BanG Dream!: Home at Last - (...

By Lejendary115

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[Y/N] is a runaway and has just moved to town to start a life of his own. The road ahead looks rough, but his... More

Chapter 1: New Town, New Life
Chapter 2: Lost
Chapter 3: Two Pickles in a Jar
Thank You For 100 Reads!! ā˜•
Chapter 4: Friends I Met in Places
Chapter 5: The Star Stethoscope
Chapter 6: Meet the (Poppin') Party
Thank You All Again! ā˜•
Chapter 8: RAISE A Million Questions
Chapter 9: Fateful Encounters
Chapter 10: A Game of Life and Friendship

Chapter 7: Not All Heroes Wear Capes

476 14 9
By Lejendary115


I was at home, preparing myself an ice pack for the bruise on my face.

That Keith can really throw a punch...

As I lay in bed, I take the ice pack and press it against my face. I flinch a bit from the sudden but brief surge of pain. I then allow myself to relax as I take a deep breath, and...


This week just keeps getting crazier and crazier. Too much happening within just the span of a couple days.

First, I meet Sāya and discover my favorite place in town - Yamabuki Bakery of course. I gain my own personal school bully and a friend who is conveniently the nephew of our teacher. I attend school tardy three days straight. Then I meet three strangers who coincidentally all happen to be part of a band Sāya herself is in as well.

...And I got to meet a real-life tsundere.

My thoughts? They're scarier than the anime depicts them.

As I continue to stare blankly at the ceiling whilst recalling the events of these past few days, I fish a piece of paper out of my pocket and stare at it. It's the ticket Toyama-san gave me for Poppin'Party's live show.

[Y/N]: Poppin'Party, huh?

I smile.

Never would've thought I'd meet people who were in a band. Meeting others who passionately pursue music as a group and play for the thrill of it...

...It brings back memories.

Memories of when I strived to make a dream come true. And I did it with...



I didn't wanna refuse because I didn't wanna disappoint them. I mean, how often does some random guy just come across a band and receive a free invitation to one of their concerts?

It's not that I don't want to watch them perform.

I just...


I stare at the ticket.

[Y/N]: What am I gonna do?...

I check the date and time.

Saturday, 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM.


[Y/N]: Welp... Guess I'd better put it on my schedule.

I place the ticket on the desk beside my desk and sigh.

I'm really doing this, huh?

I then stare at the star sticker I had found earlier today.

"This band is that sparkly, heart-pounding thrill I've been searching for ever since that night with the stars. It's the feeling that changed my life forever. We'll sparkle on that stage and put on a show so incredible, it'll make your heart beat like it never has before!"

[Y/N]: Sparkly, heart-pounding thrill...

I stare out the window and see the moon. I watch as it gazes down on us while brightly lighting up the night sky.

That girl found herself in love with doing music alongside her friends. I'm certain her friends feel the same way. They're all really passionate about it. They seem hardworking and they don't look like the type that would give up so easily. They don't look like the type that does this stuff merely for the fame or the wealth. They do this because they love it. Because this experience is something precious to them as a group. As a band. As a little family. This is their sparkly, heart-pounding thrill - the one Kasumi talked about.

With all this in mind, I can't help but smile at their inspirational attitude towards this whole band thing. They have the power to inspire others to do great things as well, or motivate others so pursue a passion of theirs that they're unsure of. They can fulfill great things with what they're doing, not only for themselves, but for others too.

Although, with that being said, I just can't help but wonder...

[Y/N]: What's my star-beat?


As I got up and left my apartment, I pursued my usual route to school and stopped by the bakery for a snack.

Hopefully, this time, no one knocks it to the ground before I can even get a bite.

As I arrive, I push open the entrance door to the bakery and am greeted by the usual scene. I'm immediately noticed by Sāya upon my entrance, followed by a bright smile.

Sāya: Good morning, [Y/N]!

[Y/N]: Top of the morning to you, young Yamabuki. And... younger Yamabuki.

I say, turning towards the entrance to the kitchen, where I spot a small female individual, peeking through a small gap between the doors timidly, whom I presume is Sāya's little sister.

I give her a small wave, to which she closes the doors to hide her face, presumably too shy to communicate.

Sāya takes notice of this, and her expression shows signs of a sudden realization.

Sāya: Ahh, yeah, I guess you two haven't met yet, huh?

She then turns to the little girl and gestures her to come out.

Sāya: Come on out, Sana. Don't be shy.

The little girl, whose name is apparently Sana according to Sāya, peeks out a little bit, however, not moving an inch. She stares at us nervously.

Sāya: It's okay, don't worry. He won't bite.

Sāya turns to look at me.

Sāya: Right?

She asks, as if to confirm her claim.

[Y/N]: Yeah, I'm not-- wait, what?

Sāya quietly giggles before turning back to Sana.

Sāya: See? It's okay.

Sāya smiles at her little sister reassuringly.

Sana takes one more glance at me before reluctantly coming out and slowly making her way to Sāya's side. She grabs onto Sāya's arm and slightly hides behind her back, which I found to be quite adorable.

Sāya: [Y/N], this is my little sister. Why don't you introduce yourself?

Sāya says, turning back to her sister with a warm smile. The little one looks up at her big sis before looking towards me nervously.

Sana: H-Hi... M-My name is... Sana... I-It's... nice to meet you...

She says in a very hushed tone, but audible enough for me to make out. Her cuteness is enough to form a bright grin on my face.

[Y/N]: Hi, Sana. I'm [Y/N]. It's nice to meet you too.

I beam at her and hold out my hand for her to shake.

She just looks at me and further hides behind Sāya's back, which I was kind of expecting.

[Y/N]: It's alright. I'm a nice guy. Promise.

I give her a reassuring smile. Eventually, she come out of her hiding spot and slowly reaches for my hand. I gently grab hers with only my index finger and my thumb, and I lightly shake it.

[Y/N]: Can I...?

Sana hesitates, but lightly nods after a few seconds.

I then proceed to gently pat her head.

[Y/N]: Say, Sana, how old are you?

Sana: I-I'm seven...

Sāya: She just had her birthday around two weeks ago.

[Y/N]: Oh, is that so? Belated happy birthday then. You're a big girl now, hm?

Sana slightly smiles at that comment and nods her head.

Sana: Mm-hm.

I chuckle.

[Y/N]: Yeah. She's so cute.

I whisper that last part to Sāya, to which she quietly giggles at.

[Y/N]: Well, here...

I fish something out of my pocket and hand out it out to her.

[Y/N]: You can have this. I know it's not much, but... I thought you might like it.

What I had taken out of my pocket was a piece of candy I got from Hanazono-san recently. Sana's eyes appear to light up as she sees the candy in my hand.

Sāya, on the other hand, raises an eyebrow whilst shooting me a stern look, a hand on her hip. It's clear to me that she isn't quite fond of the idea.

I smile nervously.

Sana: R-Really? I... I can have this?...

[Y/N]: Sure!... I-If your sister approves of it...

The little girl looks up at her sister expectantly, to which Sāya looks to her, then back at me with squinted eyes.

I could only chuckle nervously at that.

After a while, she sighs and looks back at her sister with a small smile.

Sāya: Alright, you can have it.

Sana then beams and reaches for the candy in my hand.

Sāya: ...But only if you promise to eat it after breakfast.

Sana: I promise!

Sana declares enthusiastically.

Sāya: Okay then.

Her older sister smiles. Meanwhile, Sana takes the candy from my hand.

Sāya: Now, what do you say to [Y/N] here?

Sana turns to me and smiles brightly. Her timidness from earlier seems to have disappeared, as she had lost her stuttering.

Sana: Thank you, [Y/N]-san!

I couldn't help but let out a lighthearted chuckle.

[Y/N]: Don't mention it, kid. Enjoy.

Sana then cheerfully walks back into the kitchen, but not before beaming me another bright smile, to which I chuckle at.

[Y/N]: Man, I always wanted little siblings... What's it like?

Sāya: Well... To be honest, there are times when they become a little hard to manage and such, but they're kids, so I can't do much about that.

[Y/N]: Yeah, true, true.

Sāya: But despite being pretty naughty sometimes, they're sweet, and they're caring. And they can provide good company too. It's fun playing with them when I get the chance.

[Y/N]: That sounds simultaneously frustrating and pleasant.

Sāya: Ahaha, yeah... Sometimes I wonder if this is what having kids is gonna be like.

[Y/N]: ...You might be thinking a little too far ahead there.

Sāya: Haha, maybe.

We both stand in awkward silence, both blankly staring at the door which Sana had gone through.

The atmosphere was getting weird, so I decided to break the ice.

[Y/N]: Ahh, what I'd give to have a little sister like her... The closest person I have to being like a little sister to me is--

Before I get finish my sentence, we hear the door of the bakery open. Turning towards the entrance, we watch as a familiar face walks in and greets us.

Rimi: U-Uhm... O-Ohayo...

Sāya: Ahh! Ohayo, Rimi-rin!

[Y/N]: Morning, Rimi!

Rimi: Ahh-- [Y/N]-san?...

[Y/N]: Wasn't expecting to see you here this morning. How are you?

Rimi: I'm doing fine, thank you.

Rimi smiles at us.

Sāya: You're here later than usual. What's up?

Rimi: Ahh, w-well... I was actually in a rush to get here because... I woke up late this morning...

[Y/N]: Oh?

Sāya: That doesn't happen very often, does it?

Rimi: No... I'm usually up at least an hour before heading off to school, but... I stayed up late last night practicing... I ended up falling asleep in the middle of it...

[Y/N]: Is this for your self-sponsored show?

Rimi: Yeah... There's a phrase I'm having trouble playing, so I spent all night trying to perfect it...

Sāya: Ahaha... I have to admit, I'm actually guilty of that too... If I hadn't remembered to set my alarm last night, I might still be dozing off right now. I spent hours last night trying to nail my part, I didn't realize how much time had passed.

A bead of sweat is visible by the side of Sāya's head.

Rimi: Did you do it?...

Sāya: Barely... I've made some progress, but it still needs some work. And the fact that I was pretty tired last night didn't help at all...

Rimi: I'm the same...

[Y/N]: This concert of yours really has you guys burning the candle at both ends, huh?

Sāya: Yeah... It's PoPiPa's first self-sponsored show ever, so we want to give the best performance we can possibly put on.

Rimi nods in agreement to Sāya's statement.

Rimi: Mm! We can't disappoint our fans. Or our other friends performing with us.

Sāya: And everyone else who helped us get this far.

I couldn't help but smile at their sheer passion and determination. Somehow, this scenery felt very... uplifting.

[Y/N]: You guys sound really eager about this.

Sāya: Of course! We've worked really hard to get here!

Rimi: And it's always so much fun performing with everyone... I'm a little nervous, but... I'm excited too. But in order to put on a successful show... we have to practice more. So that's what I'll do!

Rimi speaks with confidence, her prior timidness completely being overshadowed by her current determination.

Sāya: Me too!

Sāya chimes in.

They're fired up.

[Y/N]: Well, best of luck you, guys. I know you can do it. Just keep practicing and you'll get there in no time. Just... try not to drain too much of your energy. You'll need for when the time comes.

Sāya: Right!

Rimi: I'll... keep that in mind!

I smile at the scene before me. Just then Mrs. Yamabuki pops out of the door to the kitchen and greets us.

Sāya's Mom: Sāya. I can take over from here. You should head to school now before you're late.

Sāya: Sure thing, mom. Let me just finish tending to our customers here.

Sāya says before turning back to face Rimi and I.

Sāya: So, what'll it be, you two? The usual?

Rimi and I look at each other for a brief moment before looking back at Sāya and giving our response in unison.

[Y/N] & Rimi: Hai!

This prompts Sāya to giggle.

Sāya: Coming right up~

Just then, a young boy, probably Sāya's younger brother, pops his head out from behind Mrs. Yamabuki and calls out to Sāya.

???: Onee-chan. Have you seen Sana?

Sāya: Last I saw, she went into the kitchen.

???: Oh, okay, I'll-- wait, who's that?

The little boy points his finger at me curiously.

Mrs. Yamabuki looked down at the child and gave him a serious look.

Sāya's Mom: Jun, it's impolite to point at people.

Jun: Ehh-- Sorry.

The boy, who was referred to as "Jun," puts down his hand, taking the finger away from me.

[Y/N]: Oh, my name is--

Jun: Are you Onee-chan's boyfriend?

Mrs. Yamabuki: Jun!

I raise my eyebrows and widen my eyes at that statement. I feel myself beginning to sweat from the awkwardness of the situation.

Judging by the look on Sāya's face, she's just as shocked and baffled as I am.

Sāya and I then deliver our responses simultaneously.

[Y/N] & Sāya: I-I am not her boyfriend/HE IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND!...

Jun: Are you sure about that?

The youngling darts his eyes between Sāya and I with a suspicious look, also containing a hint of... smug.

Meanwhile, Rimi here could only watch silently as these events unfolded before her. I bet she's just as confused as we are.

Sāya: YES, I AM SURE, HE'S--

Sāya then stops herself and sighs, calming herself down.

Sāya: Whatever. Why are you looking for Sana anyway?

Jun: I found the ribbon she was looking for.

The boy holds out a ribbon for us to see.

Sāya: Oh, well, try checking the living room. She's probably-- wait, is that my ribbon??-

The boy's eyes then widen, as if realizing he had unintentionally done something he wasn't supposed to.

Jun: U-Uhh...

His eyes dart towards the ribbon before he quickly hides it behind his back.

Jun: Ehehe... N-No?...

Sāya: Are you two using it for your slingshot again?!

Jun: W-Whaaaat?? PFFT, no, o-of course not... Maybe?...

He glances at his sister nervously.

Sāya: Jun, I swear... Put that back where it came from...

...Or so help me...

Sāya: ...or else...

Sāya says with a rather menacing tone. She takes a few stops towards her brother.

Jun: Make me!

The boy then makes a run for it, dashing away from the area.

Sāya: HEY, get back here!--

...And Sāya proceeds to pursue the runaway child as well, making a beeline for the kitchen, and disappearing - only the sounds of clattering, rapid footsteps, and loud voices can be heard.

Jun: Catch me if you caaaan~!

Sāya: Jun, you little--

Me and Rimi were standing right where we were earlier, not having moved a muscle, nor knowing what to do in this situation but awkwardly stare at... whatever is going on here.

Just then, Mrs. Yamabuki approached us with an exasperated expression.

Sāya's Mom: I'm really sorry about that...


Jun: Missed meeee~!

Rimi: A-Are they always like this?...

Sāya's Mom: More or less...


Jun: H-Hey, get off of me!!...

[Y/N]: Guess the predator caught its prey...

We then hear a loud crash, presumably something that had fallen to the ground amidst their little dog-and-cat chase.

Sāya's Dad: What's going on down there, you two?

[Y/N]: ...And enter the hunter.


After earlier's incident, the three of us - Sāya, Rimi, and I - decided to walk to school together.

Initially, I had told them that I'd just be taking a tram to school because of my terrible sense of direction, but I figured I'd tag along anyway, because one, I'd rather do this than going alone any day of the week, and two, I do not even want to begin to imagine what it would be like to lose my way whilst riding a tram.

So here we are, now making our way to school while engaging in small talk, mostly about what our plans are this weekend and Poppin'Party's live.

It was... honestly really nice walking to school with other people. I mean, I've done this before. Twice in the same week, but... each time, it feels just as pleasant as the previous instance. Maybe even better.




Tsugumi: Here's your order, Sir. One strawberry cake and some black coffee~

I place the plate and the coffee cup down on the customer's table.

I'm honestly quite surprised they order a cup of our black coffee. People very rarely buy that one.

And by "very rarely," I mean almost never.

Man: Ahh, thank you!

Tsugumi: Enjoy your meal and have a nice day~!

I then leave the man alone to his meal.

Tsugumi: Phew...

The café has been awfully busy lately. And not just the café, but pretty much a huge chunk of the shopping district has had their hands full these past few weeks. Yamabuki Bakery, Kitazawa Meat Shop, etc....

I'd be lying if I said it wasn't hard work, but I can't deny that I find this sight quite pleasant.

Not exactly sure what sparked the sudden surge of customers. Is it migration season or something?

Well, whatever the case, I'm quite happy to see the shopping district as lively as ever.

Though, I can think of another reason for the café's sudden increase in customers.

Just then, the bell by the café entrance rings, indicating a new customer has entered.

And speaking of which...

???: Good morning.

Tsugumi: Good morning and welcome to Hazawa Coffee! About time you guys got here.

I turn around to face the person... or...


...who have entered.

As I see the group, a bright smile etches onto my face.

My bandmates.

A maroon-haired girl, taller than the rest, beams me a smile.

???: Mornin', Tsugu!

A short silver-haired girl then speaks up in a lazy tone.

???: The great Moca-chan and her Moca-minions have arrived~

???: Don't call us that...

A girl with short black hair, and a single red streak on the left side, intervenes.

Moca: Okay, then the three Moca-teers~

???: That's not any better...

???: Tsugumiiiii!

A girl with pale pink hair and pigtails walks up to me, arms outstretched. She speaks in a somewhat whiney, melancholic tone before wrapping her arms around me, pulling me into a warm embrace, which I return.

???: Where have you been lately? You've been missing out on practice a lot.

The girl squeezing me states.

I laugh nervously.

Tsugumi: Yeah... S-Sorry about that, you guys... The café's gotten unexpectedly busy these past couple days. It's been pretty difficult for me to clear up a spot on my schedule... But I promise I'll be there later!

???: Yattaaaa, Tsugu!

The embrace I'm getting suddenly gets tighter.

And it just keeps getting tighter.

...And tighter.

...And tighter.

...Need... air...

Tsugumi: H-Himari-chan... I-I still need to... b-breathe...

Himari: Ohh-- Sorry, ehehe...

My pink-haired friend, Uehara Himari, then releases me from her lethal grasp.

As she does, I immediately gasp for air.

Tsugumi: ...Thanks...

I say in a breathy voice, still trying to catch my breath.

Just then, everyone else from the group smiles.

???: Awesome!

Moca: That's one more Moca-minion acquired~

The girl with black-and-red hair sighs.

???: We got the band back together!

The maroon-haired girl declares, pumping her fist in the air.

Tsugumi: Ahaha... It's only been three days, Tomoe...

I tell the maroon-haired girl - my good friend, Udagawa Tomoe.

Himari: That's a lot of time away from each other for us, you know?

Tomoe: Himari's right, y'know? We've been so used to being together all the time ever since we were kids, a day feels more like a week whenever we're apart.

Himari: And a week feels like a month.

Moca: And a month a year~

???: And a year an eternity...

Tsugumi: Yeah, you guys are right... We've always stuck together, no matter what.

Moca: Like glue~

Himari: We're practically inseparable!

???: And that's exactly why our band has such a firm foundation. We've been through so much together. The all the time we spent as a group... experiences we shared... all the ups and downs we overcame together, it only pulled us closer than we already were to each other. And that's what makes our band stronger than just any band. It's the five of us that make our band what it is. Remove one and everyone falters. Everything falls apart. And the band is over.  Our bond is unbreakable. And the more time we spend together, the stronger it becomes. So we'll keep doing what we do together. For until we can't keep going anymore.

We all remained silent, as we were leaving speechless by that sudden speech. Everyone was taken aback, including me. Even the black-haired girl herself was surprised by what she had said, causing her to avert her eyes from us and stare at nothing.

Himari: Whoa... That's deep.

Moca: Ahhh! Ran is blushing~

Moca says with a smug look on her face, pointing to the black-haired girl, Mitake Ran, to which, I also notice.

Ran: Wha-- Moca!...

She gives Moca an annoyed look, still with the streak of red on her face.

Tomoe: Huh, you're right... I do see a little tinge of red on your face, right over he--

Ran: Tomoe, not you too...

Himari: Your face is redder than your hair!

Ran: H-Himari, you-- C-Come on, you guys, cut it out!

Ran only blushes harder and harder with every word that comes out of her mouth. I couldn't help but giggle.

Tsugumi: Either way, we love you too, Ran. And we want to continue performing as a band.

Moca: As a team~

Tomoe: As a family.

Tomoe then puts a hand on Ran's shoulder, to which Ran looks up at her for a moment. She then turns away.

I see a smile beginning to form on her face.

Ran: You guys too...

Himari: Uuuuu, that was so freaking emotional!

Himari-chan exclaims, tears comically rolling down her cheeks.

Himari: We'll continue performing together as a band! Come on, guys, all together! HEY! HEY! HOOOOHH~!!

Himari says, pumping her fist in the air as she exclaims her chant, earning her a few odd stares from the customers in the café. As usual, we refused to do it with her and simply remained silent.

Himari realizes this and opens her eyes.

Himari: EHHH?! Why won't you guys do it with me??-

I could only laugh nervously.

It would embarrassing to do that in here right now...

...or anywhere else, really.

Moca: Tomo-chin. Did we get any buns?

Tomoe: From Yamabuki Bakery? Uhh... no.

Just then, Moca turns around, drops to her knees, and begins sulking.

Moca: Life without bread is... meaningless... Life without Yamabuki bread is torture... Moca-chan cannot survive without bread... It is her only weakness...

Tomoe: The bakery's just right across the street though...

Ran sighs.

Ran: Would you get up?

Tsugumi: You know what? Why don't you guys order anything from the café? On the house.

As soon as those words left my mouth, Moca perked up and turned back to us, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Moca: Moca-chan's will to live has once again reached stable levels~

Himari: Ooooo, really? Aaaaaanything?

Himari looks towards me expectantly, seemingly craving something sweet.

Moca: Hii-chan, careful not to gain too much weight~

Himari's face flushes with red from that comment as she turns to face Moca.

Himari: M-M-Moca-chan!...

I simply giggle.

Ran: I don't think we have enough time for that.

Moca: Ohh, come on, Ran-chan. Don't be such a killjoy~

Ran: Ehh-- We still have to get to school...

Tomoe: I could go for a snack right about now...

Ran: Didn't you have breakfast?

Tomoe: Did some extra practice this morning and lost track of time... Didn't have enough time to grab anything to bite as soon as I realized the time... Hehe...

Tsugumi: Drum practice in the morning? Wouldn't that cause a racket?

Tomoe: I guess... But mom and dad left for work early this morning. And Ako was already up before I'd even started. The neighbors didn't seem to mind either. In fact, they were making noise too along with my drumming.



I was in my room and spent a couple hours practicing this new song our band wrote. And judging by the neighbors' voices...

...I could tell they were loving it!

Neighbor 1: WHAT IS THAT NOISE?!



I begin pounding on my drums even harder, really feeling the beat.

This is so awesome!

Neighbor 3: IT'S 5:00 AM IN THE MORNING!!



We listen to Tomoe's story and immediately understand what actually happened.

Tomoe: Man... I could tell they loved it. I should really put on early-morning shows more often!

Himari: Ahaha... Maybe what you need is an electric drumset...

Moca: Or a better pair of ears...

The rest of us had beads of sweat rolling down our heads.

Tsugumi: Anyway... You guys want anything specific?

The other four look at each other for a moment, then turn back to me for their response.

Ran/Moca/Tomoe/Himari: Large strawberry cake please.

Moca: Hazawa Coffee's strawberry cakes are always Tsugurific~

I giggle.

Tsugumi: Alright! I'll whip one up real quick, then we can get going. Practice at CiRCLE after school, right?

Ran nods.

Ran: Same as always.

I smile.

Tsugumi: Great!

As I turned around and was about to make my way to the kitchen, I remembered something...

Tsugumi: Oh, by the way...

I turn back to face the others. They all look back at me, anticipating whatever it is I'm about to say.

Tsugumi: There's something I need to talk to you guys about. Something important.

They all stare back at me with curious expressions.

Ran/Moca/Tomoe/Himari: Heh?



[Y/N]: So you guys formed this band with the mutual goal of performing in a specific live house, passed your final attempt to audition, held your first ever live show on the day the place closed down for good, and you've all been together every since?

I ask.

On the way to school, I became curious of the origins of PoPiPa, so I asked Sāya and Rimi about it, and they told me the story of how their band was born. Admittedly, it was a really captivating story. It had me so invested that I sometimes forgot to look where I was going and occasionally bumped into random things and almost got run over by a car while crossing the road.

Sāya nods to my question.

Sāya: Mm-hm!

[Y/N]: How long ago was that?

Rimi: A little over a year ago.

[Y/N]: Wow... And you said Kasumi was the one who invited you guys to join?

Sāya: Well... It's more like she dragged us into it.

Sāya chuckles.

[Y/N]: Oh... Wait, what?

Sāya: That girl was persistent... Even when some of us refused to join at first, she wouldn't give up. She wouldn't stop until she managed to convince us to become part of her band.

[Y/N]: Wait... Some of you guys refused? Why?

Sāya: Well... Some of us just weren't sure of it. Some had personal reasons.

Rimi: At first... it did feel like Kasumi-chan was pestering some of us a little...

Sāya: Especially Arisa, ahaha.

Rimi giggles.

Rimi: But after she showed us how amazing bands could be... I wanted to be a part of it. We all did.

[Y/N]: Is that so?

Sāya: It all started back when she met Arisa. She accidentally wandered into her house and then she-- Oh, wait, I think that part of the story.

[Y/N]: It's where she found her guitar, right? The... Random Star? I think that's what she called it.

Sāya: Hehe, yeah. That night, they went to Live House SPACE, and she watched one of the bands perform. And that was enough to make her want to start her own.

Sāya smiles.

Sāya: She asked me to join one day.

[Y/N]: Lemme guess... You didn't think twice to say "yes"?

Sāya chuckles.

Sāya: Actually... I turned her down.

[Y/N]: Wait... Really?

Sāya: At first.

[Y/N]: Why?

Sāya's expression turns into a melancholic one for a second. But she quickly puts a smile back on before turning to face me.

Sāya: That's... a story for another time.

I lightly nod, understanding that whatever reason she may have had to decline the offer, there was also a reason she kept it hidden from others, most likely to those she doesn't know very well.

Sāya: But in the end... she managed to talk me into it. And when I performed alongside the rest of them for the first time, I instantly fell in love with it. It was... a feeling I had long forgotten...

She smiles to herself.

Rimi: I-I also declined Kasumi-chan's offer at first... When she first asked me to join her band, I was really happy. But... I didn't think I had the nerves to do it... I was never a big fan of being watched by an audience, so I didn't want to drag Kasumi-chan and the others down... But after my first performance with them onstage... which... despite being a makeshift performance that wasn't prepared at all... I was ready to do whatever it took to be able to perform with Kasumi-chan and the others. I wanted to be just like her.

Rimi smiles determinedly.

Sāya: First, it was just her with a dream, then it was all of us with a mission. All five of us sharing the same goal and doing everything we could to achieve it.

Rimi: Kasumi-chan wanted to perform at SPACE so badly. She would never stop talking about it. But there were the auditions to get through...

Sāya: She was so eager to get in. But after we failed our second audition, we only had one chance left to do what we set out to do. And for Kasumi... her determination turned into desperation.


[Y/N]: Kasumi... got desperate? A girl as optimistic as her?

Sāya: Her need to make her desire a reality... It ate her up.

Rimi: She practiced so hard, at one point, she even lost her voice... It worried us what was becoming of her... For a while... it didn't really feel like fun anymore... Because we were working harder to pass an audition rather than to play together and actually have fun....

Sāya: She almsot gave up...

Both Rimi and Sāya seemed to have frowns on their faces, presumably reminiscing on the painful memory.

[Y/N]: Mmm... What happened after that?

Sāya: Well... let's just that, if we weren't there... Poppin'Party would've ended a long time ago?

[Y/N]: Really? How so?

Sāya: When she was ready to give up... she had us to tell her not to. Us, the people she inspired. The people she shared her dream with. The people who now wanted what she wanted just as bad, because of her.

Rimi: Kasumi-chan taught us not to give up and work hard to reach something you really want... She helped us step out of our comfort zones and become better versions of ourselves we never knew existed... Gave us all something something work hard for...

Sāya: So we returned the favor.

Smiles begin to return on their faces.

Sāya: Initially, I was fine with not getting into SPACE. I was already quite content with what we had. But the more Kasumi talked about it, and the longer I spent with the others... the more I realized how much it would mean to be able to pass that audition and perform on that stage... I'm sure the others felt the same.

Rimi: Mm!

Rimi nods in agreement.

Rimi: She always talked about wanting to sparkle onstage and feel her heart beating. At first, none of us really knew what she meant... But during our final audition... when we a played together again... this time, not just to pass... we understood what she meant. We felt our hearts beating while we played. All of us playing in unison...

Sāya: We wanted to stand on that stage and sparkle. And when we performed in our first live show ever, we felt our hearts beat like they never did before... We finally understood that feeling she always talked about. And we came to love it too.

Sāya's expression then suggests a sudden realization had come upon her.

Sāya: Oh, jeez, now I sound like Kasumi, ahaha...

We all laugh at that remark.

[Y/N]: So what happened after your show?

Sāya: Well, SPACE closed down, the Owner retired... and we wanted to do it again.

Rimi: We all wanted to perform again and sparkle on another stage together. We couldn't get enough of that feeling... It was just so much fun playing with everyone...

Sāya then giggles.

We both look to her in confusion.

[Y/N]: What?...

Sāya then composes herself once more.

Sāya: It's nothing, it's just... you sound like Kasumi too now.

They both chuckle at that while I simply smile at the wholesome scene before me.

Sāya: Anyway, after all that, we put on more shows. Performed in more events.

Rimi: And we're finally performing in our first self-sponsored live next week.

Sāya: Mm! And when you see us shine on that stage, you'll get what we mean, [Y/N].

Sāya looks to me and smiles, to which I do the same.

[Y/N]: Well then... I'll count on it.

Sāya: But wow... All that happened a year ago, huh?

Rimi: I can't believe so much time has passed already...

Sāya: It doesn't even feel that long ago... Yet, here we are. And our PoPiPa's standing stronger than ever!

[Y/N]: Heh... Guess that's what happens when you have really great friends shooting for the same dream. Or when you have a persistent overly-energetic classmate with cat ears, an obsession with stars and sparkles, and a complicated way of defining "excitement."

Sāya and Rimi giggle at that second statement.

Sāya: Well, that's our Kasumi. We wouldn't change a single thing about her.

Rimi: Right! After all... we are who we are today because of her. Without her... I don't know where any of us would be...

Sāya: We'd probably still be searching for something to fill up the empty void inside us. Stuck at where we were back then...

Rimi: It's scary to think about.

It'd only occurred to me now how much this band meant to them. What motivates these girls is pure passion. It's something rare amongst these sorts of groups... It's fascinating.

That Kasumi girl... she seem like an absolute child at first-glance, but that optimism of hers can get her far, and it shows.

These girls...

...They're something else.

Sāya: Yeah... But there's no point in dwelling on it. We're here right now, and we're together. PoPiPa has never been stronger. That's all that matters.

Both beam at one another while I come up from behind them and walk at a quicker pace.

[Y/N]: Alright, alright. Nice story and all, but we gotta hurry or we'll be late for school.

Sāya & Rimi: Right!

I look back at them, smiling to myself as I continue walking.

Sāya: Oh, [Y/N], watch out for that--


Before Sāya could finish, I come to a halt as my head abruptly collides with something in front of me.

Something hard.

Sāya: ...pole.

I stumble from the sudden impact and fall to the ground.

Rimi: [Y/N]-san!

The two rush to my aid as I lay on the ground, feeling my head spinning.

[Y/N]: I see kira-kira stars...



Tomoe: So Poppin'Party's putting on a self-sponsored show?

On the way to school, I talked to the others about Sāya's request for our band to join PoPiPa's live.

Tsugumi: Their first ever.

Himari: And they want us to guest-perform?

Tsugumi: Mm-hm. So what do you say? You guys wanna do it?

Himari: Are you kidding? Heck yes!

Tomoe: I'm down! It's always a blast playing with those girls.

Moca: There will be Yamabuki bread in the backstage room~

Tsugumi: Ahah... Is that really all you can think about, Moca-chan?...

Moca: Bread is Moca-chan's life force~

Himari: Ran, what do you say?

Ran: Mmm... Just as long as we got to do it like we always do... I'm in.

Moca: You never change, do you~?

Tomoe: That's our Ran.

All of us laugh, except Ran, who is slightly blushing.

Ran: You guys...

Himari: So are we the only ones guest-performing?

Tomoe: Well, knowing Kasumi and the others, they probably invited the other bands too.

I nod, confirming Tomoe's assumption.

Tsugumi: Mm! Pasu*Pare and Hello Happy will be there too. They're still working on getting Roselia onboard though.

Tomoe: Oh? Did they turn them down?

Ran: I honestly wouldn't be too surprised if they did.

Tsugumi: No, they didn't refuse... They just haven't asked yet.

Himari: Oh...

Small beads of sweat trickle down their faces.

Tomoe: Well, either way. We're gonna rock that stage and give 'em one heck of a show!

Tsugumi: It's PoPiPa's first self-sponsored show, so we can't let them down!

Ran: We'll give them a performance they won't forget. The same way we always do.

Moca: I wonder if they'll reward us with treats for doing a good job~

Tsugumi: Weren't you excited for bread just earlier? I'm pretty sure there'll be snacks even before the concert starts...

Himari-chan then squeals.

Himari: Now I'm fired up! Let's do our best, you guys! Hey! Hey! HOOOOOH~!


Himari: E-Ehh?? Hey, you guys! W-Wait for me! You didn't do it with me again!

Himari-chan realizes the rest of us were already ahead of her as she stopped to do her signature chant. She runs, catching up to us whilst pouting.

Tomoe: Mmm, we're pretty early. Haneoka shouldn't be far from here. You guys need to make any quick stops anywhere?

Tsugumi: Mmm... I don't think so...

Ran: Not for me.

Moca: Maybe we can double back to Yamabuki Bakery~

Ran: That's too far away at this point.

Moca: Ehehe. Worth a shot~

Ran: Jeez, Moca...

Tsugumi: Did you need to stop by anywhere, Tomoe?

Tomoe: Ahh, not really. I was just wondering if you guys did.

Himari: I'm good...

Himari-chan pants, still catch her breath.

Himari: Actually... you know what? I think I could use a bottle of water. I'll be right back.

Tomoe: Alright. We'll wait for you here.

Himari-chan then makes her way towards a vending machine just right across the street.


I cross the street and jog to the vending machine not far from my current position.

I'm beat...

Why won't the others ever do the chant with me? I don't get it...

They told me before it was embarrassing, but... it's not that bad.

Oh well...

I look into the vending machine and spot the water. I talk out a coin, and I was about to select it before...

Himari: Wait...

I gasp and press me face against the vending machine, eyeing a certain product displayed behind the glass.

Himari: Is that the new soda I saw in a TV commercial?!

I have to try it out!

I insert the coin into the vending machine and decided to get that one instead.

I watch as the can is pushed from its current position and falls to the retrieval hatch. I claim the cold beverage and give it a good look.

Himari: Everyone said this stuff tasted great... I'll be the judge of that!

I then try to open the can.


It doesn't budge.

Himari: Huh... It's a little stuck...

I continue to try and pop the thing open, but to no avail.

I then begin violently tugging on the cover, desperate to get the can open.

Himari: Grrk-- Come... on--!


[Y/N]: Now for me... my second favorite has to be the melon bread.

Sāya chuckles.

Sāya: Have you even tasted our melon bread?

[Y/N]: Nope. But the scent is promising.

Sāya and Rimi giggle.

Rimi: It's actually really good.

[Y/N]: You've tasted it too, Rimi?

Rimi: Mm! Sāya-chan always brings snacks to our practice sessions, so I get to taste a lot of their other bread.

Sāya: She doesn't eat cornets 100% of the time, you know?

She chuckles.

Sāya: You should try them sometime.

Rimi nods in agreement.

Rimi: I think you would be surprised by how good it really tastes.

[Y/N]: I'll remember that then.

I chuckle. The three of us continue to traverse through the busy streets of Tokyo, not far from our set destination.

That's when I notice a certain individual - pail pink hair tied into pigtails - seemingly fiddling with something in her hands. She seems to be having trouble with something.

However, that isn't what caught my eye. This girl was crossing the street, completely oblivious of her surroundings.

And a truck was heading right for her.

...And it isn't stopping.

Why isn't it stopping? Does the driver not see her??

I begin to panic as the distance between the female individual and the large vehicle becomes narrower every second that passes.

Suddenly, out of instinct I sprint towards the scene, making a beeline for the girl in danger. Sāya and Rimi stop as and notice this.

Sāya: [Y/N], wait, where are you--

Rimi: [Y/N]-san?...


Out of the blue, [Y/N] dashes elsewhere, leaving Rimi and I confused. As we further examine where he's running to, that's when I see--


My eyes widen and my anxiety skyrockets as my mind wanders through the several possibile conclusions this event may end with.

Oh, no...


I run as fast as I can, desperate to reach the female in time. I begin to sweat profusely the more strain I put on myself whilst sprinting.

The truck driver seemingly notices the girl on the street, as he suddenly honks his horn, prompting the girl to stop in the middle of the street and look towards the origin of the loud sound.


I cannot let this happen.

Not again.



I couldn't do anything but watch helplessly in horror as [Y/N] drew closer to the scene.

Suddenly, he jumps onto the person standing in front of the truck, clinging onto them.

Rimi: [Y/N]-SAN!--

I hugged Rimi tight and made sure to obstruct her vision as I shut my eyes. I couldn't bare to watch what was about to happen...


I was still struggling to opening the can I had purchased from the vending machine.

I groaned the frustration.

Himari: Come on! Why won't it budge?!

Suddenly, I heard a loud--


I then looked up and realized I had unconsciously wandered into the streets. I turned to face the source of the loud noise, and just then... entire life flashed before my eyes.

I couldn't talk.

I couldn't move.

I couldn't yell for help.

I was frozen in fear and shock.

Almost ready to accept my fate, I then heard a voice call out.

???: LOOK OUT!!

Just then, I felt someone pounce onto me like a wild animal attacking its prey. I let go of the canned drink I had bought, and I could swear I heard the can get crushed and its contents spill out, but that was the least of my worries at the moment.

I closed my eyes, and we both fell to the ground. All I could remember after that was my fast-beating heart and a loud rumbling sound the quickly passed by, as well as a strong gust of wind from on top of me.

I felt a large object pass by over me.

Shaken, I kept my eyes shut and didn't move a muscle.

But that was when I realized that I had a pair of arms tightly wrapped around me. They then loosened themselves.

???: Hey!

I hear a soft voice say. The voice sounded very close to me, but I couldn't really tell. I couldn't think straight after what had just happened. My mind could barely process the very recent series of events.

???: H-Hey!...

I hear the voice say again, this time louder. That caused me to open my eyes and see whom the voice belonged to. I could feel tears in my eyes - tears likely out of immense fear.

As the blurriness of my vision subsided, I saw in front me...

...a boy.

A boy staring back at me with a concerned look on his face. He was sweating profusely, but that didn't stop his face from looking so bright. He shone like a star. Like the sun reflecting on...

...a knight's armor.

???: Are you okay??...

He asked in a shaky voice.

I tried to speak, but for some reason, I couldn't. I opened my mouth, but my words kept getting caught up in my throat. I was having an incredibly difficult time taking in everything that had just transpired.

I don't know if it's because of the fact that I almost died or...

...if it was because of him.

???: C... Can you stand up?

Knowing I wouldn't be able to answer that with words, I simply gave him a light nod. He then got to his feet and held my hand with one of his hands and my arm with his other as he helped me stand.

I could feel my face warming up, but I didn't have the energy to hide it.

We stood there for a bit, and I stared into his eyes. They were... beautiful...

???: We should... probably get off the road.

Himari: Ah-- R... Right...

We made our way to the sidewalk and stopped there. The whole way I had my eyes on him. I couldn't look away. Just something about this person was so alluring to me.

He looked back at me with a look of worry and put a hand on my shoulder.

???: You good?

I stared back at him silently for a few seconds before I managed to ever so slightly muster up a response.

Himari: Y... Y-Yeah... I... I'm o-okay...

His worried expression then turns into a relieved smile. That smile was enough to warm me up inside and make me feel...


I didn't feel so shaken anymore. Heck, I had almost forgotten about my very recent near-death experience.

???: Okay... Good...

We stood in silence for a few moments. It was a little awkward, but the awkwardness was overshadowed by the intense atmosphere from earlier that still lingered.

I then decided to try and say something.

Himari: U-Uhmm... I-I--

Just then, we hear a loud bell ring from the distance.

???: Crap... Uhh...

The boy turns to me.

???: I-I gotta go. You take care of yourself. Okay?

Without another word, he runs off.

Himari: Wait--!

I try to stop him, but he had already gotten too far for him to hear me.

I just stood there, contemplating on what had happened.

I was about to die... I should be dead right now...

But he...

He saved my life...


I hear a familiar voice call out. I turn around to face whom it belonged to, and I see my bandmates running to me.

Tomoe: Himari, thank goodness...

They all stop as they reach me.

Himari: G-Guys...

Tsugumi: We saw what happened... A-Are you okay??... A-Are you hurt??...

Tsugumi's eyes hold visible tears. She looks terrified.

Moca: We saw what happened. Who was that?

Himari: I... I don't know, I--

Moca: Was he your knight in shining armor~?

Ran: Moca! This isn't the time for that!

Tomoe: Himari...

Tomoe then walks up to me and puts a hand on my shoulder, carefully inspecting me.

Tomoe: ...Are you good?

Himari: Y-Yeah, I-I'm fine... I... I think I... I...

I then begin to feel very dizzy. My head gets lighter, my eyes start getting heavy, and--



We all stare down at an unconscious Himari laying on the floor.


Tomoe: So... should we wait for her to wake up, or... should we carry her there?

Everyone remains silent for a while.


Ran: I don't think we can carry her all the way there.

Tsugumi: Oooohh, what do we do,...


Moca: Moca-chan doesn't have the strength for that. Too many calories.



Hey, everyone. I'm back, an I apologize once more for the late update. Exam week is upon me and I'm busy, not just with exams, but with extra responsibilities as well. It's tough being the leader of the band and making sure everyone does their part. And this is due in the middle of exams. T-T

Anyway, as you can see, pretty long chapter again. Again, not my intention, but... I've decided that I' be making these chapters a little longer from now and simply accept the fact that I am simply terrible at keeping things brief.

Look, even the author's note was over extended.

Anyway, the next chapter might not be out in a while. Again. Once my schedule is cleared up, I'll have more time to write, so I'll get back to my usual update schedule when that time comes. As usual, I have the next chapter planned out already as well as the chapter after that.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and that it was worth the wait.

Anyway, that is all for this one. Lejendary signing off for now.

Stay safe, God bless, and have a nice day, everyone.

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