Chapter 4

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I woke up the minute I felt Merek move beside me. I replayed his words from the previous night in my mind as I slept. This wasn't a situation I would've wanted for anyone. Who would have known I was destined to be a barbarian's bride.

My eyes flew to Merek as he moved within the tent. He threw me a smile as he dressed. He didn't say a word though and left the tent when he was clothed. I heard him yelling to the men to get ready to leave. He returned back to the tent and stared at me.

"We're moving to a new settlement. I need for you and the women to have everything packed up and ready when we return."

"Why are we leaving?" I question him.

"We never stay in one place too long." he simply says and leaves the tent.

A thought comes to me once I hear him and his men leave the compound. I get up and leave the tent. I see the girls already up and starting on the task. As I approach them, ready to make a daring escape, I notice Merek left two men behind to look after us.

My spirits sink and I join the girls. Each have a few bruises in the shape of handmarks on their bodies. They are all still naked and I sigh in disgust as the men watch them.

I look at some scattered pieces of clothing and go to them. I grab a handful and I look up when one of the men grab my upper arm forcefully, leaving a mark.

"What do you think you're doing?" he hisses at me.

I try to pull my arm away but he tightens his grip. "The women need clothes. The mornings are cool." I tell him.

He snarls at me and pulls me to his body. "You think you're above them? How about you join them?!"

Suddenly he grabs my chemise, which is already ripped, and pulls it from my body in one tug. I gasp in shock as I am naked before this man and the other who is running his hands through his long beard. I can see him eyeing me with lust.

Merek, and his broken promises! I curse his name. I am not protected and this brute has put his hands on me! What good will it do me to become his bride?

I feel myself  being pushed toward the girls and I hang my head in shame as I help them with the work.


The nearest village was about an hour's walk. I am silent during most of the walk only talking when I needed to. A few of the men question as to why Kaylein hasn't been taken like the other women. I shut them up immediately with a threat of bodily harm.

It had been a while since we last had women in our camp so I understood why the men were so aggressive. The last two girls brought in killed themselves after two months; they'd rather be dead then be with us.

I couldn't blame them. This wasn't a life meant for everyone. I didn't know how long the four girls would last but I knew Kaylein was not going anywhere. She was mine and if I had to fight for her, I would fight for her.

We made it to Bathum and we had the early morning advantage. Everyone was still asleep and the town was poorly guarded by just a few men. I motioned for the guards and my men siwftly ran out and attacked.

The guards were not expecting us but they attempted to put up a fight. They were cut down easily by my skilled men, some even decapitating their foe.

I marched toward the market but I sensed someone to my left. I jerked my body away as a young guard thrust his sword forward. I growled as the sword sliced my shoulder. I reached out and grabbed the man with my right arm and stole his weapon from him. I drove it through his belly and he spit blood onto my chest.

I dropped his lifeless body on the ground and plucked the sword away. I usually don't use weapons but this one could be of use to me. I wiped the bloodied blade on the man's cloak and continue my walk to the market place. I order my men to enter the small homes, kill anyone inside and take what they need.

Screams fill the air as my men follow my order. Once I am in the market I grab a sack and fill it with food. I also take some women's clothing and a handful of jewels. My men appear at my side with their spoils and I order them to set fire to the village.

I walk to the gate that leads to the woods as the village goes up in flames. I look down at my injured shoulder and place my hand over it to stop the blood seeping through. It would heal naturally but I would need to stop at the nearest river to clean it.


The compound was completely packed when Merek and his men returned hours later. Each of them had a sack they carried. Merek dropped his sack when he spotted me hurdled up with girls. I was naked like the rest and I saw him scan his eyes over my body.

His eyes then zoomed to my arm and he saw it was red with a handprint going all around. I noticed his jaw clenching and he marched over to me.

As he got closer I saw blood on his chest and there was a cut on his shoulder. It looked cleaned but I knew it would be infected if it wasn't closed or covered.

My medical training was kicking but I threw it to the backburner as Merek grabbed my wrist and pulled me up from my seated position.

"Who did this?!" he yelled while staring at my bruise.

I jumped at his booming voice and he then turned to the two men who were left alone with me and the girls. He pulled me to them and showed them the bruise.

"Which one of you touched her?!"

The two of them looked at Merek and then one another. They looked at me and I stared at the one who humiliated me. Merek saw the look and pushed me gently away. I saw him pull a sword out from a holder.

"Merek, don't!" I screamed but it was too late.

Merek growled as he jammed the sword in the offender's chest. He then cleanly ripped it out as the man grunted his last breath. Merek then swung his arm out and toward the man's neck, slicing the man's head off.

I watched in horror as blood spurted everywhere and the man's head rolled to the right of his body. The body hit the ground before the head did. The man standing next to him was covered in blood and his eyes were just as wide as mine.

Merek turned to his men who looked frightened. "Let this be a lesson to you all! TOUCH HER AND DIE!"

I was visibly shaking at this act of violence and I watched Merek return to his sack. He pulled out some clothing and threw it to me. He ordered me to dress and hand out clothes to the other girls. I rush to the girls, giving them clothes, as he pulled food from the bag and distributed it accordingly.

Once everyone had their fill the entire group left the compound, in search of a new temporary home.


Lief and I had been riding for hours and we still hadn't found Merek or Kaylein. At my suggestion we stopped to rest once nightfall hit. We awoke at sunrise and I could see that Lief was upset.

"What troubles you?" I ask as I feed my horse some scraps that I managed to bring along.

"I am just worried about Kaylein. Do you think she is..." he choked up before he could get the last word out.

"Don't think that way. We will find her and we will toast at your wedding one day." I say to reassure him.

"You approve of us now?" he says with a skeptical look.

I simply nod. "You disobeyed your father and are willing to risk your life for her. That is what a man would do for the woman he loves. I am a believer."

Lief smiles and stands before me. He thrusts his hand forward and I shake it like a man. Once I pull my hand back I hear movement heading towards us.

I become alert and rush to my horse. I pull a sword from the holder and position myself in a warrior's stance. I see Lief grab his swallow. He rips it, holding a blade in each hand as he hears the movement coming closer and closer.

"You think it's Merek and his men?" he asks.

I do not know so I do not answer. I pray that it's not his forces for surely Lief and I will not be able to hold them off but I know we will die trying.

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