a different kind of love vol...

By Kirishimasimp_2006

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your name is y/n Maximoff and you are 15 years old. your siblings are Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff (diseas... More

chapter 1: same difference
chapter 3: attack of the mind

chapter 2: power of the mind

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By Kirishimasimp_2006

it has been six months since you and Denki got into a relationship, you are still adjusting to the new relationship despite your partner being your childhood best friend, fortunately he has been nothing but patient with you and always asks your permission before showing you any type of new affection, you also go on weekly dates on a Friday night, each date being different each time.

you have also been helping Denki develop his flying skills and you have finally given him permission to ride without having to keep his hands on the saddle, after discovering your new elemental abilities, you are now focusing on gaining control over them during training, you have also eased out of being in a separate room for lunch and started eating with your partner and new found friends, Mina, Sero, Kirishima and Bakugou.

Friday evening

you are getting ready to go on your date with Denki, you have no idea where you are going and so you are packing many different outfits incase you need to change out of what you already have on, you are currently wearing some leggings and a baggy dress-like hoodie with some flats on, for your hair you decide to keep it down.

you hear a knock on your door which made you jump a little, "sparks? can I come in?" asked Denki on the other side of the door, you smile and open the door with your mind, "hey baby, you nearly ready?" he asked, "nearly" you said straining to close the clothes packed bag, "can you give me a hand?" you ask him, "yeah sure, what do you need me to do?" he asked, you then sat on the bag holding it closed.

"can you zip it up for me?" you asked, he laughed and nodded his head, we walked over and kneeled down to close the bag, he strained a little but he managed to do it, "yay, look at my big strong Hercules" you said making him laugh.

"haha, why do you need all of this for our date?" he asked confused.

"well you never told me what we are doing, I packed all of this incase I needed to change out of what I was already in" you explained.

"ok that makes sense, if you want I can tell you from now on?" he asked, you smiled and nodded your head, "ok babe, you ready to go now?" he asked, you nodded your head and got up from the bag and struggled to pick it up, "here I got I sparks" he said picking it up for you, you smiled and hugged him, "thanks bub" you said, Denki smiled since he knew you struggled with calling him those type of nicknames.

"good job babe, you're getting good at that" he said hugging you back, "now come on, let's get the dragons" he said making you get excited, you both headed to the stables you had your dragons stabled and you got out the dragons, "hey Luna, ready to go?" you asked her, she licked your face and you laughed, "I'll take that as a yes" you said mounting her.

once you were both up in the air you followed Denki, you noticed that he was flying to close to both you and Luna as he was slightly easing closer, "hey babe, your getting a little close there, if you lean a little to the left you should straighten up a little" you advised him, he noticed and smiled and leaned a little left , "thanks bub, you getting the hang of calling me nicknames" he said with a smile.

"the shorter ones are easier and don't sound as awkward as the long ones" you said to him, he looked at you intrigued, "how do you know if they are short or long, most of them are three or four letters long?" he asked curiously.

you smiled and replied with, "I determine the length by saying them, babe and bub are shorter than baby and sweety" you said to him.

"huh, that's cool" he said making you smile.

"are we nearly there yet?" you asked him, he laughed and nodded.

"yup, we are here now" he said, you looked ahead and you noticed a cave, you looked towards him confused, "we are going to a cave?" you asked confused, he smiled and nodded and you just waited to see where he was going with this, you both landed and headed towards the cave, "can you give us some light babe?" he asked you, you nodded your head and conjured some fire at your finger tips.

"Luna, do your thing" you said, she stood Infront of the cave and used her echolocation and led you both through the cave, "wow how is she doing that?" asked Denki.

"night furies has the ability to use sound waves to find the location of certain things or even give a road map so they don't get lost, they had to develop this because their natural habitat is caves" you answered, he found this really cool, "damn, so she can basically do what you do?" he asked, you laughed and shook your head, "haha not quite, the only thing that I can do is make quiet noises louder and tune into random sounds and merge two sounds together to make white noise" you explained.

"wow that is really cool!" he said making you smile, eventually Luna led you both to a cavern with a hot springs inside, "hah, I knew I should bring some swimming gear!" you celebrated, Denki laughed and hugged you from behind, "so what do you think?" he asked, you held onto his arms and rested onto him, "I love it" you said making him smile/

"do you want me to step out so you can get changed or are you ok?" he asked, you thought to yourself for a moment, "umm, you can stay, I don't mind" you said, he looked down at you surprised, "are you sure?" he asked making sure you are absolutely positive.

"yeah, I'm sure" you said, he blushed and you walked over to Luna and she spread her wings to cover you whilst you got changed, Denki instantly looked disappointed when she closed her wings, "hahaha, deceived!" you said laughing, he laughed and grabbed onto your waist, you smiled and kissed his cheek, "I love you babe, you look amazing" he complimented making you blush.

"you go in and I'll get changed ok?" he said, you nodded your head and went over to the hot springs and slowly entered, "haaaa" you said whilst climbing in, Denki looked over to you confused, "It's really hot" you clarified making him laugh.

"why don't you wait for me and I'll help you get in" he said taking off his shirt, you laughed and hugged him, "you mean you'll carry me in" you said looking up at him making him laugh, you sat on a rock waiting for him and once he was done he held out his hand and you took it, "come on baby, I've got you" he said comfortingly, you smiled and you stepped in with him.

once you were both in you snuggled up to him, he put his arm around you and rested his head on yours, the heat starts to lull you to sleep, "hey, don't fall asleep on me babe, you look cute when you do but I like talking to you" he said nudging you a little, you smiled and sat up.

"ok fine, I'll stay awake" you moaned making Denki laugh, he pulled your head closer so that he could kiss it, you smile at him and kiss his cheek, "I love you babe" he said followed by a smile, you smiled at him and leaned down to snuggle back into him, "what do you wanna do for dinner?" asked Denki, you thought to yourself, "what do you wanna do?" you asked.

"do you maybe wanna try some chinese?" he asked, you thought to yourself for a moment and nodded your head, "ok then, we can pick some up on the way home, but for now let's just relax" he said, you smiled and snuggled into him again, all of a sudden you hear some rumbling, "hey do you hear that?" you asked him sitting up, he looked at you confused.

"hear what?" he asked, you both felt the water temperature increase, "hey is that you?" he asked, you shook your head, the rumbling started to intensify, "I think we should get out" you said dragging him up, he looked at you concerned and followed you out soon afterwards the water started to bubble and roar and glow.

"I don't think that is the normal hot spring source" you said, "Luna give us some cover would you?" you asked her, both dragons immediately ran over to you both and you heard the water splash everywhere, you then heard the roar of a dragon, "ahh shit, I think that we may have entered a cave above a fire worm nest" you said.

"how do you know?" he asked.

"because a fire worm just busted from out of the ground" you said, you quickly got changed again and stepped out Infront of the fire worm, meanwhile Denki was changed and recording everything that was happening, you calmly held your hand out to the worm and smiled, she roared at you making you step back, fortunately Luna was right behind you.

the dragon calmed down and she touched her snout to your hand and you moved your hand back, "there you go girl" you said calmly, Denki walked up to you and hugged you from behind and kissed your head, "is there nothing you can't do?" he asked making you laugh.

"when It comes to dragons I can do most things, taming them is one thing, training them is another" you said, "which is the hardest dragon to tame, I would say it would be a screaming death" he said, y0u shook your head, "actually all you need to do is brush their thousands of teeth, they love that" you said, he looked at you surprised, "really, what about a Timberjack, surely they are?" he asked, once again you shook your head, "nope, because of their long wings they cant scratch their back, if you do that for them, you have a friend for life" you said.

"damn is there nothing you don't know?" he asked making you laugh.

"haha I don't know everything, I've just had a lot of experience" you said, "but that's sweet of you, thank you baby" you added, he looked at you and smiled.

"you're getting really good at that, I'm proud of you, now do you wanna go home and eat?" he asked, you nodded your head and you both headed home.

30mins later

you both arrive back at the alliances with your chinese delicacies in hand, the smell is currently torturing you and making your tummy grumble with hunger, you both walked up the stairs with drool dripping from your chins, once you opened the door your grabbed the bag from Denki and dashed towards the common room and placed the bag on the coffee table.

everyone else was drawn by the smell of your egg fried rice and sweet n' sour chicken, "wow what is that smell, it smells amazing!" said Mina walking in.

"huh, I smell meat!" shouted Kirishima running in.

"what is that!? it smells better than my food!" complained Bakugou.

"because it isn't burning our nostril hairs, that's why" said Sero making you all laugh, Bakugou proceeded to scream at Sero whilst he was laughing hysterically, "sorry to disappoint guys, but that's for me and y/n" said Denki, you turned around and smiled at him whilst getting up to get some plates, meanwhile you notice that Kirishima was reaching for the bag whilst no one was looking.

"Kirishima if you touch that bag I will personally remove your hands!" you say whilst in the kitchen making him pull back, "hehe, can't get anything by you can we y/n?" he asked nervously, you laughed whilst coming back into the common area, "haha nope, Bakugou do not even attempt to mount my dragon, have you not learnt your lesson from the last time?" you asked him whilst platting up the food.

"tch, It's half eight, time for bed!" he said going off into a sulk pressing the lift button aggressively, you all looked at each other and laughed, you handed Denki his plate and started eating yours cautiously since this was the first time you had tried this type of food, Denki turned to you and saw you eating it, once you took a bite you thought to yourself for a moment, "what do you think babe?" he asked.

you turned to him and swallowed, "I like it, I don't like all of the vegetables that come with it but I like the chicken and rice" you said, he smiled.

"good, maybe next time you can give some of your veggies to me" he said, you smiled at him and took another bite, this time it was some vegetables, you looked at it confused, "who the hell put pineapple in with chicken!?" you said before swallowing making them all laugh.

1 hour later

After eating all off your dinner, you and Denki returned back to your dorm room to watch some Netflix, "what do you wanna watch?" asked Denki, you thought to yourself and thought of something you wanted to watch, you took the remote and turned on the show that came to your mind, "hmm good choice, I've been wanting to watch this" he said holding onto you.

you smiled at him and went to chose out some PJs from you drawers, the pajama's that caught your eye was a shorts set which had a black base and dark blue flower details, you turned around and got dressed into them, whilst taking your shirt off you felt someone's warm embrace rap around your waist, you looked up to see Denki above you, he looked down and smiled softly at you.

"you're so pretty, you know that right?" he asked, in response you nodded your head and smiled, "hehe how could I forget, you remind me daily" you replied making him laugh, gently, he kissed your forehead and went back to relax on your bed whilst you got changed into your PJs, after you get all cozy you grab one of the oversized hoodies Denki gifted you and throw it over your head.

you turn around and poke your arms through the sleeves and waddled over to your bed and cozied up in-between your partners legs, he rapped his arms around you and rested his chin comfortably In the crook of your neck, you felt him gently kiss your neck making you smile, "I love you, I'm really proud of you" he said, you smiled and started to rub your eyes.

Denki smiled and slouched down on your bed and gently leaned you down on his chest, at first the sensation startled you and you jerked away, Denki immediately sat up to comfort you, "shh, It's ok, It's only me, I just need you to relax for me" he whispered whilst you squirmed and whimpered, "shhhh, It's ok, It's ok" he said relaxing you, eventually you leaned down into his chest and he started to play with your hair.

he slid one hand down your back and you flinched once he got down to the bottom of your back, "I'm sorry babe, shhhh, you must be really sensitive, I'll just stay playing with your hair until you fall asleep" he reassured you, "thank you baby, you're the best" you mumbled as he relaxed his hand on your head, after some time you fell asleep whilst Denki fidgeted with strands of your hair gently trying not to knot it.

the next day

the blinding sun and chirping of birds from outside rudely woke you up, you woke up lying on your stomach with your hair covering your face, you moaned annoyed and turned away from the window and got comfy on your side hiding yourself with the blanket, you felt your hand brush the floor as your arm hung over the bed and you manage to get back to sleep.

An hour later, you are woken up once again, from a slumber that felt like a couple of seconds, by the feeling of someone holding the hand dangling over the bed, you uncovered yourself to see your partner softly smiling at you, "morning sparks, how'd you sleep?" he asked softly, you only groaned and covered yourself with the blanket again, "I need more beauty sleep" you moaned in your sleepy state.

he laughed softly and uncovered the blanket to reveal you with your eyes closed and hair in your face, he gently moved your hair out of your face and put It behind your ear then rests his hand on your cheek, "come on baby, time to get up, It's nearly lunch time" he said softly doing the thumb thing, you groaned and moved your head to kiss his hand making him laugh.

"come on, if you get up we can do something today if you want?" he asked, relentlessly you sat up and stretched, "that's my girl" he praised you, in response you smiled at him making him smile back, "come on, you get dressed and I'll bring you up some breakfast" he said making you smile, he smiled back and left your dorm room.

you get up and wander over to your drawers in your sleepy state, you started to rummage through your clothes and found one of your hoodies and some skinny jeans, you grabbed some new underwear and a bra and swiftly put them on then went over to relax on your bed turning the TV on and pressing shuffle on Netflix.

After a short amount of time, you hear a knock on the door, "come in!" you called out, you saw the door handle nudge a little from Denki's attempt to open the door, "umm babe, can you get the door, my hands are kind of full!" he called, you smiled and used your telekinesis to open the door and he stumbled through it, "thanks bub, here's your breakfast" said Denki handing you the tray, you smiled and took it from him.

"thanks bub, you're the best" you replied making him smile and he sat on the bed Infront of you blocking your view of the TV, you leaned to the side trying to see it making Denki look behind him, he smiled, "haha sorry babe, am I in your way?" he asked, you nodded your head and he scooted to the side a little, "thanks bub" you said to him with a smile.

he noticed you were waiting a while to eat your breakfast, he had prepared you some porridge with some honey mixed into it, "don't worry babe, It's cool enough, I put it in the fridge to make sure you didn't have to wait" he said reassuringly, you looked at him then back at the porridge filled bowl and picked up your spoon.

Cautiously you scooped some porridge and went to eat it, you felt relief wash over you once you felt It's cold sensation graze your tongue and slide down your throat, "thank you baby, you take good care of me" you complimented him.

"you do the same for me, I think It's only fair if I return the favor" he said with a smile, Once you finish your breakfast you take it downstairs and put it in the sink, you jump when you hear someone say your name, "hey y/n, good morning!" greeted Mina, you turned around and smiled at her, "hey we were going to go to the arcades if you wanna come?" she asked, you thought to yourself and nodded.

"great! Denki, Kiri, Sero and Bakugou are coming with as well, meet us down here around about one" she instructed, you nodded and headed back up to your dorm to Denki, once you got there you started to pant, "hey are you ok?" he asked, you smiled at him and nodded.

"I was holding my breath" you said.

"why where you doing that?" he asked confused.

"I don't know" you replied shrugging your shoulders, he laughed and went over to take you in his arms, you backed away against the wall making him stop and look concerned, "hey are you ok? I was only gonna bear hug you" he asked concerned, you shook your head and tried to make yourself seem small, "I don't want touch right now" you said.

he nodded and said, "ok baby, I know you have been a little more sensitive lately, I wont touch you if your don't want me to" he said reassuringly kneeling down to face you with a smile, you smiled back at him, "thanks babe, you're the best, I love you" you said.

"no you are!" he said playfully, you smiled.

"no you are!" you argued back equally as playful.


You and Denki headed down to the front door the second the clock struck one, you two were the first one's there and you were pacing backwards and forwards whilst doing your most frequent hand stim, Denki started to get concerned from your stimming activity, "hey baby, are you stimming just to pass time or are you getting over stimulated?" he asked wanting some conformation.

"hmm, oh I'm stimming because I'm excited and I wanna pass the time" you said reassuringly, he smiled, "ok good, I don't want you overstimulated before we leave" he said, you smiled and continued to stim and pace like you where originally, after a short while the others finally met you at the door, you stopped stimming and smiled at them, "hey y/n, you ready to go?" asked Kirishima reaching out for your shoulder.

You felt your anxiety spike and quickly backed away from him, he pulled away with a look of concern, Denki tapped his shoulder grabbing his attention, "don't take it personally, she doesn't want to be touched right now" he said reassuringly, Kirishima only nodded in response and smiled at you, you smiled back, "sorry y/n" he apologised, you smiled at him.

"don't worry about it" you responded, he smiled at you and you all headed to the arcade, you walked in armed with your land yard and ear guards, you also have a backpack containing fidget toys, sun glasses, water and a snack incase you need to recharge your batteries, "you ready to go in babe?" asked Denki, you nodded your head and went inside.

You could hear the sound of games being played, coins being used and the defeat sound effect from super Mario Kart, Denki turned to you and asked, "what games do you wanna play?" you thought to yourself for a moment, "Mario Kart?" you asked, he nodded and you both headed over to the game, you could hear Denki getting frustrated over him losing the game making you laugh.

you both played video games and wasted your money on coin machines, for a moment you go deep into thought whilst playing one of the money machines and placing a coin in the slot once the step descends, you then snap out of it once you realise that Denki has moved on, you went looking for him with your cup full of coins in hand, however you could not find him.

After a while of looking, you get horribly lost and decide to head to the main entrance of the arcade and wait for the other there, on your way there you catch the attention of some much older boys, they start to follow you and try to grab your attention.

Luckily, you could not hear them due to the muffling effect caused by your ear guards and you had managed to phase all of the sounds into white noise, you walk looking down at your feet making sure that you do not trip over, you felt someone bump into your shoulder making you uncoordinated, Luna rushed to help you and she let you lean on her to regain your balance.

At this point, the boys where getting impatient and one of them ripped of your ear guards, you reacted to this by quickly covering your ears and leaning more into Luna, you turn around to face them and have your eyes on your ear guards, the boys notice this and take it as an opportunity to bring you down a peg, "hmm, you want these, well tough, you shouldn't be allowed to wear these you freak!" one of them insulted.

Your anxiety spiked and you started to cry making the boys laugh and snigger, "aww little cry baby want her mommy?" mocked the other boy who then pushed you to the ground making you uncover your ears, luckily Luna jumped to your defence and got between you and the boys, you can now hear every sound boom in your ears, and can feel your chest tighten as if you someone was sitting on it.

you start to curl up into a ball and cover your ears as an attempt at blocking it all out, you boys continued to laugh at you and mock you, "aww little freak acting like a baby, who's gonna save you now, your dragon doesn't scare us" mocked the boy, you started to call out scared and agitated catching Denki attention from afar.

"look behind you!" shouted Denki, the boy turned around and Denki punched him in the face and glared at the other boy, he was getting ready to fight when Denki smirked, "hmm, your a little outnumbered" he said looking behind him, the boy turned and Bakugou made an explosion in his face, Denki nodded and quickly picked up your ear guards and put them on you, "hey shh, It's ok I'm here now" he reassured.

Despite this you continued to curl your self up in a ball, Denki thought to himself and went rummaging through your backpack which you had dropped on the floor, he reached in and pulled out your sunglasses and favourite fidget and gave them to you, "here you go, put these on and we will help you get out" he said reassuringly, you were to overloaded to speak or move, he moved your ear guards slightly making you flinch so he could put on your sunglasses.

"Luna, can you help her up?" asked Denki, she nodded and put her head in your lap, you flinch at first and look down to face her, she smiled and you hugged her gently, with her support you stood up and leaned onto her for balance and coordination, you went to walk but fell limp and fell, Denki immediately caught you in his arms shocking you at first, "sorry babe, but I didn't want to hurt yourself, can I lift you onto Luna?" he asked.

You nodded your head and he picked you up gently and placed you on Luna, "there you go babe, come on let's get you somewhere quiet" you nodded your head and laid down on Luna on your stomach and you all walked out of there.

They looked for security to see if there was anywhere where there was no people or noise, "hey excuse me, my partner is on the spectrum and is having an meltdown, is there anywhere quiet you can take us?" asked Denki, the guard nodded and lead you all into a back room, there you sat up and Denki handed you your backpack, "here you go babe, have a drink and your snack, then we can go home" he said.

You smiled and took your backpack with trembling hands, you tried to take a sip of your water but you spilled it from how much you were trembling, Denki looked at you concerned, "Denki, is she gonna be alright?" asked Mina concerned, he looked at her concerned.

"I don't know, I haven't seen her have one this bad in a long time, over a year ago in fact" he said making them all concerned, "damn, that was really scary" added Sero.

"how do you think it was for her? I think she was more scared than us" said Kirishima, Denki was still concerned, you were exhausted and where just about falling asleep on Luna's back, "why does she look so sick?" asked Bakugou, Denki turned to face him.

"when something like this happens, she gets really drained and if she doesn't recharge she can present as sick, she is just tired" explained Denki, he walked over to you and faced you, "hey sparks, come on, can you at least eat something, then we can go home" he asked, you sighed and sat up and grabbed the snack you had packed.

"that's my girl" he praised as you ate it, afterwards you all headed back to the alliances on campus, once you got there you rolled of Luna exhausted, Denki ran to catch you so that you don't hurt yourself, you groaned a little when he caught you, "shh, It's ok lets get you to the couch" he said picking you up, he gently laid you on the couch and took off your ear guards and sun glasses.

"thank Denki, you're the best" you mumbled.

"shh, get some sleep babe" he said in response and left you to sleep for a while. whilst you where asleep, the others walked in to see you, "hey guys! have fun at the arcades!?" asked Deku who was quickly shushed by Denki, Deku looked over and saw you asleep, "oh sorry" he whispered, Denki smiled and nodded his head, "don't worry about it bro" he said softly.

"hey guys, why is y/n asleep?" asked Ochako, your friends looked at each other and explain what happened, "omg that is awful" said Ochako in shock.

"why would someone do that?" asked Deku obviously annoyed and shocked, you started to stir a little and picking up the sound of Jiro playing her electric guitar scared you awake, you immediately pulled your knees to your chest and covered your ears, Denki quickly reacted by sitting next to you, "hey shh, It's ok, what happened?" he asked.

Unfortunately, the scare made you go non-verbal and you could only shake your head frantically, you managed to get out a word which you hoped would tell Denki what is wrong, "m-music" you stuttered whilst stimming a lot, he thought to himself, "oh wait, Jiro mentioned that she was going to play some music in her dorm, do you think she has picked that up?" asked Deku.

"is that what is wrong?" asked Denki, you gulped and nodded your head still overloading, "ok, don't worry, I'll run up there and ask her to stop" he said, you nodded your head and Luna walked over to you and laid her head in your lap, you then started to calmly stroke her head and feel her scales, you started to calm down a little and she moved behind you and engulfed you in her wings.

This allowed you to snuggle into her and embrace her warmth that was emitting from her, after the music stopped you fell asleep again being exhausted, when Denki came back downstairs he was looking around for you, "hey where's y/n?" he asked, Luna opened her wing revealing you sleeping soundly in the comfort of her wings, "hmm, maybe we should leave her alone now, she has had a long day" he pointed out, they all agreed and went into the kitchen.

a couple of hours later

The others had made dinner, for dinner you where having some hot pot with a side of soba noodles both hot and cold, Denki walked over to the couch you where sleeping on and kneeled down to face you, "babe, come on, dinner is ready, babe?" he asked softly nudging your shoulder, after doing this for another couple of seconds you woke up and backed away from him frantically, "woah, I'm sorry babe, I didn't mean to scare you" he said.

You only gulped and backed up against Luna, "do you want me to back away for you?" he asked, you could only nod your head and he smiled, "ok babe, dinner is ready, there is some cold soba for you if you want it?" he asked, your face lit up when he said this and you smiled at him, once he backed away you could get up from the couch.

At first, you stumbled there and nearly tripped over during the process, Denki looked at you struggle and felt bad that he couldn't help you, once you got to the table you sat down and moved your chair along so that there was more space between you and the other chair, you start looking for the cold soba noodles and Denki, who was sat closest to them handed the bowl to you.

"here you go babe, we made these for you and Todoroki, you pick out what you want" he said with a smile, you looked over to Shoto, "oh you go for it, I have already sorted out my share of noodles" he reassured, you smiled and used your powers to pick a good amount up, you then reached over for the sauce when Mineta brushed your hand also reaching for the sauce.

Panicked, you dropped the noodles and walked away into the corner and reached out for Luna, she ran over and covered you both with her wings so that you don't feel exposed, Denki panicked and walked over to you, "hey babe, It's ok, I wont let anyone hurt you I promise" he said, Mineta came over as well, "I'm sorry y/n, I didn't mean to, it was an accident" he apologised.

You tapped Luna's wing telling her to uncover you and you smiled at him, "It's ok, I'm ok, you just startled me" you said making Denki relieved, he went to hug you but you stopped him and he backed away, "nuh uh, no touch" you said, he smiled and nodded his head and, with Luna's support, you managed to walk back over to the table, you sat down and used your powers to grab the sauce.

You could tell that Denki was worried about you, so you tapped his shoulder briefly grabbing his attention and smiled at him, he smiled back at you feeling a little better, "I'm ok, I promise, we would both know if I wasn't" you said making him laugh, you looked around and they all looked concerned about you, "why is everyone so mopey, no one has died, turn those frowns upside down" you said making them all laugh.

"haha, you always bring light into our lives, you're the best" complimented Denki, you smiled at him and kissed his cheek, "damn right I am!" you said making them all laugh.

1 hour later

Exhausted, you head up to your dorm to relax and unwind and take a break from the world, once you get up in there you realise that you haven't been as active with your music and miss singing and song-writing, so once you get in there you immediately locked the door and sat down at your desk, you take out your notebook filled with all of your songs and you took out a pen and started coming up with a new song.

Once you had finished it, you started to play around on the guitar and figure out what sounded right, you grabbed the guitar and started strumming away whilst singing, after you had found the right sound you went for it and started to sing your heart out, once you had finished you smiled to yourself and looked around to see that you had started to use your powers without knowing it.

After finishing the draft for it, you started to record it in the makeshift studio you had built in the corner of your room, you stood up Infront of the microphone and started to sing with the backing track of the guitar, once you had finished you sat down and replayed it to see how it sounded as a finished song, after listening to it and happy with it you decided to save it and put it on your Spotify.

For the rest of the night you decided to just relax in your bed, before you did this you turned on your TV and got changed into you PJs, you also wore one of Denki's oversized hoodies over the top and you plunged yourself onto the bed and opened your arms so that Luna could rest in-between your legs with her head on your chest, you looked down at her and smiled.

a couple of hour later

Denki knocked on your door around 10pm, "babe, can I come in?" he asked, you where deep in a world of your own so you didn't notice that he was there, getting impatient, he walked in which made you crap yourself and you quite literally dived of the side of the bed and landing face down on the floor, you looked confused and sat up with crossed legs.

"haha, sorry babe, are you ok?" he asked, you looked at him still confused making him laugh.

"what the hell, a second ago I was flying on Luna and now I'm face planting the floor!" you said confused and annoyed at the same time, Denki only laughed and sat next to you on the floor, "how are you doing?" he asked, you smiled at him brightly.

"well apart from face plating the floor, I'm doing great!" you said making him laugh.

"so does that mean I can give you some cuddles?" he asked, your smile immediately faded and you shook your head, "no, I'm sorry, I feel bad when I get like this" you said, he quickly sat Infront of you at this response, "hey, look at me, don't ever feel bad about being uncomfortable or not wanting to be touched, I would never do anything to make you feel uncomfortable, I would rather have you comfy than uncomfortable" he said reassuringly.]

You smiled at him, grateful for how understanding he is, "thanks Denki, I love you" you said, he smiled at you softly and you smiled back, "do you want me to sleep in here or in my dorm?" he asked, you lit up and grabbed his hand and led him to the corner of the room, there you had set up some fairy lights, a really big bean bag, some pillows, blankets and some of your stuffed animals, he smiled at you.

"I want you to sleep in here, but not in the same bed" you said looking down, he stood Infront of you and kneeled down to meet you, "thank you sparks, I can tell you feel bad, you don't need to, I'll manage" he said reassuringly, "how many stuffed animals did you give me?" he asked looking over to the mountain of them, you laughed, "I don't want you to be lonely, and I don't want they to feel left out" you clarified.

Denki only laughed, "hey, can I kiss your forehead? just a peck?" he asked, you sighed and thought for a minute, you nodded and he smiled brightly and gave you a peck on the forehead, "I love you babe" he said, you smiled and jumped when your alarm went off, you looked over confused, "I don't remember setting an alarm" you said walking over to your phone.

Your face was illuminated by the blue light provided by your phone and you looked at it confused by the random number which you couldn't recognise, your adrenaline spiked once you realised you couldn't recognise it, "babe? what's wrong?" asked Denki confused, you turned around and showed him the random number, "what do I do?" you asked anxious.

"here give it to me, if its a prank I can deal with it" he said, you smiled and handed him the phone and he answered it, as soon as he did he scoffed and hung up before blocking the number, "don't worry babe, it was a prank" he said, you exhaled in relief and sat on your bed, he sat next to you and smiled at you, he could tell you are tired, "wanna go to sleep now, I can tell you're tired, you've had a long day" he said, you nodded and curled up in bed embracing the warmth from Denki's hoodie.

"hmm, goodnight babe, see you in the morning" he said, as soon as he went to walk away. you grabbed his hand and he stopped and sat back down on the bed, "sparks?" he asked confused, you smiled and kissed his hand gently, "I love you, sweet dreams babe" you mumbled in your sleepy state, he smiled and rubbed his thumb across your knuckles, "I love you too, sweet dreams" he said.

Exhausted, he headed over to the bean bag you had set up for him and took of his shirt and curled up in the blankets and pillows whilst squeezing one of the many stuffed animals you gave him, you turned off the lights and you both fell asleep soundly.

a couple of months later

it has been a couple of months since you and Denki's six month anniversary. Recently, your older sister Wanda had reached out to and offered to teach you how to gain more control over your powers and teach you how to use some dark magic, and you agreed! Today is the day of your first training session and you are getting ready for the day.


you had just woken up an hour ago, and you had already showered and dried your hair and picked out the outfit for the day, because of the responsibilities you will eventually have to take over in future, as the new scarlet witch once your older sister needs to retire, Mr Aizawa has granted you permission to use this day to focus on your dark magic.

Once you were dressed, you went downstairs to make your breakfast, you started rummaging through the cupboards looking for the thing that you want, then all of a sudden you where startled by someone grabbing your hips, you leaned forwards to try and escape it and they finally let go, "sorry babe, I didn't mean to startle you" he apologised, you turned around to see Denki standing Infront of you.

"It's ok, I don't know what's wrong, its been a few month and you still cant touch me, no one can" you said confused, "hey, don't worry about it, remember recovery is a process, you just haven't finished recovering yet" reassured Denki, you smiled at him and kissed his forehead.

"thank you for being so understanding, I just didn't think it would take this long" you said feeling confused and disappointed with yourself, "I know, but don't worry I can wait, I can be patient" he said reassuringly, you smiled at him again, "now come on, what do you want for breakfast?" he asked, you thought about it for a minute, "wanna make breakfast together? maybe some pancakes?" you asked.

He smiled and nodded, "yeah! let's do it sparks, you get the ingredients and ill get the stove on" he said, you nodded and went over to the fridge to get the ingredients, you got out the eggs and milk, you then went over to the cupboards and got out, vanilla extract, flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, and the butter.

Once you had all the ingredients, you started to make the batter for the pancakes and handed it to Denki, he then proceeded to dump some out into the pan. after they where cooked you went over to the fridge "hey what toppings do you want?" you asked him" he thought to himself for a moment, "could you get the blueberry's out and i will get the golden syrup out" he said, you nodded your head and got them out.

Starving, you both sit down and tuck into your blueberry and golden syrup covered pancakes enjoying each bite, once you both have finished you take both of your plates into the kitchen and place them in the sink, "thanks babe, I love you, come on I can walk you to meet your sister if you want?" he asked, you turned and smiled at him and nodded, "yeah sure, we can walk together" you said.

After you both are done you both walk to meet Wanda, "so is there any particular reason your sister is meeting you at the river?" he asked, you laughed.

"heh, she said something about the calming sound of the river and forest helping us focus and gather the energy" you said, Denki could only laugh and pretend he understood, "you didn't understand a word of that, did you?" you asked him, he laughed again.

"is it really that obvious? I don't really get how you and your sister can do this stuff" he explained rubbing the back of his neck, you laughed also, "neither do we actually, this stuff is chaotic and acts like it, there isn't really a theory, that's just where it got its name from" you explained, he looked at you curious, "what is its name, you never told me" he asked.

"it is called dark magic, it is called this from the many things it can do" you answered, Denki looked at you amazed, "damn, that sounds really cool, what's the most crazy thing it can do?" he asked, you sighed, "well I once saw Wanda change the entire timeline of a small town like it was nothing and she is at a level of control where she can use and control runes, they are most commonly used by telepaths" you explained.

he looked amazed, "so could you be able to do that at one point?" he asked, you chuckled to yourself, "haha, I'm no where near as powerful as Wanda, is you don't have the power to do something, then it is almost impossible to do it" you said.

"I know you can do It, there is nothing you cant do" he complimented, finally you arrived at the location that you agreed to meet Wanda at, you spotted her sitting over by the lake with crossed legs, she turned around and smiled at you and Denki, "you should get to class now" you said to Denki, he nodded his head and got on your toes to kiss his cheek, "ok by babe, have fun" he said walking away from you both.

Wanda motioned you over to her, you smiled and took off your backpack and ran over to her, "sit" she said, you nodded and sat next to her also with crossed legs, you smiled at her, "hey, how have you been?" you asked her, she smiled at you.

"I've been alright, how have you been?" she asked.

"meh, I've been alright, I'm still recovering from an overload I had a will back, but over than that, I'm ok" you said, she smiled at you.

"ok good, do me a favour" she said, you looked at her and nodded, "listen, listen to the river, the wind, the birds, anything you can pick up" she said, you nodded and closed you eyes, after doing this you focused on the sounds you could hear and found the most powerful one and blocked out all of the other sounds to make that sound easier to hear.

Your mind was flooded by the sound of the chirping birds, they chirped in harmony to create a song, you could hear all of the melodies that were being formed and each note being played by individual birds, you could feel the stress just melt away from you and feel yourself become lighter, Wanda could tell this, she tapped your shoulder and to your surprise you didn't freak out.

"woah, you actually touched me, no one has been able to do this in over a couple months" you said, she smiled, "that is the beauty of this type of magic, it can take away the stress or anxiety your brain has locked you in" she said, you smiled, "now are you ready to start using it properly?" she asked, you nodded your head, "yeah! lets get started!" you said excited and ready to learn,

"come on then, follow me" she said getting up, you followed her and she led you deep into the forest, there you started to practice minor spells, for example learning how to multiply and object or cast illusions and play mind tricks with other people, "you have learnt a lot kiddo, it took me days to master this stuff" praised Wanda, you smiled at her.

"yeah but you didn't have a great teacher like it did, you learned by trial and error" you replied, "plus you are pretty amazing yourself" you added, she smiled at you and continued your training, during this time you learnt how to do more things and perfected the things you already knew, you have now learnt how to heal others and yourself.

a few hours later

Whilst training, you noticed that Wanda was getting light headed, "hey are you ok?" you asked, she nodded her head, "yeah I'm fine, come on let's continue training" she said, you shook your head, "Wanda I know you, you look light headed, maybe we should take a break" you said, she shook her head, "no, no, let contin-" she was saying when all of a sudden she fainted.

Luckily you managed to catch her in time, you panicked and then concluded that you need to take her back to UA, "Luna!" you called out, she immediately came running over, "come on Luna, lets get her back" you said before lifting her onto Luna's back, you mounted her and had her hold onto you, "Wanda, just stay with me ok, we will get you some help" you reassured her.

In under 10mins, you were both arriving at the doors to the school, you and Luna dashed in and headed to recovery girls office, you both busted through the door and you quickly climbed off Luna and got Wanda off her, recovery girl rushed over to you, "I think she overused her mutation, she started out as light headed and then after a couple of seconds she was out cold" you explained to her.

"put her on a bed deary, I'll do what I can" she reassured you, once she was on the bed you started to panic and tears started flooding down your face, "I-1 got to go, t-tell me when she is a-awake" you said trembling, recovery girl nodded and you rushed out and ran to class 1a. Once you were met with the giant door you ran in and went straight to Denki and hugged him.

"hey, hey babe, what happened are you ok?!" he asked concerned running up to you, still trembling you hugged him tightly making him step back, "hey, It's ok, what can I do?" he said, you looked up and caught your breath, "just hold onto me, please and don't let go" you said, he looked surprised.

"are you sure? can you tolerate it?" he asked making sure that you are okay, you nodded your head and he rapped his arms around you, the feeling of him holding onto you felt like a calming sensation and one you have missed, he then started to play with your hair and you melted more into his arms.

"what happened?" he asked, you looked up at him and started to tear up, "hey, It's me, you can tell me anything" he said, you gulped to yourself and explained what happened, they all looked in shock and immediately came over to comfort you, "baby, that's terrible, don't worry I am here for you" comforted Denki, you smiled at him and he cupped your cheek.

then suddenly recovery girl came in and you turned to face her, "how is she?" you asked her concerned, recovery girl only sighed which made you even more concerned, "come with me, there's something I need to tell you" she said, you nodded your head and followed her outside, "unfortunately, we have identified a disease in Wanda's brain, unfortunately it is causing her powers to tear her apart from the inside out" she explained.

The moment she said this your heart sank to the bottom of your stomach, "so she fainted because of the damage being done to her body?" you asked, recovery girl nodded and you broke down and fell to your knees, you could feel the rage and pain wash over you like an tsunami, recovery girl immediately kneeled down to comfort you.

"don't worry, Wanda wouldn't want you to" she comforted you and placed her hand on your shoulder, you tried to pull yourself together but the wave kept washing over you and knocking you down, "I-is she in pain?" you asked, she could only sigh.

"we have sedated her, we wont truly know until she wakes up" she explained, you nodded with relief, "c-can I see her?" you asked, recovery girl nodded and led you to her, when you walked in you could see her lying in bed with messy hair, an IV in her hand and wearing a hospital gown, once you saw her, your facial expression softened to see her not in pain.

Quietly, you walked over to her bed and sat next to her, you gently cupped her cheek and rubbed your thumb across her cheek, "does she have any family we can notify?" asked recovery girl, you laughed to yourself, "there isn't many of use left, we are orphans, the only family she has left is me, Lorna and her two boys" you said.

"do you have any contacts for your sister?" asked recovery girl.

"well that depends, you see we are around but we are really difficult to track down, last time I saw Lorna was when she visited UA with Wanda, I can try her number, but I don't know if she will pick up" you said, recovery girl nodded and you pulled out your phone to call Lorna, you called her a couple of times hoping she would pick up, unfortunately she didn't.

"nope, she didn't pick up" you said.

"is there anyway we can track her down?" asked recovery girl, you shook your head in response, "hehehe, nope, not unless you have the necessary equipment to track down her energy signal?" you asked, "well we can track a student from their energy readings" she explained, you laughed again, "hehe, yeah, we are all a family of mutants, you can only track the energy signature of a normal quirk, not energy as advanced as ours" you explained.

"well then what about her kids? do you know where they live?" she asked, you nodded your head, "don't bring them here, Wanda wouldn't want them to see her in pain and quite frankly neither do I" you explained, recovery girl nodded her head and you both heard a knock on the door, "come in!" called out recovery girl.

Denki walked in and closed the door behind him, he spotted you sitting by Wanda's bed and smiled at you, you could hear his footsteps coming towards you and him pulling up a chair, "hey sparks, how are you doing?" he asked, you looked at him and smiled, he could tell you were crying from your puffy eyes, "hey, what's wrong?" he asked, as soon as he said this you started to tear up and he hugged you gently.

"woah hey, baby what happened?" he asked, you sniffled and wiped away your tears.

"Wanda is sick, her brain is making her mutation rip her apart from the inside out, there isn't a cure for it, all we can do is put her on some medication and hope for the best" you said, Denki looked over to recovery girl and she nodded confirming what she said, his heart dropped and he hugged you tighter, "I'm sorry baby, I cant imagine how hard this must be for you" he said.

Wanda had woken up to see you balling your eyes out in your partners arms, she reached out and grabbed your hand that was resting on her bed, once you felt her touch you, you turned to her and wiped away your tears, she tried to sit up but was in to much pain.

The sharp pain going through her body when trying to adjust herself on her bed, "shh, don't move Wanda, just lay still" you said cupping her cheek, she relaxed again and sank back down into her bed, you went to the side and started to adjust the bed more upright, "there you go" you said sitting back down, Wanda smiled at you, "thanks kiddo, normally its me taking care of you" she said making you chuckle.

"why didn't you tell me?" you said, Wanda sighed.

"because I didn't want you to worry" she said.

"but we could have gotten you treatment so long ago, you would have had a better chance at beating this if we had" you said, Wanda nodded her head.

"I know, but the doctor said that the side effects would have made it so that I was sick all the time, I didn't want to worry any of you, especially the boys" she clarified, you sighed and cupped her cheek, "what are you like, well now we can get you some treatment" you said, she smiled and nodded her head, "this is why I wanted to start training you, I'm gonna have to retire as soon as you are trained" she struggled to say.

"shh, no need to talk I already know, I'm a telepath remember?" you asked, she chuckled and started to cough a lot, "shh, do you want a drink? I can get you one if you want?" you asked, she nodded her head, "I'll get it, you stay with her" he said, you smiled at him and he left to get her a drink of water whilst you played with Wanda's hair.

a couple of hours later

Once recovery girl signed her off to leave, you and Denki helped her back to the alliances, you had her leaning on you for balance and carefully helped her up the steps, once you got to the top she fell down to one knee and groaned a little, "woah hey, I got you, we both do" you said, she smiled at you and you helped her up carefully.

Once you both arrived at the alliances doors, you used your telekinesis to open the doors, you both walked through, "can you take her up to my room, I'm gonna go get her some water so she can take her meds, also the boys are on their way, there is no one to take care of them" you said, he nodded and led her over to the lift.

"hey y/n, how Is your sister?" asked Mina, you looked at her with your puffy eyes, she could tell something was wrong, "hey what happened?" she asked, you gulped and explained what was happening with her, "omg y/n, that is horrible" said Mina in shock.

"yeah that sounds awful" added Ochako.

"y/n, I know what it is like to have an older sibling hurt, if you need me I'm here" said Tenya, you smiled at them, "thanks guys, I got to get these up to her" you say, they all nod and you head over to the elevator with her meds and a glass of water, once you get up there and get to your room you take them over to her.

"hey Wanda, here, take your meds for me" you said to her, she smiled and took the meds and water from you, "thank you, your an angel" she complimented.

"you can say that again" said Denki sat over in your bean bag, you laughed at him and noticed that Wanda seemed worried "if you are worried about Thomas and billy, they are spending the night here, you will be close to them" you said, she sighed with relief.

another couple of hours later

you and Wanda had fallen asleep soon after the boys had arrived, Denki was cuddling you whilst you were cuddling Wanda to help her sleep. Meanwhile the boys where both asleep in your bean bag, for a moment you had woken up to be in Denki's arms, you yawned from exhaustion and rubbed your eyes, "hmm baby? It's late get back to sleep, you have had a long and stressful day" he said.

you looked down at Wanda and smiled at her relaxed face, "she looks so peaceful, for someone who is in so much pain" you whispered.

"shh, she will be ok, when she has a great little sister like you taking care of her" he said, you sighed, "yeah, but imagine what she is going to miss, those boys there are so young, I cant imagine them growing up without a mother, and I cant imagine what milestones in their life she Is going to miss, I don't want that to happen" you said, Denki could hear your voice breaking up.

"hey, lets not worry about the future, lets focus on the now, and right now she is still with us and those boys are being looked after by the most amazing aunt the world" he said, you smiled at him and snuggled back into his chest and fell right back asleep with him playing with your hair and Wanda sleeping soundly in your arms.


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