Catapulted - A Superman & Loi...

By JohnnyEl-Hajj

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When Dawoud gets catapulted from Earth-2 to Earth-Prime, he has no choice but to painfully start all over aga... More

Chapter 1: Breached
Chapter 2: Dazed and Confused
Chapter 3: Hello Again
Chapter 4: Harsh Q&A
Chapter 5: Déjà Vu All Over Again
Chapter 6: Guy, Interrupted
Chapter 7: Red
Chapter 8: Nostalgia
Chapter 9: The Battle for Superman
Chapter 10: The Silver Infection
Chapter 11: Historical Inaccuracies
Chapter 12: Libnén
Chapter 13: Complicated
Chapter 14: Afflicted
Chapter 15: Change of Plans
Author's Note
Chapter 16: Welcome Back to Earth-2
Chapter 17: The Justice Society of America
Chapter 18: Forced Return
Chapter 19: Further Revealing the Past
Chapter 20: The Imposter
Chapter 21: Paragon Search
Chapter 22: Rescue Mission
Chapter 23: Devastating News
Chapter 24: Hope on the Horizon
Chapter 25: The Crisis
Chapter 26: Second Chances
Chapter 27: The Battle for the Multiverse
Chapter 28: Bitter Goodbyes
Chapter 29: Moving Forward
Chapter 30: Like Father, Like Son
Chapter 31: Dawoud's Choice
Chapter 32: The Final Battle
Chapter 33: Fallen Warrior
Chapter 34: Aftermath
Chapter 36: An End, And a Beginning
Author's Note & Book 2
Author's Note 2

Chapter 35: Vaya Con Dios

74 4 3
By JohnnyEl-Hajj

Author's POV

"Clark, you have to take care of Dawoud! Adriana has lost it and I don't know what she will do to him."

Clark looked at his brother, who in reality was his half-brother but saw him as more than that. To him he was his brother and being from different moms did not change that.

"Why has she gone down this road to where she is hurting her son?" Clark questioned. "What is she even after?"

Ahmet sighed, and it became obvious to Clark that he was under a lot of emotional turmoil because he and his son were walking on a thin line that could break loose at any moment.

"I have suspicions about Adriana but that I also cannot confirm" said Ahmet. "But to keep you and Dawoud safe, the less you know the better because again, if my hunch turns out to be true, there's no telling what will happen. That's why you need to keep him safe!"

"But how can I look out for Dawoud when he's likely going to leave even if something happens to you? He wants to return to Beirut."

"You are Superman. You can get to Beirut in a breeze" Ahmet laughed.

"True, but I would prefer if he stayed here. That way he can have stability."

"Clark, you need to understand that while you want to provide that stability for him, it's not going to happen here. This place has destabilized his life and everything else that ever mattered to him. So please, don't force him into something he doesn't want to be forced into."

Clark understood his brother's point of view but Clark being overprotective of those who were his, wanted to get his brother to convince his son to stay in Smallville. But he also knew he was not going to force him into a situation he did not want to be in, so he realized he was likely going to have to persuade Dawoud, though he took into account that was likely going to be easier said than done.

"Brother, Dawoud is vulnerable as well as emotionally. If you take him he's not going to learn to deal with his problems."

"He's dealt with enough, Clark!" Ahmet got a bit tough. "He grew up on Earth-2 only to later get thrown here into Earth-Prime with no warning. His life was turned upside down and you have to understand that."

"Fine" Clark said, defeated.

He was going to try and convince Dawoud to stay behind even if his brother objected to it, but either way he was going to find a way to convince him to stay. But he knew he had to do his homework and investigate Adriana. She had become an enigma to his brother, who his brother loved with all his heart, being his wife.

It had become very obvious that Adriana was holding back something crucial that could very well further turn her son's life upside down. If he figured out what was going on, only then would he be able to protect his nephew.


Dawoud's POV

The next few days went by in a breeze and while I had promised Lois I would rethink my decision to leave, I knew in my heart I could not satisfy her. Beyond that, it was more due to no longer wanting to be here. I wanted to go back to Earth-2 so badly but I was banned from ever returning, so I had to go for Plan B and I preferred to be around my culture and my people.

That was the only thing that was going to give me a measure of peace and a sense of belonging.

Here, I did not belong and as a result, I did not feel comfortable. I didn't want to upset Lois because she was the literal embodiment of my Lois. But even I could not make her happy by making myself unhappy.

Sitting in my room as I was packing, which was almost nothing, I tossed everything in my new duffle bag. The only thing of value that I had was my motorcycle, which I was likely not going to be able to take with me. So I was either going to have to sell it or leave it behind and have to get rid of it or sell it and let him keep the money so I would not have to deal with him.

Clark walked in, his expression was down and upset at what he saw me doing.

"I thought you were going to think about staying?"

"I did and my answer remains the same, no!"

"You promised Lois."

"I promised her I would think about it, which is different."

"And what are you going to do in Lebanon?"

"Live my life on my terms. You, my brother, and my mom have made all the decisions for me without asking if it's what I want or if I'm happy. So now, I'm going to do what makes me happy and I'm going to leave!"

"You still don't get that what we're doing is for your own good!"

"What, dictating my steps?"

"You can see it however you want to see it. But you're just running away."

"Maybe I am, but if I don't want to stay or deal with what I'm dealing with without an end to it, then I'm going to leave it all behind. Call it running away or whatever else you want to call it. I really don't care anymore."

"I'm trying hard here. You are my brother's son and I promised him I would look out for you if something was to ever happen to him. You're making it hard for me to keep that promise."

"You're trying to guilt-trip me here. It's not going to work and maybe my dad asked you to do that but I also know he wouldn't want me to be in a place or situation that makes me unhappy."

"If you leave you are no longer welcome in this house!" he said, his green eyes blazing with absolute seriousness.

"Then I guess I won't ever come back to this house, not that I ever plan to return!"

"So it's like that?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

He sighed and shook his head.

"Dawoud, I don't want to give up on you. I care and I love you, even if we don't know each other well. But you are my nephew and I want to be able to keep my promise to your father!"

"Then keep it. But in a different way and not by forcing me to stay here!"

"When do you plan to leave?"

"I'm gonna try and find a flight for tomorrow."

"Please, just stay" he begged.

"No can do."

"What are you going to do out there?"

"I'll figure that out when I get there. Now, what happened with you placing that ultimatum?"

"I made that promise to your dad but if you leave, then I very well might never allow you back into this house."

"I'm leaving either way."

"What are you going to do without your family?"

"I don't have a family. Not anymore."

"And what am I, Lois, and the twins?"

"I barely know you guys and before you go telling me that I knew your doppelgangers, well I hate to break it to you but you're not quite the same people I knew."

Clark sighed, clearly frustrated.

"I know you're hurting but you can't let that dictate your life."

"You, my mom, and my brother Clark dictated that for me. You all forced me to stay on Earth-Prime knowing very well that I did not want to for obvious reasons. So I'm done with my family on Earth-2, even if they later come telling me I can return. Which I very much doubt."

"Dawoud..." he began but I raised my hand, palm flat in the air.

"Stop trying to convince me. It's done, my mind is made up and if you choose to bar me from ever setting foot in this house, then so be it. It's not like I have anything to lose when I have nothing to gain anyway."

"Dawoud, come on..."

"Oh, and you can sell my motorcycle. Or destroy, give it away, I don't care. Do whatever you want with it."

"Dawoud, you promised Lois."

"I promised her I would think about it, not that I would stay!" I reminded. "Besides, you know very well I was never happy here and I won't be, especially if you force me to stay."

"In life, we don't always get what we want."

"I know but I am not going to make myself unhappy by staying here. If you don't agree then that's on you. I've already learned that you don't care about me or how I feel, or the fact that I am miserable in this universe. That's what's kept us from ever getting close."

"So you're blaming me for your distance?" he gave me an incredulous look.

"Yeah, because you've always tried to control me in all aspects. You see things how you want to see them and not the way I view them. You try to force me into matters knowing that it makes me unhappy. And I am no longer going to let anyone, not even you, dictate my steps from this moment forward."

Clark lowered his head as if defeated by my words. I knew I was going to lose him but he was never anything of mine, to begin with. So it was hardly a loss because we shared no emotional connection. We never shared any special moments. Nor did we ever truly get to know each other but at the end of the day, that was more my choice than his.

I simply could not get close to my brother's doppelganger, especially when I thought he was dead all along.

"Can we at least talk about this in the morning?"

"I'm likely going to be gone, assuming I will find a flight."

"Can't you delay your plans a bit?"

"No. Because I know if I let you, you will find a way to keep me here."

"I promise I won't. Please, wait until tomorrow. Please?" he pleaded.

I figured maybe a day wouldn't be too bad.

"Fine, but only one day!"

"It's all I need" he said, relieved. "I'm going to the farmers market with Lois and the twins. Wanna come?"

"I'll sit this one out."

"Okay" he said and walked out.

It was late and everyone was asleep. I sat in my room, searching for flights for the day after tomorrow. Only, they had one flight that would be leaving at around 3 AM.

I realized at this point that I was not going to be able to satisfy my uncle in staying for one more day. I simply couldn't and I was not going to let me try and convince me otherwise. It would only end with us arguing and fighting. It was the last thing I wanted or needed and if he chose to never let me back into this house, then that was a price I was more than willing to pay.

Packing my stuff, I realized I had almost nothing. I left my bike keys on the desk with a note, telling him to do whatever he wanted, that I had left, and left a brief explanation as to why I decided not to wait.

I called myself a rideshare to the airport after purchasing my ticket online. A one-way ticket to Beirut.

As I waited for my ride, I sent Somaya a text, telling her I had decided to go back to Beirut and to meet me there after graduating, as we had promised. I then sent Ragheb a text, telling him that I was going to head out there and if his offer to stay at his house still stood. He messaged me a few seconds later and told me I was more than welcome.

It was a relief because it meant I was not going to have to spend time finding a hotel to stay at.

My ride came and I snuck out of the house quietly to not wake anyone. I stepped out and the moment I noticed the car ahead, I turned around one last time. The house was the same as on Earth-2 and it still had sentimental value. But again, this was not my real home and sadly, it never would be even if I decided to stay.

I got inside the car and the driver smiled.

"To the airport?"

"Yes" I replied.

"Where you heading to?"


"As in Beirut, Lebanon?"


"I'm from Beirut" he chuckled.

"You are? What neighborhood?"

"Achrafieh, you?"

"I was born in Raouché."

"Nice man. You visiting family?"

"I wish that was the case but no. I'm moving out there actually."

"Nice, I want to go back so badly" I noticed he had a clear American accent. "I came to this country about thirteen years ago when I was seven."

"I came here as a child and have visited time and time again, but truthfully I've never felt I fit in here so I realized it was best if I went where I felt more at home."

"Home is where the heart is" he said.

"That is so true."

"Definitely. I'm Rafic."

"I'm Dawoud."

"Tcharrafna Habibi, it's very nice to meet you."

"Tcharrafna Kaman" I replied, which translated to 'It's nice to meet you too!'.

I was surprised I had run into someone from my country. It was a nice surprise.

As I further looked at him, he had dirty blonde hair, fair skin, and clear but at the same time, big dark blue eyes. It was something typical even in Syria and Iraq, to have such features.

Arriving at the airport, I waited as everyone else did. By the time Clark realized I was gone, I was going to be several hundreds of miles away and he was not going to be able to do anything about it.

It was finally time to board and showed the lady my passport and boarding pass. I passed into customs and waited there.

Finally, after waiting for close to an hour, I boarded the plane and sat down. Moments later the flight attendants showed us the emergency exits, what to do in case of an emergency, and also how to use a life vest.

The plane started to take off. It was speeding so fast it felt like I was on a rollercoaster. The plane began to lift into the air, which felt weird as hell. It felt almost as if I was as light as air but at the same time heavy, as the plane continued lifting itself into the air. The plane started to shake, which was somewhat scary. It was scary but at this point, I did not care enough if the plane crashed and killed me.

The plane was now steadily in the air and the shaking stopped. We were flying in the air as smoothly as one could want.

The captain said that all was well but to keep our seatbelts on until he lifted the command while I sat there, thinking about my life and what else was in store.


Hey guys, Chapter 36 is up!

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