The line between love and hate

By 7Willow

11.5K 241 101

A fourth year drarry fanfic for you drarry lovers. Written by myself and a few friends *I do not own the the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Authors note

Chapter 13

490 10 8
By 7Willow

  I wake up feeling warm and comfortable in the arms of my boyfriend. I start to wiggle more into his arms.

  "Sleep well Teddybear?" I hear Draco asks in a rough morning voice.

  I nod my head against his chest.

  "That's good." He says.

  God his voice is hot when he wakes up, I think to myself.

  "You hungry?" Draco asks quietly.

  "Yeah... a little." I answer him.

  "We should go eat some supper." He tells me, "you need your strength for the next task."

  We slowly get out of bed and walk down to the great hall. We enter the great hall to find dinner is almost over, but there are still a few people still eating. I decide to go sit over at the Gryffindor table and Draco I guess just follows me. I start putting a bunch of food on my plate, seeming as I didn't eat lunch and was a lot hungrier than I originally thought.


  I look up and find Ginny staring at me oddly.

  "Yes Ginny?" I ask.

  "You know you're wearing a Slytherin sweatshirt, right." She asks with a slight hint of disgust.

  "Umm... yeah, I know." I said unsure of what she was getting at.

  "Leave him alone Ginny." I hear Ron say from a few seats away.

  "Why Ron!?" She yells, "he's supposed to be mine!" She screeches.

  "Ginny sit back down and stop yelling." Ron scolds her.

  "Whatever, you're only one his side, because of Hermione." She retorts.

  At this Ron turns red in the face.

  "Ginny, I don't know what you are talking about, but me and Draco are together." I tell her.

  With this she sighs in disapproval and runs of.

  "Merlin..."  I mumble.

  We finish eating and decide to just go back down to Draco's dorms, stopping at mine to get my school robes in case I end up sleeping at his dorm. We enter the Slytherin common room and this time no one says anything about me walking in with Draco. We reach his room and I put my robes on his desk, while he goes to sit on the bed. I walk over to him hoping up onto the bed. I crawl over to where he is sitting and straddle his lap.

  "Wacha doing there~" He says smirking at me.

  I blush at his statement, but all the less lean down to kiss him on his lips. He kisses back almost instantly. The kiss continues to get more heated as I allow him to explore my mouth with his tongue. We part briefly for air, but I soon decide I'm going to get him back for all the marks he left on me that time in the classroom. So I start to trail kisses down his neck, although I can't get that far down as his turtle neck is in the way, so I then start tugging at the hem of his shirt signalling that I want it off. He gets the message and pulls his shirt off so I start sucking and biting my way down to his collarbone getting a few moans here and there. After making sure I had left more than a few marks I go back up to kissing his mouth, although this time it's not rough and needy, it's soft and gentle. We soon stop kissing and decide to go to sleep.

  The next morning I wake up in the comforting arms of my boyfriend.

  "What time is it?" I say in a rough morning voice.

  After asking that I feel Draco start to move from beside me. He leans over and picks up his wand from the bedside table casting a tempus charm, causing the time to shine above us showing that it was 8:45.

  "Shit, we're already fifteen minutes late to potions." I say while we hurriedly scramble out of bed and rushing to put on our robes.

  We run out the Slytherin common room and continue to run to the potions classroom. Once we reach the doors leading to the classroom we pause to catch our breath. We then push open the class doors and immediately feel all eyes on us.

  "How wonderful of you to finally join us Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy." Snape says in his usual monotone voice, "although next time I'd appreciate it if you would wear your appropriate uniforms."

  With that we look over our robes and both notice that we must have accidentally switched ties while rushing to class. We hastily swap ties while the class snickers around us.

  "Now that that is over with, since you were both late you will be working together." Snape says while turning back to the papers on his desk.

  We both hurry over to an empty desk and start doing the instruction on the board, wishing for the class to end faster.

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