Chapter 26

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Chapter 26 Bitter Gourd Stuffed Meat

    The mushroom soup in Yuzhen bowl is clear brown in color with mushrooms floating on it.

    In the process of stewing the mushroom soup, Yu Zhen also added some wolfberry to the soup.

    The red medlar adds a bright color to the mushroom soup.

    A faint mist appeared on the mushroom soup that was just out of the pot.

    Yu Zhen picked up the small spoon and scooped a spoonful of mushroom soup from her small bowl.

    Yu Zhen didn't rush to drink the soup first, she put the spoon to her lips and blew the soup in the spoon gently.

    When the soup cooled down, Yu Zhen drank the mushroom soup.

    Almost at the same time, the audience could taste a warm current running down their tongues and down their throats.

    Yu Zhen added a little oil to the mushroom soup to add fragrance, and seasoned with a little salt, so the overall taste of the mushroom soup is refreshing.

    But the refreshingness of this mushroom soup is not bland.

    The audience's tongue can fully taste the unique deliciousness of mushrooms.

    Fresh but not few, clear but not bland.

    The number of wolfberry in the soup is not much, so the taste is not heavy.

    Yu Zhen scooped another spoonful of soup, and this time, there were a few more mushrooms in the soup.

    The mushrooms, which are then stewed into soup after sauteing, are soft and tender. Each bite of the mushrooms is like delicious but not greasy meat. With the refreshing soup, the flavor of the mushrooms is fully complemented.

    【Pig and Pork】: This soup is so fresh!

    【Big Lanlan】: The soup is very refreshing, and the umami of the mushrooms is very appealing.

    【Huihui Sauce】: It must be delicious to eat with rice!

    A bowl of mushroom soup warmed everyone's throats and stomachs, and the audience looked forward to Yu Zhen trying the next dishes.

    "Next, try cold spinach."

    Yu Zhen took out the frozen spinach from the refrigerator.

    Yu Zhen chopped the spinach very finely, and there was a refreshing sauce underneath.

    After slightly opening the salad spinach, she picked up a chopstick of the salad spinach.

    The spinach was slightly cool in the mouth, driving away the warmth of the mushroom soup in the mouth.

    After dozens of minutes of waiting, the chopped spinach had already absorbed enough sauce.

    Freshly boiled spinach tastes crisp and tender, and the sauce for cold spinach is slightly similar to cold cucumber, but slightly different.

    Yu Zhen's sauce is sour and salty, slightly sweeter, not as sweet as the cold cucumber sauce.

    The slight sweetness added the umami of spinach and opened the audience's stomach.

    "Gulu Gulu", the chicken porridge beside Yu Zhen boiled.

    The rice grains in the pot have blossomed into flowers, and the white and tender rice grains are crowded together. The moment Yu Zhen opened the lid, the aroma of mixed rice and chicken soup came out.

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