Funny stories that actually h...

By staceelynn0405

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Funny stories that actually happened to me: Trip to the mall

3//30//2011 Shcool: 6th period on my way to lunch

1.6K 4 3
By staceelynn0405

So I wasn't really sure if I was going to post this or not cause it's pretty embarassing but I decided what the heck that's why it should be on here

Me and my friend Amanda had been texting eachother all through 5th period and decided to meet up after class like we usually did. i told her we had to talk asap about a new crush of mine. I'm going to change the name to be on the safe side. We'll call him "Tom".  When 5th period was over I met Amanda at her locker and I told her right away who I was talking about. "Tom" was the new kid in school, well he'd actually been going to our school for a few months now but we barely ever got new kids so he was still considered the new kid. I have 2nd and 9th period with him. He had already made a few friends but he still wasn't really popular because he was kind of shy. He wasn't like super duper hot or anything, He was cute. Anyway I told Amanda about it and she did the whole "aw, Stacee has a new boyfriend" thing. I can't stand when people do that. It's reminds me of kindergarden. Ok well as we were about to enter the lunch room, Amanda spotted "Tom", who was walking right in front of us. So Amanda decided she was going to take matters into her own hands :(

Before I knew it I was being pushed into the new kid whom I have a crush on. Well I end up falling face first onto the floor after he hurried foward after someone being shoved into him. Amanda was laughing her butt off while I was laying on the floor with a red face. "Tom" said he was sorry and asked me if I was okay and offered a hand to help me up. While being pulled up off the ground I farted loud enough that he heard it and hurried away from me. Amanda was still laughing hysterically and end up walking into the lunch room without me.

I decided to skip luch and go to the libary and catch up on some of my work. I was way to embarassed to go into that lunch room after what had just happened. I was really dreading going to the rest of my classes especially ninth period so I went to the nurses office after lunch was over. I told the nurse I had a really bad headach and felt like I needed to puke. The nurse let me lay down until 8th period. 

When I got to my 8th period class, everyone was making fun of mee so I asked the teacher for a pass to the bathroom and went back to the nurse. She told me she heard about what happend. Great, that's just what I need, for teachers to find out. I hurried out of the nurse office and sat in the bathroom for as long as I could. I made it until about half way through 9th period. 

A teacher escorted me to the main office and after having a talk with the principal and of course he as well knew what happened, he sent me to my class. We only had about 15 minutes left which would feel like a lifetime. Of course people were laughing and staring and I even earned a new nick name fartzilla. Nice. When the bell rang I basically ran outside the school and into my mom's car. 

Yes everything gets around this school fast cause it's pretty small and teachers no almost everything that goes. Well I don't kow what tommorow. I might try and get out of going to school.

Any tips on how to help me get over this?

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