Halstead Imagines

By malewk172

341K 4.9K 1.1K

Imagines about the Halstead brothers, Will and Jay from Chicago Med and Chicago PD. Mostly brother sister mom... More

Drunk Tank
Contract Killer
Stupid Game
Seasons of PD and Med: Season 0: The Backstory
Seasons of PD: Season 1: Lonnie Rodiger
Seasons of PD: Season 2: Will's Back...and There's a Bomb
Stars on your Sleeve (Ranger! Jay)
Stars on your Sleeve (Part 2)
Royalty AU
Three Strikes
Seasons of PD: Season 3: Jay's Missing
Seasons of Med: Season 1: Glad I Didn't Make it that Far
Seasons of Med: Season 2 and Seasons of PD: Season 4: Necessities, Love, & Care
Seasons of PD: Season 5: PTSD
Drunk Face
Seasons of Med: Season 3: You Saved Her Life
Seasons of Med: Season 4 and Seasons of PD: Season 6: Of Loss and Letters
Seasons of Med: Season 5 & Seasons of PD: Season 7: Necrotizing Fasciitis Scare
Seasons of PD: Season 7: Don't You Ever Do That Again, You Hear Me?
1930s AU (Part of AU-gust)
Stupid Game...But They're All in High School This Time AU (Part of AU-gust)
Country College (Part of AU-gust)
Who Would've Thought? A Government Teacher and an English Teacher (AU-gust)
Safe (Part of AU-gust) {Please Re-Read; Made Changes}
Royalty AU Part 2 (Part of AU-gust)
Cut Off
Study Buddies
To Family, Blood or Otherwise
Christmas Sickness
Halstead Headcanons
Seasons of PD: Season 8: Full-Circle Moment
Seasons of Med: Season 6: It's Not Okay
Seasons of PD: Season 9: Ghosts of the Past
Ars Longa, Vita Brevis
Titanic AU
Halstead Headcanons Pt. 2
Witness Protection? You're Kidding.
Brady and Burdens
Hometown Hero
Code Silver
Halstead Headcanons Pt. 3
A Rough Week
Nightshift NHL
None of This is Your Fault
Mentally Healthy
Seasons of Med: Season 7: Jay Being Jay
Halstead Headcanons pt. 4
I Can't Believe You
Not in a Million Years (Safe Pt 2)
Jesse Lee Soffer (Jay Halstead) Petitions
Found Family
Seasons of PD: Season 10: A Piece of You, A Piece of Me
The Lake
Trifecta from hell
Holiday Away
Learning from the Best
You Got This, Kid
Witches AU
Halstead Headcanons Pt. 5
Pirate AU

Doing What You Would Do

2.9K 63 8
By malewk172

A/N: I hope you like this one and please remember to vote and comment! 


"Pizza will be here any minute," you said to Makayla who was busy trying to find a movie to watch on Netflix. Whenever you had to babysit Makayla on Friday nights, it was a tradition to get pizza and watch a movie. It was as much a treat for you as it was for her because you got to relax after a long week of college classes and she got to pick the movie.


"You find a movie yet?"

"Yeah! I picked Princess and the Frog!" the seven-year-old said excitedly from her place on the couch.

"Perfect!" you exclaimed, matching her excitement. There was a knock on the apartment door. You grabbed some money from the drawer where Kim always left emergency money and money for takeout. You looked through the peephole and saw the pizza box, but no pizza man behind the box. Weird. "Hey, Mak, how about you run to your room and grab your platypus now, okay?"

"Yeah, good idea! Then we don't have to stop the movie!" She jumped off the couch and scampered off to her room.

Only then did you open the door.

"Fifteen, ri--" you were abruptly cut off and shoved into the apartment.

There were two men and they were in masks.

"Y/N, I have my--"

"Makayla run! Hide!" you screamed.

"Get her!" one of them yelled.

"No!" you screamed. You tried to throw a punch at the one closest to Makayla's room, but he ducked and the other one grabbed your arm and twisted it.

You kicked your leg back, hoping to kick him in the balls.

You heard a groan of pain and knew that you had made full contact.

Using those precious few seconds, you sprinted after the one who had ran after Makayla.

"Hey!" you yelled. "If you want someone, take me!" you yelled.

He roughly yanked Makayla off of her bedroom floor.

"No!" you yelled and jumped on his back. You raked your nails down the side of his face. But, you didn't get any skin under your nails because he was wearing a mask. It still hurt him, though.

"You stupid fucking bitch!" he yelled.

You were just about to shove your nails into his eyes when you were roughly ripped off his back and thrown to the ground.

"Ugh," you groaned as your back hit the floor.

"Y/N!" Makayla yelled.

You jumped up as fast as you could but were met with a punch to the side of your face, which knocked you down again.

"I got this one. You keep her down."

You started to get up again but got kicked in the stomach. You couldn't get up. After about ten kicks to your gut, he was done, so you tried once more to get up, despite having no strength left, but were met with another punch to your head in the same spot. The world spun for a few seconds.

You felt yourself being dragged across the carpet and then roughly forced into a sitting position. Your eyes were closed because if you opened them, you knew you'd throw up. You heard rustling and then felt yourself being tied to something.

You opened your eyes.

"Fuck y--" You were cut off as a piece of fabric was shoved in your mouth and tied around the back of your head.

"There. Much better. Bye-bye."

Then, the masked man left.

They had Makayla. And there was nothing you could do about it.


"Let's go see our kid," Adam said happily as he carried a box of pizza and a bottle of champagne while he and Kim walked down the hallway towards their apartment.

Kim's eyes widened when she saw their apartment door open. "Adam!"

Adam quickly set down the food and the bottle of champagne and drew his gun from his holster. "Go, go," Adam hissed. "I got you."

Kim entered first. She looked around the living room and then took off running without checking around any corners.

"Makayla!" she yelled. "Makayla!"

"Kim!" Adam yelled back. "Be careful!"

She ran right into Makayla's room. "Adam!" she yelled when she saw you. She quickly crouched down. "Y/N! Y/N, where's Makayla?" You tried to talk through the fabric, but it didn't work. She pulled it down. "Where's Makayla?"

"They- they took her," you said.

"Took her? Took her where?" Kim asked frantically.

"I don't- I don't know. They came in here and I tried--"

"Jesus," Adam said as he walked into Makayla's room. He quickly crouched down next to you and started untying you from one of the bedposts. "Call it in," he told Kim.

"5021 Eddie I- I," Kim tried.

"Help Y/N, help Y/N," Adam said as he pulled out his radio.

Kim took over the task of untying you.

"5021 Ida, emergency 230 Mohawk. Possible kidnapping of a tender-aged child. Name is Makayla Burgess. Units in the 21st. Units on the city-wide."

"Did you see where they went?" Kim asked frantically. "What did they look like?"

"I dunno," you said and closed your eyes. You were starting to get a headache. "They were wearing masks. I tried to keep them from her, but they were stronger and they punched me and- and..."

"Kim," Adam said gently, "how about you go meet the officers downstairs and I'll wait here with Y/N and call Jay?"

"Yeah, yeah, okay." She quickly scrambled up and all but sprinted out of the apartment.

"I'm gonna call Jay," Adam told you. "Can you stand up?" He held his hand out for you and you took it and stood up. "Dizziness? Blurry vision?"

"Little dizzy, but that's it. I tried, Adam. I- I promise I did. I kicked one of them in the balls and then I jumped on the other's back and I- I scratched him. But they still took her." Tears started to run down your cheeks. "I'm so sorry. It's all my fault."

"Hey, this isn't your fault. It's all their faults. It's not yours."

You shrugged. You didn't believe him.

He pulled out his phone and quickly called Jay. You only heard what was on Adam's end, but there was a lot of him reassuring Jay that you were okay other than a huge gash on the side of your head.


"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Jay asked worriedly as he ran into Adam and Kim's apartment.

"I'm fine. Go look for Makayla," you insisted.

"The side of your head is most definitely not fine," Jay argued. "I'm taking you to Med because that needs stitches." He held up three fingers and took a few steps back. "How many fingers am I holding up?"

"Three. This isn't the 80s NHL, Jay. That method for judging concussions sucks. You should know this!"

"Hey, I'm going with Adam to the district to work the case," Hailey said. "You good getting her to Med by yourself?"

"Yeah," Jay answered. "I'll get her statement on the way there, too." He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a few pieces of paper towel. "Here. Hold this to the cut on the way there."

"Fine. But after I go to Med, I wanna help," you insisted.

"And do what exactly?"

"I dunno. Answer the phones. Like the tiplines and stuff."

"There won't be one. It's in-house, so you can't do anything. Not that I'd let you help anyway. Giving your statement will help, though. So think of that as helping us."

You knew there was no way he was actually going to let you in on anything regarding the case, so you dropped it. "Fine."


"I cannot believe you won't just let me stay at the district," you complained as Jay pulled into the driveway.

You did have a mild concussion, and Will was working and the ED was short-staffed, so he couldn't get off shift. And of course, Jay had to work the case. So, he had called Kelly and Stella to babysit you.

"You have a concussion and with the case, I can't be checking on you making sure you aren't sleeping a ton. You heard Stevie, someone's gotta wake you up every two to three hours."

"I can just set alarms on my phone. I don't need a babysitter, Jay."

"Too bad. I'll get you inside and Kelly and Stella should be here in five minutes. You can handle five minutes by yourself, right?"

"I feel fine," you grumbled.

"I'll take that as a yes."

Jay got you inside and you sat on the couch. He reminded you to tell Stella or Kelly if your head started hurting worse and then he left to go work the case.

The minute he left, you kept replaying the scene in your head, seeing if you missed anything important. You didn't.

God, you wished you could help somehow. If only you knew what Intelligence was saying or where they were going, you might be able to help someway. But, Jay wouldn't let you. But, there had to be some way for you to help. You couldn't just sit on your hands and let her get hurt.

If only you had grabbed a knife when you had the chance before jumping on that guy's back. If you had, you could've stabbed him in the neck and then he wouldn't have been able to grab Makayla. Maybe if you had had a knife in your hand when you opened the door, you could've used it to your advantage and hurt them before they got into the apartment.

If you had called 911 as you stabbed both of them, then Makayla wouldn't be missing right now. But, of course, you hadn't done either of those things. You had made Makayla go missing and had gotten yourself tied to her bed instead.

If you knew what Intelligence was doing, maybe you'd be able to put some pieces together for them. Granted, you hadn't seen much, but you had seen more than them. But you had told Jay everything, so it would be no help.

But you wanted to help. You at least needed to try. And to do that, you needed to know what was going on over there at the 21st district.

But, you couldn't go in there because Jay told you specifically to stay home. And there was no way anyone would let you help.

You tossed your phone in the air and caught it.

Wait a minute.

Cell phone.

If you could somehow get into Jay's phone and hear what was going on, you could try and help that way.

And you knew just the person for that job.


You still had two or three minutes until Stella and Kelly got here to get your plan set in motion. So, you quickly made your way to the bathroom and locked the door. If they got here when you were on the phone, you could hang up and text Mouse and stay in the bathroom and then the two firefighters would be none the wiser.

"Y/N?" Mouse answered.

"Hey, Mouse. Listen, I need a favor," you said quickly.

"Okay," Mouse said, but it sounded more like a question. "Which is?"

"I need you to hack into Jay's phone somehow so I can hear what he and the rest of Intelligence are saying."

"Y/N, I really don't think--"

"I was babysitting Makayla, the girl that Kim adopted, and she got kidnapped. I wanna help, but Jay won't let me near the case. Please, Mouse," you pleaded.

"I really don't think that's a good idea."

"Oh, come on! You know you won't get in trouble for this because I'll just say I asked you and Jay could never be that pissed at you. I'm the reason she's in this situation and I want to help them find her, but I can't do that unless I have more information."

You heard Mouse sigh on his end. "Fine. Give me half an hour. Once I hack into it, you're gonna call Jay. It won't ring, but you'll be able to hear what he's saying."

"Thank you." You heard the door open. "Gotta go. My babysitters are here."


"I'll explain later. Bye."


It had been twelve hours and was now morning. Kelly actually made some killer pancakes. You had been listening to the case as much as you could. So far, they had visited Theo, Makayla's biological uncle, and that was a bust. They had gone to a women's prison to pay a visit to Tariq's (Makayla's dad) girlfriend. You had been close to waking up Kelly and telling him everything that happened and posing as a lawyer and getting your ass into that prison while Intelligence argued over what to do (well, it was mostly Kim and Adam doing the arguing). But, you knew even if you explained the reasoning to him, there was no way he'd bring you to a prison. You couldn't drive because well, apparently you had a concussion even though you felt fine.

They kept talking about a drop. They were arguing about possibly doing the drop. They were doing the drop.

An hour passed. They were at the drop.

You sat in your room and stared out the window. You were in a two-way call. One with Jay, just to listen to what was going on and one with Mouse to ask him to do stuff. They were pinging a burner. Adam was bitching about it taking too long.

"Burner's at 66th and Lawndale, the tact unit is crashing. They're 90 seconds out."

"That's Marquette Park. That's 12 miles away."

"We're not doing this. She's not even here. Theo, this is Ruzek. Do not do it. Do not drop the money. Do not drop the bag. Do not do the drop."

"Adam, what are you doing?"

"Adam, stand down. We are letting this play."

Fuck it. They were taking too long arguing about what to do.

You left your room. Marquette Park was closer to you than it was to them. It was only five miles away from you instead of their twelve.

"Kelly, Stella, I need your guys' help," you said.

"Okay, what's up?" Stella asked.

"I need one of you to bring me to Marquette Park. Preferably Kelly because he can probably throw a punch. No offense, Stella."

"Uh, what?" Kelly asked.

You sighed. "Listen, I had one of Intelligence's old tech guys and Jay's best friend from the army, Mouse, hack into Jay's phone so I can hear what's going on with the case. They're currently arguing about doing a drop and a burner phone pinged in Marquette Park which is closer to us than them. I need one of you to take me there."

"So you can get the other side of your head busted?" Kelly asked. "No way, Y/N."

"I'm not gonna do anything stupid. I just wanna help. You helped my brother when they kicked him off the case of who started that fire in my dad's apartment building. Why not help me?"

"Maybe because you're not a trained cop."

"Y/N, that's a really stupid idea," Stella said.

"Ugh. I promise we'll just pull up there and I won't get out of the car. I'll just look for anything suspicious. Please, Kelly, please."

"Fine. Just because I do the same thing with arson cases. But you are not getting out of the car."


Yeah, if you saw something, you'd still be getting out of his car. You also grabbed a knife from the kitchen and kept it hidden in the sleeve of your hoodie.


"I don't see anything," Kelly said as the two of you slowly crawled down the street in his car past a used car lot.

"Me e--" But then you spotted him. The guy had the same build as the guy whose face you had raked your fingernails down last night. "That's him," you muttered.

"What?" Kelly asked.

You looked at the locks on his door. They were up. The door was unlocked and you were going slow enough that you could easily jump out.

You unbuckled your seatbelt while Kelly was still scanning outside and then quickly opened the door and jumped out and started sprinting.

"Son of a bitch," you heard Kelly say as you ran off.

There was a hole in the fence right in front of you.

You just had to get through there making as little noise as possible and then you had the upper hand.

You had left your phone in Kelly's car, so you had no idea how close Intelligence was. You knew they were on their way, but you also knew that it was now or never.

You crept through the hole in the fence and toward the guy. He was talking on the phone.

"Yo, Lennie, where are you? Wait, wait, wait, wait. Answer your damn phone. Hit me back. Hey, man, the drop should've happened by now. Should've heard something by now, man. I don't know. I can't wait anymore. I'm gonna get rid of the kid and get out of here."


No, no, no, no.

He had Makayla.

He was gonna kill her.

You quickly pulled the knife from your sleeve.

You crept up as close as you could to him without being spotted and then waited for him to turn around.

You ran straight towards him, knife raised.

"You fucking son of a bitch!" you yelled and then quickly jammed the knife into the back of his leg. He fell to the ground. "Remember me?"

But, he quickly grabbed your leg and pulled you to the ground with him.

"Fucking bitch!" he yelled. You tried to get up, but he already had the gun in his hand. He whacked you in the side of the head with it.

"Hey!" you heard someone yell.

And then he pistol-whipped you again and everything went black.


You squeezed your eyes closed as soon as you opened them.

Too bright.

"Hey, you're awake." You knew that was Will. "I'd suggest you wake up a bit before Jay gets here because he is pissed. Don't get me wrong, I'm pissed at you too, but not as much as Jay. I almost had to call security to keep him from knocking Kelly out."

"Mhm, thanks," you grumbled and then opened your eyes.

"Drink this." He handed you a cup of water and you took it and started drinking it. "I will tell you that you have yet another concussion on top of the mild one you already had. Which is dangerous. Remember how pissed everyone was when Sidney Crosby came back in the playoffs after getting a concussion?"

"Uh-huh," you said.

"It's a safety thing, Y/N. You need to take it easy with a concussion and not run into danger. Now, I'm gonna go grab your doctor and get you some food. What do you want?"

"Mhm, pizza?"

"I can do that."

Will stood up to leave the room, but then Jay barged in.

"Have you lost your fucking mind?" he yelled. "You could've been killed!"

"Shit," you hissed. The volume of Jay's voice was hurting your head.

"Keep it down, man," Will told him. "She's got a concussion."

"Yeah, and she wouldn't be in this position right now if she stayed home like I fucking told her to. How did you even find us anyway?"

"Mouse," you muttered.

"What was that?" Jay asked.

"Mouse! I called Mouse, okay?" you yelled despite the pounding in your head. "I had him hack your phone so I could hear what was going on! I needed to help!"

"But you're not the police!" Jay argued.

"And I'm not a fucking kid anymore either, Jay! I couldn't just sit on my hands and do nothing!"

"You giving your statement wasn't nothing! That helped."

"You're bullshitting me and you know it!"

"You didn't even stop to think that he might have a gun on him, did you?"

"I was doing what you would do!" you yelled at Jay. "I was doing what you would do for me! I was being a big sister to Makayla because I know what it's like to not have parents and I didn't want her to lose them again because Kim and Adam wouldn't stop fighting! I figured if I found her first, Kim and Adam wouldn't be in danger and it's my fault she got kidnapped in the first place, dammit!"

Jay was silent. He looked at Will, but Will just nodded. You knew he was on your side because you both knew that Jay would and has gone into situations without thinking of the repercussions before.

"Y/N," Jay started quietly and crouched down next to the hospital bed. "How many times do I have to tell you that this wasn't your fault?"

"But it was," you whispered. "I was the one watching her. I should've been more careful."

"You couldn't have known that the guys at the door weren't people delivering pizza. Nobody blames you."

"Kim and Adam don't blame me?"

He shook his head. "No, they don't. I promise."

Then, the waterworks started. You finally realized the gravity of what could've happened. "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry."

"It's okay," Jay soothed. "But, you're stuck with me for the next week because I'm taking furlough to look after you."

You groaned. "Will?"

"I'm with Jay on this one. Can't have you getting any more concussions. Two in less than 24 hours is more than enough," he answered. "But, I will stop by to check on you a few times, stop him from making you go crazy. Maybe bring over some donuts."

"And this is why you're my favorite brother."

"Rude," Jay scoffed.

Then, there was a knock on the door and three people entered.

Kim, Adam, and Makayla.

"Bad time?" Adam asked.

You shook your head and motioned for them to come in.

"You got hurt, too?" Makayla asked as she replaced Jay in the spot next to your hospital bed.

"Just a little bit, but I'm okay," you reassured her. "As a matter of fact, I can't leave yet. So, if it's okay with Adam and Kim, how about we all stay here and watch Princess and the Frog. How's that sound?"

And that's how that chaotic day ended: with you and Makayla watching Princess and the Frog on your phone cuddled in your hospital bed together. You had to wear sunglasses because you were staring at a screen and had a concussion, but it was still worth it.

Everything you did that day was worth it for little Makayla Burgess.

A/N: I hope you like this one based on 9x15! Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote and comment!

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