Teasing Nishikatas

By AkeemM242

183 13 2

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from the original anime and manga. However I will add some cha... More

Chapter 1. The importance of last names
Chapter 2. Food store
Chapter 3. Middle of the night
Chapter 5. Clinic
Chapter 6 Mahua cookies
Bonus Chapter- Watching the Sunset

Chapter 4. Where is Tanuki?

22 2 0
By AkeemM242

Inspired by the manga

Chi suddenly woke up. It was morning and she was in her parents bed to which neither were in. She hoped out of bed and ran into the kitchen where she found her mother making breakfast. She sighed loudly catching her mother's attention.

Mai: What's wrong Chi?

Chi: Daddy has already left before I could tell him good morning.

Reishay: Hmm? No I haven't left yet Chi.

Her father popped up behind her scaring her in the process. She turned around and jumped and hugged his leg.

Chi: Yes I woke up early. Good morning Daddy.

Reishay: Good morning Chi.

Mai: *clears throat*what about me Chi?

Chi: *worried look* Good morning Mommy.

Reishay: what's for breakfast?

Mai: I made Grits sausage and egg.

Chi: Yay!!

Mai: well I can see who's excited for breakfast this morning. Oh dear do you want me to pack you a lunch or are you going to get something from the school today?

Reishay: You can pack lunch I'm not sure I'll be able to buy lunch today.

Mai: Oh? Why is that?

Reishay: we have a staff meeting around lunch time and I wouldn't want to miss anything.

Mai: Oh I see *giggles* well in that case, I'll get right to making your lunch.

The family enjoy their breakfast together while Mai makes her husband a lunchbox. Once she's done Reishay leaves for work and Mai is curious as to where Chi went.

Chi: Sigh I can't find him..

Mai: Hmm? You lost your Tanuki huh? Hmm I don't even remember the last time I saw you with him.

Chi: *teary eye* Tanasuke !!

Mai: when was the last time you played with him? Do you remember ?

Chi: No I can't remember.

Mai: he's probably in your toy box.

Chi: I've checked I don't see him.

Mai: Hmm. I've got an idea. If I act like Tanuki we'll be able to find him.

Chi: Do you think that really will work?

Mai: Only one way to find out. One second..

Mai runs to the bathroom and comes back with makeup on her face looking like Tanuki.

Chi: What?? Tanuki? You've gotten so big!!

Mai: Chi, it's me your mom.

Chi: what??

Mai: I guess my plan worked too good huh?

Chi: will that really work?

Mai: Come let's go and search for him.

Chi: Right.

Mai and Chi first search Chi's room. They look under the bed, in her closet, behind her drawers and under her desk table but with no luck. Next they decided to check the bathroom. They looked inside of the tub, inside of the cupboards and cabinets but again no luck. With no luck Whatsoever they decided to check the living room.

First they searched behind the sofa, Next they searched behind the curtains, after that they searched behind the television stand. There was still no sign of Tanuki.

Mai looked over at her daughter that had a really sad expression on her face.

Mai: Don't worry Chi, we'll find him. There's still some places we haven't checked yet. Can you figure that out?

Chi: Outside?

Mai: Hmm.. no I don't think so. You don't ever let Tanuki outside.

Chi: but we've checked everywhere.

Mai: Not everywhere yet. Chi let's play a game the first one to find Tanuki wins.

Chi: A game a game!! Yay I'll win!!

Mai: Oh? Alright let's see.

Chi: I'll check the bathroom.

Mai: Hmm no I'll check the bathroom.

Chi: huh? Wait why? I said I was going to.

Mai: it's because you might actually find Tanuki if you do.

Chi runs towards the bathroom.

Mai: *giggles* Oh Chi.

A minute or 2 pass and Chi walks out of the bathroom empty handed. She goes to where her and her mother made the challenge but she isn't there.

Chi: Mom?

Mai: I'm right here and oh look who I found.

Chi: Tanuki!! Where did you find him?

Mai: Tanuki was in our bedroom. Did you already forget you slept in our room last night?

Chi: Ahh you tricked me into looking into the bathroom.

Mai: No Chi you ran off when I said I'd look in the bathroom do I just looked the next obvious place.

Chi: Waaaaahhh.. good job Mom.

Mai: *giggles* Here he's all yours. This time don't misplace or forget where he is, you looked really sad when you couldn't find him.

Chi: I'll try my best.

Mai: Good, hey let's go and take a bath. All that searching has got me pretty sweaty and besides we haven't took a bath yet.

Chi: Can Tanuki join us?

Mai: Hmm I don't think Tanuki would like that, besides he's a boy he shouldn't bathe with us.

Chi: But Dad always bathed with us.

Mai: Well that's because he enjoys being with us and making sure nothing bad happens.

Chi: is that so? Have you ever bathed with just dad like he sometimes just bathes with me.

Mai: Yup, just bathed with your father this morning before he went to work.

Chi: but didn't you say you didn't bathe yet?

Mai: I did huh.. I meant I bathed your dad this morning.

Chi: Ohhh. Even though dad is so big and strong I guess he would like you bathing him sometimes huh mom?

Mai: Right Chi.

The two go and take a bath together. It was a fun and wet bath that they both enjoyed. Now they were clean so they got out of the tub and dried their selves off.

Chi: that bath was so fun.

Mai: it sure was, too bad Tanuki couldn't join us.

Chi: Yeah he would have had a great time. WAIT!! Where is Tanuki?

Mai: Did you misplace Tanuki again?

Chi: Uhhh..

Mai: *giggles* he's in the front room.

Chi: Right I knew that.

Mai: Mhmm I sure you did.

Chi: Hey mommy can I have a snack.

Mai: Sure what do you want?

Chi: A box juice and a cup ramen please.

Mai: Sure Chi.

Chi: Yay!!!

End of chapter

More chapters are on the way!!

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