𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜, 𝚗𝚒𝚔𝚕𝚊�...

By -melancholys

59 0 0

what the title says! ongoing! More

2. Sundays
3. dating niklaus mikaelson headcanons

1. grow as we go

19 0 0
By -melancholys

"grow as we go"

niklaus mikaelson x human!female!reader


summary: niklaus fears he will harm his child's life by being in it, so he decides he must leave.

word count: 2.3k

a/n: i got a sudden burst of energy/inspiration? to write so i finished this draft that ive had for a while now.


"Niklaus?" Y/n questioned the hybrid, as he stood in what she could only place as shock.

"Nik? Did you hear what I just said?" Y/n's hand gently grasped Nik's arm.

"Yes..." He responded very quietly, his gaze on the floor.

All eyes had been on Niklaus as everyone had been waiting for his reaction.

"Well, what do you think?" Y/n asked him as a laugh escaped her lips, revealing her nervousness.

Klaus finally looked up, his eyes meeting Y/n's as his eyebrows began to pull together.

"How is this possible? I'm a vampire, vampires cannot reproduce!" He exclaimed.

"You're a hybrid, Niklaus, that's how. Your werewolf gene allowed this, this miracle, to happen." Elijah had responded as Y/n was taken back by Klaus's outburst.

"Are you positive?" He questioned.

"Listen." Rebekah interrupted.

They remained silent, the vampires now being able to pick up the sound of not one but two heartbeats coming from Y/n, one being very faint.

Niklaus let out a small unheard gasp, as a tear began forming in his eye however he quickly blinked it away.

"This is great, isn't it? You're gonna be a father Nik!" Rebekah said, a smile playing on everyone's face except for one hybrid.

Y/n's hands clasped Nik's as she murmured his name.

He ripped his hands away from hers, "This is anything but great, Y/n! This is terrible! It's a nightmare, how could this possibly be?" He muttered.

"W-what?" Y/n sputtered in confusion.

"I thought you'd be happy to be a father, Niklaus..."

"How could you ever come to such a repulsive conclusion!?"

"That's enough, Niklaus." Elijah interrupted Niklaus through gritted teeth, knowing he was going to continue to say things that he knew he truly didn't mean.

"No, continue what you were going to say, Niklaus. I want to hear what you have to say about this supposed disgraceful situation." Y/n spat out.

"I have nothing more to say. You mustn't be pregnant. If you are, that child which you bear is not mine. I should have never gotten into this entanglement with you."

Niklaus knew his words would hurt Y/n, however, he thought this was for the better. She and her child, their child, would be better off without him. Y/n was human after all, bearing his child was enough of a burden for her. He never should've allowed himself to date her, however her presence intoxicated him and affected his ability to think straight.

He had finally relaxed in her being, allowing himself to live in this fantasy of his. Where he and her could be happy. He knew their relationship would come to an end eventually. Whether it was by Y/n getting hurt and suffering at the hands of his enemies or by Niklaus, himself. He truly had never wanted to hurt her. But alas, Niklaus couldn't help it. He needed her to leave him. Her life is fragile as it is, and being with Klaus doubled that fragility.

Klaus had thought about this moment. He didn't think it would ever be possible but he had dreamed of it. He never thought his dream-turned-reality would end up being a nightmare. Because the one thing that remained constant in the back of his mind was that he ruined whatever he touched. As much as he didn't want to admit to himself, he and his father were alike in many ways. Niklaus would never want to inflict any kind of hurt on his child. Which brought him back to the dilemma that he hadn't had much time to ponder on. Try to live with Y/n in this fantasy of his and raise his child but unintentionally end up ruining them as his father did to him or leave Y/n.

He was deep in his thoughts, only brought back to reality by the stinging sensation on the left side of his face caused by Rebekah's hand. A sting which felt miniscule to the pain that was brought to him when he implied that his child was not his. Nothing in comparison to the thought of having to leave them. "How dare you utter such words of the mother of your child, Niklaus."

"I cannot fathom how you can imply such things, this child is yours, Klaus. How could you ever possibly think that Y/n would do such a thing-"

"It's fine, Bekah. Let him think whatever he wishes to." Y/n interrupted the enraged blonde, attempting to keep her voice steady and her tears at bay. She grabbed Rebekah's wrist to hopefully restrain her from inflicting any more pain on Klaus, even if Klaus was stronger.

No matter what Klaus did, Y/n would always love him and never wish harm upon him. He is the father of her child after all, and the love of her life. She knew as well as Elijah that Klaus did not mean what he said. She knew that he struggled to believe that he was more than a bastard child, that his siblings truly loved him, and that he didn't bring pain to everyone in his life. But with all his paranoia she couldn't help but wonder if he truly thought that she could ever be unloyal to him. She had always defended him, no matter what he had done. She knew she shouldn't but couldn't help herself. As hard as she tried to keep from crying, it was just another thing to add to the list of things she couldn't help but do. Loving Niklaus. Defending him at all costs.

As soon as the tears began, they didn't stop. It was all too much for Y/n. She knew he was doing this because he doubted his abilities to be a good father. But did he think that she didn't doubt her ability to be a mother? To birth a child. If he thought that she would be able to raise their child on her own he was sorely mistaken. She needed him, as did her child, their child.

Y/n turned away not wanting Klaus to see her tear-stricken face. She didn't want him to see how he had affected her. However, he already knew his affect on her and had already seen the tears streaming down her face. Niklaus had decided it was best he leave. He had already hurt Y/n enough, and he couldn't stand the fact that her tears were due to his words, his actions.

Niklaus vampire-sped out of the compound. Leaving Y/n in a puddle of her own tears, his siblings trying to comfort her. Although, it wasn't the same as the comfort that he brought her. Y/n knew Niklaus would return home, she believed in him. However, as the day turned to night the Mikaelson siblings began to let doubt creep into their minds, as per usual. But Y/n knew Klaus couldn't leave her. She knew the immense love that she felt for him, he reciprocated.


The next morning Y/n woke up due to feeling a pair of eyes boring into her. She sat up, rubbing her puffy eyes in an attempt to clear her slightly hazy vision. When her vision became clear her eyes were met with that of her lover's beautiful blue eyes.

Niklaus couldn't take it any longer, he quickly sat down on their shared bed before embracing Y/n in a tight hug. She relaxed into the hug before they both let out small content sighs. Y/n clung to Klaus tightly for a few seconds but before anything more could be said, Y/n pulled away from the embrace.

"Niklaus," Y/n was only able to get his name out before Nik interrupted her.

"Y/n, please, just let me speak first." He met her gaze, his eyes shining with tears.

Klaus took a breath before beginning, "I'm so sorry, Y/n, I-I never meant to hurt you, but I already have... forgive me. There wasn't a single truth that came out of my mouth yesterday. I put all my insecurities on you, and that wasn't right. I know that you would never betray me by lying with another, and I know that this child is mine. I'm scared, I'll admit it. I'm worried that I'll hurt this child the way my parents hurt me, the way they turned my siblings and me into these monsters. They ruined us and I do not want that for our child, so I thought it best that I leave, because I know that all this child would need in this world is you, Y/n. I know you'll be a caring, loving mother. I just don't know if I can be the father that our child deserves..."

"Niklaus, I know you. You would never harm our child. I don't know how you could think that you ever would."

"You don't know that, Y/n. I am my father's son after all."

"Niklaus, never compare yourself to Mikael, please. That man is a monster, who hurt you tremendously."

"I am no better than Mikael, Y/n." Klaus shook his head not being able to meet Y/n eye's due to the disgust he felt with himself.

Y/n's hand gently caressed Nik's cheek, making him meet her gaze as well as attempting to comfort him. She knew that he was touch-starved and loved physical affection.

"Niklaus you are a far better man than Mikael. Mikael physically and mentally abused you. When you saw Marcel being tortured by the hands of his father did you stand there and watch, allow it? No. You took him in and saved him from a life of slavery and abuse. You cannot sit here and tell me that you and Mikael are equal, I will not allow it." Y/n gently told Niklaus.

His eyes met Y/n's, "And I can't allow you to stay with me Y/n. I can't be a father. I won't allow myself to hurt this child. Please, you have to understand that this is what is best for the child... I was somewhat a father before and I do not wish for this child to carry the same hate for me as Marcel."

"Marcel does not hate you Niklaus! Yes, you may not see eye to eye on things, but you raised him and he loves you, believe it or not. Marcel is a strong leader, who fights for his family and for what he believes in, he is one of the most loyal people I've ever met. If our child turns out anything like him, I will be more than happy, Nik. And, I can't do this without you Nik..." Y/n said as her voice began to break.

"I can't carry this child alone for nine months. I can't raise them without you, Nik, I don't want to. I need you, our child needs you, to protect them from this cruel yet beautiful world." Y/n said, tears beginning to cascade down her face as she sniffled in order to continue with her spiel.

Niklaus gently wiped her tears with his thumbs, "Please don't cry, love. This is what's necessary..."

"No, it's not Niklaus! What's necessary is you staying here with me and being the best father that you can be to our child." Y/n said before a small cry escaped her lips. NIklaus's hands found Y'n's waist as he rubbed soothing motions there, in an attempt to calm her as her hands now clung to his shoulders.

"I know you're not perfect, Nik, I'm aware of your past mistakes but I still love you. You still deserve to be loved Niklaus. I love and accept you and all your flaws and so will our child. Because you will show them the utmost love and adoration that you can. You will nurture them, and teach them to paint..." She softly smiled, still teary-eyed.

"Niklaus, you aren't the only one who has made mistakes or who has flaws. I, too, am far from perfect Klaus. And yes, we may make mistakes as we raise our child, but we will grow as we go. Together." She finished.

Nik took a breath in, his eyes beginning to flicker between Y/n's beautiful glossy eyes, which held nothing but immense love for him, and her lips. His right hand trailed up to her face as his large hand delicately cupped her face. Before Y/n could utter another word, Klaus' lips gently met hers. Her tense shoulders instantly relaxed as she kissed him back. Nik poured all his love for her into the passionate kiss. Their lips continuously met before separating to breathe.

A small smile was playing on Niklaus plump lips, "I should've known that I could never leave you. I love you too much, sweetheart." Klaus was staring at Y/n in adoration, before he continued.

"I'm sorry, Y/n. Sorry for the hurtful things I said to you yesterday. Sorry for thinking that I could ever leave you and our child. I know that I can be... difficult at times. I hope you can forgive me, and I can promise you that I will spend the rest of my eternal life loving you."

"All is forgiven, my love. I know your mind gets the best of you sometimes. There is nothing in this world that you could do that would make me stop loving you." Y/n smiled.

Niklaus took in the beautiful woman before him, her nose tinted red along with the splotches painting her tear-stained cheeks, doing nothing to diminish her beauty. Y/n, the mother of his child, and hopefully soon to be wife. She filled his life with love and warmth and made him the happiest he's ever been.

Y/n pulled Niklaus closer to her, hugging him tightly as they both shifted to lay down on their large bed, where they would remain for the following hours. Basking in the bliss of their love for each other and their unborn child.


a/n: yes, this is inspired by the song "grow as we go" by ben platt, but I got a little sidetracked haha, it's such a good song though <33

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