(Danger Force) Chapa x reader

By Stoopid_Bitxh

31.9K 307 189

I DONT OWN DANGER FORCE! I ONLY OWN Y/N! Started-July 17th 2021 Ended- ?? More

Meeting Chapa's Girlfriend!?
The Danger Force Awakens
Authers note!!
Say my name
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Villains' Night
Villains' Night - PT2
Mime Games

Ray goes cray

2.6K 26 32
By Stoopid_Bitxh

That's what your wearing^^

We were trying to balance on bouncy balls until Chapa shot a lighting bolt at the screen. "GAHH!!" I yelled stabbing the ball with a lava knife.
"Alright, that's enough!" Ray yelled stoping the timer. "how we do?" Bose Asked. Chapa falls off her ball. "poorly" Ray saysdisappointed. "Can we practice tonight and re-take this test tomorrow?!" Mika asked frantically. "This wasn't even the test! I just thought it'd be funny if you guys sat bouncy for while." Ray says. "Why you think it's so easy?!" I yell. "Why don't you sit bouncy!" Chapa yelled at him. "Nah. *shooting the balls with lasers* the real test is about to begin." Ray says. "Finally. Don't ever give up. I feel duped. I want a puppy." We all say "Who can tell me the easiest crime to commit?" Ray asks us. "Jay- walking" Mika says. "Jay-dancing" Bose says. "stealing my phone." Chapa said disappointed. "Not having a puppy" I say

"White-collared crime- rarely prosecuted." Miles says. "Your all wrong. Except for Miles and maybe Y/n. Now I'm talking about a crime that's so easy it's like taking candy from a baby. SCHWOZ!" Ray yells. Schwoz walks in with a lollipop and baby type clothes "I am baby. I loves me lolly. And I hope no one takes from me." Schwoz says. "So you want us to stop you from taking candy from a baby?" Mika asks. "oh not me. I'm far too good a person for that." Ray says. "You weren't when you stole my 10 dollars." I yell at him. "SHUT IT LADY. You're stopping... *evil voice* Roy!" Roy/Ray yells. "Roy?" Mika questions. "it's Ray, but evil." I say. lAnd I hope he doesn't take me lolly." Schwoz says. "Oh, Roy's takin' that lolly. Unless somebody... stops me." Roy says. "Get zapped!" Chapa says as she goes in front of him

"No." Roy says as he dodges. "Okay maybe not. Maybe this one!" Chapa tries to zap him. "Missed." Roy says. "this one!" Chaos says. Chapa keeps missing until she accidentally hits Schwoz. "Aiiiiiieee! Oh!" Schwoz yells. "Dangit!" Chapa yells stomping towards me. "you failed to stop Roy. NEXT!" Roy yells as he does a weird pose. "Did it get a little cloudy in here? 'Cuz I think a brainstorm's a brewin'..." bose says walking in front of him. "Sick entrance line. Roy approves. Let's see how you do with the execyoosh." Roy says. Bose tries to lift up a bat. "Whack him, Bose!" Mika yells. "Sorry guys, one more grunt and I'd have to change pants again today." Bose says. "thanks for the weapon kid. Roy played baseball in high school. 400 RBI's Coulda' gone pro, is it wasn't for Roy's dang knee." Roy says. "how deep is Roy's backstory?" Chapa asks. "Deeper the seas, where Roy's a certified scuba instructor. NEXT!" He said. "Get ready to be... "blown away" Mika says. "Unnecessary Air quotes- B minus." Roy says "Dangit! Aaahhh! *tries to blow Roy away* take... that." Mika says as she towards us

"Took it. Bored. Next!" He said bored. "Ready to be bald, sad man?" I asked smirking. "NO!" Roy yells as he covers his head. You try to shoot lava swords at his head but he dodges. "You basta-" I say as I try to throw a lava ball at his hair. "BABY!" Chapa say as she pulls me away from him. "NEXT!!" Roy yells. "on the contrary, there will not be a next." Miles says. "oh I wonder why, last boy." I say. "What?" Roy asked. "I refused to be tested, Roy. AND Y/N SHHHH! I won't play your games. And besides, the solution will reveal itself." Miles says. "So... you're just gonna let baby die?" Roy asks. "Yes. Cuz' that's a grown man in a onesie trying to be a baby." I say pointing at Schwoz. "Wait, what?!" Schwoz yells at me. "I thought you were just gonna take his candy." Chapa says.

"what you don't know is that... the lollipop contains the very medicine that keeps baby alive" roy says. "Miles, you have to fight him! You can't just wait for every problem to solve itself." Mika yells at him.


"All right, test over!" Ray says. "See? The problem solved itself. Feels good to be right." Miles said. The chairs and desks come up and we sat down. "HELLO?!" A female voice yells. Ray opens the door and Miss Shapen walks in. "Oh. Hey, handsome." Shapen says as she walks around. "can we help you?" Ray asks. Depends you know any good lookin' guys with low standards?" Miss Shapen says. "Wait, Aren't you you a teacher at Swellview Junior High?" Mika asks.. "Miss Shapen??" I questioned. "I was. But Swellview Junior High and I both decided that it was time to part ways." Miss Shapen says. "so you got fired." Chapa said.

"Bingo! Anyway, I work for the city now. Sharona Shapen, School Inspector, see? Gotta make sure every school in Swellview has a license. And according to my records... you ain't got one." Miss Shapen says. "Well can we get one?" Ray asks. "Maybe. But you gotta past my test!" Miss Shapen says. "I can past your test! Anything. Give me your test, I'll past it. You got this." Mika says standing up. "Not you smarty pants!" Miss Shapen yells. "Thank you. I like your too." Mika says. "what is going on." I said chewing on a burger. "Yea I'll bet ya do. They're bucci. This whole school needs to past my test. You kids, the water supply, your hot teacher... I need to conduct a thorough investigation of this school right now or I'mma sssshutin' it down." Miss Shapen says

"weee... cant take the test today." Mila says. "cuz' we going on a field trip." I say for her. "Where to?" Miss Shapen asks. "A field" Miles said. "Can I come?" She asks. "Did you get your parents signature?" Mika says. "No, my parents are ashamed of me." Miss Shapen says

"Same here!!" I say giving Miss Shapen a fist bump. "Alright then. Well have a nice day." Ray says pushing her out. "I'll be back tomorrow! And I better see some teaching. And some learning. Some Phys Ed. Some Drivers Ed. I wanna see allllll the Eds! And if I don't... I'm sssshutin' it down." Miss Shapen yells. "IF YOU WANNA SEE EDS GO TO EDSVILLA YOULL FIND A LOT OF EDS!!" I yell at her. "We better finds some eds." Ray says looking at us.

(The next day.)

That's what your wearing^^ minus the choker
Miss Singl- Shapen rang the doorbell.

"...and now you know everything Albert Einstein knew." Ray says opening the door. "well here's miss cant keep a man." I say disappointed. "Oh hello. Whatever brings you to our modest and totally real school?" Ray said. Cool your toots, Fancy boots. It's ain't real 'til I says it's real. Now let's blast some school inspection music and get this done." Miss Shapen says playing whatever music this is. We did everything. History, math, science. And idk. "Well that's it. You all failed." Miss Shapen says. "OH COME ON!! I HAD TO PUT ON A CORSET FOR NOTHING?!!" I yell. "you look hot in it tho!" Chapa says blushing. We both blush from this. Why? Idk.

"To do anything wrong. You passed." Miss Shapen says. "oh. Ok good cuz' this corset is mine now." I say Swellview Academy for the Gifted in an officially licensed school. You'll get your two new students tomorrow." Miss Shapen says giving a paper to Ray. "Whoa, Whoa, whoa" Ray says.

"What?" Chapa says."I quit." I say angry "take that and rewind it back. What two new students?" Ray says "oh well there's a shortage of available space at gifted schools. I got two kids learnin' at the bus station for the last month." Miss Shapen says"Awsome." Bose says

"I'm moving them here tomorrow." Miss Shapen says "Well what is I don't take them?" Ray asks "Well then I'm sssshutin' you down!" Miss Shapen says pushing a button "You shuttin' this place down, Sharona?" Some dude asks "I don't know...are we?" Miss Shapen asks

"Fine. We'll take them." Ray says "Carry me out, buster! *runs the man and has him catch her* See you tomorrow!" Miss Shapen says
"Bruh... Anyways who wants pizza?" I ask

*in the man's nest*

"so we find these kids' personal information, and then we fill out an application to-" mika says "Borrrring! Schwoz, go get the memory wiper. The new kids show up, we can erase their memories. Badaboom Bada-" Ray said "DO YOU EVER LISTEN?!" Mika yells "I told you ten times. The memory wiper got destroyed when you and Kid danger fought Drex. It's not going to "conveniently" get us out of things anymore." Schwoz says

"I know how to we can get rid of these kids. We get a chainsaw, and a ceiling fan, and a-" Chapa says"Chapa, no!" Mika yells "Calm down baby" I say kissing her cheek "I don't get it" bose says "what's your deal? Why you so scary?" Ray ask "A boy stole my cellphone." Chapa says

"But I said I'll buy her a new one." I say "SEE YOUR GIRLFRIEND SAID SHE'LL BUY YOU ONE! So buy one!!" Ray yells "No!! If your best friend got stolen would you just "buy another one" Chapa asks "Yes! My best friend moved to dystopia so I bought five new ones!" Ray yells

"What the heck man!!" I scream at him "Aww, love you man." Bose says fist bumping ray. "We'll get there." Ray says "Hokay, according to The Big Book of Swellview Laws, if these new kids agree to leave the school on their own..." Schwoz says. "Then Miss Shapen and her sleeveless goons can't shut us down!" Ray says as he throws the book.

"So we just life miserable as possible for these new kids, and they agree to leave on their own." Chapa says "Good plan, Chapa." Ray says "and shockingly, not violent." Mika says shocked."You didnt let me finish. We find out who they love the most. And then I'm the middle of the night, we-" Chapa tries to continue.

"Chapa, please." Mika says "Babe. Only do that when they are bad people." I say "ok baby" cha say as she hugs me from behind. I blush from this "you were doing so good. Come on!" Miles yells

*time skip*

"hurry up! They're coming!" Ray yells as he's tying Schwoz to a chair "Ray, I found this broken chair in the basement!" Bose says "Love it! Explain." Ray asked "we'll make of the new kids sit in this rusty, busted-up, thang...And we'll make the other sit on this termite stool." Bose explains

"What's a termite stool?" Mika asks "stool fulla' termites! Give it a sit!" Bose says "No!" Mika yells"Ehh. Probably smart." Bose says
"I was thinking-" Mika says before she got cut off "I'm not finished! When the new kids get here, I'm also gonna use my powers to make stuff float. And I'm gonna use my throat to make ghost noises like, 'Souuuuuuuuuup...'" bose says

"Soup?" Mika says "Ghosts love soup. They tell all the time." Bose says "good enough. Hey, where's Scary Bradshaw? And Her girl?" Rays asks "Chapa is hiding in the closet with a chainsaw. And Y/n is right there sleeping. *pointing at me* When we give her the cue, she's gonna jump out and scare the new kids." Bose answers him

"Like it, Love it, I want more of it. What do you got?" Ray asks Miles "I plan on living with an open heart and a strong mind. And I'll remain like that until the solution presents itself" miles says "Who made you this way?!" Ray asks kinda fun

"the system." Miles says straight forward. "Or we can scare them dead." I said half asleep "AH!! I thought you were asleep." Ray screams "I was." I say "I miss Henry I miss Henry I miss Henry...Mika!" Ray says for her plan "Okay, don't get mad, but..." mika says

"Yeah but see, that always makes me mad." Ray says kinda mad "But once I learn these kids names I'm gonna enter their personal information into-" mika says "A supercomputer that will eat them?" Ray asks "No." Mika deadpanned "Then I don't care. Next!" Rays yells "Okay what are you gonna do?" Mika asks

"I'm glad someone finally asked. It's a test of strength. Just like any other test of strength you'd see at a normal school." Ray says like it's normal "Where did you even go to school?" Mika asks "You use this hammer to make Schwoz go all the way up there to ring that bell." Ray continued

"Hello." Schwoz says "Sup dude." I say "How is this gonna make the new kids wanna leave?" Mika asks "Ha-Ha! You'll see..." Ray says

*Stranger approaching.*

"Okay that's them. Now remember, whatever happens, we gotta be really mean to these new kids!" Ray yells at us "Right." Bose says "Gotcha! Now c'mere donut." I say The new kids come in and gasp. We all stand up and look at them. "Why Percy! It's our new school! I'm sure we will love it so!" Miriam says

"Oh we shall, Miriam! We shall finally be happy here...in our new school." Percy says "And it smells ever so much better than the bus station."Miriam says happy "that's because there's a bathroom here, sweetie." Miss Shapen says

Miriam and Percy gasps

"Anyway, I gotta go. It's hump day so there's free sushi at the gas station. And there's nothing like eating sushi in head to toe bucci! Deuces!" Shapen says Miss. Shapen walks out.
"Uh, Hello. I'm your teacher. And-" ray gets cut off

"But you can't be our instructor. You're far too young and handsome.
Then Percy winks and you" Percy said. "Now why is they lying. And did he wink at me..." I said. "And your generous spirit is as clear as the kindness in your eyes." Miriam says. "Would you just excuse me for just one moment?" Ray says

He pushes us to closet where chapa is. She starts her "chainsaw" and we all scream.

"Hello..." Schwoz says

(In the closet)

"Sorry I thought you were those gunchy new kids! And sorry baby!" Chapa says. "It's ok" I say *hugs chapa* "Turns out they're not gunchy at all! They're sweet as molasses!" Ray said. "I don't know if I can soup ghost them." Bose says. "Their last school didn't have a bathroom..." Miles says.

"They've through so much! Plus Percy winked at me and it melted my heart!!" Mika says it like she's in love. "And Miriam complimented me!" Ray says. "Percy winked at me too!!" I said. "HE DID WHAT?!" Chapa says and starts making lighting bolts. "Baby. I don't like him it's ok! Plus I love you!" I say. "I love you too babe" Chapa says and stops making lighting bolts. "Seriously, I mean no. Bathroom! Where have they been goin'?!" Miles says. "Hey!" Chapa yells at us.

"I mean, I am very young looking so the compliment makes sense but-!" Ray says. *slaps ray* "hey!" *slaps him again* "hey!" Chapa says and slaps him a lot.

I giggled.

"Ow! Stop Slapping me! I'm listening!" Ray yells at him. "We are crime fighters! We can't have a couple a' bus station biscuits siffin' around here or we can't respond to emergency calls!" Chapa yells at us. "Yeah, I guess youre right." Ray said. "I don't care how many fake compliments they give us." Chaps says. "how dare you." Ray said sadly. "Or how many fake winks we get!" Chapa yells. "They were real!" Mika said. "she's so mean." Ray said

"she's not mean. She's just honest." I say. "hey, hey. I have a non-violent plan that just requires a little bitta paperwork." Mika said

Schwoz jumps from the ceiling.

"we've already missed three emergency calls since those kids got here!" Schwoz says.

We all just groan

"See?! Swellview needs us. So get out there, be mean to those new kids and send them back to the bus station! Who's with me?" Chapa said

Me and Schwoz raise our hands
Chapa scares them into making them agree with her.

"Did they just use a bucket?" Miles asks

We all walk out except me, chapa, and Ray.

"Hey listen, I let those slaps go last time but next time-" *chapa slaps him* "Ahhh! I'll see you out there." *walks out* Ray says.

Chapa puts on her mask and picks up the chainsaw.

"No! We only use that on people that deserve it! And they haven't done any crimes! So put it down." I yell at her

She's puts the chainsaw down and we walk out to our desk.

*time skip*

"what is math? Can you touch it? Can you hold it in your hand? If you shake it, would it rattle? Over the next 45 mins, we're gonna to find out together, the answer will to all these questions, and more... and I think along the way, we're gonna have a little bit of fun." Ray said

Chapa kinda zaps the two kids

"my termite bench just gave me quite a shock!" Miriam says. "bet it hurt right?" Chapa asks. "Indeed it, did!" Percy says. "But you know, Percy, that brief pain made me grateful for all the times I'm not in pain." Miriam says

Percy: Quite so. It seem the lessons at this school go beyond what can be learned from books alone.

Miriam: may I also say, I love your festive mask!

Chapa: Yeah I love yours too- look a floating pencil!

Ray: Oh no this place is haunted.

Me: Noice!

Bose: Souuuuuup...*in a ghost voice*

Miriam: can you hear us? Tell Princess Diana that our country misses her so!

Percy: And we hope she's having all the soup her heart desires.

The pencil drops. Omg.

Miles: I'm sorry I can't get over this - when you were at the bus station, where did you go to the bathroom?!


Ray: Alright, that's it test of strength. You. Benedict Cumberbutt. Get up here.

Percy: Right away, sir.

Ray: Take this hammer. Hit that and try to get professor Schwoz to ring the bell.

Schwoz: Hello.

Percy: I shall try my level best.

Ray starts to shoo us away

Mika: how is this supposed to make them want to leave?

Ray: see the head of that hammer? I swapped it out with a Bolivian Boom Stone.

Mika: What they do?

Ray: They go boom.

Percy: For the Princess! (Boom) *he flies onto the floor*

Miriam: My brother!

Schwoz: My knitting!

Me: My donut!

Percy: It's okay! I've always wanted to fly!

We groan. Once again.

*time skip*

Schwoz is sleeping like a vampire.

We come up the tube

Mika: I'm so tired.

Me: I'm hungry.

She's yawns and blows Schwoz off his bar.

Mika: Sorry.

Miles yawns and teleports near Mika.

Schwoz: Where have you beens all night?

Bose: fighting crime.

Ray: mutters gibberish

Chapa: We had to take care of all the emergencies we missed during the day when Percy And Miriam were here.

Schwoz: Well ten more emergencies came in while you were gone.

Me: GAHHH *throws 10 lava Knives at the wall*

Ray: Angry gibberish

Ray walks away

Bose: What's wrong with Ray and Y/n?

Me: Im just mad and tired bose.

Chapa: c'mere baby. *pats her lap*

I go to chapa and lay my head on her lap.

Schwoz: Oh, no...

Chapa: is That a good "oh, no?"

Schwoz: Oh, no no. It's a bad one. Did no one put Ray down for a nap last night?

Miles: were we supposed to?

Schwoz: Yes! If he don't doesn't get enough sleep, he turns bad until they can sleep again.

Mika: Like a good bad?

Ray find a mayonnaise jar

Schwoz: Remember "Roy" who wanted to take candy from that handsome baby?

Chapa: I remember Roy.

Me: I remember the old man in a onesie acting like a baby.

Miles: Yeah he was like Ray, but evil.

Schwoz: Thats what happens to Ray if he doesn't get enough sleep.

Ray walks in

Ray: you know something now, Ch-Chapa? You got - laugh at yourself! Schwoz! Do you still keep your flesh eating bacteria in this old mayonnaise jar?

He opens it and the bacteria speaks.

We back away but chapa pulled me away.

Ray: Answered my own question.

Mika: Whaaaaat?

Ray: imma go throw it on those kids.

Mika: No, Roy- I mean, Ray- you shouldn't do that!

Ray: Why not?

Schowz: Because it might get on you?

Ray: I'm indestructible. And so tired.

Schwoz: But it still might eat off all of your hair!

Bacteria: hairrrrrrrr...

Ray: Shut up Bacteria leave me alone I'm so handsome...

Ray walks out with schowz following him.

Mika: okay- new problem: we can't let Ray throw that flesh-eating bacteria on Percy and Miriam.

Miles: Agreed.

Chapa: Your right. Babe?

Me: Uh? oh yes Mika your right!

Chapa: Step one - We stay awake. If we fall asleep we can't protect Percy and Miriam.

Miles: We're fine. School starts in ten mins.

Time skip ten mins.

We fell asleep.

That's what your wearing^^ minus the hair.
Percy and Miriam are in front of the door

"Hello, schoolmates?" Percy asks.

"Oh, Percy! What's wrong with them?" Miriam says.

We all wake up

"I'm awake!" Mika says.

"I want chapa! Uh?" I say waking up.

"is there something wrong?" Percy asks.

"Yes. you guys gotta get outta here." Mika says

"We would never abandon you in a time of need." Miriam says.

"No. S.W.A.G for life. I say." Percy says.

"And so say I!" Miriam says after.

Schwoz comes in

"Has anyone seen Ray?" Schwoz asks.

"I thought he was with you!" Chapa says worried.

"Yah... He's not." Schwoz says.

"ok out the door let's go let's go s'go s'go s'go s'go..." me and Mika says.

We open the door

"Cheeeeeeeeeerio, kiddies! Who's hungry for mayonnaise?!" Ray says.

We all scream

"S'go S'go S'go S'go..." "Into the closet, Canadians!" We say. "Is there something wrong with teacher?!" Percy asks. "Yea! Now get in the closet!!" I yell at them. "Yes! Just don't come out until we tell you!" Chapa yells at them too.

Ray barges in

"where are those Brits? I gotta get rid of those kids." Ray asks. "Ray, you need sleep." Bose says. "which I'll won't get as long as they're here!" Ray yells. "Ray. You got two options." Miles says. "Either you go to bed." I say.

"or we're putting you to bed" miles says. "third option - spin move!" Ray says as he spins. Chapa zaps him. Miles teleports him. "Next stop - the man's nest." Miles teleports.He teleports them next to Bose. "Oh c'mon, we're not even out of the room?!" Miles said.

"lemme at those kids!" Ray yells. Bose lifts up the mayonnaise jar. "Hey! Hey!" Ray says. "GAHHHH!!" I yell and throw fire swords.

Mika super-screams and Bose accidentally drops the jar on rays hair.

Ray runs out the room

Miriam and Percy come out the closet.

"Friends! We can stay idle no longer! Are you ok?" Miriam asks. "What did we just say?!" I yell at them. "Hello?! Whats going on in there?!" Shapen says. "Uh... Normal school stuff?" Bose says. "Ah-Ha! There's my little British bake-offs. You're coming with me." Shapen says "what's this?" Percy asks. "Whatever for?" Miriam asks. "I got a new school for ya'." Shapen said

Percy: We will never leave our friends!

Miriam: SW.A.G forever I say!
Percy: And so say I!

Miss Shapen: Yeah, you're going to forget about these about these dopes in like 2 secs when the horse drawn carriage gets here.

Ray comes in bald

Ray: Ahhhh! Ahhhh! My hair, my beautiful hair! Ahhh! It burns! Oh god it burns!

He sits in a wheelchair.

Miss Shapen: What's his problem?

Me: He just needs a nap.

Chapa: Whats this about a horse-drawn carriage?

Miss Shapen: Some billionaire in Bordertown runs a school for poor, gifted English kids.

Mika: Oh does he?

Miss Shapen: Yeah, it's a lot of paperwork to apply. I don't know how you did it.

Mika: Me neither! It's almost like someone else filled out their applications for them.

Miss Shapen: Yeah whatever. Anyway, each kid gets a million bucks and a banger of an education. Much better than this dump.

Chapa: Hey!

Miss Shapen: what kind of gifted school is run by an old bald guy in a wheelchair?

Ray comes back

Ray: I am not old!

Miss Shapen: Pipe down, Mr. Clean.

She kicks him away.

Miss Shapen: This school can keep its license, but I'm never sending any other student here again. Now come on, Beans and Toast. Time to Brexit.

Percy: We will never forget you!
Miriam: SW.A.G forever, I say!
Percy: And so say I!

"Miss you buddies!" I says. "Cant believe Miles was right." Bose said. "About what?" Mika asks. "The solution revealed itself." Bose says. "What?" Mika asks. "wait it did" I say. "Hey, Yeah. It did." Chapa says. "The universe will provide." Miles says. "Mika provides. I filled out their applications while everyone else wasn't paying any attention to me!" Mika yells.

We all the closet.

"Hello? Hello?! I exist!" Mika yells at us "we know Mika!!" I yell
Words: 4279

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