The Crossroads And The Cane

By YellowKingGarcia

193 25 35

Dive into the deeper recesses of your mind as you explore the anthology of The Crossroads And The Cane. A ma... More

In the Subway
The Crossroads and the Cane
In The Walls
Lavender Lounge
Relics In The Sky
Final Mission
Crone Of The Forest
Law Of The Swamp

The Afrit And The Leper

30 2 2
By YellowKingGarcia

I remember when things were fine. Like clockwork, you went to work every day that I did, and I would see you on the subway. I would ensure we sat across from each other so that every few moments I could peek past my book and take in your beauty. I could smell the perfume you wore as you sat, focused on your phone. Every now and then I would see you as I made my way home from my regular job and I would slowly trail behind as a wolf in the darkness attempting to ensnare my prey. I could tell from the pace that you felt me there, even if you did not see me. It went for days which eventually became months with you haunting my dreams as I'm sure I haunted yours. "Who is this man?" I am sure you said to yourself. Was I just a nice guy, or was I a culmination of all your fears? After every successful meeting in the dead of night, I would torture myself at the mere thought of bringing this act to a close. The few moments that I saw you speak on the phone would make my heart swell with excitement as I would be granted a rare smile. You were a work of art, although I have not seen you in quite some time. However, I always believed it would be me to be one to decide when the curtain would fall. I no longer have the opportunity to gaze at your flowing hair in the wind or experience the scent of the perfume. The last image of you that I recall is when you were taken away to someplace far. I am left with only memories of those times, as Gordon continues to remind me that I should find you because you will not return.

The streets are now bare from all the madness. Shells now walk the streets as the city has become empty, save for those that walk and stumble without a soul. Gordon, who sits in the corner behind me, long stringy gray hair and resembling an old man with claws scratching with every word he speaks, walks with me daily. He shakes and laughs, a memory of my first brush with death, and my first opportunity. The sound of chains as he walks behind me clouds my thoughts and at times I have to order him to be quiet. Although, he has always assisted me during these trying times. We watch as the dead roam the streets and he chuckles as he asks what do I plan to do. His smile exposes rows of perfectly spaced canines and a tongue of a snake as he whispers in my ear with the voices of those that have fallen to my blade. As time passes and I have gone without a trophy, their cries grow louder and louder almost begging me to add to their concerto. While now I can claim as I see fit, these do not bear a soul, and thus do not satisfy my hunger. Gordon's cries keep me from sleep but keep me alert as just outside my apartment door I can hear another one of the soulless take a step and drag the following one. He lurks in the halls and can smell me here, just as I used to smell you. He is not calculated as I was, and I loathe the day they became a reality and stopped me from my hunt. I was so close before the virus, and now I have yet to figure out where you have gone.

I must say that when this all began, I was actually frightened. A feeling I have never experienced before as I was the one with the blade. Gordon places a hand on my shoulder and tells me that even though I will not be satisfied with this target, I must hone my skills and never get rusty for one day the world may begin anew. Or even better, I may see you again. Slowly, I rise with a hammer in my hand as I approach the front door and look through the peek hole. As I observe through the fisheye lens, I see one walking about head hanging low. Gordon laughs and whispers that this one may be easy. I turn the hammer so the claw faces downward, and slowly begin to undo the locks. Gordon urges me to go. Slowly I creep and turn the corner to the opposite staircase. Dried blood painted the walls revealed by the sun which pierced the skylight on the top floor. Oh, how many have we had the blessing of sending back to Hell since this nightmare close to a year ago. Slowly I press on since I can only see those on my floor and have no idea how many may lurk below on the others. A loud struggle can turn their attention to me and will spoil my plans. Around the corner, I notice him staring at the backdoor of my railroad apartment which has been barricaded with furniture, and Gordon tells me that he has located my scent. Like a praying mantis ready to pounce I raise my hammer, and am met with its gaze from bloodshot eyes for a moment before the claw descended and pierced his head. He shakes violently, letting out gargled screams as black blood flows from his mouth. I abandon the hammer and race back to the apartment shutting the door and locking it. The game was over, but while I hear Gordon clapping behind me and laughing this was no different than killing a cockroach.

Days were spent planning, attempting to figure out where you might be. Gordon graces me with a great idea as he directs me to the box of trophies I hold dear. Look for clues where you used to live. I have to say I was angry I didn't think of it before. The only problem was that we scavenged for food and water within the proximity of the building or the building itself. We didn't put ourselves in the open and cross the street which was wide with four lanes. Not so much cover and a long way to move without detection. I debate with Gordon openly and freely reminding him that should I go to your building, I was only privy to the location of it, and I would have to go to every apartment before I can find what I was looking for. Gordon argues back that they do not see well in the dark and rely on scent and sound. Being quiet would be my best option, and we would have to use fire escapes for travel. And so it was decided on one night, the mission to travel to where you used to live and find where you went. Gordon assisted me in getting the right materials in my bag and we went as soon as dusk approached.

After a few hours of rest, we made our way down the fire escape and over the fences until we were able to view the street. In the darkness I estimated at least twenty walking in circles. They were hungry and I shared that need, wanting to taste the warm lifeblood on my blade again and this time with yours. Gordon directs me to throw stones in the opposite direction of the house as far as I could. What a genius idea that was! I throw a stone as far as I could and saw a number of them run towards the direction of the impact. I could see your building in the distance, but just getting there wasn't the whole idea as I had to climb the fire escape which was unfortunately located in the front. Very different from the layout in my own building where it is located in the back. I continue to throw stones, each further than the last in the hopes to draw all their attention elsewhere. I could feel my chest tighten as I dreaded the next few moves. Would I run or sneak past the remaining ones? Gordon directed me to be slow as I always was. My heart began to beat faster as we came into the open, taking small steps past them. The sky grew darker as the moments passed, and I could tell that my perspiration was creating a scent. They looked up to the sky to locate the source of the smell and turned.

They stared in my direction, led by my scent but according to Gordon, not able to see me. I continued on, finding whatever was on the ground and throwing it behind me. They would let a grunt, but as I observed them, they were more concerned with my scent. As I approached the building, I notice their pace move quickly as finally they were locked onto me. In the darkness, I could see the ladder which led to the fire escape. I did not want to look back, but I felt them drawing closer and can hear their grunts louder as their steps continued. They were moving fast. A lot faster than I was at the moment. Taking a deep breath, I knelt down for a moment and then began to run towards the ladder. They made a loud grunt and the ones that could follow suit, ran maniacally, bloody mouths agape. For only a moment I glanced behind me to see a large number joining the ones in pursuit as I lunged over the fence and grabbed ahold of the ladder. The mob fell over the fence and began to grab the ladder as I continued up to the second floor. Climbing over each other, I imagined standing above shark-infested waters. Cloudy eyes stared at me as they all screamed, while I noticed another group enter the building. Gordon approves and praises me, saying that he loves our partnership. He directs me to the top floor and states that he thinks what I'll find is inside.

As the mob continues to attempt to climb the fire escape, I kick in the glass of the window and find myself in a dark room. Unable to make my way in the dark, I turned on the flashlight and began to walk on the ground, careful not to make more noise than necessary. In the distance of the hallway, I can hear them racing throughout the stairs trying to locate me, as my careful steps cracked the glass beneath my sneakers. I look around drawers, not sure if I'm alone, and Gordon states that he is unaware as well. I could find no photos and no indication of who lived here, but moving to the next area may prove impossible. They began to bang on the door of the apartment I was in, a loud commotion outside as if people were shouting in several languages, mixed with grunts and blood-curdling screams. "Survivors?", I thought to myself. I trembled, and a shiver went up my spine as Gordon tells me that his ideas are always great.

I exited the room and entered another with a large bed. On the bed spread-eagled was an unfortunate victim. Mauled and bloodied, it lay there rotting and releasing a stench. I can hear the flies buzzing in the dark as I moved about with my flashlight. Nothing in the drawers, however a picture on the nightstand told me that I was in the wrong place. A family photo, but without you my beloved. Opening the window I grabbed a metal candle holder that was on the dresser and tossed it at a parked car, triggering the alarm and directing the mob elsewhere. I could hear their hurried footsteps run down the stairs away from the door. Gordon laughs and tells me that there is a possibility I may add to my collection albeit without a preferred trophy. I moved towards the front door of the apartment, the beam generated by the flashlight lighting my way like a sword cutting through the dark. I watched through the peek hole and observed the door across the hall was also closed, but Gordon warns that going through the fire escape to that location is safer though more difficult than going through the hall. I accepted his reasonings and returned to the bedrooms which were accessible through the fire escape and climbed the ladder to the roof.

The air grew cold as snow started to fall. Slowly collecting on the ground as I noticed the mob was now confused as each snowflake kissed their skin, unable to determine if someone or something was touching them. I recall the last time I looked upon the city from my roof when this began, and it was the last time I saw you. The night sky was brightened by several fires which raged from numerous locations, while the billowing smoke thickened the darkness. The sounds of screams coupled with the sirens of the emergency services, and spontaneously explosions were deafening. Every few moments a gun was fired and I felt myself inside a war. I watched as people trampled over one another, and sacrificed each other to get to safety. Then, I saw you. An armored carrier that used to carry money was gathering a few individuals and you were one of them. I grew angry and shouted, "Where are you going?". Although I doubt you could hear me over the madness. Two soldiers fired upon the infected as the people ran to the safety of the vehicle. Just like that, you were gone. I saw it drive away and disappear in the distance, running over. I actually shed a tear that day, for they destroyed my best work. How can society continue without art? Without my art? My art paints the minds of all who witness it and infects their waking moments. Gordon came to my aide and reminded me that this was merely a delay and that one day I would be blessed and gain the opportunity to complete my best project. One that would cement my name even during the apocalypse.

A second ladder from the roof down to the opposite fire escape was within my view, and cautiously I descended to the apartment I had observed before. The window had already been broken and judging from the location of the shards of glass, it was broken from the inside. I entered, same as before, led by the beam of light and entering a young girl's room. Snow from outside had begun to collect inside, carried by the wind. The room was decorated in pink with a dollhouse beside a small bed. On the wall were framed drawings of various animals in crayon, obviously having been created by the child of this room. Gordon stopped me, and in my peripheral view, I see his clawed finger raise on his lips, telling me to be quiet. Outside past the door in the dark, I can see a shadow move slowly about. It growls in search of something, but from where I stood I was unsure if it had noticed me or what direction it was facing. I reached into my bag and grabbed a mini baseball bat and my hunting knife. I was just as blind as it was in the dark, and was aware that the moment I used my flashlight, it would notice and run towards me.

My heart beat quickly, never resting from the constant movement and fear. How easy it was when I was the one hunting? When I served as predator, and all the world my prey. Just at the moment, that I was about to engage the creature, I heard another sound closer to me than the other. My eyes dart to the broken window but the area is clear, and I was sure that the sound was not from the fire escape. My chest becomes tight as I fear the sound coming from the room, and around me. I frantically begin to look around with the flashlight, unable to determine where the long slow sound originated. That is until I looked down.

Staring up at me with red bloody eyes, and torn blonde hair was the girl dragging herself from under the bed. Dried blood covered her mouth, and her skin had peeled off revealing the musculature of her face. She let out a growl which alerted the other in the opposite room, and I quickly began to hear it running towards her. Quickly I shut off the flashlight and darted over the girl back to the window for my escape. The shadow revealed itself to be a skeletal figure, still covered in mucus and blood. Just as I was about to escape through the window I felt a hard tug on my backpack, and I was thrust back inside. Falling back into the room, I immediately felt a small set of hands grabbing at my clothing in the dark. I swung both my weapons violently as each swing hit its mark, before feeling another set of hands joining in the foray. After kicking and swinging frantically, I managed to get onto my feet and jumped in the direction where the bed was. As I landed, the bed frame gave way under my weight and it came crashing down on top of the girl. My back pressed against the wall as the skeletal one growled and attempted to grab me, I could smell its rotting breath drawing closer to my own face, and the sound of teeth snapping. Gordon told me to swing the hunting knife more than the bat, and before I knew it my hunting knife was lodged in the side of its head. I can sense its limbs drop and slowly it fell to its side.

Finally, there was a silence. I turned on the flashlight to see the skeletal figure dropped on its side, and the little girl almost decapitated with the metal bed frame. Gordon praises me once again, cackling that had they had souls he would be in great company. "Son of a bitch.", I said to myself. At this point, I was sure that they were the only ones in the home since the event would have drawn the attention of others in the vicinity so I exited the room and closed the door behind me. I was determined to complete my work and all these things were mere delays. Just the pre-show before the main event. Confidently I walked through all the rooms until I hit the last bedroom, closest to the front door.

The master bedroom had clothes thrown about and drawers removed from the dressers. The contents of the closets rested on the bed and the floor beside it. Someone had left in a hurry. On the cracked mirror in lipstick was written the word "Why", and on the dresser was a photo in a cracked frame. My heart skipped a beat as I inspected it and saw your face, my beloved. I clutched the photo to my chest and sat on the bed. A tear rolls down my cheek as I see the photo of you and your blonde daughter. "I have found you!" I say aloud. Gordon claps and I can hear the clank of chains in unison. I take the photo and place it in my pocket and continue to look around for clues from where you have gone. As I stood up, I can hear a paper uncrumple from where I sat. Ever so diligent I begin to shine my flashlight to read the paper which revealed the heading from the US Government. It lists several locations of "Eden Centers" where uninfected people have gone to safety. I remembered the vehicle driving away after you had entered the back, and I begin to wonder if that's where you had gone. The paper goes on to list many locations, but only one within a reasonable distance.

It is almost time my love, and I can tell that you are as anxious as I am for the main course. All my pain and suffering will not be in vain as I will continue to find you and finish what I started. My trophies will not be lonely as I will finally add to my collection, but something only a few will ever get to enjoy. You are more than just a trophy, as trophies over time collect dust and are forgotten even by those that once cherished them. No, you are a title in itself something that begs to be distinguished by the masses and shall come to be. Gordon tells me to reach into my pocket as we make our way back to the fire escape. I grabbed the small box that carried my trophies and smiled. Gordon tells me to open it to remind myself of my mission and I do, smiling as I stand above the fallen and face the snowy wind. Opening it, I began to imagine what our experience would be like and immediately wonder how great my collection of ears would be with your fresh one on top.

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