The Barbarian's Bride

By AlyssaWonder

246K 6.7K 540


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Mother's Day Special Chapter

Chapter 5

19.6K 594 99
By AlyssaWonder


My heart was racing as Saul and I stood our ground. Whoever was racing towards us would reach us soon. I looked over at Saul and you couldn't tell if he was afraid or not. I knew I couldn't let my fear overcome me because Saul needed me to fight beside him.

My body relaxed when I spotted our foes. A laugh erupted from my body and Saul looked at me as if I had gone mad. I pointed to the handful of men who now were riding towards us on their horses. He looked in the direction and relaxed when she saw the men. He blew out a breath.

We each put our weapons away and I greeted the men of my father's army. They tell me that my father went against parliament and sent them after us to join us.

I was surprised but I knew his decision was only because I left Peteonia. If I had stayed Saul would be still be alone. Saul gets on his horse and yells for everyone to follow him.

I rush to my horse and mount it, directing it to follow the others. We head back to the road and continue to follow the foot tracks. After another hour of riding we are led to a camp site. We tread softly, not knowing if danger lies there.

My eyes widen as I spot a body on the ground. I dismount my horse and rush over. Saul does the same. We approach the body and as we get closer we see the head several feet from the corpse.

"This was one of his own men." Saul states while examining the body.

"Why would Merek kill one of his own men?" I ask but Saul turns his head and spots something.

He rushes to a piece of clothing on the ground. He holds up a torn chemise.

"Kaylein was wearing this when she left Peteonia." he states.

I rush over and examine it. It looks torn to shreds and I choke at the thought of my love being taken advantage of. The thought of filthy men touching her is more than I can bear. I turn away from Saul and vomit, spewing the contents of my stomach onto the dirt.

I feel Saul's hand on my back. I wipe my mouth before standing to my full height. So many emotions were running through me: anger, fear, rage, jealousy. Why was I jealous? Because some barbarian had taken Kaylein's virginity which was promised to me!

I made a vow to myself that I would have Merek's head!


Merek had me walk in the front with him while his men walked behind. The other girls were at the very back, chained together and led by the other man who had stayed with us when majority of the men went for food.

I stared at the girls over my shoulders and each of them, except Alainne, gave me a dirty look. I knew they were angry that they were raped and I wasn't. They were beaten and I wasn't. They slept in dirt last night while I was in a warm bed.

I didn't ask for this and I certainly didn't think that Merek would choose me over the other girls; and if he had chosen one of the other girls I wouldn't be angry at that girl.

I turned my head back to the front and then dropped to look at my feet. I feel Merek's fingers graze my chin and he lifts my head so I am looking at him. I will admit that when he's not angry, he has a very attractive face.

"What troubles you?" he asks when my eyes meet his.

"Why am I not chained with the other women? Why do you treat me so special?" I ask him.

"Because you are. You are to be my bride and you must become accustomed to knowing you are above most, at least in my eyes."

If these words were being said by Lief I would blush and bestow him with a kiss. But coming from Merek I only pout and rip my face from his fingers.

"Kaylein do you not believe my words?"

I don't answer him, but instead look ahead as we continue walking. Merek spots a cleared area in the woods to the right. We head in that direction and he orders his men to set up camp here.

A fire is started and while a few men pitch their tents, others take the rest of the food and cook a meal. I take Merek's hand and lead him to a tree stump.

He is surprised as I order him to sit down. When he does I examine his cut. As I predicted, it is swelling and looks purplish. I gently touch it and he winches, jerking his shoulder away from me.

"Your cut is infected. I hope you took some medical supplies from the town you destroyed."

He rose an eyebrow at me. "You a doctor? I never seen a woman doctor."

I smile. "No, I'm an apprentice. I can take care of that cut for you."

Merek calls over one of his men who he tells me always collects the strangest things during a raid. He brings over his bag and I look through it. I find some salve and a needle and thread. Perfect!

I tend to Merek's cut and then I sew it up for him. He does his best to keep his manly face on even though I know it hurts when I closed up his skin.

I break the thread with my teeth and give Merek a smile. "Your wound will be fine by sunset."

He nods and thanks me for tending to him. I simply nod back, move away from him and head over to the girls. I hoped to patch things up with them. They are all eating some meat that Ulric, a nicer of the barbarians, cooked. I took a piece and as I eat it I marvel at how delicious it is.

"That Ulric can cook a squirrel up real nice." I chuckle and the girls roll their eyes at me.

Alainne drops her food and stands. She pulls me up and leads me away from the group.

"They hate you, so I think it'd be best if you kept your distance."

"Why do they hate me? I have done nothing wrong! I didn't ask for this." I cry.

"Well, that little show that Merek put on earlier speaks volumes. While you get his protection and have to deal with only him using your body for his sick pleasure, we have to deal with the other brutes roughly taking us anyway they see fit. We get beat while you get treated like a queen. Do you see the fairness in that?"

I shake my head no. "You're right but I cannot be held responsible for that. Trust me, if I were given the chance I would leave this place and never look back!"

"Well, prove it. We want escape tonight while the men sleep. You won't be chained up like we will so you can get the keys to unlock us. Do this and we'll be forever grateful."

I nod and then look over my shoulder at Merek. We lock eyes and he smiles at me.


I stare down at my shoulder and a small smile grazes my lip at the fine work Kaylein did. I got up from my seat and grabbed some food as my stomach had began to growl.

I watch Kaylein interact with the other women as I eat. She keeps staring in my direction while speaking with them. I wonder what they are discussing.

After eating my men want to have sex. I warn the men not to hurt the women or they would have to deal with me. The eight men take the four women and disappear to various tents. I wave Kaylein over to me.She comes with no hesitation and sits next to me.

"What would you like to do?" I ask her while reaching out and running my fingers through her hair.

"Can we go into your tent. I can't stay out here and listen to that for long." she states as the screams of her friends fill the air.

I get up from my seat and pull Kaylein out of hers. We go to my tent and she sits down on the bed. I sit next to her and immediately paste my lips to hers.

Thiis surprises her as she gasps against my mouth. She doesn't pull back though, I grab her small waist and pull her into me and deepen the kiss.

"Merek..." she moans as she pulls back to take a breath.

The way she said my name only made me want her more. I kissed her again and pushed her down on the bed, I covered her body with mine and fought the urge to take her right then and there. I had a feeling Kaylein was the type to save herself for her husband so I would respect that.

I pulled away and studied her face. Her eyes were closed and her lips were slightly puffy. She seemed upset that I stopped my affections.

"Merek please." she moaned.

I was intrigued. "What do you want beautiful?"

She then opened her eyes and confusion was written on her face. She didn't know what she wanted. She gently pushed me off her and sat up.

"I can't be your bride." she whispered.

I chuckled. "Well, it's not really up for debate."

"I'm not in love with you." she said in a small voice.

"Neither am I. I lust for you and I find you so beautiful. You're here so why not make the most of the situation?"

"Can I make a deal with you?"

I nod.

"I'll agree to be your bethrothed if you'll let the girls go."

I let out a low chuckle. "Kaylein, letting the girls go will do no good. My men will only bring in new ones by sunset tomorrow. I've forbidden them from harming the girls. What more do you want?"

She just shakes her head. "Forget I mentioned anything. I need a bath. May I leave your presence?"

She doesn't wait for me to respond. I watch her get up and leave my tent. For some reason I was aroused by the movement.


I enjoyed a few moments to myself as I bathed. I knew know that I was going to help the girls escape. The men brought them out after about an hour or so and they are chained together, naked once again.

When sunset arrives the men are getting ready to retire. Merek calls me to his tent and when I enter we lay down together. I feel a bit nervous around him because when he kissed me earlier, I felt something strange. I felt an urge in my body. I wanted him? This was new and strange.

Merek laid with his back to me and I laid on my back staring at the ceiling.

"What are you thinking of?" I hear his voice.


"You're not sleeping so I want to know what is keeping you awake."

I couldn't tell him the truth. "I was thinking that I am confused. I have this feeling inside me that wants you."

Wait, that was the truth. What the hell was wrong with me? I feel the bed move as he rolls on his side to face me. I can't bring myself to look at him but I can feel his eyes on the side of my face.

"Wants me how?"

"I just want your lips on me and your hands. I feel like a woman with you." I sigh and I feel my own hands on my breasts.

Did Ulric drug the meat?

Merek moves my hands and I feel his lips at my ear. "No, for my hands only."

I sigh as his large hand covers my entire breast. He kisses my neck and lightly grazes his palm over my nipple.

"We shall wed tomorrow; I can't wait any longer to claim you." he breathes in my ear.

He turns my head to his and places a kiss on my lips. It starts out sweet but Merek soon becomes hungry and increases the roughness of his lips upon mine.

I breathe through my nose and whimper as that urge from earlier reappears. I felt like screaming but I held in it. After what seems like hours, Merek pulls away from me and lays down to sleep.

The hours pass and I cannot sleep as I know what I have to do. I slowly get out of Merek's bed, hoping not to wake him. I tiptoe out of the tent and see the girls are awake. Ulric is asleep a few feet away from them.

"He has the keys." Gemma whispers.

Before I approach them I find them some clothes and toss it at them. I then approach Ulric and slowly reach out to take the keys from him. I panic when his eyes pop open and he grabs my wrist. A frightened look crosses his face and he releases my hand like it is covered in poison.

"What are you doing?" he asks.

"I'm freeing the girls. They don't deserve this life." I tell him hoping he won't alert the others.

"Merek won't be pleased." he whispers.

"Let me worry about him. Please, hand me the keys."

I am surprised when he sighs and hands me the keys. I thank him and rush over to the girls, releasing them from the chains. They dress once they are free and we slowly make our way out of the camp.

Once we are a good half hour's walk away I stop. Alainne tries to pull me ahead.

"I'm going back." I tell her.

"What? No, come with us. We'll make our way to Lundene and then you can go back to your village from there." she reasons.

"I know I said I would leave but I can't."

She gives me a quizzical look. "Have you fallen for that monster?! He has killed so many and destroyed much more! How could you want to go back?"

For some reason being with Merek awakened something within me. I can't say that I have fallen for him but I want to go back to him. Maybe I was destined to be a barbarian's bride.

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