Karlnapity Parent AU

By NinoDontForgetIt

41.8K 1.1K 1.7K

What happens if Karl, Sapnap and Quackity receive a little bundle of joy at their doorstep. A one year-old ki... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 1

6.2K 185 312
By NinoDontForgetIt

Karl, Quackity and Sapnap were married, while all of them were still in their 20's. Karl being the eldest then Quackity and lastly Sapnap. They loved each other dearly but the thought of children never crosses their minds. Well all but one, Karl. Karl dreamed of having children with his two lovers but none of them were female. Karl of course still had hope in his heart. He hasn't discussed his feelings with the two, he knew communication is key but he kinda felt embarrassed from it.

Karl was deep in thought, sitting on the couch, he let the TV play as background noise. He suddenly felt arms wrapped around his neck which awoke him immediately. He heard the flutter of wings, it was none other than Quackity himself. When Quackity gets excited his golden wings flutter! Sapnap and Karl always found it cute, Karl placed a hand on Quackity's arm.

Karl then chuckled, "Hello dear," Karl greeted. "Hello baby!" Quackity replied before kissing Karl's forehead. Quackity then slowly removed his arms from around Karl's neck. Karl was a bit confused but Quackity can sense something, something powerful, something unfamiliar to him. His wings fluttered a bit before he raised them. Karl looked behind him and saw the look on Quackity's face, he was serious while looking around to pinpoint whatever peaked his interest.

Quackity then looked at the front door, he slowly walked over, it was almost like he was in a trance. But Quackity was more than ready to defend his lovers and house from any threat necessary. Karl watched as Quackity's eyes turned red when he approached the front door. He was a bit worried, he stood up and slowly walked behind Quackity. Quackity opened the door but he didn't see anything but he can still feel the presence of the person.

That's when Quackity heard a slight coo which snapped him out of his thoughts completely. He looked down at the noise to see a small infant child. He was small, he looked to be around one years old. Quackity knelt down to look at the small child, blonde hair, ocean blue eyes, soft porcelain skin. He was the complete opposite of Quackity, black hair, sun-kissed skin and brown chocolate eyes.

Karl watched at the small child, he looked so- so- cute! Karl nearly squealed when those large diamond blue eyes looked around curiously. Karl wanted to engulf the child in a hug of love and security! "Ba!" The small child let out, for a boy who didn't know where he was or who these people were, he was quite brave. Karl so badly wanted to push Quackity aside and claim the child as his son. He moved closer to the two, Quackity stretched his pointer finger to the small child. He wanted to know if the child trusted him or not so he knows where to go from there.

Quackity might act like a crack-head idiot from time to time but he is no where near stupid. The small blonde looked at the older's hand before reaching out and slightly squeezing it. Quackity was relieved that the child trusted him to some degree, "How'd you end up here? Where's your mommy and daddy buddy?" Quackity asked, he started looking around for something. He could tell that maybe they abandoned him from the fact that he was in a basket with a blanket.

The small child tilted his head to the side, he didn't seem to understand Quackity. Quackity let out a sigh before slowly picking up the child wrapped in blankets. When he did he saw a note at the bottom, he picked it up and read it out loud.

"I am quite sorry to impose my son, Tommy, on you but where he was before he wasn't safe. Please take care of him, I do not know if we will be able to return to him. Make sure he has a good life"

-Tommy's Parents

Quackity's eyes narrow, he stood up with the small boy in his hand before taking up the basket as well. He stepped back into his house before closing the door behind him. Tommy seemed more than comfortable with the older, so much so that he was nuzzling against his neck. Quackity chuckled slightly before returning the small gesture. Karl watched at his husband and the small child, those two shined completely to Karl. Their skin glowed, they looked so beautiful to him. He grew attached before he could even hold the small child.

Quackity looked over at Karl, he looked dazed, his cheeks looked flushed and his eyes sparkled. Quackity could tell Karl liked the small interaction he was having with the small child. "Karl you doing alright?" Quackity asked snapping him out of his thoughts. Karl looked shocked for a bit before smiling and nodding. "I'll go get Sapnap," Karl said walking towards the stairs. Quackity let out a hum and walked over to the couch to sit down. He heard Karl's footsteps running up the stairs. Quackity just played with the small child that was talking to him like he knew him for most of his life.

Usually children are so shy when the first meet someone new, Quackity knew this child will never give him a dull moment. Tommy was playing with Quackity's tracksuit strings, he didn't mind at all. Hell he even encouraged it, all with a smile on his face. He didn't even hear when Karl and Sapnap came downstairs. Sapnap and Karl stared at the two, them falling in love again was an understatement. They didn't know Quackity was so good with children.

Tommy noticed the two, he took in both of their features. Curly brown hair that rest just above the taller's eyes, silver eyes that glistened with admiration, his cheeks were tinted a soft pink. He wore a purple sweater with grey sweatpants along with white socks. He then looked at the shorter beside him, jet black hair, brown eyes, a defined face with stubbles that was called a beard. Tommy could tell that the shorter wasn't from the overworld, he was where Tommy was from.

He then looked up at the man he was playing with, he took in his features as well. Raven black hair, slight tan skin, brown eyes and a very sharp smile. Tommy closed his eyes and pictured looking exactly like them. He captured every feature and every detail. Quackity watched the child curiously before his hair turned jet black, a ring of fire appeared above his head. His facial features changed to look like Karl's while tiny golden wings grew from his back along with a small devil tail.

Tommy opened his eyes, one was silver while the other was brown. Karl, Quackity and Sapnap was startled, they were confused even. They didn't expect the child's appearance to change entirely. "What is he?" Karl whispered to himself but only Sapnap heard. "He could be a changeling, maybe he saw us as his parents?" Sapnap suggested. "Ya!" Tommy squealed, now he understands someone.

Sapnap found it strange though, the boy was so young and he already had gotten his powers. Sapnap was 5 when he got his abilities, meaning that the boy came from a strong bloodline of powerful hybrids. Tommy looked up at Quackity, he reached for his tracksuit strings and gently tugged on them. Quackity looked down at the small child before he smiled which in return Tommy smiled but Tommy was feeling tired.

Tommy leaned his head in his now parent's chest and fell asleep. Karl, Sapnap and Quackity watched as the child fell asleep. "I guess we have a kid now?" Quackity said breaking the awkward silence between the three lovers. Karl let out a quiet laugh, Sapnap and Quackity soon followed afterwards.

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