𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐡 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲

By infusionate

83.8K 3.1K 6.1K

You don't get to choose who you fall in love with in life, which begs the question of whether people can pret... More

One | Lucky
Two | Script
Three | Favour
Four | Interview
Five | Salad
Six | FaceTime
Seven | Wrap
Eight | Venice
Nine | Studio
Ten | Breakfast
Eleven | Marrakech
Twelve | Technicality
Thirteen | Swimming
Fourteen | Hair
Fifteen | Chemistry
Sixteen | Cocktail
Seventeen | Vape
Eighteen | Tea
Nineteen | Phone
Twenty | Instagram
Twenty One | Situation
Twenty Two | Car
Twenty Three | Test
Twenty Four | Cigarette
Twenty Five | Pastry
Twenty Six | Nerves
Twenty Seven | Settled
Twenty Eight | Scotland
Twenty Nine | Luggage
Thirty | Beer
Thirty One | Wood
Thirty Two | Poker
Thirty Three | Selfie
Thirty Four | Fire
Thirty Five | Dreaming
Thirty Six | Shooting
Thirty Seven | Penis
Thirty Eight | Meeting
Thirty Nine | Surprise
Forty | Match
Forty One | Funding
Forty Two | Legality
Forty Three | Photos
Forty Four | Velvet
Forty Five | Wet
Forty Six | Dinner
Forty Eight | Questions
Forty Nine | Announcement
Fifty | Finish
Fifty One | Cast
Fifty Two | Nerves
Fifty Three | Dress
Fifty Four | Break
Fifty Five | Dark
Fifty Six | Stimulation
Fifty Seven | Hangover
Fifty Eight | TikTok
Fifty Nine | Speech
Sixty | Call
Sixty One | Cult
Sixty Two | Meatballs
Sixty Three | Morning
Sixty Four | Interpretation
Sixty Five | Motel
Sixty Six | Mirror
Sixty Seven | Voicemail
Sixty Eight | Spite
Sixty Nine | Finished

Forty Seven | Golf

1K 36 47
By infusionate


Golfing is my all time favourite thing to do in the entire bloody world. So when my manager suggested that I enter a charity golf tournament, I couldn't say no. It's combining my love for golf with giving back to people who needed help. It's a win win scenario.

The downside to golf tournaments like these, is that most of the time spent in the day is for publicity and not playing actual golf. At each hole they had multiple tents set up for us to relax and wait, given so many of us were playing.

Haz was my caddy for the day, Paddy was Harry's. We mostly just brought them along for the free booze and the chance to spend all day in the sun. Y/N also came along, but considering it was a week day, she was busy driving the golf cart from tent to tent, on her laptop and on calls with Shane and other producers.

"Darling, did you see that? Fuckin' albatross on the last hole!" I said flopping down in the chair next to her and spinning my cap to face backwards. I was given a chilled bottle of water although I desperately wanted a crisp beer. Not until the press left though.

"Huh? Like the bird? On the course?" She said looking up from her laptop screen and squinting as she scanned the green looking for a bird that didn't exist.

"No like, I hit an albatross. It means three under par. This hole is par six and I got it in 3. It's kind of a big deal," I boasted, laughing as she pouted for not seeing me putt the ball into the hole.

"I'm so sorry Tom, I've just been back and forth with agents and producers and lawyers and finance people all day with like a billion emails... It's a lot," Y/N sighed, putting her head on my shoulder and apologising for missing my last shot.

"Don't worry about me darling, it's not my best round of golf anyways. I'm playing like shit today," I said shaking my head and gulping down half the water bottle in one go.

She's working ridiculously hard with Shane who is planning on flying out to London shortly so they can really knuckle down on the film. The past few weeks have been late night calls and floods of emails. Considering neither Y/N or I couldn't fly into America, they had to find local talent or get people to fly here. And that costs more money for the film if you have to pay for an actors accommodation during the shoot.

"I know this sounds really selfish, but the fact you're in this, is drawing big cards. You're the name to the film, so the other actors know to take it seriously. They've had some pretty big talent send in their audition tapes already... I'll have to get you to chemistry test with whoever plays the leading female but other than that you're free to golf to your hearts content," she smiled.

She knew that I was always someone to work back to back with films. I usually started to audition before I even wrapped my current films so that I always had something lined up. I hated not working, I hated not being productive. I need to be working.

But Y/N's film meant a lot to me. Not only was it a really interesting script and something that would push me out of my comfort zone, it had a good director and a good team behind it. Warner Brothers love me too.

"Have you locked in anything new yet?" I asked, rubbing her knee as she bit the inside of her lip nervously.

"Marcell Rév is keen to do the cinematography, he did Euphoria which will make this film even more visually stunning than I imagined. I met him a few months ago at a bar in Los Angeles and struck up a chat. He told me to hit him up if I ever had any projects and I guess he's interested in this," she chuckled in disbelief.

"Fuck, that's insane," I smiled.

I don't want to say that I didn't have complete trust and faith in Y/N and her film. But I never in a million years thought that it would be produced at this scale. I thought that it would be an indie film put in film festivals and I'd be able to star in it to do a more casual film for a change. The fact this is still Hollywood level is perfect for my career and gets alike.

I'm honestly gobsmacked. I didn't realise how good at her job she was. I mean, I know she's good on set but she and Shane have already accomplished so much in so little time. She is exhausted though, the bags under her eyes show that.

"And you have casting directors running auditions now right? That's so exciting, everything is coming together. I wonder who I'll end up working with," I taunted, trying to get gossip out of her.

"They're like 95% certain on who with play Granddad Bob's character. It's not actually based on Bob he's just, the old guy of the movie. But I'm not telling you anything until the roles are actually cast. I don't want you getting preconceived notions on the types of people you'll be working with," she taunted.

"Do I know the actor? Give me a clue," I asked.

"You'd be insane if you didn't. He's old, British and he has been knighted by the queen... But that's all I'm going to tell you," she teased.

Fuck, that's a good clue. Okay who has been knighted in the UK... Fuck, bloody everyone has. I pulled out my phone and did a quick Google search, reading aloud a list of names to see if she would say yes to any of them.

Ian McKellan
Sean Connery
Anthony Hopkins
Michael Caine
Daniel Day-Lewis
Mick Jagger. Wait is he even an actor?
Patrick Stewart
Michael Gambon
Jim Broadbent! Fuck he'd play Bob so well...

"Oi you two, everyone is wrapping up their games and most of the publicity shit is over or heading back to the club house. Wanna do a foursome?" Haz said coming over with Harry and Paddy.

"Make it a quick foursome but yeah, I'm down. You coming darling?" I asked Y/N who looked at me with concern. It wasn't for a second or two that I realised she had no idea what we were talking about.

In golf terminology, a foursome is when two pairs play golf together with one ball. One team is odd hits, the other is even. It's just a playful game that the boys and I do whenever we're at the course and want to get drunk. After explaining this to Y/N, she sighed in relief and laughed.

"Oh god I thought you were going to have sex with Haz and your brothers and I was so worried," she said laughing.

"Oh no, family is off limits, we're not incest. It's just me, you and Tommo for that," Haz said with a devious wink, leaning against the golf club caddy next to him.

"I'll just drive the cart and drink. I can't play golf for shit," I laughed, racing Paddy to the golf cart drivers seat.

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