Shadowhunters/Malec One Shots

By piadreamer

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One shots of my favourite otp, Malec. May also contain other pairings but mostly Malec. Contains fluff, angst... More

A giggly morning.
What are you?
My immortal boyfriend
We always seem to find a way back to each other.
I will carry you.
Perfect Criminal
Perfect Criminal •Part 2•
Perfect Criminal •Part 3•
Perfect Criminal •Part 4•
Drunken mistake
My boyfriend's a cat-fox.
I'll always protect you.
Thunderstorms and cuddles.
Relationships... they take effort.
Relationships... they take efforts. •Part 2•
You might be gold but I love Silver.
The story of Madeline Lightwood Bane.
Dimensional Issues
My Sleeping Prince
War of hearts
Beautiful Evening
My innocent Fiancé.
First date
Heartbreak and misery
Lost willpower
Lost willpower •Part 2•
Lost willpower •Part 3•
I'll love you for a thousand more.
Together, always and forever.
Play day.
Play day •Part 2•
Portal Mishap.
Portal Mishap •Part 2•
Melodious escape
Melodious Escape ~ 2
Melodious Escape ~ 3
Melodious Escape ~ 4
Deal with the Devil
Love that never fades
The Return - Chapter 1
The Return - Chapter 2
The Return - Chapter 3
The Return - Chapter 4
The Return - Chapter 5
The Return - Chapter 6
The Return - Chapter 7
The Return - Chapter 8
The Return - Chapter 9

Melodious Escape ~ 5

165 16 13
By piadreamer


*Five days later*

"Alec, are you alright?" Clary shook his shoulder and he blinked back to reality, jerking his head up and looking into her concerned green eyes. "You're distant from some days. Zoning out every now and then. The way you're playing, I can tell you're in pain but not telling us. Talk to us, Alec, we're all family here."

"I'm fine, Clary." He said with a tight-lipped smile but in reality, he wasn't. Why wasn't he telling them the truth about his and Andrew's relationship? He had no damn idea. Maybe telling them would open a way to get help and advice but also the way they'd look at him, with pity, the way they'd question him, maybe use him to get back at Andrew, he didn't want that.

The day he found out about Andrew's sick nature, about how he was just using him as a sex toy and cheating on him repeatedly, he tried to confront him but before he could, Andrew had announced to his family that he was ready for marriage and had already planned a destination wedding in Miami. That announcement did not just put a smile on his family's faces, but the way his mother's face glowed with happiness, the way she forgot all her problems and accepted yet another so-called generous offer put forth by Andrew that she couldn't say no to, he didn't have the heart to ruin their happiness. Doesn't matter if he had to suffer for a while, or his whole life, he couldn't see his family in pain, no matter how they treated him.

"But Alec-"

"I'm fine, I promise."

"No, you're not," Magnus said, walking towards them while having a tray his hand. "You're in pain and we all can tell. Did something happen between you and your.... fiance? You can talk to us, Alexander. If not us, then talk to Tessa. She is the only one here with the longest relationship that too with two husbands. I'm sure she'll give good advice."

"Not for the situation I'm stuck in," He said faintly then forced another smile. "Thank you, Magnus, but I'll be fine."

Exchanging a worried look with Clary, Magnus slowly nodded, then gently pushed the tray in front of them. "Kue Lapis, our traditional Indonesian cake. Dad and I made this together. We both love this. It's made with rice so have as much as you'd like."

"Mr. Bane made this? Seriously? I thought he couldn't cook?" Clary's eyes widened as she picked up a good amount of cake in the clasp of her hand, making Alec's jaw drop.

"Clary, that's too much sugar."

"I love sweets." Clary simply shrugged and put the smallest piece wholly in her mouth.

"I named you correctly - biscuit. Perfect for your sweet tooth addiction. And yes dad can't cook but there are few exceptions." Magnus chuckled when she put a few of it together in her mouth making her cheeks turn into a big balloon. "Alexander..."

"Jeez, redhead." Alec made a face and slowly picked up just two.

"Have more, it's not that sweet."

"Uhm, alright." As he picked up a few more, Ragnor walked up the stage, having a bright smile on his lips.

"Ah, sweets! Do you know the good news already Bane!?"

"Good news?" Everyone left whatever they were doing and gathered around Ragnor, who picked up a handful of sweets too.

"Yes, good news. Queen's central auditorium finally approved our request. We have a live concert there next Friday. Ten songs, one break in between, singers alternating between you and Simon. And it's a full band concert. No one's going to be left behind unlike last time. I'll get the time slot by evening."

"What!? Finally!? Yes!"

"Holy shit! I was waiting for this for so fucking long!" Maia bounced on her foot while others celebrated the news, and why wouldn't they? Queens central auditorium was the largest auditorium of not just Queen city but the whole of New York and this was a big achievement for their band, but not for Alec. He can't perform in front of that much crowd, especially if it'll broadcast on live TV. Everyone would know, especially Andrew.

"Ragnor you had- Alexander? Are you not happy?" Magnus asked and he slowly lifted his gaze off the ground. Everyone turned towards him too, eyes filled with confusion. "Wait, have you still not told your family about it?"

"No, I... I couldn't. I'm... scared of their reactions. Will this be on air?"

"It won't be live but you know how everything goes on YouTube nowadays. And we have a big name kid. You know it already." Ragnor sighed. "You need to tell your family, this can't go like this forever."

"I know," Alec said and exhaled a long breath. "Um, I don't have the courage or confidence to tell them. If I will, I'd have to tell them why I started playing and.... that's something... which lead to a lot of conflict in our house. And I'm not ready for that. If... if they see the video, I'll just face it but... I can't tell them from upfront."

"Are you sure, Alec?" Tessa asked.

"I don't have any other choice. I really want to be a part of this, it's like a dream come true for me."

"Alright then, as you wish darling." Magnus said, "Ragnor, give us the list, we'll start reher-"


Came a voice from the entrance making all of them turn towards it.

"Jem!? Will!? What are you two doing here?" Tessa rushed by her husbands' side.

"Alec's here? We need to talk to him." Will said, panting heavily.

"Yes, but what happened?"

"Will, Jem? Do.. do I need to be at the firm? I'll come-"

"No, you don't. Not any longer." Jem said in a sad tone, his dark eyes fixed on him and Alec felt like there wasn't any ground beneath his feet.

"Wh.. what do you mean? Why do you sound like that?"

"We're really sorry, Alec. We love your work.... but..." Will said, exchanging a look with Jem then turned towards Alec with an apologetic expression. "We have to fire you."

"What!?" Others exclaimed in unison, exchanging confused looks while Alec stood shell shocked, trying to process what he had just heard. Fired? For what?

"H.. have I made any mistake Will?" Alec asked as tears brimmed in his eyes. "Am I not giving enough time? I'll... I'll cut my time here-"

"Alec calm down, there's nothing as such," Jem said in a reassuring tone. "We don't want to fire you, we've tried to come up with different alternatives, but couldn't find any. If you all could help, maybe this could be avoided but..." He trailed off.

"What's going on Jem?" Tessa's worried gaze danced between her husbands. "You two couldn't stop complimenting him so what happened?"

"We got a... threatening call... asking to fire him or our company would pay the price," Will said and rubbed his face. "We're really sorry, Alec."

"Wait, what? Jem, Will, you know there are a lot of rivals of your company, you can't-"

"That's not it, Magnus. We don't budge with this kind of threat. We've dealt with a lot of threats before and that's how we responded but then," taking out his cell, Jem opened something but his hands shook and a few teardrop fell on his face.

"Jem?" Maia said in a worried tone. "What is it?"

"Tess... it's... it's your...." He trailed off, turned, and buried his head in Will's chest who had tears falling down his face as well.

"It's your... images... from last night's shower," Will said in a shaky voice, unable to look in Tessa's eyes. Tessa's face paled as she snatched the phone and scrolled through the text on the screen.

"What... I... I didn't feel like being watched... how....." Her legs wobbled and she fell on the ground while Clary and Maia rushed beside her.

"Alec, we're really sorry. We can deal with threats related to our company but this," Will clenched his fist. "If this goes viral...." He trailed off. "We can't afford that, kid. I hope you understand."

"I do," Alec said as tears kept soaking his face. Why did this keep happening to him? "But, Will, Jem, who threatened you with something like this? Was it... Rob... Robert Lightwood?"

"Your father? Can he do something like that?" Ragnor asked.

"He... he had tried to sell my mom... so..." He said and everyone's jaw dropped.

"No, it wasn't your father. It was someone whom we know can cross any limit without flinching. What we don't understand is why would he do it to us or Alec and not to Soulshatters like always?" Will said.

"Whom are you talking about?" Magnus asked.

"Andrew Hale."

"What!?" Others exclaimed in unison while Alec blinked rapidly, trying to process what he had just heard. Andrew did that? Why would he want him fired? He always mocked him for his financial stability. But then... he wasn't happy to hear the news of him getting a job either. What did that guy want?

"Why would Andrew mess with you or Alec?" Simon thought out loud. "If he somehow found out about him being our new member, which he shouldn't without our official announcement, then he should be messing with us or his career with us? Why architecture? And even if it does messes with his brain, he still has a secured place in our band."

"That's what we are trying to understand. He's messaging us constantly, threatening us to fire him or he'd leak these pictures."

"This doesn't make sense." Magnus frowned, "he had problems with us, especially me. Why would he target someone else? What would he get by doing this?"

"It does," Alec said, catching everyone's attention. It does make sense. In every interview Alec had ever gone, Andrew always knew where he was applying for. He had shared every detail with him, sometimes in excitement or sometimes to take his help in practicing for the interview. This was the first time he told him, his family, after getting the job.

Since the time Andrew had started changing, or showing his true colors in correct terms, Alec had put up a blind eye, a denial that the man he loved so much could never turn into something sinister. But it was all in front of his eyes now. Innocent slave, a fool, that's what Andrew thought about him. And now this proposal of marriage. He was a slave to him. With no job and financial independence, he was a slave to Andrew, and being married is in a way slavery for the victims of toxic relationships. Is that what this was all about? Does Andrew want a personal sex toy for himself, some kind of puppet to play with, and nothing else? Was this relationship never meant anything to him?

"Alec? What are you saying? How does it make sense?" Tessa asked as unshed tears shined in her soft eyes and Alec's heart shattered seeing her in that state. No, she shouldn't pay for his personal issues, she wouldn't.

"Tessa, you're pictures... no. I'm sorry. Will, Jem, I understand. Just tell him you fired me, don't waste time. Ask him to delete those pictures."

"Why do you think that would work, Alexander?" Magnus gave him a suspicious look. "Tessa isn't just their wife, she works for us too. If he has those, he has a free pass to blackmail and torture us for our whole lives. Hell, it's enough to ruin her career. That son of a bitch isn't a saint that he'd delete those just like that. We have to make him delete those but how? And why do you feel like it makes sense that he just ruined your career? Well, half of it. I'm the one he always targets. What the hell does it have to do with you or their firm?"

"Not in his mind," Alec said in a shaky voice. He wiped his face but uncontrolled tears kept falling on his face, making his blindness of their non-existent relationship vanish with every single drop of tear he shed.

"What does that mean?" Maia asked. "And how the hell are we going to get those pictures from him?"

"I'll handle that," Alec said in a dead voice but it wasn't just his voice that was dead, everything inside him was dead by now, killed by his so-called fiance and his family.

"What? How? Alec, you're not going to beg to that bastard now are you?" Will looked at him with desperation and concern.

"No." Taking out his phone, he scrolled through his contacts, and yes, it was still there, the contact of his sister's ex who was also a known hacker. "When... when did he send those to you?"

"About an hour ago. Alec, what are you doing?" Jem asked.

Taking a deep breath, Alec wiped his face as if that would stop the waterfall of his tears, and called the person whom he was still in a good relationship with.

"Alec? Alec Lightwood? You have my number? Izzy isn't in trouble, is she? Look, I'm not in-"

"Could you let me speak, Raphael?"

"What's with that voice of yours? Izzy-"

"Izzy's fine, Raphael. I need your help... in hacking Andrew's laptop and phone, and all the devices he owns." As soon as he said that, everyone looked at him wide-eyed but with a hint of hope in them, and Tessa stood up, still holding onto both the girls.

"Woah, that's a lot. But why are you asking me to hack your soon-to-be husband's devices? Are you alright?"


"The heck? Is that dick head cheating? You know I'd shoot him in a blink if he messes with Izzy or your family."

"Raphael just... look for Theresa Gray C. H.'s... those types of pictures on his devices... and all the backups of them too and just delete those. And... if you find something... else... let me know."

"The fuck!? She's that pianist of that famous band right? What's Andrew doing with something like that? You sure you don't want me to kill him?"

"Raphael... you know me. I'm not going to solicitate you. Just... hack his devices."

"Fine. I'll do it and let you know. You don't have to worry. By the way, is Izzy doing good?"

"Izzy is Izzy. You don't have to worry. Just please do it soon."

"On it."

"Thank you." With that, he cut the call, and Alec screwed shut his eyes, trying to stop the flow of his tears but to no avail.

"Alec?" Tessa's soft voice reached his ears and he blinked open his eyes, turning his attention back at the group.

"It's done. He won't have any trace of your... pictures any longer." He tried to force a smile.

"Okay, that's great but I have a question." Simon raised his hand like a little child. "Was that Raphael Santiago? The world-famous hacker and youngest mafia don? And what does something else mean?"

"Yes. And my sister's ex. He was trying to live a double life but I found out. We had an argument that led to my sister finding out the truth as well and she was devastated to know that her relationship was... built on lies. They mutually decided to separate but I kept in contact with him. I know he's not bad at heart. His situation made him what he is."

"I... You know The Raphael Santiago? That's... awesome!"

"Shut up, Simon!" Will shook his head. "Thanks, Alec. We had given up hope when he sent us those pictures. There's no need to fire you now. That bastard can-"

"Actually, no. Don't. I won't join back yet."

"Alec?" Jem raised his brow and exchanged a look with Will. "If we're no longer threatened by him then why-"

"Jem, please. *sniff* just send him that you had fired me. It's... not about you or Soulshatters. Just... please keep the post open for later. When I'm ready."

"Hey, your work is amazing but... what does that mean? And why would that bastard target you?"

"Yeah, and we have already told him that we did, he doesn't believe us. Those messages are boiling my blood now." Will said through gritted teeth.

"He will now." Wiping his face yet again, Alec scrolled through his contacts.

"What do you think you are doing, Alexander? You're not calling his stupid office, are you? You'd give him a reason to mock us for-"

"Magnus, please..." As he found his so-called fiance's name on the list, he dialed it and just one ring later, the call was answered.

"Alec? Babe, hey. Missing me?"

"That's the fastest you have ever received my call." He said in a flat voice, ignoring the confused looks on everyone's faces.

"Is that the tone you should be talking to me with, Alec!?"

Alec remained dead silent, trying not to get affected by his commanding, rough tone.

"Answer, damnit!"

"I've lost my job, again." He said instead.

"That doesn't define your disrespectful tone with me."

"I lost my job, Andrew!"

"Yeah, right. Sorry. How?"

"I got fired, I don't know what I did wrong. It was going great. They loved my designs."

"Hey babe, don't worry. Just come to my house, we'll talk."

Talk? More like him giving in to non-consentual sex? "But... you had an important client visit today." The client whom he apparently fucked. Why wasn't he able to see all this before?

"I can postpone it for tonight babe. Just come to my house, we also have to plan our wedding too, hm. I was thinking we'd shift to LA. I recently opened a new studio there. It'll be a fresh start for both of us."

"Wh... what?" Time seemed to slow down as Alec replayed those words again and again in his head. Moving to LA? What the hell was that psychopath thinking? "What are you saying, Andrew? I don't have a job any longer. How... how can you think of planning our wedding in this situation and... shift to LA? My whole family is here! I... I can't do that."

"Oh come on now, babe? Don't you love me? We dreamt of getting married for so long. And so what if you don't have a job? I earn for us. I don't care if you earn or not. You're living on my salary for so long already. What's the problem in continuing that? You can take care of the house while I earn. Simple."

A shudder ran through Alec's spine and more tears fell on his face. Innocent slave. The word echoed in his ears, making him want to cut his ears out. "Did... did you ask my bosses to fire me?" He dared to ask, even though knowing where it'd lead.

"WHAT!? Alec, have you gone insane? Why would I do something like that?"

"I overheard them taking your name. You don't have something to with it, right?"

"Don't you believe me, babe? Is that how weak our relationship is? We're gonna get married soon and you're doubting my trust?"

"I'm..." Alec clenched his fist as more and more tears fell on his face. "I'm... not, b...babe. I'm just asking because I heard your name. Of... Of course, I trust you."

"Hey, come to my house, we'll talk properly. This is the second time you have questioned me like this. Not good now, is it?"

"I'll... I have to go to Max's school today. I just remembered. You... you complete your meeting, I'll meet you at dinner."

"Alright. I'll wait. Love you, babe."

"Y..yeah, bye."

"Alec! Say it back."

"S.. sorry. L... Love you too."

"Better. Meet you tonight."

As the call ended, Alec fell to the ground and burst into hysterics of crying as others stood frozen on their spot, mouth fell open wide. After minutes that went in dead silent, a gentle hand slid on his shoulder, squeezing it lightly, and he slowly looked up, only to find Magnus's worried brown eyes fixed on his face.

"Andrew.... he's your fiance?"

Nodding, Alec grabbed Magnus's hand and turned towards him on his knees. "I'm... I'm sorry, I don't know why I never told you all. I just... didn't know how to..." He trailed off, and not caring how it'd look, buried his head on the crook of Magnus's neck, sobbing hysterically. A second later, the gentlest arm he had ever felt slid around his waist and pulled him forward and he let his heart out in front of the crowd that became his family in no time.

"Hey, it's alright. You don't have to say sorry." Magnus reassured. "We wouldn't have judged you if that's what you were thinking."

Breaking the hug, Alec wiped his face but his soul, his feelings, everything was already dead. "I... I loved Andrew, for so long. He was nice and sweet when we first met... but now. I... I don't know why it took me so long to see his real face?"

"You have a pure heart, Alexander. Andrew is far from being pure. He's an evil manifestation. But... why are you bearing so much? Just leave him."

"I... I can't..." Taking Magnus's help, he slowly stood up. "I... can't. I want to, for so long. But... I don't have the courage. He had so many favors on us, on me. He had helped in my mom's kidney transplant. He had given us shelter when Robert sold our traditional houses. He helped me whenever I needed money. I'm buried under his favors"

"But... he had ra...raped you too," Simon said and bit his lip. "If Andrew's your fiance, so from what Becky told me, he must be... hurting you every night. You can report him."

"Tried... anonymously... a few months back. He... got out. R..raped me again." Rape, the proper word for non-consentual sex, that he had bear in his whole relationship. Always believing that Andrew would change, that he'd consider his feelings at some point.

"And now he wants to marry you?" Maia fumed, "Alec, you can't consider that. You're stronger. What about Raphael Santiago? You just called him, you know him, just ask him to kill that motherfucking son of a bitch."

"I won't care if someone kills him for whatever reason, but I don't want to have his blood on my hands. I won't be able to live with something like that."

"Exactly my feelings too," Magnus said and Alec's head tilted in his way, slowly blinking and taking in his concerned, worried look. Not judging, not mad, but concerned. Nobody cared for him like that ever before.

"Magnus, our... almost kiss. Being here, meeting you, and that... kiss. It made me realize the difference between you and Andrew. He never truly cared but you. Being around you, it's different. I never felt that much alive ever before when I'm around you. I... I can't stop thinking about you. It... It made me realize that... I... like you. More than I ever did. That my love for Andrew died years ago. I... I don't know how I'll handle this but... I don't want to end what's... growing between us. I... I had never felt like this before. This... happy. I know it's... too soon but, I really do like you. I... I hope you... feel the same way."

"If I didn't, I wouldn't have initiated that kiss," Magnus said with a warm smile and wiped his face as gently as possible and that gentle touch shook Alec till his core. Those soft fingers against his skin felt like being caressed by a feather. Warm and loving. "I like you too, Alexander."

Slowly tilting his head, Magnus leaned in, brushing their lips once again, sending jolts down Alec's spine and this time, he didn't push him away instead, he carefully held Magnus's waist and kissed him back. A short kiss that had every single emotion poured into it. A kiss that was filled with warmth and love.

"We'll figure it out, together. Andrew will never think of hurting you again. You're a part of us now." Magnus said after they broke the kiss.

Wandering his gaze at the people present in the room, Alec noticed that everyone had a warm smile on their lips and were nodding in agreement.


*One week later*

"Izzy! Mom! Fast! Andrew, you're coming right?" Jace frantically moved around the house, fixing the button of his shirt while multitasking on arranging his belongings on the table.

"Why wouldn't I, it's the famous Soulshatters band we're going to see right?"


"How did you meet Clary again?" Izzy asked while tucking her hair back into a loose clutch. "And how did she ask you to come to her concert for the first date? Did you drugged her?"

"Seriously Izzy!?" Jace deadpanned. "No, I didn't drug anybody and it's our second date. And I met her through my new boss. Valentine Morgenstern. She's his daughter. I haven't gotten into the depth of why don't they share the same name or why isn't he famous like her! So stop and... MAX... YOU'RE COMING WITH US YOU HEAR ME!"

"Why are we coming with you if it's your date, Jace?" Maryse asked as she flopped back on the couch. "Which first time I'm proud that you are serious about somebody."

"Mom..." Warmth rushed through his face while some annoying people burst into laughter. "Izzy! Max! Stop! Okay, it's a date but after the concert and she asked me to bring how many people I want, including family. I don't think she mind meeting you all if she said that. And it's Soulshatters concert! How can you all not be excited about it!?"

"I really wish Alec could be here right now. At least I'd had someone to bitch about this new situation you're in!" Izzy whined. "When did you say he'd be back."

"Izzy! It's not a situation alright. And he said it'll take him around a week. It's kind of understandable. After so long he got a job and then again he lost it. He needs a fresh place to calm his mind and what's better than the beautiful Arizona forests. I hope he comes back with a new spirit. I think he needed it."

"Yeah, but weird he didn't tell Andrew about it." Izzy frowned. "Andrew, did he call you yet?"

"No, Izzy and I'm going to have a long talk with him after he comes back. I should be in the knowledge of his decisions."

"Actually, not in this one," Jace said, narrowing his eyes at his brother-in-law.

"Wait he said something to you?" Izzy asked, wide eyed. "Andrew, did you hurt my brother?"

"Um, no Izzy. Jace?"

"So you didn't tell Alec that you want to move to LA after marriage when he was trying to tell you that he got fired, again. Dude, it's understandable that you're excited but everything has time. He was devastated when he called me. He didn't even want to come back home or to mine or Izzy's place. I had to pack his stuff and send it to the address he told me. He asked me not to bring it up but I can't keep it inside me any longer. How can you not consider Alec's situation when you two are going to get married soon?"

"Ah... I... I was just..."

"Andrew!?" Maryse stood up from the couch as if she'd march towards him and slap him hard.

"Maryse I was just... excited. We're finally getting married so..."

"So nothing! I thought you two had a great understanding. What the hell, Andrew?" Izzy placed her hands on her hip.

"Sorry, Izzy."

"No, you'd say sorry to Alec after he comes back," Izzy stated fiercely. "Now let's go before Jace's girlfriend starts hijacking his phone."

"Izzy! She's not my girlfriend yet!"

"Oh really!?" She smirked.

"Fuck off!"


Alec sucked in a deep breath when he noticed the amount of crowd gathering in the auditorium. It wasn't the first time he'd be in front of a giant crowd but it was definitely the first time he'd appear as a celebrity and boy, even the AC that was on full blast couldn't stop the sweating.

As per the plan that Tessa, Jem, and Will came up with, he told Jace that he's leaving for Arizona, putting the blame on Andrew to stir up some drama while he stayed peacefully with Magnus in his secret cabin that he finally agreed on building. Even though it wasn't a permanent solution, it was enough for him to figure out how he'd end this miserable relationship and he did get some ideas.

"Darling!" Came a voice making him jump halfway in the air. "Jeez, realx. It's me, not a ghost. And stop looking through the curtain. You'll make yourself panic for no reason."

"Too many people." He said with a pout. Being with the man he truly admired, truly liked, and got the same feelings in return made him realize how beautiful, how sacred being in love was. And he certainly was never in love with Andrew. He might have loved him, but it wasn't the love that a relationship asks for.

"That's what concerts are about, darling." Magnus chuckled. "I think you should warm up a little. I'll help. MmmMmmm-"

"Stop!" Alec put a finger on his boyfriend's lips. Boyfriend, it was still an alien word to him, still a dream that he was scared would end. After their kiss a week ago, when he left to stay at Magnus's cabin, they had a long talk. About Andrew, about the things he found and the lies he told them. By the end, Magnus do was upset with him because of all the lies he said, but understood.

They discussed their feelings and he realized that he did want to experience a real relationship, true love. So the next day they went on a date on the outskirts of New York, watching the sunset from a hilltop and they decided that they'd name their relationship and figure out a way to end his loveless relationship with the dick head, Andrew Hale.

"I don't need warm up, I need a confidence booster so I won't fuck up out there."

"You won't fuck up, darling. What do need? A practice? A pep talk? Or, mmm..."

"This," Alec said after he broke the small yet sweetest kiss he ever had and the bright smile that spread on Magnus's lips made his heart skip a beat.

"This? Alright then." Leaning in, Magnus locked their lips in another soft, gentle kiss, cupping his face with one hand and sliding his other hand around his waist. Alec's belly tingled as he tilted his head and deepened the kiss, tasting the sweet flavor of strawberry and chocolate they had earlier in the van.

"Hey, you two new love birds! Don't get too close to the curtains otherwise, the whole world will know your relationship status!" Maia yelled.

"Whoops!" Magnus pursued his lips and dragged him inside backstage. "On a second thought, that's a great way to get rid of Andrew."

"Magnus.... no... I-"

"Just a thought darling, relax. I know you won't want something like this very soon. I respect that."

"Thank you." Alec sighed just when Clary came in, humming in delight.

"Look at her, head over heels with that new guy she went on just ONE date! Biscuit, you're not going to get married, slow your horses."

"Shut up Magnus!" Clary flipped him off.

"Magnus, she's head over heels because he's going to be at the concert today," Tessa said with a grin, making others go on a hooting spree.

"Guys! Stop it!"

"Are you people always like this?" Alec asked, wondering how fun it would be to work with a team like this.

"Oh, you have no idea darling."


"Woah, we're going to be this close!?" Max asked wide-eyed as they seated themselves in the first row of the third seating arrangement. It wasn't that close to the stage but it wasn't far either.

"Clary said she can't get us VVIP or VIP rows because they're reserved for big names or celebs so it's an IP seat. I tried to bargain but she said she tried her best."

'We're not complaining Jace but you got lucky with a celeb. Don't fuck it up otherwise, we won't come to bail you out of prison." Izzy taunted with a smirk, earning a deadly glare from Jace.

"Isabelle! Don't tease your brother!"

"But mum, I'm not saying anything wrong. Look at Alec, he's been in a committed relationship with a known designer for years while Jace had eight girlfriends in that duration."

"And you had five boyfriends, Izzy, so shut it!" Jace said and sat back while fixing his jacket, looking around in the hall when his eyes fell on Andrew, who was eyeing the stage with a demonic look in his eyes.

"Andrew? You okay?"

"Yeah, fine." He said in a cold voice making him frown but before he could question further, the lights dimmed and a soft melody started playing in the background followed by the emergence of all the stars but there was something different in their setup this time.

"Hey Queens! How are you all doing!?" Magnus Bane shouted on the mic and the whole crowd burst into cheers and hoots. But Jace's eyes searched for Clary who stood in the back, right beside her violin stand looking like a diva in her body-hugging black dress.

"Before we start with our first song 'Melody in rain' we have a huge announcement to make," Magnus said and the crowd cheered once again.

"Oh my god! They were looking for a new band member, right? Did they find already?" Izzy's jaw dropped as she wandered her gaze all around making him frown.

"Since when you started listening to them, Iz?"

"In secret, always. I have a crush on Simon Lewis and you didn't hear that. Now eyes on stage!"

"You have what!?"

"Eyes on stage!"

"Kids! Hush!"

"So as you all can see, there's another violin stand and it was announced a few months ago that we're looking for a new member since Camille Belcourt left for some personal reasons. Well, the wait is over. Let me introduce you all to our new member, Alexander Lightwood." As Alec walked on stage, his whole family's jaw dropped on the ground as they all stared at the stage.

"In today's concert, the main performer would be him so y'all can flow in the trance of outworldly experience he puts you on because believe me, we did too. Spotlight on him please."


"Magnus... I'm... nervous..." Alec whispered as the spotlight focused solely on his silhouette.

"Give him a round of applause!" Magnus said into the mic then switched it off and covered it with his hand.

"Deep breath, darling. Just close your eyes and think that it's just us in our cabin and you're playing it for me. You can do this." Magnus said then carefully switched on the mic.

Taking a deep breath, Alec picked up the bow and moved it forth and back, getting into the rich melody of the song they were first going to perform. With each vibration that sent a calming sensation in his body, he picked up the notes, slowly increasing the intensity, and soon, the only thing he could hear was the entrancing melody reaching his ears making him forget that he was playing in front of the crowd and he let go of the thoughts dancing in his head, just the beautiful melody that touched his soul.

As the crowd went still, Alec could sense the low hum, just when a soft not started playing on the piano, and soon, the walls of the concert hall echoed with Magnus's soul-captivating voice.


"A...Alec can... play?" Jace stared at his brother without blinking. The way he moved the bow, the melody that it echoed like he wasn't just playing but feeling every single word from his heart, as if broken from inside. "But... He said... Arizona?"

"N..not just play but he's a Soulshatters member? Since when?" Izzy's eyes kept fixed on Alec.

"Leave that, Alec's a celebrity now?" Max said with awe. "And he plays so well. Mom, I want to learn instrument too."

"A.. Alec...."

"That fucking bitch!" Came a low, dangerous growl making Jace tilt his head only to find Andrew clutching the hand rest, a dangerous animalistic glow in his cold blue eyes.

"What the hell are you saying? And-" Before he could complete, Andrew stood up, causing a disturbance in the crowd.


"What in the...." Simon whispered as his eyes fell on the banter in the crowd, only to notice Andrew Hale trying to storm towards the stage. As the song came to an end, he switched on his mic before Magnus could continue with audience interaction or the next song.

"Hey Queen city souls!" He said into the mic, making Magnus and others stare at him with confusion, but they kept on their smile. "Before we continue, we have a special performance for you all by our amazing pianist Theresa Gray C. H. You may not have seen her with us in many concerts so this time, the stage is all hers! Give her a round of applause!" As the crowd cheered, he stood up and signaled others to get to the back stage.

"What the hell was that, Simon?" Magnus asked after they all gathered in backstage. "It was supposed to be Alexander's shining moment and that wasn't even on the schedule!"

"Yes b-"

"Simon! You can't make the rules here! What are you thinking by changing schedule like this!?" Came Ragnor's sharp voice.

"What schedule if Andrew were to ruin our whole concert!" He snapped, making everyone's eyes go wide.

"An... Andrew?" Alec visibly paled.

"I saw him in the crowd, he was trying to run towards the stage."

"The fuck is that son of a bitch doing here!?" Magnus gritted his teeth.

"Probably trying to-"

"Andrew stop! Andrew!"

"Sir you can't go there! Sir!"

"Andrew! Son stop!"

"Andrew, no! And-"

"Shut up, Izzy!" Andrew yelled as he came face to face with the whole Soulshatters band, especially Alec.


The animalistic look, the long stride, the open body posture, chest out and heavy, it was all too familiar to Alec. But for the first time, he was seeing it from a different perspective, and the hatred in those eyes that he once thought love was new. New for now, because if it was there before, he didn't care to notice.

"Arizona!? That's what you told Jace right? This doesn't look like Arizona to me, Alec!" Andrew said as he fisted Alec's jacket in his grip, eyes cold and soulless, sending shivers down Alec's spine.

"Leave him, Andrew Hale!" Magnus shoved the man back. "Security!"

"Fuck your security. I'm here to talk to him so fuck off you living jwellery shop!"

"Why? He's our friend and team member. What's your relationship with him!?

"None of your business! And don't you dare get in my way! Alec, pick that noise box and come with me right now! We're having a long talk after this!"

"Don't you dare throw your command at him like he's a robot! Pick your ass and get out of our concert!" Magnus clenched his fist.

"Get away from my way, you small eye seagull! This is between Alec and me! Didn't you hear me, Alec! Pick that thing up and go to my house right now!"

"Andrew, stop it!" Jace tried to pull the giant beast back. "I understand that you're shocked, we all are but that's not the way you should be talking to him. You need to calm down and let us do the talking." As Andrew took deep breaths, Alec noticed that his whole family was present there, having mixed emotions of shock, confusion, and pride on their faces. Were they really proud of him?

"What are you all doing here?" He finally spoke up.

"That's what we should be asking you, big brother. You told Jace that you left for Arizona, then this all..." Izzy's soft yet confused gaze travelled between him, others then finally stopped at Andrew. "And Andrew what's the meaning of this reaction?"

"Wait, Alec, this is your family?" Clary asked, looking between Jace and him. "Jace is your.... no, no. He... he seemed really nice on our first date."

"Clary what are you-"

"You're... you're dating Jace, redhead? You invited them."

"Alec, I'm so sorry. I should've-"

"Hey don't." Alec looked directly at her worried green eyes. "Don't. My issues with my family are personal, don't judge them or their personality because of it. Jace is a great person. Don't end it because of me."

"Issues? Alec, what are you saying?" Jace asked in a disbelieving voice. "Clary, why would you say that? What's going on?"

"Enough of this stupid chit-chat!" Andrew clenched his fist and marched towards Alec. "I tried to calm down but it looks like you don't wanna listen. I said, come. With. Me. Right. Now."

"There's a thing called personal space that you don't seem to recognize, Andrew!" Magnus pulled the man back and shoved him, making him stumble. "Get away from him!"

"You dirty little Asian pig!" Before anyone could acknowledge, Andrew raised his fist and jobbed it at Magnus's face making him stumble and fall back right into Alec's arms.


"Magnus! Magnus, are you fine?" Alec's heart raced as he held his boyfriend in a tight hold but when he noticed blood trickling down his nose that seemed broken, a sudden wave rushed through his body, making his blood boil. Never before he had experienced something like this. He wasn't the man of violence, he barely got angry but this, seeing the man he was with, whom he had started to fall for in this way, stirred something inside him that he never knew existed.

"Stop me again and it would be a knife and your heart!" Andrew said in a cold voice then grabbed Alec's wrist, dragging him away but this time it did exactly opposite of what it usually does to him. Shoving his hands off, Alec twisted the taller man towards him and slapped him hard, making the noise echo in the surrounding area and everyone gasped.

"Dare touch my boyfriend again and I have no idea what I'll do Andrew Hale!"

"Boyfriend!? That button eye is your-" Another hard slap was plastered on his face making the band members smile while his family stood rooted on their spot, mouth agape, while Alec had no idea where did this courage came from, but it did.

"So you're cheating on me? You never raised your voice and now... that Asian dirt manipulated you!? You couldn't do anything to me so you stole my fiance, you low standard fucker! But why am I not shocked? You Asians are known for stealing! Motherfucking-"

"Enough!" Alec grabbed Andrew by his collar and threw him on the ground, right in front of Magnus's feet. "Don't you dare say another word for him. And don't even use the word cheating for me coz' you don't know what it truly means because that's what you've been doing in our entire relationship!"

"What!?" His family said in unison as tears stung in his eyes as Andrew tried to stand.

"And who told you that!?" Andrew said and spat on Magnus's feet, making his blood boil once again. "This che-chi speaking douche who can't stand my success!? Who resented me for years!"

"I resented you, you motherfucking piece of shit!?" Magnus kicked his face and cleaned his shoes with his expensive jacket. "You came onto me on the first hour, hour of job itself. Not even a day, an hour you racist pig! And not to mention that you're successful by stealing my designs, mine! Throughout these years so you should be thanking me for that."

"Fuck you, bitch!" Andrew spat once again. "You don't believe him, do you, Alec? He's using you to take his revenge on me. You're innocent that's why-"

"SHUT UP! Shut up, Andrew!" Alec's hand trembled as he bore his gaze right into the cold blue eyes, the blue eyes he once adored. "I know well who's using me and who's not and that's certainly not him. You were fucking others in our whole relationship, your clients, your staff, even your own brother! This... this engagement..." Taking out his ring, he threw it at Andrew's face, letting the weight it carried around wash away forever. "It was just your means to trap me into your slavery, to be just your playtoy. Magnus didn't brainwash me, he showed me what I had blinded out, and had denied to believe even though knowing it was there.

I always knew something was off but I chose to believe in you, trust you, put my loyalty in you for so long, and you... You were just using me as a sex toy, as a puppet. You're sick Andrew! A person like you can never understand the meaning of love because all you know is lust. And I know that I'm not the only one whom you have fooled into getting engaged and kept it a secret. How many secret fiance's, husband's you have, Andrew? Ten? Twenty? Or to be exact thirty-two!?"

"What!?" Everyone except Magnus gasped.

"Who the fuck told you this? Alec, they are trying to-"

"Nobody told me this, I found it in a secret folder on your laptop. Thanks to Raphael who hacked into it when you tried to blackmail my bosses by sending them Tessa's nude pictures. I was there when you did it so when you lied, it was the moment I was able to see your true colors. You asked all those companies to reject me, you blackmailed them. So that you can keep me under your foot? So that you can keep controlling me? Ra... raping me? Just like those thirty-two others whom you had naked pictures of on your laptop? Whom you keep eye on through hidden cameras in your shared apartments? You're a sick psychopath, Andrew. You don't deserve to be in prison, you deserve to be in a mental hospital!"

"Wait, so... that's what something else meant?" Simon asked wide eyed.

"You... you contacted Raphael... Alec... how's he doing?" Izzy asked and he clenched his fist and a few tear drops fell on his face.

"Could you people stop being so selfish for once!?" He snapped as his patience to bear their selfish attitudes finally broke down. "For fuck's sake Izzy, Jace, Max, mom! I exist too! I need love too! Everything doesn't revolve around you! *sniff* I'm so done being treated like trash you keep kicking around! If I ever felt loved, it's here with these people, not with you all, ever!"


"Darling, hey... calm down." Magnus walked towards him and held his hand, wiping his tears gently with the pad of his thumb. "Shh, breathe."

Taking a shaky deep breath, Alec blinked away his tears but noticed that Magnus's nose was still bleeding a lot. With the handkerchief that was tucked in the pocket of his jacket, he carefully and slowly wiped off the blood, looking deep into those soft brown eyes that were looking at him with pride and awe.

"I'm... going to ruin you all! I'll ruin your life!" Andrew's cold, emotionless voice reached their ears.

"If only he'd be alive for that." Came a very familiar voice making Alec turn in that direction noticing Raphael standing in far while few tall and muscular men came in and dragged Andrew out while he kept struggling in their grip.

"Raphael? But who..."

"We did," Will said as he and Jem walked towards them. "You two have your morals, we don't care when it comes to people like them. After we heard what you said found on his laptop, I don't think he deserves to live. If someone messes with our wife, we will never spare them."

"Well, good riddance, then," Magnus said with a deep sigh. "Tessa has been managing on her own for so long. We need to get back on stage. And darling, talk to your family, hmm? Conversation is important for every relationship."

Nodding, Alec leaned in and locked their lips in a small but much-needed kiss. "I want to go back to stage now. And um, Jem, Will, can I have my job back?"

"It was never gone in the first place, Alec. Tomorrow sharp at 3. But right now, we'd love to hear you play your debut." Jem said with a bright smile.

"We would too," Maryse finally decided to say, "Alec, I never treated you differently but if you feel that way, please talk to us."

"And us too, big brother. I never meant to hurt you on purpose but if I had, I'm sorry. I'll try to change if that's what it'll take to make things right. I'm really sorry."


"Jace, Izzy, mom, Max, I'd like to continue with my concert. We'll talk later, I promise. But right now I want you all to sit back and enjoy." He said with a genuine smile. After they all left, Alec collapsed into Magnus's arms, letting some of the teardrops soak into Magnus's jacket.

"I'm proud of you, darling. This wasn't what we planned but it was the best way it could've happened. You'd be fine."

"Thank you, I don't know what I'd do without you, Magnus. You're the best thing happened to me."

"I'm glad to hear that." Magnus said and pecked his temple. "Let's go, the crowd is waiting."

"Let's go, then."

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