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By wifeofkuroken

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Serendipity (n.) to find something good without looking for it; to discover something beautiful by chance... More

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Character Profile/Application
Season One Main cast
Taking a Break


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By wifeofkuroken

Cullen Residence | Carlisle

"Okay so how is the new girl related to her then? Emmett asked referring to Bella Swan the daughter of Charlie Swan chief of police in Forks Washington where we currently resided.

Bella Swan who has recently moved to town has been nothing but a nuisance the past few weeks.

With the revelation of her being Edward's blood singer and her being so intrigued my our family it's become a bit of a problem.

However just recently Alice had a vision of someone named Ariana Gilbert. Ariana is supposed to be a tribrid.

Vampire, wolf, and witch.

All un triggered but I'm sure she knew of these facts already.

She had a vision about her being important to the supernatural world. We had to find out which type of vampire and wolf she was. A child of the moon or a shifter. A cold one or a day walker.

I was knocked out of my thoughts as the conversation continued. "Bella and Ariana's moms were friends in high school they lost touch after" Alice said as I nodded it made sense.

"Ariana and Elena are adopted though, Miranda and Grayson aren't their real parents they're technically their aunt and uncle" the others made faces.

"Now that's what I call a family affair" Emmett said as we rolled our eyes.

"I couldn't imagine Ariana being related to Isabella anyways the girl accident prone, nosy, annoying, plus Ariana looks like some sort of goddess and Isabella looks like...I don't know she just looks like" Edward said shrugging his shoulders as Esme hit him in the back of his head.

"Do not be rude Edward" she closed as he smiled sheepishly and apologized.

"Wait if she's a hybrid doesn't that mean people will be after her trying to kill her?" Alice asked which was a good question.

"In this case no, Ariana was created by the witches she was supposed to be the balance between the supernatural world she's a doppelgänger like her sister Elena and the only one in her bloodline to be a witch let alone a tribrid" I told them picking up the other file.

"That's kind of messed up so why are we talking about her again?" Edward asked causing me to sigh. "Like we already found out she's a dormant tribrid though I don't doubt she knows. I said throwing the files down on the table.

"What does that mean?" Emmett asked tilting his head. "Okay there are two kind of vampires and werewolves there are vampires like us who are turned by being bit with marble like skin and Golden eyes and can only be killed by ripping us apart and burning us then there are vampires like the Salvatore brothers who have to die with vampire blood in their system in order to be turned they keep their natural appearances and they are killed with a stake to the heart or ripping their hearts out removing their head is also a way" I sat down on the chair across from the others.

"As for werewolves the ones like those on the rez can shift whenever they want to whereas wolves aka children of the moon can only be turned during a full moon without choice and their bite can kill vampires due to the toxins in their teeth it doesn't work on us since our skin is hard but you have to kill first in order to trigger your werewolf side that's the kind of wolf Ariana is but she's a vampire like the Salvatore's but it's dormant so she doesn't know about it yet so we have to keep an eye on her if she ends up killing someone we have to be ready to help her do you understand?" I asked after explaining the differences between wolves and vampires like us.

They all nodded before Jasper spoke for the first time today. "So what are we going to do about Bella? I mean she's been following Edward around and looking at him since her first day of school?" he scratched the back of his neck.

I turned to Edward and he nodded with a disgusted look on his face. "Well I'm not sure but I was also told people call Ariana the better twin everyone loves her more than Elena her twin but they're both doppelgängers of Katherine and Kathleen" I mentioned rubbing my temples.

"She's hot." Emmett stated earning a smack in the head by Esme. "No no he has a point" Jasper surprisingly said as I shook my head. "So when do we get to meet her?" Edward asked causing everyone to look at me.

"We'll be moving to Mystic Falls in Virginia you five will be enrolling in Mystic Falls High I will be transferring to a hospital there I don't know how long we'll be there plus this is a chance to get Bella to back off of Edward" I said intertwining my hands together and resting my elbows on my knees.

"Wait you want us to move to Mystic Falls?!" Emmett exclaimed "do you want to meet her or not?" I asked dead panning at them as the sweat dropped. "When do we leave" Alice asked in her usual cheerful voice.

"Sunday, I need to get us all transferred so go pack" I motioned for them all to leave before getting up and going to my study.

Meanwhile|Gilbert Residence

"Scum ball. Scum bucket" Aunt Jenna says throwing popcorn...? Anyways she was throwing something at the tv.

"Who are you talking to?" Elena asks coming down the stairs and grabbing a box. "Him" she responds pointing to the tv ask Ariana walks in and questions "the news guy?"

"Also known as Logan "Scum" Fell. Did your mom ever tell you why I left Mystic Falls?" She asks looking at the two girls.

"Wait Fell as in?" Elena asked glancing at Ariana who rolled her eyes. Jenna nodded understanding where she was going. "Yea he's Meredith and Arabella's long distant cousin like generations over he's not even liked in their family though he was disowned" Jenna said shocking the two girls.

"Oh, no way. You and him? He's cute." Elena says as Ariana scoffs and mumbled "you think everyone cute." which was heard by the other two.

"I don't think everyone's cute" Elena says turning to her twin. "Oh please Elena, let's talk about how you knew about Caroline's feelings for Matt but dated him anyways and you're doing the same thing with Stefan! Face it Elena. You don't care about anyone but yourself. You're bossy and you think the world revolves around you. You try to control Jeremy with his life when not everyone can write in a journal and pretend nothing happened. You keep pretending you actually care about how I feel and how me and Arabella's breakup affected me. Caroline deserves a better friend than you honestly I wonder how we're twins." Ariana stated scoffing and grabbing the Gilbert watch out of the box while the other two were stunned and not paying attention.

She walked up the stairs to Jeremy's room and knocked before entering. "Hey Jer" she said as he turned to look at him from his desk.

"Oh hey Ari, what was going on downstairs?" He asked her as she shrugged and waved him off. "Nothing important just telling Elena about herself" she rolled her eyes before sitting on his bed.

"So what's up?" he asked putting his headphones around his neck. She pulled out the Gilbert watch from behind her back.

"Is this?" he asked taking the watch from her in disbelief. "It's the Gilbert watch dad had, Dad said it goes to the firstborn son. His father gave it to him, and now it belongs to you" she smiled at him as he pulled her into a hug.

She giggled lightly "where did you find it?" he asked "Elena was giving a box of the Gilbert family's heirlooms to Mrs.Lockwood for the party today because it was what mom wanted but this belongs to you and I refuse to allow her to give it to them" she replied while standing up.

"And between me and you there's another reason which I will tell you soon keep it hidden somewhere even I wouldn't look that means not your shoes" I said narrowing my eyes as he smiled sheepishly but nodded.

"Well in any case thank you, it means a lot that you'd do this" he said causing a smile to form on her face.

"Of course Jer, and if Elena asks tell her it was supposed to go to you and that I gave it to you" she said winking as Jeremy chuckled before she walked out.

Ariana's Room

"Delicate flower vs Naughty vixen" Bonnie stated not really expecting Elena to answer it was more towards Ariana but that never stopped Elena from trying to be the twin everyone loved.

"Tough call. Can we mix them?" She asked back causing Bonnie and Ariana to roll their eyes.

"Look at you, getting all pretty for your date. You seem happy-ish." she replied in a bored tone.

Bonnie and Ariana were getting ready for the founders party and Elena barged her way in the room despite what happened between her and Ariana earlier in the day. It seems she didn't get the memo making her scoff typical Elena.

"I am...ish. Tonight's going to be a good night. But don't let that stop you from telling me whatever it is you wanted to tell me as soon as you walked in the door." Elena said as Ari sighed in annoyance before tuning out because to be quite Frank she doesn't care about Elena's love life.

Honestly she's regretting not locking the door knowing how Elena could be almost 100% of the time no sense of personal space or privacy.

"What if I tell you in the morning? I don't want to ruin the night." Bonnie replied even though she didn't really care too much Elena was still her....friend in a way.

"Bonnie, out with it" Elena stayed sternly making my eye twitch there she goes again. Ari 'tches' under her breath as she put on her ankle socks and white Nike air forces.

"Okay, but it has to go in the vault, because Caroline will kill me if it gets back to Damon that she squealed. Apparently Stefan has a very interesting back story." Bonnie replied because if Elena wanted to know now then so be it she warned her.

"uh-huh" Elena said back making me mentally roll my eyes. "Why are you here again?" Ari asked annoyance clear in her voice.

Elena looked at Ari and subtly rolled her eyes but Ari and Bonnie saw before she put on a fake tight lipped smile. This made both Ari and Bonnie's purse their lips.

Before another altercation could breakout between the two sisters Bonnie spoke up.

"Do you know what happened with his ex-girlfriends Katherine and Kathleen?" Bonnie asked causing Ari to raise an eyebrow.

"I know that they both dated them and that's why they have issues." She replied back making Ari shake her head and yell red flag mentally.

"Yeah, they both dated them, only they chose Damon. And that drove Stefan mad, so he did horrible things to try and break them up. He manipulated them. He filled their head with all these lies until finally it worked, and they turned against Damon." Bonnie said making Ari hum in amusement.

"That sounds like one person's side of the story, meaning Damon's." Elena respond which was fair.

Damon high key seemed like a douche and a manipulative liar. Then again who am I to judge but both brothers are sketchy.

"I just wanted you to know" Bonnie replied seemingly losing her patience with the younger twin.

"Anyway, his past relationships are none of my business." Elena said making me snort causing her to slightly glare at me.

"What's so funny Ari?" She asked me making me raise an eyebrow in a challenging way.

"What's funny is the fact that because you've only ever dated Matt you believe past relationships don't matter when in reality they matter a great deal who knows the two girls may just come back and Damon may be lying but that doesn't mean part of it isn't true if he really is a manipulative liar then you could be next your first red flag should've been when he shows up at the house claiming he asked the first person he saw that's suspicious but you my dear sister are too gullible, judgmental, and love struck that you didn't even question it. So I find it funny that you're choosing to ignore Bonnie's warnings because you're a love struck idiot. So no offense Elena but can you kindly exit my room because the negative energy you're radiating isn't something I'd like to have in our vicinity."

Ari smiled sweetly at her twin as the other rolled her eyes and stomped out slightly slamming the door. The two best friends giggled at the others reaction before finishing up getting ready for the founders party.

Neither girls knew about the family moving to their small town. Neither girls knew that Ari was more important than she originally thought.

Neither knew that Ari was the balance between the supernatural world. Neither were prepared for life's upcoming events.

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