๐ˆ๐Ÿ ๐Ž๐ง๐ฅ๐ฒ ๐˜๐จ๐ฎ ๐Š๐ง๐ž๐ฐ

By thefinestprincess

166K 8.8K 14.7K

๐๐ž๐ฒ๐จ๐ง๐œรฉ ๐ก๐ข๐ซ๐ž๐ฌ ๐š ๐ฉ๐ž๐ซ๐ฌ๐จ๐ง๐š๐ฅ ๐œ๐ก๐ž๐Ÿ. ๐–๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ง๐ ๐ฌ ๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ฒ ๐ฉ๐ซ๐จ๐Ÿ๐ž๐ฌ๐ฌ๐ข๐จ๐ง๐š๏ฟฝ... More



3.8K 213 519
By thefinestprincess

[A/N: A very drama filled chapter
so get prepared.



Maraj Family Residence
5:35 p.m.

"Beyoncé let me fuckin go so I can beat this bìtch ass!" Onika yelled.

"You fucked with my family, you fucked with my girlfriend. Bitch you're loyal to nobody. I hate you!" Onika picked up the nearest glass available, throwing it, as Beyoncé pulled her away by her waist.

"What are you going to do?! You're going to beat on me like Nasir did you? Fucking hypocrite! I've been hating your idiotic ass! Look at you, you're pathetic! Lotus deserves a better mother figure. I feel sorry for her."


Onika had hot tears running down her cheeks. She tried prying Beyoncé's hands off of her but it only made Beyoncé tighten her grip.

"No, Onika. You're better than this. Life is already whooping her ass. Ignore her! She wants a reaction out of you and that's exactly what you're giving her." Beyoncé stated, removing Onika from the dining room.

Beyoncé carried Onika outside, to the porch so that she could blow off some steam.

Meanwhile, Onika was seeing red. Complete tunnel vision. Mentioning her daughter meant all bets were off. She didn't give a rats ass what anyone was saying to her at the moment.

She thought Joi deserved her ass beat and she was going to be the one to do it.

Earlier that day
3:04 p.m.

"Honestly Bey, I'm surprised at her maturity and her willingness to admit her faults. Usually Joi will allow time to pass, thinking you forgot and moved on like nothing ever happened. This is a very huge step for her." Onika said, pulling up her black tights, over her thighs.

"It is, and I'm glad she's apologizing to you but at the same time, you shouldn't be applauding a fish for swimming. In my eyes, there's nothing like a sisterly bond. I'd move mountains for Solange, any day. We joke and argue a lot but at the end of the day, we have each other's backs, no matter the circumstances."

Beyoncé was fixing up Lotus' hair into a nice sleek bun with baby hairs, requested by none other than, Lotus herself.

"Alright, all done munchkin! What do you think?"

Lotus looked into the mirror, turning her head to the left, then to the right, observing her hairstyle. She then did a smize with her eyes, followed by duck lips.

"I—I love it! I look like mommy. Thank you, Ms. Bey."

"Anytime, lil mama. Go put on your shoes and grab your purse, so we can get ready to go, soon."

"Okay!" Lotus skipped her way to the guest room she loves to occupy, whenever she spends the night at Beyoncé's house.

She already claims the space as her room and even convinced Bey to paint the walls pink. Beyoncé didn't object. She had clothes, shoes and even accessories, fully stocked in the closet for the 5 year old.

Beyoncé's always vocalized how much she wanted a daughter to play dress up with, spoil rotten and do other fun feminine activities. Lotus just so happens to be a 'girly girl' and Beyoncé enjoys her company. She's a mini Onika, down to the accent and mannerisms.

They even have fashion shows, where Beyoncé styles Lotus, and then she models the outfits for Onika and her stuffed animals.

Lotus keeps Beyoncé on her toes and she's happy to not only have one, but two bossy midgets, running around.

After cleaning up the hair products, she met Onika back in the bedroom, watching her bend over to assemble the Balenciaga Essex boots, she gifted her for Christmas.

Beyoncé bit her bottom lip as she pressed her front against Onika's ass, causing the shorter woman to jump.

"Beyyy! Why do you always do that? At least warn a bitch sometimes, damn." Onika whined, standing straight up.

"Now baby, you know you can't be doing that and expect me to just watch. I be getting flashbacks, seeing that ass bent over like that." Onika shyly blushed.

"There's something I have to tell you though." Beyoncé said, pulling Onika close, in her arms.

"Is it bad?" She inquired.

"Yes. Well, not really. Well—"

"Just tell me." Onika sighed.

She was expecting the worse, considering, there happens to be a pattern of bad news, lately.

"I'm sorry that I'm sharing such important info to you on your off day but.. You're fired, due to a conflict of interest."

"Girl, go to hell."

"I'm serious, I don't find it necessary to keep you as my personal chef if you've been feeding me, more ways than one." Beyoncé rebutted, placing a tender kiss on Onika's lips.

"If it were up to me, you'd be moving in with me, as well."

"I don't think that's a good idea Bey."

"Why not? I reside closer to Lotus' school. I have more than enough space and bed rooms here. My penthouse is secure and safe. You're over here damn near, everyday and you have an entire section in my closet. Don't say it's because I'm trying to move too fast, that's such a cliché way to think."

"Because you are trying to move too fast, Bey. I get that we don't see nobody else but us, I really do, but Bey, you have to think rationally here. Moving in with you, is way too big of a step for me to take. I'm only 5'3, my legs are mad short."

"You're 5'2."


"Whatever. I'm not going to debate with you over the obvious. To me, you're talking in circles because you still haven't given me a valid reason. Lotus even loves it here. She's comfortable."

"Yes, it may appear like we're moving too fast, to outsiders but baby, fuck them. A relationship is between two people, sometimes three but that's beside the point. I love you, more than I've ever loved anyone and I would appreciate being able to wake up to your stinky morning breath, everyday." Beyoncé continued.

Onika pouted, playfully hitting Beyoncé's chest.

"My morning breath does not stink!"

"It can be a bit tart, sometimes."

"You want me to move-in with you, so you can ridicule me about my morning breath? The same morning breath that's followed by eating your pussy, the prior night?"

"Conversation over."

"Mhm. Yeah, I bet it is."

4:10 p.m.

"Everyone should be here, shortly. I need you to continue acting as if we haven't made up with one another." Joi said, straddling Justine's lap.

"And why is that Joi? You already want to keep our 'so called', relationship—a secret and now we can't be friends in public, either? I'm starting to feel like you're using me, and I'm not fuckin' with that. You typed me a long ass paragraph about how sorry you were, how you're working on yourself for the better and all this other bs, yet, here you are wanting to lie to everyone. Make it, make sense."

"I actually don't want to keep our relationship a secret, I want to keep it private. There's a difference. I don't want it to seem like, I moved on from my ex-boyfriend so fast, and to my best friend, at that. That'll make me look completely crazy and desperate around school. I have an image to up keep, you don't."

Justine scoffed. "What do you mean, I don't? I'm student-body president of the senior class, head of the big-sisters program, head co-captain of the cheer team, and I'm valedictorian! But I don't have an image to up keep? All you care about is what other people think of you. You need validation from a bunch of fuckin people you won't even see, past May, Aaliyah."

"Look, I didn't mean it that way. You're a good girl, J. Always gotten all A's on your report card, you're talented as hell, you have a family who loves and understand you too. I don't have all of those things. I never received the attention I solely craved, growing up. Once I began to get attention for my looks around school, it made me feel superior, it made me feel seen, it made me feel important. So if I have to protect my image, I'm going to do so and as my girlfriend, you should understand where I'm coming from." Joi leaned in, attaching her lips to Justine's.

Joi always knew that Justine liked her more than friends but decided to friend zone her to keep her wrapped around her finger.

Justine rarely dated because whenever she would, Joi became territorial over Justine, scarring the girls away. It sadly gave Justine hope, that maybe Joi would eventually see, what Justine seeks, in her.

Justine pulled away, with a huge grin upon her face. She was so in-love and just grateful she got to be intimate with the girl of her dreams.. but did Joi really like her back?

"Okay, I understand. I'm willing to keep us private for now but time is ticking Joi, and I'm way too special, to be anyone's hush puppy."

"You know I love you right?"

Justine nodded. "I do."

4:39 p.m.

Beyoncé, Onika and Lotus, all arrived to dinner a few minutes ago. Onika is being a helping hand to her mom, sitting the remaining entrees in the center of the table.

Tonight's dinner, only consisted of family with an addition of a couple others. Lotus was surprised to see Titan, who is being babysat by Justine, while Kelly got called into the ER.

Robyn pretty much only came for the food.

Joi and Justine were now coming down stairs, approaching the dining room where everyone was now sitting. The young ladies took their seats, as Carol soon said grace.

Onika and Joi haven't been in the same room since her birthday, so there was quite a bit of tension in the atmosphere. Onika made it crystal clear when she announced, Joi is not to speak to her unless, starting off with an apology.

"Good evening everyone. I'm glad that you all took time out of your busy schedules to accompany me here for dinner. Please, indulge. My mother put lots of thought and love into tonight's meal."

Everyone was chatting amongs themselves, enjoying the food and a couple glasses of wine.

"Onika you have that sex glow." Robyn smirked.

"Mommy what's sex?" Lotus asked, causing everyone to pause.

Are you dumb? Onika mouthed to Robyn.

"It's when someone makes you really really happy. You get butterflies in your tummy."

"Ohhh. I think I've had that before."

Onika immediately shook her head. "No Lotus, you haven't. It's a different kind of happiness. You don't get that until you're like eighteen."

"Well that sucks."

"Your mama does that well too." Robyn mumbled, making Beyoncé's eyes widened.

"You told her about that Beyoncé?"

Beyoncé just ignored Onika's question, stuffing her face in the food on her plate.

As time went on, everyone were practically full. Robyn took the kids upstairs because they were in a food coma.

Aaliyah finally began to speak. "Hello Onika. Beyoncé."

"Joi." Onika responded. Beyoncé ignored her entire existence.

Joi cleared her throat before she raised, what some liked to call, hell.

"I know initially, you all came here expecting an apology but we all know that's not happening. Joi doesn't apologize. Ever. I really wanted to release some things that's been weighing on my heart. Starting with you, Carol."

"Beyoncé grab my purse. Let's go. I don't have time for this little ass girl and her shenanigans." Onika said, rising from her seat.

"No, you're definitely going to want to hear this Onika. Don't you want to know what Justine meant when she said I had something to tell you, on your birthday?"

You could tell Onika was debating in her head rather or not she should stay or go. Either way, it was going to get ugly.

She disregarded sitting back in her seat and sat in Beyoncé's lap instead. Beyoncé kissed her cheek multiple times because she could tell Onika's anxiety could flare up at any moment.

"I got you." Beyoncé mumbled in her ear.

"Um, ew. Anyways. Back to you, Carol. Could you possibly take a good guess at who I found, three years ago?"

"First of all, you are to never call me by my name, under my roof. Show some respect Aaliyah or you can leave." Carol demanded.

"How could I call someone like you, my mother when you've always showed favoritism towards Onika. Hm? After daddy left, you became distant and depressed. Then, Onika's naive ass got knocked up, upside her head and inside her stomach. All the attention you did have to give, went to her and Lotus. I WAS FUCKING TWELVE YEARS OLD! TWELVE! You never went to none of my field trips, you never even signed the permission slips. Onika would have to forge your signature."

"That's enough, young lady. Pack your shit and get out of my house."


Robyn entered into the dining room confused as to what she missed. The Maraj's were her second family so she knows all about the past. She was mostly shocked at Joi's actions, who she looked at as a younger sister.

"No mommy, let her finish. This sounds like a cry for help."

"Onika I don't need your pity because once you left the house, after graduating, you never even turned back."

"That's not true, Joi. I offered you to come live with me. I could barely afford Culinary School but I still would take you to get your nails and hair done. I bought you your first homecoming dress with my last two hundred dollars knowing my car insurance was due. I was there when you gotten your first period. I taught you all about feminine hygiene. I even bought you your first car, once I was financially stable enough. But I turned my back on you?? BULL FUCKIN SHIT JOI!" Onika quickly rebutted.

"You bought me a 2015 Dodge Charger, meanwhile, you were prancing around in a brand new Lambo truck. Onika you did shit a big sister was supposed to do! I don't want hear nothing about the bare minimum things you've done for me."

"I really didn't have to do a damn thing for you!"

"Well I didn't ask you to, Onika."

"You didn't call my phone your freshman year, crying about how you were getting bullied about your hair? I picked you up from school and made you a hair appointment that same day."

"Yawn. Are you done? Now back to what I was saying. When I turned 15, I went to look for daddy. I searched day in and day out for him. I eventually found him on Facebook and messaged him. He flew me out to New York that same summer and informed me everything our evil ass mother did! You want to tell her the truth Carol or should I?"

"Joi what actual hell is wrong with you? The disrespect toward your mother and sister is very disappointing. I oughta whoop some sense into you little ass." Robyn intervened.

"Robyn, respectfully, shut the fuck up! This is family business. Only thing your hoes ass ever did was give me the birds and the beeds talk and explained to me how not to have gag reflex. Fuck you and your high ass body count."

Robyn scooted her chair back to get up, until Carol shook her head no.

"You know what, fuck you too Joi! You should be honored to get sex tips from me. Although, I doubt they even worked since Justine told me your boyfriend cheats on you with any bitch with legs." Robyn said, trying to keep in her laughs. Justine's eyes widened.

Onika on the other hand, was pissed. Beyoncé repeatedly consoled her as she sat in her lap. She could feel the heat radiating off of Onika's body as she rubbed her back.

"I'm not even with him anymore, fyi. Now, back to more relevant things. Since Carol here wants to suddenly be muter than Stevie Wonder—"

"He's blind, not mute."

"And you can go back to being mute, like you've been this entire damn time, Justine."

Justine didn't say another peep.

"Gosh, I don't even know where to start. Oh. Miss Carol here, has been lying to us for years Onika. She said that Daddy up and left us with no explanation at all. For no apparent reason. That was an entire lie. He didn't leave us for no reason. He left because Carol stepped out during their marriage and was fucking mad niggas. That's how she ended up pregnant with you. You're a bastard, Onika."

It was like entire room stopped. Onika's chest began to heave as she tried to comprehend what was happening right now.

"W-What the hell are you talking about? That's not true at all Joi. You want to hurt me that bad to the point where you're willing to lie about the fact that daddy isn't my real father? He—he raised me!"

Joi looked at Carol with a smile, once she noticed the look of fear upon her face.

"Care to run that big mouth now, Caroline?"


"Look at her, she done went from Stevie to Cuba Gooding Jr."

Onika side eye'd her mom with a worried expression. "Mom. Mommy pl-please tell me she's lying." She pleaded.

Beyoncé was more ticked off than Onika. She didn't want to show it, out of respect but she was secretly planning, how to get away with murder, in her head.

"She.. She's unfortunately not lying Onika but it wasn't mad niggas. It was two and your father new about it. He was away in the military at the time, leaving me lonely and unhappy. I'm not willing to have this discussion right now. We can talk about this in a more private setting. As for you Aaliyah, get the fuck out."

Robyn dramatically gasped. "And here I thought you and Onika was twins, whole time we really identical."

Carol scoffed, leaving out of the dining room.

"Poor little perfect, Onika. You're not as perfect as you seem. Beyoncé can finally see the real mistake that you truly are. You've been living in a fantasy world all your life and it's quite pathetic to watch. You see, I was the once who leaked the tea to TMZ. Your dumb ass was about to kill yourself when you should've been sued his rich ass. You're such a disappointment. And just so you know, Daddy hates your guts. He was the one who paid Draya to fuck with Beyoncé. I just gave Justine her info to hand over to Kelly and rest was history. Both of you brainless bitches deserve each other. But with that being said, Justine go pack my shit. I'm ready to leave."

Beyoncé held onto Onika as she watched her leg bounce in full speed. She could read Onika's body language and could tell she was mentally in a completely different universe.

"Beyoncé let me fuckin go so I can beat this bìtch ass!" Onika yelled.

"You fucked with my family, you fucked with my girlfriend. Bitch you're loyal to nobody. I hate you!" Onika picked up the nearest glass available, throwing it. Beyoncé picked her up, pulling her away by her waist.

"What are you going to do?! You're going to beat on me like Nasir did you? Fucking hypocrite! I've been hating your idiotic ass! Look at you, you're a disgrace! Lotus deserves a better mother figure. I feel sorry for her."


Onika had hot tears running down her cheeks. She tried prying Beyoncé's hands off of her but it only made Beyoncé tighten her grip.

"No, Onika. You're better than this. Life is already whooping her ass. Ignore her! She wants a reaction out of you and that's exactly what you're giving her." Beyoncé stated, removing Onika from the dining room.

Beyoncé carried Onika outside, to the porch so that she could blow off some steam.

Meanwhile, Onika was seeing red. Complete tunnel vision. Mentioning her daughter meant all bets were off. She didn't give a rats ass what anyone was saying to her at the moment.

She thought Joi deserved her ass beat and she was going to be the one to do it.

That's if Robyn hasn't gotten to Joi, first.

Comment & Vote🤍

•This entire chapter was the ghetto lol

•I will more than likely, will be unpublishing this book soon.



No, I don't think you understand. I'm obsessed. 😍

3451 words

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