Chapter 15

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Two days later I walk up in an empty bed.

  "Draco?" I call out to no where in specific.

  No one answers so I get out of his bed anyways. I get dressed in the swimsuit I was given placing a sweater over top. I start to leave the common room because I need to get to the task but I also want to find Draco. I head down to the entrance doors and find that the other champions are already there. I follow them to the docks, but I still can't find Draco. Dumbledoor gives his speech about what we are doing and the timer starts to tick. I open the bag Draco gave me and find a blob of slimy green stuff. I try to ignore the feeling of it in my mouth and swallow it right when the canon goes off. I awkwardly fall into the water due to the effects of the Gillyweed. I feel gills start to form on my neck and my feet start the turn webbed. I get the hang of swimming with my new body features pretty fast and soon decide to head down to the deep part of the waters. After swimming for a few minutes I find what looks like an underwater village. There are merpeople all around the area. I eventually find what was taken from me, but am surprised to find Draco tied down to a piece of old building with his eyes closed. I also see Hermione in the same position, but I assume she's for Krum so I start to untie Draco as Cedric comes my way untying Cho from her ropes and taping his wrist signalling the time. I go back to untying Draco, when Krum comes in with a shark head and cuts Hermione free, pulling her up to the surface. I finish untying Draco but still don't see any signs of Fleur. I look around and realize no merpeople are watching me, so dragging Draco with me I quickly untie her sister swimming as fast as I can with my feet and just make it to the surface, with both of them as the Gillyweed wears off. We all swim back to the dock and are given towels as Fleur comes over to me thanking me for saving her sister and kissing me on the cheek. We head back to the castle shivering from the cold.

   Draco and I go back to his dorm, changing our clothes.

  "Merlin it's cold." I say shivering.

  With that Draco starts walking towards, forgetting the shirt he was about to put on. He hugs me around the waist connecting our bare skin. I, look up to find Draco smirking down at me.

  "What you smirking at~" I tease him.

  "Oh nothing." He says leaning down, pressing his lips onto mine.

  He moves his mouth against mine slowly, almost teasingly, so I put more pressure into it on my side.

  "Needy are we." He says against my mouth.

  I can feel his smirk but I didn't care as I push him backwards onto the bed, moving to straddle his waist.

  "Maybe~" I say back.

  I lean down to kiss him, and this time he responds more passionately than before. He slips his tongue into my mouth, running it over mine causing a sigh to escape in response. With that he flips us over so he's on top. He starts kissing down my neck, stopping close to my earlobe and sucking harder, causing me to gasp loudly and rock my hips a bit upwards. I can feel him smirk against my neck and continues what he's doing avoiding that area in hopes of teasing me. He slowly moves his mouth down farther onto my chest, kissing and sucking on my skin. He reaches my v-line looking up at me teasingly. He starts to-

  "Draco!" With that Pansy comes bursting into the room, although stops dead in her tracks once she sees the position we are in, "oh u-umm... well-"

  "Pansy!" Draco shouts at her.

  "Well.. I-I just wanted to ummm know i-if you were going to play tonight." She stutters, surprisingly embarrassed about what she walked in on.

  "Well you could've knocked!" He yells getting out of bed.

  "Oh put a shirt on!" She screeches.

  "Oh Merlin..." Draco sighs, "Yes I will come tonight if you just leave."

  "Okay...bye..." She says walking out the door awkwardly.

  "Merlin, that was mood wrecking." Draco said.

  "Yeah..." I respond, confused about what she meant by 'going to play', "ummm... what did she mean when she said..."

  "When she asked if I was going to play?" He says finishing my question for me.


  "Our year of Slytherin's have a traditional game night every second Friday." Draco answers walking over towards the wardrobe.

  "Oh and you're going to go?" I ask.

  "Yeah... you're welcome to come if you feel like it." He says pulling a shirt over his head.

  "They wouldn't mind?" I question.

  "No I don't really think so." He responds, throwing me a hoodie with a picture of a snake on it.

  "Oh ok.." I say pulling the hoodie over my head.

  "Then let's go~" He says pulling me out the door.

  We reach the common room and find a bunch of Slytherins, including Blaze and Pansy, sitting around in a circle.

  "Wow, I didn't know we were able to bring guests." Blaze says as we both sit down in the circle.

  "Shut it Blaze." Draco tells him.

  "Anyways, let's start then." Pansy say trying to get rid of the awkward atmosphere, "we're going to play truth or dare first, assuming you know how to play Potter?"

  "Yeah I know how to play, and please call me Harry." I answer her.

  "Okay then Harry. Who wants to start?" She says.

  With that everyone turns to look at her.

  "Fine then, I guess I'll go first." She says exasperatedly, "Harry truth or dare."

  I was surprised that she chose me first but chose dare anyways.

  "Okay then, I dare you to sit on Draco's lap for the entire game." She says smirking.

  I blush, but still stand up and sit back down on Draco's lap to which he wraps his hands around my waist.

  "Ummm Blaze, truth or dare?" I question.

  After a few more rounds my leg starts to fall asleep due to the position that I'm sitting in. I begin to move around, trying to find a more comfortable way to sit on Draco's lap. Although I soon feel Draco's grip on my waist tighten.

  "Stop moving around." He whispers softly in my ear.

  "Why?" I whisper, turning around to face him.

  At that he turned red, burying his face in the crock of my neck.

  "Aww is Dracy Poo getting tired." Pansy says from across the circle looking at us.

  "Ugh. Yes, yes I am." He responds still on my neck.

  "Oh... then you can go." Pansy responds, probably not expecting that answer.

  I start to get up slowly, letting Draco get up, to which he does. He grabs my hand and we walk back to the bedroom.

  "I'm uhhh going to take a cold shower..." Draco says heading towards the shower.

  When he says that I realize why he had told me to stop moving around and blush bright red.


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