By ayumi_sachi

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You find yourself caught up in between falling for Katsuki, or ripping him to shreds. Getting into UA by reco... More

Chapter One: Getting There
Chapter Two: Not So Fast Shorty
Chapter Three: Long story.
Chapter Four: Beautiful.
Chapter five: Uncultured Swine.
Chapter Seven: Careful.
Chapter Eight: Fine.
Chapter Nine: Mine.
Chapter Ten: Dreams
Chapter Eleven: Ahead Of Me.
Chapter Twelve: All I Think About.
Chapter Thirteen: Always!
Chapter Fourteen: Beg.
Chapter Sixteen: Cross My Fingers And Hope
Chapter Eighteen: Cursed.

Chapter Fiftheen: Comfort.

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By ayumi_sachi

You were still in a daze from what Bakugou said and the events of what occurred some minutes ago.

That fucker.....

After you collected your thoughts you began walking back to see that Denki lost against the girl with long green hair, Kirishima and a guy from class 1B tied and it was soon to be Bakugou and Uraraka then Todoroki and Sero.

He better not fucking hurt her!

YOU GOT THIS BABE!! You yell and Bakugou yells back.


NOT YOU, YA STALE ASS CHICKEN NUGGET!! You roll your eyes and point to Uraraka.

She was determined to do this on her own. She didn't even use the strategy Midoriya came up with for her.

It began and Kacchan didn't waste time to attack, sending explosions to her. She dodged them, he didn't have any mercy. Hitting her all out, you were begining to get pissed off at his ruthlessness. That was until you noticed what she was doing.

Everyone was complaining about him being cruel with her, it's a fight for Pete's sake. She was using her quirk to lift the rubble up and then let it go on him.

He noticed at the last moment, using one arm he blasted it all away.

Your mouth fell open at amazement, Ochako now laying on the floor trying to push past her limits.

She can't take much more of this.... C'mon Uraraka... Give up before he hurts you more.

She fainted and the fight was over, you rushed to your friend the moment you saw her reach the nurse's office. She was up and sitting on the bed.

He really didn't give me a chance did he? She rubbed the back of her neck and laughed.

Not a laugh because it was awkward or funny. She was trying not to cry, you could tell.

That was a brilliant strategy but not too smart for your body, look at you.. I'm still proud of you. The match went on longer that I expected it too. You hugged her, noticing a tear begin forming in her eyes.

T-thanks she fiddled with her cell phone.

I better get going out, see you. You waved and left closing the door behind you.

Poor Ochako....

Going outside you see your boyfriend leaning on the wall, like usual.



I CAN CALL YOU WHATEVER I WANT TOO! You got in closer to him, still kinda pissed.

I FUCKING SWEAR, IF YOU CALL ME ANOTHER SHITTY NAME AGAIN.. I'LL- He began his threat but you cut him off.

You'll what? Kacchan. You teased.

You expected him to blow up at you but instead, before your brain could even comprehend what had happened he grabbed your butt with both his hands and pulled you closer and you yelped.

The sudden closeness made you become flustered, you're heart rate accelerated and your mind was becoming fuzzy.

You tried to come up with a snarky remark, but the only sounds to come out of your mouth were stuttered words and incoherent noises.

He went down to the side of your face, his breath fanning your ear as he whispered.

How many fucking times do I have to tell you to stop calling me Kacchan.

Mustering up the courage you tried playing it his way, pushing yourself closer up to him.

Until I fucking learn.. your statement was low, teasing, wanting even.

His grip on your ass tightened the slightest bit, his composure slowly getting away from him.

You really ought to watch what you say, I might just hold you to your words.

Begining to feel his breath hitch, you ground against him slightly, just enough to make his grip tighten and he becoming a bit overwhelmed trying to keep his composure, he stared at your lips noticing the small bruise begining to form, he licked his lips.

Is that so, Kacchan? You ask, you were determined to either piss him off or leave him mid turn-on. Standing on your tiptoes, you place a soft kiss on his lips.

Your hands both set on his chest, his hands on your ass. The kiss deepened when he pushed back and tilted his head, your eyes fluttered shut at the feeling of his lips melting seamlessly with yours.

When he licked your bottom lip you refused to grant him access into your mouth due to the fact that anyone could just walk by and see you both sucking face. He backed away, clearly frustrated.5

A smirk etched its way on his face when an idea hit him, using one of the hands he had on your rear. He let it go, bringing it up and slamming it down on your butt, gasping at the sudden action and stinging pain he took the chance and slipped his tongue in your mouth.

Although it was quite taboo and frankly forbidden by school regulations and rules you couldn't care less.

It's like you just couldn't get enough of him, you wanted more but you didn't want to get caught. He felt you become a bit tense and pulled you closer to his body, grinding against you.

A few breathy sighs left your throat, deciding to play on a little longer. You pushed yourself against him even more, feeling his entire body tense up as you grinded against him.

You both pulling away to breathe, he just looked at you. It wasn't any other Bakugou expression. He looked at you with a soft face, something that made your soul melt and your heart flutter, at this point while he was in that state you had him wrapped around your finger.

Pulling yourself away a bit more you couldn't help the feelings that took you over. "You were saying?"

.... Feel free to do that again, just stop fucking calling me those ridiculous names. Bringing himself back to reality, shaking all the impure thoughts that manifested in his mind.

You couldn't help but let out a small giggle. He let you go and you just rested yourself against him, he enveloping you in a loose embrace.

No promises! you smiled up at him.

He looked down at you, realising how much he wanted you, how fast he fell for you. Of course he won't tell you this, him being unsure about the things that he does with you, being afraid of losing you. After a while you noticed him staring at you, deep in thought.

You were begining to do the same, noticing how handsome he was. The way his hair looks so hard and spiky, but it's actually very soft. You couldn't get enough of the feeling of being near him. Although he can be an asshole you can't say you hate it.

Everything he does just makes you fall for him even more. Suddenly becoming aware of his discerned gaze, he felt his face warm up slightly.

You're cute when you're bashful! You admire.

S-shut up... He turned his gaze from you, turning his head.

Never in a million years. You smiled up brightly at him, he only looked at you for a few brief seconds then puffed out his cheeks a bit and turned his face.

Idiot.... Still feeling flustered, but the image of your smile engraved in his brain, knowing he made you smile like that only made it better. He wanted to make you smile like that, a light smile graced his lips thinking of you.

It was now that he thought about you being a huge factor of his life. Never thinking that he'd get a girlfriend, saying how,' that that'd get in the way of becoming Number One Hero'. But now, he'd throw that out the window just for you. He looked up, gazing off into the sky the few words lingering in his mind, he trying to wrap his head around it.

You noticed this and began to stand on your tiptoes again, he brought his head down to see what you were doing just in time to have a gentle kiss be landed on his nose.

Whats she doing to me? this girl I fucking swear..'

Squirming out of his arms you took hold of his wrist, begining to drag him back to the crowd. He hated when you did this, so he grabbed back your hand and began leading you.

Seriously? Does it matter who leads who?! we're both going to the same area! You argue.

Knowing that you're right he slowed down, entwining his fingers with yours, both of you walking hand in hand.

Both of you reached in time to see Sero become encaged in a huge rush of ice, being splayed across the arena and capturing him. But it didn't stop after that, the massive mount of ice grew until more than half the arena was covered in it.

You were amazed by the amount of power that Todoroki emits when he fights. You could never compare your abilities to his and say you even come close to his level.

Bakugou on the other hand, you'd say if he stopped being so full of him self he'd probably win against someone like that.

But if he stopped being so determined and arrogant, then he'd probably not accomplish anything.

He really is something...

You both sat and watched as the other fights passed by, Iida being an advertisement and Mina and Yuga's fight. The second round was beginning, Todoroki and Midoriya were battling each other.

It started with Todoroki using his ice to try and get Midoriya but he blasted it away, braking a finger in the process. After a few more of that, you were on the edge of your seat, feeling the tension that was circulating around the arena. Midoriya broke all his fingers, he was yelling at Todoroki. you couldn't really make out what was happening, what he was saying but whatever it was it got Todoroki to use his fire quirk. you and everyone else in that arena where left in utter dismay by his fire quirk.

Cementos and Midnight were trying to stop the fight at the last minute resulting in in Midoriya breaking his hand and flying out of bounds. Todoroki was still in bounds so he was the winner.

The angst in the air began to decrease as they were preparing for the other battles. Seeing Todoroki use his fire with Midoriya pissed Bakugou off but he was determined to get that Icy-Hot Bastard to fight him at full power.

I'm gonna beat you at your all, I'll win fighting against you using your full power, damn Icy-Hot... A devilish smile plastered on his face, you knew he was not going to back down until Todoroki either gets his ass burnt or burns Bakugou's ass.

It was time for you to get back in the arena and fight, you were going against Iida, it was going to be tough since you didn't have lighting fast reflexes and Iida was fast.

You honestly didn't know what to do, almost biting off all your nails. Katsuki put his hand on your shoulder, you instantly began calming down.

You fucking got this okay, go out there and make this fight your Bitch. Go wipe the floor with Four Eyes, don't make the training go to waste, or I fucking swear.

It was the best you could get out of him. "Okay, I'll give it my all!" You kissed his cheek and made your way to the arena. Iida thought if he was fast enough he could push you out of bounds so he charged at you, dodging his attack you used your feet and deteriorated the ground underneath him turning it into a pile of lose energy.

It began to glow and disappear before you could absorb it, he stumbled upon the ground under his feet becoming loose and disappearing. Pulling himself together he got out of it and attacked you making you fall behind.

Recuperating yourself, you get back your balance and lunge at him, landing a hit to his stomach. He came back at you using his speed and pushed you backwards on your heal.

It wasn't long before you were both growing weary, Although you had great stamina, keeping up with Iida was like a challenge.

Thinking back to what your boyfriend would do, he'd never back down from a challenge, so neither will I!!

Pushing yourself, you picture the proud faces when you win. All the people who thought you couldn't do it, sitting on their Monkey Asses looking at the TV seeing you win.

Letting out a growl you pile up all your frustration and will into one solid hit. Making Iida fumble backwards, you lift a leg, having your knee come in the direction of your chest and face. You put your foot on his chest and deliver a kick, he flies to the ground.

Katsuki eagerly watching from the seats he can't help but mumble a few things to himself, "I never knew she could bring her leg up that high..... Gonna come in handy someday..."

He said the last part so low it was almost a breath.

Didn't stop Kirishima from hearing it, he himself was flustered for Bakugou.

Iida was almost out of bounds but he got back up, you not willing to have this fight go on any longer you grab his wrist and fling him backwards but he doesn't stay down.

You were about to yell at him, feeling sudden frustration and anger, some crankyness. You were pissed at everything and you felt a small cramp.

Cursing under your breath you place a hand on the ground, converting the cement into a small amount of energy, emitting from your fingers you shot them continuously at Iida till he was out of bounds.

Wasting no time you began stomping out of the arena ignoring all the cheers and praise. Making your way upstairs you hear the 'Pretty Boy' from class 1B laughing at you.

And I thought that the green haired kid would be the only one to bleed from class 1A!

Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion till the girl with big hands shoved him away and gestured to your pants.

Looking at your butt you notice a little bit of red, "Fuck... Fuck! Jesus fucking Christ. Damnit... I fucking hate you mother nature." Tears stung your eyes for an unknown reason you weren't one to cry for everything.

Hastily making your way to the bathroom you lock the door and stand there not knowing what to do.

Yo, shitty face! A voice booms from near the door.

Leave me the fuck alone! Your voice was almost trembling.

Are you crying? You just fucking won, why the fuck are you crying?! He was being a bit to loud.

Shut up, I don't know! Your mascara was dripping down your face. It's tough not to have someone to help you in situations like this, having someone to teach you how to handle yourself when something like this happens.

Y-you want me to come in? He was beginning to worry a bit.

No! You yell, you sigh and inhale "sorry, j-just stay out there...."

If you want I can go? Not sure what to do, he bit the insides of his cheeks and put his hands in his pockets.

No... Stay... I... I don't know what I want... just stay with me.. you were a mess, an angry hormonal mess with a huge red stain.

I should really try dealing with that...

You ok?

No I'm not fucking okay! You snap.

Can you please stop being a bitch about this tell me WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH Y-

I'm on my fucking period!! You hid your face in your palms, this shut him up completely.

Why did it have to be today, seriously... If this gets any worse I can't continue to the next round. Oh fuck no, bloody crotch or not I'm fucking winning this shit!

Can you please get Yaoyorozu or Uraraka? You ask feeling a bit more in control of how you feel.

Ponytail and Round face? He asks scratching his head.

Oh my god! yes, just get them. You were growing impatient.

Fine.. fine.. He put his hands up in surrender.

A few minutes later Uraraka bursts through the door followed by Momo.

(Y/N) you okay? Bakugou came yelling at us that you needed help. Yaoyorozu confessed and came in closer. Uraraka was trying to figure out what happened.

I got my period during the fight and I started bleeding... a guy from the other class was laughing at me, I yelled at Bakugou and now I don't even know why I'm crying! Hot tears streaming down your cheek, Mother nature was a bitch and so was your monthly visitor.

Another contraction occured in you, causing you to hold your already bloated abdomen.

Oh fuck me, jeez. I really wanted to win today! You hiss.

Momo, gave you a few things that you assume she made with her quirk. A new pair of pants, panties and a tampon.

You held up the tampon and looked at it completely perplexed.

I don't know how to use this.. Uraraka couldn't muffle her laughter in time. You heard her and glared her way.

Can you give her something else? She asks Momo.

Oh God.


After you did your stuff, you came out feeling refreshed but still tense. Going over to where Bakugou was seated you sat beside him and leaned on him.

Hold me. You commanded, as much as he'd love not to, he couldn't resist you. Wrapping an arm around you he held you closer, not caring about the watching people.

As much as I'd enjoy getting up and walking to my empty house. Although we're in public, I somehow feel.... Comfort.

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