The Awakening


622 170 55

The tall menacing figure stood over me with the stench of death. "I'm not trying to hurt you." He spoke, his... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 3

68 22 10

We arrived home at around seven that night, we ordered a take away and told each other about our first days. "You could have told me your pack was coming back?" I said to Bash. "One of them thought I was a wolf because of your sent."
He looked shocked, "I didn't realise they would be in the school yet, are you okay though, they didn't hurt you or anything?" He asked concerned.
"No, but he wouldn't shut up all day..." I told him about Brodie, as we are our dinner.
It wasn't my turn to pick the movie, it was Malachi's tonight and Bash's next time. My brother picked transformers, I was just so glad it wasn't lord of the rings... again, we must have seen them movies a hundred times this year.
I went into my bedroom and got changed into my pyjamas, they were silky smooth, white and black Mickey Mouse patterned, the top was long sleeved but the bottoms were shorts with a red bow at the front. I put my fussy pink teddy bear dressing gown on over the top and brought a small throw to cover me, I chose the little circle couch at the side. My brother and Bash sat on either side of the main four seater. This is such a cosy corner. Once we're comfy with our snacks and pop Bash pressed play, I was that exhausted that I didn't quite catch the end of the movie.
I felt a pair of strong arms lift me up, I half opened my eyes as he carried me into my room. Pulling the cover back with one hand while carrying me with the other, he gently placed me on the double bed. And slid the covers over the top of me, "Goodnight KitKat." He whispered softly.
I didn't respond, I was fast asleep by the time he left through the door.

"Mummy what's going on?" I called out to my mum who was rushing about my room, packing a backpack of clothes. My father had already left days ago with my brother, they went on a trip to see our grandparents. "Mummy." I asked when, my mums second in command Derek cam racing into the room.
He looked picked me up off the floor, "they're here."
My mum pressed her forehead against mine and looked me deep in the eyes her beautiful ocean blue eyes filling with water. "No matter what happens, no matter where you are, remember that I always loved you. Remember that I'm doing this to protect you." She cried kissing my cheek. I tried to reach out to her as Derek carried me out the back door, breaking into a dead sprint. We heard growling, hissed, groans of defeat, screaming. Then nothing. He put me down and quickly transformed into his wolf, kneeling down so I could climb on his back, I held his thick fur in my tiny hands, a big black backpack on my back as he took off in a dead sprint. We ran for days, he didn't stop running.
I could see the border of the California pack, but just before we could reach it Derek was thrown against a tree, it was like it had been anticipated because, he threw me just over the border triggering the Daniels pack sensors as he fell. "I'm sorry Princess." His voice echoed in my mind though he hadn't spoken. As the vampire ripped at his throat. Blood splattered and I screamed, backing away as more of them turned up, there were around four of the monsters. Someone pushed me behind them a harsh growl echoing through the air. Alpha Daniels.

Waking up in a pool of my own sweat I couldn't stop the scream that escaped my lips. It felt so real, like it was happening all over again. My bedroom door flung open and Bash came running over to me, sitting up in the bed he game me a reassuring hug, the tears ran down my cheeks. I knew I was safe here. "It's okay. Kat you're okay, I've got you." He whispered soothingly into my ear as he stroked my long wavy black hair.
It's every night every time I close my eyes, it's all I see. I clutched my necklace, focusing on my breathing. After a few minutes he stood up, "do you want a coffee?" He asked looking at the time on the alarm clock. It was five thirty. I knew he wouldn't go back to sleep now, he was on high alert.
I nodded, "yes please." I croaked. I didn't plan on going back to sleep either.

My phone buzzed with a message.
Lukas: My mum told me some amazing news, she got a call yesterday, we won last years dance competition, we have to perform Way Down We Go live in front of a big audience on Thursday 😊😊😊

I dropped my phone on the bed and ran out to Bash who was starting to walk towards my room with a cup of coffee. "Bash, guess what?" I rushed. "We're going to perform. Live." I gushed. "The judges put us in the top category."
He smiled happily, "congratulations Kat. When's the competition?"
"This Thursday." I smiled showing all my teeth, "will you be able to take me?" I asked.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world." He laughed. I already planned on skipping lunch to practice.
I ran into my bedroom and picked my phone up texting Lukas back.
That's amazing, wanna meet at lunch to practice?
We already knew the dance choreography completely, we just hadn't done it in a few months so it might be a bit rusty. With a competition coming up we wanted it to be perfect.
I drank my coffee in silence and then rushed in the shower, washing my hair. After the shower I brushed my teeth and browsed through my clothes what did I want to wear today, I couldn't wear a skirt because of the dance, I didn't want to flash anyone my undies.

I chose a simple outfit light blue skinny jeans paired with my white cropped pineapple hoodie, underneath I had a red crop top. I put my vans on and my glasses that I needed for headaches. I quickly straightened my thick black hair and pinned a strip of hair back so it didn't fall in my face. (See outfit below.)

I walked out my room, with my bag over my shoulder. Bash handed me some toast, as I walked towards the door. "You're going to school this early?" He asked raising an eyebrow at me, it was six thirty, and school was only thirty minutes away on the skateboard.
"I'm going to see dad before I go." I answered, meaning his gravestone. He looked cautiously at me.
"Just be careful. Apparently there's wolves near by." He answered and I nodded, I put my wireless ear phones in as I picked up my skateboard. It was still dark, but it wasn't cold. I stepped into the elevator pressing the button for the ground floor. I waited for the doors to open and walked out into the lobby, putting my skateboard on the floor when I was finally outside.
There was no one about so I didn't mind singing as I skated down the street "All you have to do is stay a minute. Just take your time. The clock is ticking, so stay. All you have to do is wait a second. Your hands on mine. The clock is ticking, so stay." I hit every note perfectly. The graveyard was twenty minutes away from the house, it wasn't a straight route, I had to go down a dark alley way, so long as Bash knew where I was I felt safe. I'd never go anywhere without telling him first. I jumped off my skateboard, picked it up and ran to the back of the graveyard where my dads stone was. "Hi Dad." A smile crept onto my face. I knew he wouldn't reply but it felt comforting just to talk to him. "I'm doing a dance competition this week. The judges that came to our dance studio really liked us."

I spoke my voice full of excitement, Lukas had been my dance partner for the last two years, once I was all cleared by the hospital, I joined the dance team, I used to go to dance class when I was younger. When my dad and brother used to take me, my dad would watch or take my brother to swim in the same leisure centre. I'd missed out on four years by the time I started to dance again, at first I was slow and scared that I didn't have the same unnatural strength and speed that I used to, but it didn't take long for the music to take me and to memorise the steps. I smiled, "I miss you." I whispered before getting up, "I have to go to school now, but I'll be back with Malachi on Saturday with your flowers."
I jumped on my skateboard pushing my leg out as I skated down the path and out the gates. Once I made it to school I shoved my skateboard into my locker and turned round. The moment I saw Lukas in the corridor, I ran up to him accidentally bumping into someone as I did, "sorry." I said sheepishly stopping briefly to see that I'd accidentally barged into one of Brodie's friends. He looked at me with a smirk as I turned around and continued to run to Lukas embracing him in an excited hug. "I can't believe we made it." I smiled, as he hugged me back with a chuckle.
"I can, you're the best one on the team." He said making me blush.
"Well I'm not the best." I said, as we walked to my tutor.
"Okay, grab yourself a sandwich or something at lunch and come straight to the gym." He said walking me to my class. Lukas was the year above me, he removed his arm from my shoulder when we reached the door.

"See you at lunch." I smiled, pushing the door open. I walked into the class and took a seat next to Skylar, the bell rang. She raised an eye at me, it was a silent question asking me why Lukas had walked me to class, he didn't hang about with me during school, he was just my dance partner. "Guess what?" I couldn't help myself from smiling. "We're partnered for a dance competition, we've been invited to perform last years dance." I smiled, last academic year I meant.
The bell rang and Brodie's group arrived at the door a few of them starring in my direction. Brodie, Jason and Hayley all stepped into the class, "Hi Skylar." He smiled taking the empty seat next to her, Jason and Hayley chose to sit in front of us.
Hayley flipped her long straight copper hair over her shoulder and turned around to face me. Brodie and Skylar were talking quietly with each other. "Hey. I'm Hayley." Her voice was soft and bubbly. Her emerald eyes twinkling as she spoke.
"Hi, I'm Kat." I responded with the same amount of enthusiasm.
"So you and Lukas are a thing?" She asked with a smile.
I laughed a bit too hard, "Lord no. We just got some good news. We're in a class together." I stated.
Faye was starring at us with a shocked expression, "Hayley." She called over, "what are you guys doing over there? Come sit with me." She said giving me a sly look.
"We're fine here." Hayley snapped back. Her eyes darted back to me. "So what's the news?" She pressed.
"They're going to be performing live." Skylar jumped in.
Hayley's eyes widened in surprise, "What like in a band?" She asked.
"No it's a dance competition." I said quietly.
Mr Maddison called out the register, we used tutor for homework or quiet reading. Most people used it to talk to their friends.

I rushed through my lessons until lunch, I had Maths, Chemistry and Physics this morning, I took brief notes in each lesson. Not caring if the answers were correct. I waiting for the bell to ring. As soon as it had I jumped out of my seat and rushed to the lunch hall. Meeting Skylar at the door. "Can I watch?" She asked with a cheeky smile as we stood in the lunch line, I grabbed a ham salad sandwich and orange juice drink out the chiller.
"Sure, I don't see why not." I shrugged as we paid for our food.
"Hey Skylar." Brodie's voice called to her as we stepped out of the lunch hall. She didn't look back, she kept walking then grabbed my arm and we ran down the corridor. We ran to the gym room Lukas was already there waiting for me.

"We have an audience?" He asked looking from me to Skylar we were both slightly red in the cheeks and breathless from running.
"Yeah is it okay?" I asked, he nodded with a smile.
"You better clap for us." He smirked. "You can play the music for us if you like?"
We got into the starting position I did a handstand and Lukas grabbed my ankles as he stood behind me, Skylar pressed play. We had locked the door so we wouldn't be interrupted but that didn't stop Brodie from punching it when he arrived at the gym. We ignored it and continued. Lukas pushes my legs forward as I flip into a standing position and stand forward my dark hair whipping back as I moved. Lukas then pushes me and I let myself fall forward with the push spinning to my left as fall turning myself a whole 360 degrees and landing in a splits position as he walks up behind me, I use my core strength in my feet to push myself up. When I'm raised Lukas grabs my upper arm and pulls me into a dipped position he switches his hands and grabs the back of my neck, walking with me in a bent back position, I stand up right. I turn it into a triple spin and he grabs my shoulder, I flick my leg out and stand frozen with his hand on my shoulder. He moves his hand around my back grabbing my shoulder from the other side, and forcing me to look, left, I let my legs weaken a bit tilting down I reach for his hand on my chin and step back pushing him off and shaking my head. I fall into him and push myself forward as he drabs my waist and lifts me up. I straighten one of my legs in the air as he holds me above his head, and spins with me dropping me down to his shoulder, he throws me up into the air and I kick my legs slightly falling back into him before he drops me on the floor and I lay straight. I grab his ankle and roll my body with his movement he then climbs on top of me pulling me back up with a hand on the back of my neck. He embraces me in a slight hug and my leg goes up, bent slightly. He puts an arm down my back, the other under my leg and he dips me I let my arms fall back as he swings me round into another hug, I push him back and we both do a spin then a spin kick before landing on my knee in a position allowing me to sprint forward. We run towards each other. I dip down slightly as he jumps over the top of me, I cover my face with a hand and turn, lands in a rolled position and runs back round, we both run to the middle. I put an arm out my other arm in the air and I roll my leg out to the side and bring them all back in I straighten my legs and jump into a sliding position, like a half splits. I bend my leg in a stretched position pushing my arm out, I put my hand on cold wooden the floor and spin around as Lukas flips towards me landing on top of me as I lean back, hands covering my face. He pretends to hit me as I roll from side to side dodging them. I slide underneath and grab his ankle slightly, he flips into a laid down position in his back looking up as I crawl back wards and push myself to my feet, he crawls forward on his belly, I walk back into the corner as he slowly gets up to his feet doing a rolled flip, I start to run towards him as he slowly steadies himself, I jump placing my leg over one of his shoulders and one under his arm wrapping them around his upper body.

Skylar gasps, as he pulls me forward and rolls me down him and on to the floor we both fall back, laid on our backs we push our legs into the air, our hands on the floor above our heads to push ourselves up. We jump and land in a seated position. He pulls me to my feet and throws me over his head. My body stays straight as he spins me and I do three spins before reaching the floor in a tilted back position, he swings me to the other side and I flip him over me, he lands on his feet swinging his body back as I let go of his arm, he gently slides his back to the floor and rolls onto his stomach as I go to walk away he grabs my ankle and I launch myself into the air spinning myself and landing with a thud on my side. I look back at him breathing heavy and smile as the music stops. (See video for dance).

He gets up and goes to unlock the door, Skylar is starring at me with wide eyes as I get to my feet.

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