By pecheursombre

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By pecheursombre

Gerard's POV

I was squirming in Mikey's arms trying to yell at him as he was pulling me towards the forest. In the struggle, I was trying to reclaim my legs that could perfectly walk themselves but no use, he still dragged me. We were already a quarter into the woods when Mikey let go of me.

"What the hell are you thinking?!" I yelled. I was mad at him for rudely pulling me away from a conversation I was having with echo.

He gave a devilish smirk and spoke, "I know you have something with echo. I can sense and see it in your eyes." That dumb smirk kept on his face as he crossed his arms. I blushed a little knowing I wasn't going to escape from this one.

I forgot almost too soon that all vampires have powers just like all the freaks here. His power was to sense feelings/emotions and mind control, yet he his pretty mature with his mind control.

"Well you're right. Happy? Don't get too smug with that, I don't want to get into that."

"Oh come on! What going on with you guys?! You two would seem so cute together!"

"Mikey! Stop! I said I don't want to get into that!" Mikey flinched when I yelled at him. I immediately regretted that. I always hated that sad look on his face. I never use to yell at him.

"Mikey, in sorry I didn't mean to. I just got frustrated. I don't like to talk about this. Yes, I do like echo, a lot but you know I don't like dating and relationships since what happened last time."

"I know I know. I pushed you, that was my fault.. I'm sorry."

"Ugh lets just do the late night hunt that I 'supposedly' promised you." Mikey looked up at me with a chuckle.

"And I'm sorry I'm making you do this, I know you hate hunting and all that vampire relat-"

"It's okay Mikey! I'm doing it for you." He smiled and gave me a hug.

'Besides there is never going back once you're a vampire.' I mentally thought.

"I'll pay you back, I promise!"

"Alright alright. Don't push it pretty boy! Now let's go!"

I then ran in the other direction but it didn't take long for him to catch up with me. This is going to be a long night of hunting. Like I said before, I hated being a vampire, I hated it with a burning passion.

[next morning]
Echo's POV

"No, that's a G chord! It's A-E-G then C!!" I had recently found out I'm not so good at playing guitar, especially remembering chords.

"Let's do it again! remember, A-E-G-C" Jason was demonstrating the song again for the 193729192 millionth time!

"Ok ok!" I began to strum again when Jason interrupted.

"No it's down down up up! Not down up down!" Ok scratch that, I suck ass at guitar.

"Uh... How about we take a break from guitar? We've already been practicing for 2 hours straight?"

"Fine. How about we go into town? Maybe do something?"

"Perfect! Let me go get ready!!" I jumped up and ran to my chest since I was only in my pajamas which were shorts and an old shirt.

"What do you think I should wear?"

"Lingerie, but it has to be black. That's the kinky shit right there." Jason then winked at me.

"Ew. I don't even own any! Plus why would I even use lingerie for?"

"I don't know, but hey you never know when it may come in handy!" I then threw a random piece of clothing and went back looking for something to wear.

"Well Jesus! You didn't have to throw your panties!" I looked up at him with confusion, but once I saw my panties dangling from his finger tips I immediately felt myself go red. "T-throw them back!" I was so embarrassed.

"Okey-dokey!" He then laughed and threw them back. He sat back down on the chair with his feet up and hands in back of his head relaxing with his eyes closed.

"Sure you'll be laughing with the girls but then stutter when there's a man!"

"Oh you just did not go there" Jason gave my a playful glare

"Maybe I did! Now let me get dressed!" I have then decided that I was going to wear skinny jeans and a white shirt along with my converse. "And don't you dare look!"

"No promises!" Jason said while turning around to give me privacy. He then started to play random chords while I got dressed. I quickly changed my shorts into my jeans and took off my shirt but before I could put my white shirt Gerard had walked in.

"Hey echo I was ju- holy shit!" Gerard had literally fell backwards which made Jason turn around and went to go help him. In that time I quickly put on my shirt, slipped on my converse and went to go help him.

"I-I-I am s-so s-sorry for walking in!" Gerard immediately said once he saw me. "It's okay! No worries!" I was laughing at this point. His face had pure terror like he had just disrespected me and I was about to cut him into pieces.

"Well me and Echo were about to go into town, you wanna join?" Jason said. "Uh yea that would be okay." He gave a soft smile towards us, Jason helped him get up and we started walking towards town.

[20 min later]

"Oh yea, she sucks at guitar!" Jason said

"Oh shit the fuck up!" I playfully hit his arm

"Hey! It's just the truth! Plus no need to worry! Gerard isn't good at guitar either!"

"Hey! I'm just as good as you! It's just not my thing!" Gerard had yelled

Jason chuckled and looked at both of us. "Well at least you two have that in common!" Both of us went red. Wait, what am I feeling? I'm feeling something. Maybe affection?.. No. Can't be! It's defiantly not Jason and it can't be Gerard. Why would he feel that way? Ugh never mind.

"Okay so how about movies, shopping then we go eat?" Jason suggested.

"Sounds good!" I said while Gerard said "I'm up for it"

We maid our way into the theater going to the box office.

"Hello! What would you guys like to see?" A older women maybe around her late 40's or so had asked.

"Um, I don't know. You guys up for a scary movie?" I asked

"Doesn't matter" Jason said while Gerard shrugged.

"Alright we'll take the scary movie please"

"Ok that'll be $6.00" we gave her the money and went inside to get popcorn.

"Hello what can I get for you?" A younger boy had asked. He was about our age. Oh! Oh my god. What the hell is this? What is this feeling now? I looked over to the boys to see Jason smirking and blushing. I turned back pinching the bridge of my nose. Oh god. This is terrible. This is not just affection, it's lust. I don't know about you but I don't want to feel horny. I swear to god how do I turn this off?!

"Uh yea we'll just get a large popcorn, three medium cokes, and two of those candy's please" I said feeling the emotions going away, thank god! Aw shit never mind! They are coming back. I tried to feel where it is coming from but Jason's had calmed down, Gerard wasn't feeling any of those. Oh shit. It's the guy. I feel them stronger now. Oh god.

"Uh- un, that'll be $12.50 please" he said giving the looks to Jason. Lord please help me! I looked over at Gerard and he was already looking at me. He gave me the 'you see what I'm seeing look' I have him a nod and he laughed.

"Oh I got this guys!" Jason said never taking off this eyes off the dude in front of him.he handed him a $20 bill will doing so he touched his hand so smoothly. I swear to god! This dude is the death of the both of us.

"Your change is $7.05, enjoy your movie" he said giving him a lustful smirk while handing him his change.

"Will do" Jason then gave him a wink and walked off. Both me and Gerard chuckled and walked with Jason.

" 4 to your left, enjoy your movie" I nodded and the boys followed me.

"So that was quite the show you put on back there." Gerard said

"Oh I know, echo did he feel the same way?"

"He had lust and affection just like you, not to mention the dirty smirks and looks. Yeah I'm pretty sure he's really into you!"

"I just need to make sure!" He exclaimed

"Ugh lets just enjoy the movie!" Gerard said. Both me and Jason laughed and looked at the screen.

The movie is pretty scary, there were tons of popups that would always get me! I would lean into Gerard when I got scared. I felt something from him. I couldn't figure out what he was feeling but I did felt his eyes on me.

What was this feeling? Or better yet, what was he feeling?

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