, and tears began to prick the back of my eyes. Chloe was staring up at the muzzle poised on her forehead, tears streaming down her cheeks. My heart was pounding, and nervous adrenaline pumped through my veins. Chloe and I made eye contact as tears spilled down our cheeks.

"Natalie," Chloe sobbed. "Always remember that I will always be there in your heart."

I whipped my head at Calvin. "You can't do this. Violence is never the answer. Why don't we just talk about it—"

"It's too late now," Calvin interrupted. "I have to finish this once and for all."

I squeezed my eyes shut as Calvin pulled the trigger. I heard a piercing scream from Chloe, and heard her body fall onto the ground.

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