Camren One-shot Compilations...

By TobiJaurello

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Basically a compilation of my ideas, but Volume II Enjoy! :)) More

New York
New York II
New York III
Rumors II
Unrented Affinity
Unrented Affinity II


621 31 39
By TobiJaurello

"Alright, who here can recite all, or give me an example of natural disasters?"

"Yes, Ms. Cabello." Mr. Max called.


"Okay, nice example. Another one?" He asked again, while no one dared to look at him.

"Ea.." Mr. Max started, trying to get his students to join.

"Earthquakes." Lauren suddenly chimed in.

"Great job Lauren." Mr. Max smiled.

"Anything else?" He asked, once more.

"Eruption." Camila said, Lauren looked at her with a small smirk.

"Soil Erosion."

"Flood." Camila said, crossing her arms. 


"Cyclones." Camila added.

"Drought." Lauren shrugged.

"Storm." Camila said, looking over at Lauren.

"Thunderstorms." Lauren answered back, turning to Camila with her smug smile.

"Hail." Camila said, arching her head to the side with a small smirk.

"Blizzard." Lauren replied, wiping the grin of Camila's lips and replacing it with a gritted teeth. Camila opened her mouth, ready to answer once again.

"Okay, you two. It's enough." Mr. Max chuckled, looking at the paper, then both girls

"What a disaster." Dinah commented, earning a smile from Mr. Max.

"Man made." Mr. Max added, making everyone chuckle.

Lauren turned to the Polynesian with a grin, while Camila glared at her best friend. Dinah on the other hand just shrugged, it wasn't a new scenery for her.

Camila and Lauren were the competitors for the Top Student of the Psychology Department. It wasn't that both girls were generally competing with each other on purpose.

Lauren was just in it for the fun of seeing Camila get annoyed, and Camila was in it for the satisfaction of wiping the smile off Lauren's lips.

If Lauren had Biology covered, Camila had Statistics. But sometimes, a little competition is fun. Not unless their Professor stops them.

"Alright, since all the topics were introduced. Let's go straight to why these disasters are mentioned in Biology." The professor started. Lauren leaned back on her chair and faced the whiteboard, biting her lip in concentration.


The raven turned her head to the left side, meeting a familiar pair of brown eyes, and an adorable smile.

"Thank you for this." Lucy smiled, handing the raven the jacket she lent during the first period.

"No problem, are you sure? You can just give it to me when you don't feel cold anymore." Lauren smiled warmly, making Lucy shy.

"I'm fine, thank you."

"If you say so." Lauren nodded, before her eyes landed on the brunette from a distance.

The expression on Camila's face was amusing for Lauren. The way she was glaring at the raven, Lauren knew she had successfully did her part. Being a tease she is, she even shot her a smile before turning around to look at the teacher.


"What the hell Lauren!"

All their eyes went wide when they heard a loud slap, followed by loud stomps. Lauren held her cheek in shock as she watched the brunette glare at her and walk away.

"Laur!" Normani exclaimed, rushing to her best friend. Surprise was evident in her eyes, unsure of what happened to cause Camila to do such thing.

"Are you alright? What happened?" Normani asked, while the green-eyed girl remained frozen and shocked.

Questions filled Normani's mind, while Lauren seemed to be trying to grasp what was happening over the course of the rest of the day.

The next day was the same scenario, when Normani was to find Lauren for lunch she was met with a yelp, and Lauren holding her foot and cheek in pain, while Camila walked off once again.

It would be fine if it was a sudden incident, but the fact that Lauren has been walking around with a few bruises and scratches made Normani formulate a situation in mind.

"How long has she been bullying you?" Normani asked, looking at Lauren who nearly choked on her sandwich.


"Don't play dumb with me Lauren! How long has Camila been bullying you?"

"She's not bullying me Mani, you have the wrong idea." Lauren shook her head in fear.

Normani knew that look, it was that same look the raven does when she's scared that her secret might've been exposed.

"I'm not falling for those Laur, how long has this been happening?"

"I said nothing's wrong Mani, just leave me be." Lauren sighs, dismissing the topic as she stood up and walked away from her best friend.

"I knew it, I was right." Normani muttered to herself before she stood up in annoyance and went to find Dinah.

"I'm telling you, it must've been Lauser who did something. Walz could never hurt a fly." Dinah insisted.

It was very obvious and around the school that both girls were indeed competitive, and even sparked up a rumor that they started the competition when they both liked the same guy, thus leading to heated debates and even class ranking positions.

Yet all rumors died down when they found out Lauren was bisexual, and walked in the campus with Lucy clinging close to her arm.

With the love trouble out the way, other rumors sparked up. Such as Camila and Lauren being ex friends, and fought because of the same guy. Or even an ancient rivalry between both Parents, given their statuses back in Miami. Camila had the story of rags to riches, while Lauren was born in a wealthy family already.

And of course, there are those who assume that despite the everyday bickering. Camila and Lauren would still make a cute couple-which gave them tons of glares from Normani and Dinah...the best friends of the famous rivals.

It wasn't until that same rumor died down when Camila was spotted with Shawn from the Music Department, and these lowlife gossipers decided to root for them.

But then again, there were different preferences, and these resulted on a quite semi-chaotic wars between gossipers.

"Dinah, she's hurt Lauren for three consecutive days now! I'm sure of it!" Normani insists.

"Oh, Mani." Dinah rolls her eyes before they reached the other part of the building, outside the library where there were trees and Camila usually hangs out to read.

"Walz, come and prove Normani that you are not abusive!" Dinah exclaimed before she and Normani took a turn at the corner

"Get away from me!" Camila yelled.

Shock crept up in Normani and Dinah's face when Camila went and hit Lauren in the face with her forehead before she turned her heels and stomped away, leaving Lauren sitting on the ground holding her cheek.

"Camila!" Dinah exclaimed, surprised at the brunette's brutality.

"Lauren!" Normani exclaimed, rushing towards the raven.

Thankfully, the action did not injure Lauren in a way. But with the scenery of Normani guiding Lauren and Dinah calming Camila down, it was obvious to the "viewers" that the two had gotten into a fight again.

The occurrence scared both Normani and Dinah, causing both girls to make sure Camila and Lauren would not cross paths at all. Heck they even went through such lengths to make sure to pair up with both girls, just in case the professor makes them pair up for some joint work.

And of course, as usual...

"But isn't that weird, Cabello's been hurting her? Lucy is a great fit." One of the students gossips a bit to loud, making Normani raise her brows.

"It may seem weird, but I saw them yesterday acting different. In fact, Lauren even gave Camila flowers." The other one whispered.

"What if she's cheating on Lucy?!" The other one said.

"What if she isn't because Camila is the original girlfriend?"

"Oh no, then that means she's cheating on her with Lucy?"

"What if Camila hurts her because she caught her cheating?"


"Mani." Lauren stopped, placing a hand on the woman's mouth and pulling her away.

"Where did they even get those shitty informations?!" Normani exclaimed.

"No clue, but they're just rumors." Lauren shrugged.

"They're making it seem like you're bad." Normani hissed.

"I'm used to it Mani, it'll die down.

"I'm more surprised at the fact that they make up stories like this." Normani said, curious.

"Eh, don't mind them. When you're always the topic, it gets boring." Lauren said before she started walking away.

"Are you serious?" Normani asked.

"Deadly." Lauren nodded.

"They'll believe every intel they hear, try it for yourself sometime." Lauren chuckled, before walked even further, out of range.

"Try it out?" Normani smirked, curious of how these rumors would run around.

"Gosh Lauren, you snuck out of Camila's apartment at 3 am?!" Normani whisper-yelled a little too loud, to which the gossip girls turn their attention to them and slowly waddled her way.

"What?" Lauren asked in confusion.

"What are you even doing there?" Normani asked, obviously giving out a double meaning question.

"I took my assignments, and my clothes what else?" Lauren replied, closing her locker.

The raven noticed the gossip girls near her best friend, and slowly gestured Normani to walk to her and leave.

"So annoying." Lauren muttered, before she walked away with Normani behind her.

"I told you! It's Camila and Lauren!" Girl number one squealed.

"She might be cheating on Lucy!" Girl number two argued.

"I'm just sad I don't have a chance." Girl number three frowned.

"God, what a group of lowlife." Normani chuckled to herself.


"How are things with Shawn?" Dinah asks, while Camila quickly covered her phone.

"Fine." Camila replied, a dreamy sigh escaping her lips.

"I appreciate you for taking the time to work with me for the Bio assignment Chee." Camila smiled, acknowledging her best friend's effort.

"Trust me Walz, I'd take your stern side any day. Just not the brutal side." Dinah whispered.

"Sorry, what?" Camila asked, raising her brows in a stern way while Dinah gulped.

"Nothing, I-"

"Lucy and Lauren are cute." Camila heard from the other side of the hallway corner, immediately stopping herself from her tracks.

"No way, Camila and Lauren are cuter!" A blonde one disagreed.

"Camila's with Shawn isn't she?" A redhead asked.

"What is hap-quiet." Camila hissed, stopping Dinah from being too loud and asking.

"Girl, he's gay." The brunette said.

"And so is Camila, so she's with Lauren for sure. It's like a love-hate relationship." The blonde said proudly.

"That's toxic if it's love-hate. Unlike Lauren and Lucy, being cute." The brunette smirked.

"No they're not cute, they act like friends." The blonde said.

"And Camila hates Lauren, duh." The brunette argued.

"Maybe it was just pretend that she hates her?" The redhead asked.

"God these rumors." Dinah growled, ready to kill.

"Relax Chee, you meddling with them will add fuel to fire. They'll just say one of it is true." Camila said, obviously fed up.

"They've always been like this, I won't be surprised if the next thing I hear is either Shawn and I are engaged, Lucy and I are in a secret relationship, or..."

"Lauren and I made out in her car." Camila rambled on, remembering the incidents where people went through such lengths.

"Come on Walz, let's just go." Dinah said, noticing that Camila was now forming fists. Camila only nodded, while the Polynesian turned her around and placed a hand on her shoulders before she pushed her away.

"Camila and Lauren made out in Lauren's car." The brunette whispered in shock while the blonde one squealed, which caught Camila's attention.

When Camila caught the trio's gaze, they immediately looked away from her.

Just as fate has planned it, both girls bumped into each other at the hallway. While Lauren was walking to the left, Camila was being pushed in the same direction, hence causing both girls to collide.

"Laur-" "Cami-"

"Alright! Let's go!" Both Normani and Dinah said in unison before pulling their respective best friends away from each other.


Camila entered her loft with a tired huff, closing the door and locking it behind her before her eyes landed on the couch. A smile crept up her cheeks, she could finally get some rest. But first she needed to take care of a few things.

"Damn it." A sigh emerged from the Latina's lips. Camila ran her fingers through her hair before she walked towards the couch. A soft whisper escaped her lips before she bend down behind the couch and snaked her hands on the older one's body, resting her chin on the shoulders.

"I'm so sorry Lo." Camila apologized, leaning in to kiss her cheek.

"It's fine Camz, I still love you either way." Lauren muttered with a soft smile, turning to face her.

"God, I feel awful." Camila bit her lip, noticing the small bruise on the side of Lauren's lips.

"You should. It hurt." Lauren frowned. Camila gave the raven an apologetic smile, before she kissed her shoulder blades.

"I love you." Camila reminded, while the raven let out an adorable smile.

"I love you more."

"I couldn't agree more." Camila smiled before she reached for her phone on her pocket, still hugging Lauren with the other arm.

"What are you doing?!" Lauren panicked, when Camila brought the phone to their faces, ringing Sinuhe.

"Formally introducing you to my family." Camila smiled, while Lauren looked at her with wide eyes.

"Am I dreaming?" Lauren asked.

"Slap me again, I want to know." Lauren requested. Camila let out a chuckle before she captured Lauren's lips between hers.

"Well, this is a start." Both girls heard, making them pull away from each other.

Lauren let out a gulp, while her cheeks burned red as she faced the camera, while Camila hid her face on the raven's neck in embarrassment.

"Mrs. Cabello, I'm so so-"

"No worries mija. Although I suggest you two properly sit up before I call Karla's father." Sinuhe said, while Lauren nodded in embarrassment.

"Si, Mami." Camila answered shyly.

"I'll call again in five minutes, hopefully we will be welcomed with a proper greeting." Sinuhe said, before the call ended.

"Camz!" Lauren exclaimed, facing Camila who started laughing.

"Well, you made an impression." Camila teased, while Lauren groaned and hid her face in her hands.

"Relax, they'll love you. I already told Mom a few things about you." Camila smiled, sitting on the couch, beside the raven.

"You did?" Lauren asked.

"I can't keep you hidden forever, can't I?" Camila smiled, placing a strand of hair behind Lauren's ear.

"Besides, I'm starting to hate the idea of these people assuming you're with Lucy." Camila muttered.

"Hey, it was your idea to hide. As if I like those ones with you and Shawn." Lauren whispered, leaning in to Camila's touch.

The talk with Camila's parents were nice, they were both so loving and accepting. Alejandro was just very happy at the idea of Camila smiling every so brightly because of Lauren.

And perhaps the fact that their construction services could partner up with the Jauregui's real estate business.

"Dad, let's not discuss those things. You're going to scare my Lauren away." Camila warned, making the raven let out a soft chuckle.

"I was partly joking, and partly serious. Well, best if we get going now. I have some construction paper works that need tending to." Alejandro smiled, before all four of them exchanged goodbyes.

"You okay?" Camila asks, looking at the goofy grin on her beloved's face.

"We..we're legal." Lauren whispered.

"God, Lo." Camila giggled, seeing how important it was for Lauren.

If she could be honest, a pang of guilt had been lurking around her mind for not being able to share how amazing this woman was.

Lauren did not deserve to he hidden away as her lover, in fact she should be proud. Yet the coward in her was worrying about what people might say, and as someone who easily gets affected by rumors, Camila hated it.

Camila's thoughts were pried away from her when she felt a soft pair of lips press against her forehead.

"Don't think too much." Lauren smiled.

"You take all my worries away." Camila whispered, lounging forward and resting her body against Lauren's.

Both girls nearly jumped out in fright when they heard a loud thud, followed by a loud voice outside their place.

"CAMILA! and...Lauren?"

And upon turning to the door, there was a huffing angry Ally and a shocked Troy.

"What is this?" Ally asks.

This was going to be one heck of a night.

A/N : Hi? :))

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