Teacher |H.S.|

By 0nlyAngelx

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*Contains mature and explicit content!* A student who catches the eye of her teacher.. A Harry Styles fanfic... More



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By 0nlyAngelx


We're going on a field trip.

I totally forgot about the fact that Harry is taking his classes to a book museum, I didn't remember that it was today and so I don't have the permission slip signed.

"We're eighteen anyways, we don't actually need permission from our parents anymore." Elle tells me as we make our way to the bus in the parking lot.

Before Elle can say anything else, she's interrupted by someone yelling out my name. I turn my head, seeing how Niall comes running over towards us. Elle gives me a look and I catch her eyes before looking back in front of me, Niall nearly trips over his own feet in the process but he has finally caught up to us.

"Why don't you losers wait for me?" he asks, catching his breath as he sends us both a glare.

"We didn't even know you would be here." Elle says.

"You didn't reply to my texts.. so I didn't know." I say, looking at how he runs a hand through his hair.

His knuckles are bruised..

An anxious feeling grows in my chest as I notice, why would his knuckles be bruised? I hope he didn't fight again, but even if he would have fought.. why didn't he tell me anything about it? We usually tell eachother everything.

"Niall.." I grab his hand and his face falls down. My thumb softly caresses the bruised spots on his skin as I'm trying to think about how I should approach this.

"It's nothing, I did it to myself." he pulls his hand out of my grip and avoids looking me into my eyes.

I look at Elle and she can tell that I want to speak to Niall alone. "I'm going to get us a place on the bus." she says, I thank her with a smile and then watch her walk away from us.

"It's nothing to worry about, G. I just.. I got into an argument with my father and I needed to get rid of some rage, so I slammed my hand against the wall." Niall explains himself, finally daring to look me back into my eyes.

My mind's telling me not to believe him but I'm also questioning myself why I wouldn't? I mean.. I know Niall and I know it's not always easy for him at home so he's probably telling me the truth. I guess I just have some serious trust issues and so I find it hard to completely believe people.

"It's okay.. know that I'm here for you." I send him a sympathetic smile, reaching out my hand so I can take a hold of him again.

"Thank you." he smiles softly, letting his hand slip into mine. "Can I stay at your place for a bit? My father kind of kicked me out last night, I don't think he actually meant it but I want to show him that I'm not scared and I'll actually sleep somewhere else." Niall talks very fast, probably not wanting to spend much time on this subject, my heart aches for him when I hear his words.

"Hey." I pinch his hand lightly and it makes him look back up into my eyes. "Of course you can." I give him another smile and it makes him smile as well, a lot brighter than before.

Before I know it, he scoops me up into his arms and lifts me off the ground. A squeal leaves my mouth because I didn't expect him to do this at all, I wrap my arms around his neck as a chuckle escapes my lips.

Niall only puts me back down as we're close enough to the bus. I'm still laughing as I run my hands through my hair and pull my skirt back into its place, it has risen a bit in the process of him picking me up.

Some coughs catch my attention, I look in front of me and see that the sound is coming from Harry who's placed next to the entrance of the bus. I feel Niall slip his arm around my shoulder as my eyes keep locked with Harry's green ones, it makes his jaw clench slightly. I don't mind seeing him jealous, he deserves to be after the way he treated me in the days after we hooked up.

"Permission slips." Harry speaks, an annoyed undertone in his voice that he fails at hiding.

Niall reaches into the back pocket of his jeans and takes out a white piece of paper, I on the other hand don't know what to do.. I hope Harry won't be too mad.

"I don't have it with me." I state, after Niall handed over his permission slip.

"Why's that?" Harry asks, writing something down on the clipboard he's holding on to before looking back up into my eyes.

I bite down on the inside of my cheek and cross my arms over my chest, I really don't want to explain why. Harry doesn't look away and now Niall is also staring at me, it makes me feel very uncomfortable.

"Because my parents are not there to sign." I tell him, giving him an annoyed look so he knows how I feel about him questioning me.

Niall places a hand on my lower back, wanting to show some kind of support which I appreciate. Harry doesn't seem to know what to say, he looks down at the paper attached on his clipboard and then finally back up into my eyes.

"You could've gotten your brother to sign it." he responds, eyes cold.

Is he serious? Does he really want to have a whole argument about this right now? Everybody on the bus is waiting for us, we're the last students that need to get on and we must be on some kind of time schedule..

"Sir.. Georgie's eighteen, she's legally an adult." Niall speaks up, saving me.

Harry looks at Niall, daggers shooting out of his eyes as he lets his words sink in. I try not to look too pleased with the fact that Niall is right, I on the other hand do look at the guys who are keeping eye contact for a little too long. They look like they're about to fight, it's so very intense.

"Fine. Get on the bus." Harry demands, moving out of the way so we can enter the vehicle.

I remove my eyes from him as I feel how Niall slightly nudges me to walk forward, his hand doesn't leave my lower back as I step on the bus and it gives me a greater comfort than I'm willing to admit.

We walk in between the rows of seats, on our way to the places that Elle got us in the back of the bus.

I don't feel like smiling, a heavy feeling sets itself onto my chest as I can only think about Harry and the way he can change moods like crazy. Is it normal for a person to have that many sides to them? I don't think so.

The day after we hooked up, I woke up in Harry's room alone. He didn't come crawling into bed with me, like I thought he would, it made me feel very insecure. It must be something about me that doesn't make him want to be close to me, which sucks.

I went downstairs and expected to see him there, but I didn't. I however did see Charlie, he came running to me from the moment I walked into the living room. I was still wondering where he was last night but Harry never answered my question so I just let it go and forgot about it.

Harry was nowhere to be found, not in the kitchen making breakfast and not in the garden soaking up the warmth of the morning sun. I didn't know what to do, so I spent some time playing with Charlie.

It was at least an hour later that Harry came walking inside the house, he was holding on to some grocery bags and he looked extremely tired. I tried to help him with unloading the groceries but he didn't let me, he wasn't having it and didn't even let me touch him.

I didn't do anything.. I mean, what was I supposed to do? I can't get mad at him, he just sees me as an easy fuck and I'll have to accept that.

Harry drove me back home in complete silence, he only gave me a nod when we said goodbye and I was so shocked in the moment that I didn't stand up for myself. I should have told him, made him see how horribly he was treating me. He probably wouldn't even care..


I wake up out of my thoughts, both Elle and Niall are staring at me, they look kind of concerned. I give them a smile, not letting them see that I'm hurting inside. They don't need to worry about me, there are already enough people worrying about me without me wanting them to.

"Are you good? You don't look good." Niall says, making Elle nudge him on his arm.

"Do you see this hand?" I ask him. "Because I'm about to slap you across the face with it." I come back at him, making Elle laugh.

The mood changes, it lightens and I'm happy about that because I don't want to ruin it for anyone. It's not because I feel bad that everyone has to feel bad. Elle starts a conversation with Niall and before she pulls me into it, I look in front of me and watch as Harry steps onto the bus. God.. he's so beautiful, why does that motherfucker have to be so beautiful.

We arrived at the museum, it took us about an hour and I spent the entire time talking to Elle while my mind actually was with Harry. I think she's onto me, not that I'm fucking my teacher but that I'm not doing as well as I let people believe I am. Niall.. I don't know what he's thinking.

"All I'm saying is that I'm not fucking interested in some old ass books that are stored into a museum." Niall complains as we step off the bus.

"I don't want to sound as shallow as Niall, but this is also nothing I'm interested in." Elle says, the wind blowing her fringe all kinds of ways.

"I just know that G is not excited for this either." Niall states, chuckling as he throws his arm around my shoulder again.

He's wrong, the little girl inside of me is squealing with excitement. Books were her escape.. She would have given everything for someone to take her to a museum.

I fake a chuckle, nodding at his words while I'm dying on the inside. It's stupid, I shouldn't be this upset about the fact that Niall doesn't really know me because I'm not letting him. Still.. I wish I would have the courage to let people know the real me.

Harry makes us all gather in front of the entrance of the museum. I think most students seem to share the same annoyance that Niall has because none of them look really excited for this school trip. None of them, except for the girls who have a crush on Harry and would do anything to get even the slightest bit of attention from him. Now that I rethink those words.. I realise that I'm one of those girls which makes me feel pathetic.

"Alright guys, listen up!" Harry raises his voice, catching everyone's attention.

I look at him, eyes taking in every little detail on his face. I hate love, I always will but I can't further deny that I do not feel anything for him. I have formed this huge crush on him, or atleast on the person that I want him to be in my head. It's not okay.

"We have three hours today. I'll let you roam around the place freely, the only thing you need to do is fill in the answers to these questions about things in the museum. These are easy points to gather." Harry explains, putting up the papers that he's holding in his hands.

You can hear the sighs and groans from everyone, nobody expected that they would get a task today. I, on the other hand, knew Harry would pull something like this.

"Oh c'mon guys, you all look so much better when you smile." Harry teases us, laughter leaving his mouth as the students play along and react over dramatically while sending him fake smiles. Harry has that kind of fun bond with his students, at least whenever he's not in a bad mood.

I hear Naill complain to Elle once again as the papers are being spread out, I don't listen to him because I'm too busy trying to understand what changed Harry's mood a few days ago. What did I do to make him angry? I'd like to know because otherwise I'll drive myself crazy trying to find it out.

"You coming Georgie?" Elle asks. "We're going to quickly roam through the museum and then get the answers from someone else." She is smiling as Niall looks rather confused while trying to read the questions on the papers.

"No.." I mumble, being annoyed with the both of them for not taking this assignment seriously. What the fuck is happening to me?

"What do you mean, 'no'?" Niall lets out a confused chuckle.

"I just like to be alone, if you guys don't mind.. I'm having a bad day and I want to have some peace and quiet." I try to explain, not wanting them to think that I hate them or anything.

"That's okay, we all have bad days sometimes." Elle gives me a sympathetic smile, being her sweet self. "I can leave you two alone if that's more comfortable for you, I don't mind.." she says, eyes darting between Niall and myself.

"Yeah, I don't mind leaving Estelle behind." Niall teases, saying her full name because he knows that pisses her off. I watch as Elle sends him a glare and chuckle softly before I shake my head at them.

"I'll be fine, I don't mind being on my own." I tell them.

Elle sends me a smile and Niall caresses my shoulder shortly before they take off together, arguing as they walk into the museum and I can't help but chuckle again because those two really are something else.

When I look around me, I see that I'm the only one still standing outside. Not even Harry is still here, like I thought he would be. He must have headed inside together with some students, I sure hope it's not those girls who are all over him.

I finally make my way inside, hands clutched on the handles of my bag that I need to give off at the front desk. They store your personal items away for the time you're in the museum. Only things left are those papers, a pen and my phone in the pocket of my jeans.

The museum starts off with what they say are the oldest records of books that have ever been found, it's interesting to see. I look into the papers, filling in my name before I read the first questions and answer the ones I already know the answer too.

This is my first time in a museum. My parents never cared enough to take me and I didn't have enough money to go on my own. My eyes are filled with wonder as I walk past everything, stopping myself regularly to read the information boards next to the pieces.

"Interesting isn't it?"

Startled, I turn myself around and place a hand against my chest, feeling just how fast my heart is bouncing.


He's standing there, hands in pockets, showing me more of his white buttoned up shirt that was hiding behind that reddish/brown suit he's wearing.

What should I say? I'm so nervous that my hands are nearly shaking, I even forget how to breathe for a second. What's happening to me? I normally am so bold, where has that side of me gone?

"These are actually the very first writings of Shakespeare to have ever been collected, showing how brilliant he was even when nobody knew him yet." Harry says as he steps closer towards me, my mouth staying shut as I still do not know what to say or do.

Harry places himself next to me, his cologne filling up my nostrils and making me close my eyes for a second. It allows me to enjoy the smell and the idea of him in my head.

"Have you been answering the questions?" Harry asks, catching my attention and making me turn my head towards him.

"Yes." I answer, not wanting to say anything more.

It stays quiet after that, why do we have to be in a part of the museum where nobody is walking right now. It doesn't make the confrontation any easier with me knowing that we're alone here.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted, Georgie." Harry apologises.

The guy actually does know how to apologise, what a surprise.

"Okay.." I give him a weak smile as the awkward silence falls down on us. I don't know if I even want to accept his apology, I shouldn't.. but why do I have this feeling that I have to? Maybe it's just that I want to.. but it's just this stupid crush I'm having that's messing with me.

Harry takes the papers out of my hands, then takes a pencil out of the pocket on the inside of his vest and overlooks my papers. I can hardly think right now, I don't know what to do or what Harry's doing, I can't handle all this anxiety.

"Good work, keep going." Harry says as he hands me back the papers.

Before I know it, he walks away, without saying anything else to me. Did he really just leave without saying anything else? I'm not used to him ignoring the fact I'm not acting nice to him and now he just lets it go like it's nothing. Maybe it's because we're in public.. however, it happened at school before and that never stopped him.

I look down at the papers in my hand, my eyes roaming over the words he wrote on the top of my page and I can't help the smile from growing on my face.

My place tonight, I'll show you just how sorry I am.

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