my best friends brother || h...

By 1dsonlyangel

39K 285 100

[COMPLETE] Alexis Pierce is best friends with Gemma Styles, they are inseparable you could say. But always be... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty nine
chapter forty
chapter forty one
chapter forty two
forty three
forry four

chapter four

1.4K 14 2
By 1dsonlyangel

a lot happens in this chapter :)

Alexis Pierce
His hand in mine, we walked along the beach with the sunset giving us some warmth. I really liked Tristan, he was really sweet. He took me out for dinner but refused to let me pay for it and just told me he's happy to pay which was really sweet.

We got to know each other, he was super sweet.

"So what's the deal with you and Harry?" he asks, my eyes widening.

"Harry?" I furrow my brows.

"Yeah, is he your ex boyfriend or something?"


"Harry who?"

"Styles? You're best friends brother?"

"My boyfriend? No, of course he's not, why do you ask?" I look at him, our eyes meeting.

"I don't know, he just came up to me and told me that he'd break my nose and to not ask you on anymore dates," he shrugs but I freeze.

Harry said that to him?

"He said that?" he stops too.

"Yeah...he said your like a little sister to him or something?"

Great. So not only am I his annoying little sisters best friend but I'm now his little sister.


"I assume it's because you're always with Gemma?"

"Well yeah," I keep walking. "But I don't get why he would go up to you like that,"

"He also told me to not take your virginity," he shrugs and I freeze again. Oh my god. Why is Harry going around and telling everyone I'm a fucking virgin? Why does he care? And does he not want me to ever lose my virginity? What the fuck?

"When did this happen?" I murmur.

"He stormed in so I assume when he stormed off from somewhere?"

Oh my god. Suddenly, Louis words are ringing through my head. Why does Harry care what I do with my sex life? What the fuck?

"Hey um.." I get his attention. "Can we...get out of here?"

"I can take you home," he nods.

"No, not..home," I hope he's picking up what I'm putting down. His eyes flick over mine, furrowing his brows in a twitch. "Just..somewhere?"

"Oh," he realises. "Harry really will kill me if I agree,"

"Harry, doesn't have to know shit, I don't know why he's being so...weird around me like that, this isn't up to him. It's something I want,"

"Are you sure?" he now holds both of my hands, waves crashing on the shore.

"I'm positive," I smile. I lean in and press my lips to his, he cups my jaw and smiles back.


Hours have gone by and I'm no longer a virgin to say the least. I am in so much pain though. We had sex in his car, I wasn't really feeling pleasure but pain, he was so careful and took his time with me, making sure I'm okay.

My legs are so sore and my thighs are hurting to the point where I can't walk without wincing and limping. He took me home though, I'm perfectly safe. I'm just in pain.

He was really hesitant of it because of Harry but I just told him I won't tell Harry, why would I need too? I thanked him for the good night and limped inside. My 4 year old sister was eating, my mom at the table with my dad, my dad doing a crossword and my mom reading.

"Hey sweet, how was your first date?" she asks.

"Um, yeah, it was good,"

"Good?" she said.

"We went out for dinner, a walk on the beach and then he took me home," I shrug.

"Did you kiss?"

"Yeah," I shrug. "I'm going to go to bed, I've got school tomorrow but I might watch some Friends before I do, goodnight,"

"Goodnight," they say in sync, my sister waving. I walk the best I can upstairs, getting you there and biting my lip. Fuck sakes this hurts. I sit on my bed, wincing.

I know it's not a scare but I bled a little bit, being in pain and everything. He was enjoying himself though, I really wasn't going to complain with that. He was so gentle as I said, making sure I wasn't in as much pain but I really was.

It definitely hurts, the bleeding proved that.


The next day, I woke up and got ready for school, still feeling an ache but it wasn't as bad as yesterday. I got to school, Louis didn't realise at first, but when he did, holy shit I had to stop him.

"Louis, please stop!" I whisper shout.

"You had sex!" he whispers back, grinning.

"Yeah, and it hurts," I whine.

"But you- You've had sex!"

"Louis," I swat him, shaking my head. Harry looked at me, I acted like nothing was wrong. I knew I only had sex with Tristan because Harry said something to him and I wanted to piss him off. Fuck him, honestly. "Stop,"

"But, oh my god," he pouts. "I'm the only virgin ew,"

"Why does being a girl have to be painful?"

"Did you use a condom?"

"Of course he did," I nod. "I made sure of it, I know what happened if he didn't,"

"Hey," Gemma says, Zayn standing next to her.

"Alexis had sex," he points my eyes widening as they both look at me.

"Louis!" I swat him, shaking my head.

"You did?" she grins.

"Well, Louis already told you," I nod.

"Oh my god, with who?" she then asks.

"His names Tristan? The one I went on a date with yesterday?"

"Oh," they say in sync. "Are you okay? Were you safe?"

"Of course we were safe, I'm fine, just a bit sore but, it's better than what it was yesterday," I shrug, sighing.

"Congratulations," she smiles. "Virgin no more

"Thanks," I shrug.

"There's a party tonight, don't miss it," she smiles. Zayn cups her jaw with one hand and presses their lips together, Louis and I fake a gag to tease her.

"You are so strange you two," Louis whispers. They pull away with their lips smacking which makes them both grin. My eyes fall to Harry, slamming his locker closed and shaking his head, looking at Zayn and Gemma.

We walked to class after the bell went, not many classes were left. Because I was good at English, I was moved to the seniors class, Harry being a senior, I was in his class. Because I was in pain, I couldn't really sit still.

Stay innocent.

And when the end of the day came, my mom picked us up this time but I told Gemma not to say anything about me losing my virginity last night because I haven't told my mom yet. She didn't which was good but we told her we were going to a party.

So when we got home, Gemma and I went through my wardrobe. I'm wearing black ripped jeans and a pink halter top and a white flannel shirt over the top, paired with my pink converses. Gemma found a mini black dress, and paired it with her vans.

I put mascara on while she put a whole face of makeup on. She looked so pretty though, mom made us mac and cheese while we were getting ready so we just ate that and we left.

Once we got there, there was so many people already here. Some were passed out on the front lawn, some fucking on the side of the house thinking no one will see them, some doing lines and smoking weed.

"I'm sure this isn't, as bad," Gemma tries to lighten the mood.

"They all look like seniors," my mom worries.
"On high amounts of drugs, I don't know if I want you both there,"

"We'll be fine, we have each other," I say.

"I've asked Harry to take you both home," she says, Gemma furrowing her brows.

"He's here?" Gemma points.

"That's what Anne told me, but if he doesn't show up, call me and I'll pick you up...maybe,"

"Harry's gonna ruin everything!" Gemma groans.

"Be good," mom points to Gemma, then me.

"I will, I won't even be drinking," I shake my head. "I just got dragged along," I shrug.

"That's my good girl," she tucks hair behind my ear.

"Pfft, I'm getting pissed," Gemma opened the door. "Thank you for driving us Mrs. Pierce," she smiles as I get out.

"You know to call me Lauren, Gem,"

"Bye mom," I blow a kiss. She waves with a smile and we close the door, my mom driving off slowly. I sigh and follow Gemma inside the crowded house. We squeeze through the tiny gap of the door, and I widen my eyes.

The music booked through my chest, people making out, dancing and drinking. "Oh my god," I couldn't even hear myself say that. I take Gemma's hand as we go through the sweaty crowd, people having sex in every corner of the room.

I follow Gemma in the kitchen, a group of people sitting on counters with girls hanging off their shoulders. But I was surprised to see Harry, the green of his eyes swallowed by his pupils, his eyes a bright red.

He was holding a beer bottle too, a whole bunch of empty ones behind him on the counter. Gemma freezes and I look to see Zayn, looking at Gemma with a small smirk. I let go of her hand and she goes over to him.

"Gemma?" Harry slurs. "Fuck me," he rasps, tipping his head back. Gemma then kisses Zayn and walks over to Harry. She grabs his chin and meets eyes with him.

"What did you take?"

"...pills...potions, um...I don't know," he grins, Gemma shaking her head slowly.

"He's smoked a lot of pot and may have done a line," Zayn says.

"A line?" I ask.

"Cocaine," he says and my eyes widen, looking at Harry. Gemma pushes his jaw so he starts chuckling, running his hands through his messy curls. "You can slap him, I already have, he can't feel pain,"

She walks over to him and slaps him on the arm but he just keeps his head down, fluffing his nose. "I could rip your eyes out!" she shouts. "What the fuck, Harry!" she yells but he just smirks, finishing the last of the beer.

"You're one to talk," he mutters, she grows angry, because her brother is high off his ass, not even feeling pain right now but I just stand there shocked. Why would Harry do that?

"Gem," Zayn takes her hips softly, pulling her back into him softly. "There's nothing we can do, it's in his blood stream, we just have to keep an eye on him but right now, he's harmless, look," he points, he just sits there slumped, playing with his hair.

She sighs. "I need a drink," she grabs a bottle of what I assume is vodka and opens the bottle, tipping it back. I just stand there, unsure of what to do or say. Harry stands up, falling into me.

"Woah," I put my hands on his chest, widening my eyes. He sniffs, grinning.

"Sorry love," he taps the tip of my nose, Gemma watching this. I don't know what to do. He smells so good, like alcohol and weed but still like his cologne. He wets his lips with his tongue, stepping back and holding onto the kitchen counter before he pads away, fluffing his nose.

I just stand there frozen.

"How do we get him off being high?" Gemma whispers, cupping Zayn's jaw.

"We don't, we have to wait until it's out of his bloodstream,"

"How long will that be?" she asks. He shrugs, unsure of it himself. I walk over to the sink and grab a empty cup, taking the bottle of vodka off her and half filling my cup. "Go for it,"

I tip it back, feeling an incredible amount of burns all over my mouth as I swallow and screw my eyes shut. "Ooh," I rasp. "That is fire,"

"I'm gonna be babysitting all night, aren't I?" Zayn laughs.

"No," she shakes her head. I tip more back, feeling it hit my stomach with a heavy burn, more I drink, more it gets less intense. I bite my lip and look in the now empty cup, hearing lips smack.

I sigh and take the bottle of vodka, leaving the kitchen, I'll see her later when she's not occupied. This house was huge, full of people but huge. The stairs weee grand and the house just looked expensive. I don't even know who's house it is, Gemma told my mom where to go.

I see Louis in the far corner, not even noticing Im here due to talking to a guy that looked gay, not to be stereotypical. His hair was blonde, earrings, rings, painted nails. He looked nice, Louis was blushing with a red solo cup in his hand.

I walk over, not trying to disrupt them. They both look at me, Louis gasps. "There you are," he beams.

"I love your hair," the guy touched it, making me smile.

"Thank you," I smile, he flashed a grin.

"Oh, this is Alexis," Louis gestures.

"Hey girl," he smiles.


"I'm Dylan, extremely gay," he giggles. "If you couldn't tell,"

"It's nice to meet you," I smile.

"Have you had a drink?"

"Three shots of vodka, plus," I hold the bottle up, Louis grinning.

"So, how old are you?" Dylan asks.

"Im sixteen,"

"Shut up, you look so much older," he looks me up and down.

"I get that a lot," I smile.


I nod.

"But, miss girl had sex for the first time yesterday," Louis says and he gasps.

"No way!" he beams which makes me smile from his positivity.

"Hey," I hear a very familiar voice say from behind me. I look over my shoulder, Tristan smiling.

"Hey," I turn around.

"How are you feeling?" he then asks.

"Still sore but, better," I nod with another smile. "This is Louis, and Dylan,"

"Hi," he nods.

"Who's this?" Dylan whispers.

"Tristan, he took her virginity," Louis says to Dylan.

"Ooh!" he beams yet again.

"Do you want a drink?" he asks.

I hold the bottle of vodka up and he smiles. "Right," he chuckles.

"I got one, but thank you for the offer," I smile.

"Sorry I didn't see you today,"

"Oh no, it's okay," I smile, shaking my head.

"There's just a lot going on," he then says, a small frown playing on his lips.

"It's perfectly fine," I shake my head. "Don't feel
bad," I shove the bottle in Louis hand and cup Tristan's jaw. He smiles and relaxes into my touch. "What happened? If you want to tell me you can," I whisper, rubbing his cheeks with my thumbs, his hands resting on my hips.

"My mom is divorcing my dad," he whispers and I frown.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I whisper.

"It's okay, my dads a bastard anyway," he shrugs.

"It's still sad," I shake my head softly. He looks down at my lips, leaning in and pressing them to mine. I smile instantly, his lips feeling the same as yesterday.

I hear Louis and Dylan whisper something, then them giggling. He puts a hand on my lower back and pulls me closer. Our lips smack, his lips soft like clouds on mine. I then hear them gasp softly, Tristan being pulled off me.

I open my eyes to see Harry holding his shirt collar and pushing him against the wall. Tristan widens his eyes and I just stand there. "Don't you fucking touch her!" he yells, people not caring.

I don't know what to do, I stood there shocked.

"Did you hurt her?"

"Of course I didn't, you psycho!" Tristan says back.

"I swear to god, you think about it, I will hurt you," he mutters.

"Harry!" I shout but he doesn't listen.

"Get off me!" he then shouts. Harry is high and can't feel any pain, I'm worried now.

"Harry!" I shout again, but he doesn't listen again.

"What did you do yesterday?" he then asks Tristan.

"That's none of your business," he shakes his head, holding Harry's shoulders to keep him away.

"What!" he shouts making me flinch. "Did you do yesterday?" he mutters the last part. I shake my head, gripping Harrys shoulder, some people watching.

"Harry please," I whisper. he shakes his head. "What happened yesterday isn't any of your business,"

"Stay out of this, Lex,"

I meet eyes with his, still high of his rockers. "No Harry, you stay out of this!" I feel my blood boil. "What are you doing!"

"I don't want him near you!" he shouts, the vein popping on his neck.

"You're causing a scene," I whisper, people now looking at us. He looks back at Tristan, pulling him somewhere like a rag doll. I look at Louis and Dylan, them both staring with wide eyes.

"Go!" Dylan whisper shouts and everything goes dizzy because the vodka has sunken in. I follow them, Harry pulling him outside. I jog to them, my heart racing, god knows what Harry's gonna do.

"Did you?"

"Fuck!" I then hear Tristan outside the window. "Yes we did! Fuck sakes why are you so Psycho!"

I watch them on the side of the fence, it being dark down there. Harry freezes, slowly turning his head towards me, Tristan mouthing: "I'm sorry,"

I swallow and look at Harry, who then looks at Tristan and next thing I know, Harry's fist comes to Tristan's face and I gasp. Tristan drops his head and spits, blood falling onto the pavement. I walk in but Tristan shakes his head.

"Don't," he shakes his head. "I'm okay,"

"You're a prick," Harry shoved his against the brick, Tristan's head crashing against it and I part my lips in horror.

"Harry!" I scream, running up to him, and shoving him so he lets go of Tristan. "What is your issue!" I feel tears in my eyes, looking Tristan now on the floor.

"You don't t know what game he plays!" he shouts at me. "Did you really think he would just randomly ask you on a date?"

I ignore Harry, crouching next to Tristan, blood on his nose, on his lip too. I look at the back of his head that seemed okay, no cuts but it might be something else. "Are you okay?" I whisper.

He nods softly.

"He doesn't care about you," Harry says.

"Shut up, Harry," I mutter.

"He took your virginity for a game he plays with his friends,"

I freeze, looking down at Tristan who opens his eyes to look at me but I look up at Harry. "How do you know that? Why should I believe you?"

"I told him not too, but he did anyway," he looks at Tristan. "I'm trying to protect you from this, wanker,"

Harry could just be saying this. "Stop lying," I roll my eyes but I go to wipe Tristan's nose but he grabs my wrist and looks guilty. I furrow my brows and look at him, swallowing. "It's not true, is it?" I whisper so only he could hear.

"I wasn't going to," he shakes his head softly, rasping. "I didn't want to do that to you because the more I got to know you, the more I felt bad for doing it, but you said you wanted to, and I shouldn't have but I did,"

"It's a game to you?" I feel my throat tighten.

He doesn't answer.

"See?" Harry said. "When I saw you together, I knew you didn't know,"

Harry really was just trying to protect me, even by threatening Tristan the first time which made me want to piss Harry off, and had sex with him. But now I just look at Tristan, blood on his face as he lays on the concrete at the side of the house near the gate.

I stand up, looking at Tristan who just stays quiet and on the floor. I fold my lips in a line and swallow tears. "You really went after me as a game?" my voice cracks.

"I wasn't going to, I promise," he objects. "Alexis—"

"You acted like you didn't want to do it, but you really only asked me out to take my virginity?"

He doesn't answer and I know that was a yes. "See why I didn't want you to go after him?" Harry says softly now. "I'm sorry it ended this way but he wasn't going to tell you,"

"I'm sorry Alexis, I—I didn't mean too—"

I step back from Tristan, shaking my head and land on someones arms, Dylan and Louis standing there with frowns. I spin around and look at them, the pool lights illuminated them. "I'm sorry, petal," Dylan whispers.

I drop my head and leans my head on their shoulders, the both rub my back. The first time i have sex, it's all a game to him. He never actually liked me or anything, his friends probably chose me and he went after them.

I wipe my eyes and walk away, keeping my head down and walking back inside. I don't know where Gemma is, I just want to go home honestly. I walk up the steps, opening a door to surprisingly find a empty room.

I step in and close the door, a tear rolling down my cheek. I sit on the twin sized bed and drop my head. Of course. Of course I would get the bad luck on my first time. I was starting to like Tristan, but of course he's a rat, just like the rest that have tried many times to get me to have sex.

I've just never felt right about it. Tristan never asked me about sex so I thought he was the nice one and I was the one who asked. I feel so violated right now. I can't believe I couldn't see it.

I sniff and wipe my eyes, the door opening. I look up to see Harry, blood on his knuckles. "Are you okay?" he steps in and closes the door.

I just look at him, tears rolling down my cheeks. "How did you know that?"

"Our friend Sarah, she was a victim of another one in their friend group but she didn't care, I knew you would," his eyes don't look as dark anymore, the green starting to come back.

I drop my head again, shaking my head. I sniff and sigh, the bed dipping next to me. I then smell his scent, I fiddle with the loose threads in my jeans, wiping my eyes.

"I didn't mean to start anything," he whispers. I shake my head, swallowing, wetting my lips.

"I would have let myself keep going, and if anything happened between us and I found out, it'd be a lot worse," I breathe.

"I did tell him not to hurt you or I'd break his nose," he says softly. I didn't know what to say, I don't know how to feel. "I know what he does, when I saw him asking you something, I knew what he asked so I just asked him not to try anything, because I'd do anything to keep you safe, because your like a little sister to me,"

I fold my lips in a line. That feeling when your standing next to your crush and someone says; you two'd look cute together" but they screw their nose up and shake their head, that just hit me like a tone of bricks. A little sister? Little sisters annoying best friend?

"Mhm," I nod, unsure of how to answer that. I sigh, looking up at Harry. His eyes were beat red, but his pupils not as large. "Thank you..." I whisper. He did just tell me something I wasn't going to get told.

He nods, flicking his eyes over my face. I then look back at the floor, shaking my head. "He told me...that you threatened him about something that I can't even remember, even from yesterday,"

"I didn't want this to happen," he shakes his head.

"Why?" I speak normally. "Why do you care what I do with my sex life?"

"It's a dangerous thing,"


"You're still young, don't make me teach you about what happens,"

"I know what happens, a pregnancy, STI...?"

"Good, so you know what happens, but it's more then that, people can do it selfishly, Tristan is a great example,"

"You're saying you didn't want me losing my virginity? Gemma's lost hers?"

"I know she has, it still angers me but she had a boyfriend at the time, I know who it was. I was stupid and didn't have a girlfriend when I lost mine, and I was younger than you and I hate to admit that,"

"How old were you?"

"Fifteen, and I just found a random girl and fucked the shit out of her, I knew what to do though," he shrugs. "I wish I had waited until a relationship because I can tell you right now, sex is different in a relationship then it is with just finding someone,"

I sigh. I wish I didn't go on that date with Tristan, he lied to me and now I feel terrible. "Lex," he whispers, giving me butterflies by the way he said it. "You're still innocent, keep it that way," he cups my jaw, ducking his head down to meet eyes with me. "Don't do what I did,"

"What did you do?"

"Please, I snuck a girl in, sometimes the same one a few times, did drugs," he sighs,meaning he could go on. "You're not that person, keep it that way, okay?"

I nod softly, looking at him. I was still intoxicated, it had only been half an hour since I had the shots. He looks down at my lips, biting his own. He swallows and I furrow my brows softly in a twitch.

Oh my god, is be actually?

He leans in our lips touching. I widen my eyes as his stay closed. Holy fuck. His lips were oh so soft, feeling so strange, being on mine. Our noses were next to each other. He pulled our lips apart and I swallow.

He pulled away completely, grazing his lips as I just look at him in shock. The next thing I know is our lips are smashed together, moving together like there's no tomorrow.

Our lips smack and it makes my skin crawl and stomach get butterflies. I hum, he inhales, holding my hips. I cup his jaw, feeling his sharp it is, under my hands. The hands on my hips, squeezes them and it honestly makes me gasp.

I shuffle closer and put on of my hands on the back of his curls, they were soft as I thought, his hair a lot longer than it looks. He swipes his tongue on my bottom lip and I part them.

Our tongues taste each other and I could taste the intoxication of him on my tongue; he could probably taste some on mine. I was drunk, I would have stopped kissing a little while ago but simply couldn't, his lips are so addicting.

"What is this?" I hear someone, making us pull away, looking at the door and I gasp. Gemma and Zayn stand there, Gemma looking shocked and angry. I widen my eyes at the hickey they both had on their necks, Gemma's hair messy, Zayn just looking at us.

"Gem...I—I can explain—"

"We're you kissing my fucking brother?" she then says.

"I can explain, it's not what it looks like," I stand up, Zayn and Harry now looking at each other. "Um, something happened and Harry was here, talking to me,"

"That didn't seem like talking!" she snaps. "Did you only kiss him because he's high?"

"What? No!" I shake my head.

"I kissed her first," Harry stands up now, defending me. "Don't get mad at her, get mad at me,"

"You kissed each other?" Gemma says.

"I started it, it was an accident,"

"Accident? Really?"

"What we're you two doing anyway?" he turns it around while my stomach goes queasy. I look at the stare they were in, looking very much like if we weren't in their room, something was going to happen.

"Just...walking around?" Hem says, furrowing her brows. "I can't believe you would do that, after I've told you many times!"

"I'm sorry Gemma, it was an accident, like Harry said, it didn't mean anything,"

She rolls her eyes, grabbing my hand. She storms out, trudging me along with her. "Stop," I say but she doesn't.

"We're leaving,"

"Bye!" Louis calls, Dylan looking at me then Harry following.

"Gemma!" Harry snaps, pulling our hands apart.

"Fuck you Harry!" she stops. "All you've done is cause shit. I heard you started a fight?"


"Then you kiss my best friend, making me mad at her for not stopping it even after I said to her not too!"

"I'd Alexis and I weren't in that room, what were you two going to do?"

"We were looking for someone!"


"Like who?"

"Stop arguing!" I snap. "Honestly you two, I'm over it!" they both look at me. "Harry, my mom said you were taking us home, I just want to go home, so can you please finish getting sober so you can do that?"

"I'm sober now," he pulls his keys out.

"You're not getting in a car with Harry,"

"He's my only way home, I want to go home," I say. I look at Harry, his eye still red but his pupils back to normal.

"He looks fine,"

"I don't want to leave," she shakes her head. "I was having fun,"

"Then I'll take her and you stay here,"

She looks at Harry, clenching her jaw. "How can I trust you after what I just saw?"

"Oh my god Gemma," he rolls his eyes, getting angry. "She wants to go home, just let her,"

"Fine," she storms away. She didn't say bye, meaning she isn't happy with me. I huff and look at Harry, he huffs too.

"C'mon," he says softly.

"Alexis wait!" I hear Tristan. I cross my arms and keep walking. "Alexis please!"

I stop. "Ignore him," Harry says. "Please," he then whispers in a beg. "I'll just get angry again,"

He slowly slides his hand into mine and I look at our hands but don't do anything. "C'mon," he whispers again, pulling me towards his car. He unlocks it and I let go of his hand.

I still hear him calling out my name but I just get in his messy car, closing the door. It smells of weed and cigarettes in here, no matter the air fresheners hanging from the mirror.

"Sorry about the mess," he tosses stuff in the backseat, a scrunched tissue in the cup holder. "Um...don't touch that," he puts his phone in it to cover it. I don't know what it is but I just shrug.

I huff and look out the window, feeling sick to my stomach. He starts the car up and starts to drive, I rest my head on the window and watch the houses and things go by.

What a night.

long chapter lol sorry

also what is in the tissue? ;)

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