The live broadcast became pop...

By Darkknight123457

58.1K 1.4K 145 Author: news Category: Rebirth through time Release time: 2020-09-30 Latest... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63

Chapter 47

642 16 0
By Darkknight123457

Chapter 47 Spring Rolls, Tang Yuan Dumplings

    The sunset of the flat star is exceptionally beautiful.

    The clear blue sky and white clouds were dyed brilliant yellow and orange-red by the sunset light.

    The sunset light filtered through the window, and the red and yellow light intertwined, illuminating Yu Zhen's profile.

    "When I was a child, I often sat at the table with my Jiaren, making dumplings, eating dumplings, and cooking dumplings together."

    The beautiful time on earth is destined to be an unforgettable memory for Yu Zhen.

    Yu Zhen couldn't tell others that she was transmigrating.

    These secrets will eventually be buried in her heart.

    [When the Borrell Festival is over, I'm going to take the latest culinary rating exam, and the exam for postgraduate students in the Department of Gastronomy at Imperial University. rubbing the anchor, I hope I can get the culinary buff of the anchor! ]

    Hearing the "Cooking Skills Rating Exam", Yu Zhen's movements stopped.

    Cooking ratings have been appearing frequently in her ears recently.

    "What kind of test is the cooking rating test?"

    [There is a real anchor! You don't know the cooking rating! ]

    [The culinary level of the anchor, there is no problem with taking the culinary rating test or not. ]

    [Cooking rating exam, this is an exam that almost everyone in the food industry knows. ]

    [A chef who has obtained an S-level can receive a salary from the Interstellar Cooking and Food Association for free every month, and the quotation for cooking a meal outside is also starting from 100,000 stars. ]

    [As long as you can get a grade D or above in the culinary rating test, you can easily enter a famous restaurant to work. 】

    "I'm a half-way monk doing food live broadcasting. So I have never received systematic cooking learning, so I didn't pay attention to food-related exams...

    " So delicious, the anchor is really amazing! 】

    [Anchorman, I have to take the cooking rating test after the festival. 】

    While the audience was chatting, Yu Zhen poured the flour into a large bowl, she added some water and salt to the bowl.

    Yu Zhen used chopsticks to stir the flour into a floc, and she put on gloves.

    "Knead the dough until it is medium to firm."

    Yu Zhen said while kneading.

    The dough in her hands gradually took shape.

    Yu Zhen reached out and lightly tapped the dough.

    The five senses spread simultaneously, allowing the audience to feel the softness and hardness of the dough.

    "That's enough."

    Yu Zhen looked up at the time.

    "I'll let the dough sit for a while, it will take about 20 minutes. We can make the stuffing for the dumplings first."

    Yu Zhen said, taking out the washed carrots and fennel.

    Yu Zhen put the carrot on the chopping board, and a crisp sound sounded.

    In the blink of an eye, Yu Zhen quickly diced the carrots and fennel.

    [The anchor cuts vegetables so fast! ]

    [The anchor's carrots are about the same size! I cut carrots by myself, big and small, crooked...]

    "Practice makes perfect. When you get used to cutting, your hand speed will also speed up."

    Vegetables are easy to handle.

    In contrast, pork and lamb are more labor-intensive.

    "Those who want to be lazy can use a blender to grind pork and mutton into a puree."

    "But I prefer hand-cut meat. I personally think that the taste of hand-cut meat is slightly different from that of machine-made meat. ."

    After the vegetables were processed, the dough woke up almost as well.

    [Anchor, can the dough be used directly? 】

    "Not yet, you need to knead the dough for a while. You can watch the changes of the dough carefully."

    Zhinao cut a close-up view of the dough.

    Yu Zhen's fingers were slender and white.

    However, these hands are very powerful.

    The dough became well-behaved in Yu Zhen's hands.

    After a while, Yu Zhen kneaded the dough to a smooth surface.

    The surface of the dough is smooth and faintly reflects light.

    "Knead the dough until it is smooth, and the dough is officially kneaded."

    [This time, the dough can be used, right? 】

    "We have to wake up for another hour. So we can deal with pork and mutton." The

    whole piece of lean meat with fat removed was placed on the chopping board.

    Yu Zhen took out two kitchen knives.

    "The way to chop meat is very simple. Cut it into chunks and chop it slowly with a knife."

    The sound of the knife falling on the chopping board is quiet, but rhythmic.

    As Yu Zhen chopped the whole piece of meat over and over again, it gradually became a puddle of soft and rotten meat.

    Yu Zhen is an ordinary human after all.

    Kneading noodles and chopping meat for a long time is a labor of effort.

    For Yu Zhen, it is a certain challenge.

    It didn't take long for Yu Zhen to chop, and she could feel the sourness of her arm.

    Yu Zhen lightly wiped the minced meat with the surface of the knife.

    "Look, there are small pieces of minced meat mixed with the minced meat, which means that the meat has not been minced. The minced meat needs to be chopped until it disappears completely, and the minced meat is considered to be minced."

    Yu Zhen continued to hold the knife and chopped it. After 10 minutes, the minced pork was just chopped up.

    Sweat dripped from Yu Zhen's forehead, and when she was about to reach out to wipe away the sweat, a soft cat meow sounded.

    The little orange cat squatted beside her, a neat napkin in its pointed teeth.

    The little orange cat stuck his head, and handed the napkin to Yu Zhen's hand.

    After Yu Zhen wiped the sweat from her forehead with a napkin, she breathed a sigh of relief.

    "Thank you!" Yu Zhen smiled at the little orange cat.

    The little orange cat grinned politely: "Meow."

    No thanks.

    The little orange cat turned around with its head held high.

    Behind it, three small hairballs and three eyes stared at the little orange cat who was attentive in front of Yu Zhen.

    The little orange cat ignored the three little hairballs.

    It just said that these three segments of them can't compare to it.

    Yu Zhen chopped the mutton well, and the noodles were almost awake.

    [The anchor takes a lot of work to make dumplings! 】

    【The meat has been chopped for a long time. If it were me, my hands would be sore. ]

    [The anchor said that you can use a mixer to make mincemeat. The blender shreds things pretty fast. Thinking about it this way, making dumplings doesn't actually take much effort. ]

    [I don't know which one is more delicious, fennel pork dumplings, lamb carrot dumplings, leek egg dumplings? ]

    [I especially like to eat leeks, leeks are watery and very sweet. 】

    Yu Zhen took out the dough after waking up.

    The dough became white and plump and looked very cute.

    Yu Zhen stretched out her hands and kneaded the dough. She kneaded the dough into a long strip, and cut the long strip of dough into small pieces with a knife.

    [The anchor kneads the dough like playing with plasticine, it looks like a lot of fun. 】

    【I have an idea, if I let my pup who likes to play with plasticine help me knead the dough...]

    【The above story makes sense, a trick to torture children every day. 】

    Yu Zhen rubbed the cut out small pieces of dough with the palm of his hand.

    The square dough quickly turned into a round circle.

    Yu Zhen put the round dough on the floured cutting board, she pressed it lightly with the palm of her hand, and the dough turned into a round cake.

    "Sprinkle some flour on the cutting board, and the dough won't stick to the cutting board easily."

    Yu Zhen then took out a rolling pin.

    [The one the anchor is holding... looks a little familiar. 】

    【 butt hurts. 】

    【When I was a child, my mother liked to hit me with this kind of thing. 】

    【This thing is made of wood, but it is sturdy. I have canine genes, but I can't bite with my teeth. When my mother hit the hammer, it made me scream! ]

    [Upstairs, I also used my teeth to bite. At that time, I was in the period of changing my teeth, and I just lost my teeth. 】

    Yu Zhen explained helplessly: "It's called a rolling pin, and it's actually used to roll dough."

    Yu Zhen held the edge of the dough with one hand, and rolled the rolling pin back and forth on the dough with the other.

    Soon, a piece of dumpling skin will be ready.

    "This is a dumpling skin." The

    dumpling skin is the size of an adult's palm.

    It looks like it was rolled thin by Yu Zhen, but the dumpling skin itself has a certain toughness and is not so easy to break.

    The preparatory work in the early stage was time-consuming, but from the moment Yu Zhen rolled out the dumpling wrappers, Yu Zhen's hand speed seemed to be pressing twice as fast.

    The audience saw Yu Zhen put the dumpling wrappers on the cutting board, kneading, pressing, and rolling.

    A dumpling wrapper is ready.

    [The anchor moves slower! I haven't seen it yet! 】

    "If you haven't learned it, you can watch my live replay, slow down the speed, and learn slowly. The dough rolled out with a rolling pin at the beginning is definitely not perfect, but after finding the skills and feel, the dumpling skins rolled out will be much more regular. "

    The dough that I rolled out by myself will have a more glutinous texture, and the dumpling skin is not easy to break after being boiled."

    "The dumpling skin is rolled out, and I will start making dumplings."

    "If you can't finish eating the dumplings, you can store them in the refrigerator . It’s frozen inside. When you want to eat it, you can take it out at any time, boil it in water and it’s ready.”

    “So you can make a lot of dumplings at one time. Eat them at home slowly.”

    Yu Zhen will adjust the saltiness The light dumpling filling was placed on the dumpling skin spread in the palm of the hand.

    Yu Zhen stretched out her index finger and dipped it in water, and she wiped the outer ring of the dumpling skin with water.

    Yu Zhen folded his hands together and pinched lightly.

    A complete white fat dumpling is pinched.

    "In this way, it is a complete dumpling."

    [Dumpling looks like the way of wrapping is really easy. 】

    "I've pinched it for a long time, and it feels good." Yu Zhen said, "If you are a beginner, you can slowly pinch the side of the dumpling."

    "Remember, don't pinch the dumpling skin with your fingernails, or you will break the skin. The filling is easy to leak."

    Under the watchful eyes of the audience, Yu Zhen wrapped all the three flavors of dumplings.

    After Yu Zhen finished making the dumplings, she did not cook the dumplings immediately.

    Yu Zhen put the dumplings one by one in the grid of the compartment box, and then she put the dumplings in the refrigerator to freeze.

    "After the dumplings are frozen, put them in plastic bags, and the dumplings will not stick together easily."

    Then, Yu Zhen used glutinous rice flour to make the skin of the dumplings.

    Compared with dumplings, dumplings are easier to use.

    Yu Zhen has two flavors, sweet and salty.

    The savory is pure pork filling.

    Yu Zhen used the pork puree left over after making dumplings, seasoned and made stuffing.

    Sweet dumplings with sesame filling.

    "The pork suet and white sugar are mixed with sesame powder. Mix it with chopsticks, and the sesame filling is ready."

    "We can gently pinch the salty dumplings with our hands. Flavored dumplings are, you can easily tell them apart."

    After Yu Zhen wrapped the dumplings and dumplings, she heated up the wok.

    The filling of spring rolls needs to be fried and then put into the spring roll skin.

    So Yu Zhen is going to fry the spring roll stuffing now.

    "Winter bamboo shoots and mushrooms, yellow sprouts and diced lean meat are combined, and they are fried in a pot. At this time, you can add seasonings such as salt and sugar."

    Yu Zhen put the prepared spring roll skin in the palm of his hand.

    "The wrapping method of spring rolls is the easiest of the three snacks. Just put the filling on this round cake. Wrap it with one side of the round cake, and then fold the two ends..."

    [I understand, what the anchor does It's all very simple. ]

    [The anchor's hand is a hand, and my hand is a pig's trotter. 】

    These three kinds of snacks seem to be simple to make, but they are also time-consuming.

    It took Yu Zhen an afternoon to look at it before he could prepare all these three desserts.

    "Spring rolls are fried, while sesame dumplings and dumplings are usually boiled in water."

    [Anchor anchor, I'm hungry! Why don't you fry two spring rolls for me first. ]

    [I've been waiting all afternoon, and my saliva is all over the floor]

    [Anchor, hungry, eat. ]

    Under the urging of the audience, Yu Zhen had to make fried spring rolls with a shorter production time first.

    The filling of the spring rolls is cooked by itself, and the skin of the spring rolls is thin, so the spring rolls can be fried quickly.

    Yu Zhen took out the fried spring rolls from the frying pan, and the room was instantly filled with the aroma of deep frying.

    The audience couldn't help swallowing.

    The golden crispy spring rolls, placed in front of them, could be seen but not eaten, making it ticklish.

    The four little hairballs on the side were also hungry.

    They lowered their heads and licked their fur, barely covering the drool that was constantly secreted from their mouths.

    Of course, Yu Zhen didn't let them wait too long.

    She distributed the spring rolls to four little hairballs, one of three.

    Yu Zhen gave them spring rolls, just to make them hungry first, after all, there will be glutinous rice balls and dumplings later.

    [Anchor, hurry up and eat the spring rolls, I waited for a day, just waiting for you to continue my life. ]

    [Anchor, hungry, eat spring rolls! 】

    The nose-pointed panda cub smelled the aroma of winter bamboo shoots in the spring rolls.

    The panda cub, who was half asleep, immediately stuck out its round head, stretched out its fluffy black claws, and immediately grabbed a spring roll.

    The spring rolls were slightly hot, but the panda cub's furry claws served as heat insulation.

    The panda cub couldn't wait to bite down.

    A crisp sound of "click" sounded in the live broadcast room.

    At the same time, Yu Zhen also bit down on the spring roll sandwiched between the chopsticks.

    Yu Zhen fried the spring rolls to crispy.

    The audience tasted the crispy skin of the spring rolls almost at the same moment.

    Yu Zhen's fillings in the spring rolls are winter bamboo shoots, yellow sprouts and shredded pork.

    What Yu Zhen chose was the tender tip of the winter bamboo shoots.

    The bamboo shoots of the winter bamboo shoots can make the audience taste the sweet and crisp taste of the bamboo shoots when they enter the entrance, which brings different feelings to the audience.

    The yellow sprouts are soft and rotten and melt in your mouth.

    The shredded lean pork completely absorbs the deliciousness of winter bamboo shoots and yellow sprouts.

    The more chewy the lean meat, the more fragrant it is.

    "The common way to eat spring rolls is to eat them with vinegar."

    Yu Zhen took half of the spring rolls, dipped them in vinegar, and put them in his mouth again.

    The spring rolls dipped in vinegar tasted sour, which relieved the oiliness of the fried spring roll skins and brought a sober taste.

    The sour taste is also appetizing.

    So when they tasted this spring roll with a sweet and sour taste, the audience suddenly had an appetite.

    【The spring rolls are delicious, crispy and crispy, and the filling is very salty and fragrant! 】

    【Vinegar and spring rolls are a perfect match! ]

    [Spring rolls are delicious to eat directly, and also delicious to eat with vinegar. 】

    Yu Zhen ate a spring roll, and she couldn't stop.

    Yu Zhen couldn't help but took another spring roll and ate it.

    While eating crispy fried spring rolls, she lit the pot for making dumplings and dumplings.

    Yu Zhen put the dumplings and dumplings into the pot respectively.

    "When cooking dumplings, pay attention. The spatula can go along the outer ring of the pot, and use the spatula to gently turn the dumplings over. If the spatula is shoveled into the pot hard, the dumpling skin can easily be smashed by the spatula."

    The round dumplings and the fat dumplings surfaced.

    The dumplings and dumplings are all cooked.

    Yu Zhen first scooped up a sesame dumpling.

    There was no tug on the sesame dumplings, and the round dumplings lay quietly on Yu Zhen's spoon.

    Yu Zhen could see the dark stuffing in the sesame dumplings through the skin of the dumplings.

    Yu Zhen handed the dumpling to his lips.

    She gently blew the hot air on the surface of the dumplings, and Yu Zhen bit the glutinous rice skin of the dumplings with her teeth.

    Yu Zhen had a lot of stuffing, so when she bit through the glutinous rice skin that wrapped the sesame stuffing on the outside of the dumpling, the sesame stuffing instantly flowed out of Yu Zhen's bite.

    Sugar and pork suet are added to the sesame filling, so the sesame filling has the aroma of lard and the sweetness of white sugar.

    The rich and sweet sesame filling slides over Yu Zhen's tongue, sweet but not greasy, paired with sweet and soft glutinous rice...

    This bite makes people unable to stop.

    Immediately afterwards, Yu Zhen ate a fresh meat dumpling.

    After Yu Zhen bit the outermost glutinous rice skin of the fresh meat dumplings, the soup of the fresh meat dumplings flowed out.

    The delicious soup entered the throat, making everyone tremble.

    Yu Zhen chops the pork very finely, so the meatballs wrapped in glutinous rice skin are also very solid.

    When Yu Zhen bit into the meatball, the gravy contained in the meatball was still overflowing.

    The salty and fragrant meatballs with the soft glutinous rice skin are also unique.

    After eating the dumplings, Yu Zhen looked at the remaining three kinds of dumplings that he had never tried.

    Yu Zhen's dumpling skins are very good, because the dumpling skins she rolled out are thin, and the audience can see the fillings vaguely through the dumpling skins completely, but Yuzhen's dumpling skins are very strong and lock the fillings tightly .

    "If you are a vegetarian audience, you can omit the eggs, chop the leeks separately, season them, and wrap them in the dumplings. Of course, if you can accept eggs, it's best to add eggs. You can use the aroma of eggs to make the dumplings taste richer."

    Yu Zhen Saying that, he picked up a dumpling filled with leeks and eggs.

    Dumplings filled with chives and eggs have a blue filling through the thin dumpling skin.

    Yu Zhen didn't eat the dumplings directly, but dipped them in her special sauce - a little chili sauce and vinegar.

    Dumplings stuffed with leeks and eggs, without pork and mutton stuffing.

    That's because the leeks have a lot of water. Even if Yu Zhen squeezed out a part of the water before making the leeks stuffing, there is still a lot of water in the leeks, and scrambled eggs are more difficult to shape.

    So when Yu Zhen picked it up with chopsticks, the dumplings slid back and forth between Yu Zhen's chopsticks.

    In order to prevent the dumplings from falling, Yu Zhen held up the dipping saucer.

    Then Yu Zhen took a bite of the dumpling dipped in the seasoning.

    The dumplings are freshly cooked, so the dumpling fillings are quite hot.

    However, the burn was not painful.

    Because the moment Yu Zhen bit the glutinous dumpling skin, the juice of the delicious chives and eggs was released.

    The sweetness of leeks mixed with the egg fragrance of scrambled eggs fills the tongue.

    The leek used by Yu Zhen is the most tender leek. When chewed, it is very salty and fragrant.

    Eggs bring a meaty aroma to the vegetarian dumplings.

    [Leek Control said that the dumplings filled with leeks and eggs are really delicious! ]

    [Although the mouth stinks after eating the leeks, it can't stand the fragrance! 】

    "If you like meat, you can replace the egg in the leek egg with lean meat and mince it, it's also delicious."

    Yu Zhen picked up another carrot and mutton dumpling.

    The eyes of the audience all focused on Yu Zhen.

    The interstellar people here usually eat mutton by grilling.

    Like Yu Zhen, who chopped mutton into mud and wrapped it in dumplings, it was their first time seeing each other.

    The mutton itself has a fishy smell that is difficult to remove, unless it is covered with sauces and spices...

    Compared with the dumplings with leek and eggs, the dumplings filled with mutton are firm.

    Yu Zhen bit down on the dumpling between the chopsticks.

    Because Yu Zhen is hand-chopped mutton, the moment Yu Zhen bites it, the delicious soup of the mutton quickly spreads in his mouth.

    The mutton Yu Zhen chooses is the freshest mutton, with pre-prepared sauce, the mutton is not half fishy.

    The sweet mutton is paired with crunchy carrots and blended into the delicious soup. This bite has a wonderful taste.

    In the end, Yu Zhen ate a dumpling filled with pork and fennel.

    Fennel pork dumplings, made with cumin.

    Fennel is an uncommon vegetable in Interstellar, and few restaurants use it in dishes.

    So when the audience saw Yu Zhen taking out the fennel, many people didn't recognize the cumin that Yu Zhen took out.

    Yu Zhen bit down on the fennel pork dumplings.

    The cumin is very tender and has no slag taste.

    The cumin is paired with the finely sliced ​​minced pork, and the umami of the pork is instantly brought out.

    The cumin itself has a slight pungency, but the pungency is not obvious.

    The slightly spicy fennel can mask the unique fishy smell of pork.

    When chewing the cumin carefully, the audience can taste the sweet aroma contained in the fennel leaves.

    It was accompanied by juicy pork, and the audience couldn't tell the taste of fennel for a while, but the taste was soothing when you entered the mouth.

    Yu Zhen remembered that when she was still in Huaxia, her favorite dumplings were the fennel stuffed dumplings made by the master.

    Whenever the cold winter comes, Yu Zhen eats a dumpling, accompanied by warm dumpling soup, can drive away the cold of the year.

    Just when the audience was immersed in pork and fennel dumplings, Yu Zhen in the live broadcast room moved again.

    This time, she took out a few raw eggs.

    The raw egg fell into the bowl and was broken up by Yu Zhen with chopsticks.

    The audience couldn't help but sit up straight.

    Could it be that the anchor has a new way to eat?

    Soon Yu Zhen heated up the oil pan.

    She cooled the boiled pork and fennel dumplings and put them in the pot.

    Dumplings stood in the pot like a general with a round belly.

    "Whoa-" the voice sounded.

    Yu Zhen poured the mixed egg mixture into the pot.

    The smooth egg liquid quickly solidified under the dumplings, turning into a yellow omelet.

    Yu Zhen turned off the fire, and then put the egg cake connected with the dumplings into the disc.

    "These are egg-fried dumplings. Compared with boiled dumplings, they have a slightly more crispy texture."

    She put the egg-fried dumplings under her nose and sniffed.

    The aroma of eggs is tangy.

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