Warrior girl - Hold

By Fire-Arrow

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Cara Key is a 17 year old girl who has quite a few secrets from her family . . . and for good reason. She's... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 4

305 16 2
By Fire-Arrow

Chapter 4

<This chapter has a bit more action, probably to make up for the previous more romantic one.it does have a bit romanse tobut more action.please enjoy, vote and comment.people read it but i don't know what you think because just about NO1 votes or comments. XX FA : )>

We were both shocked but knew we had to deal with this loser first.  Jason and I lunged for the guy at the same time, knocking him to the ground.  I held my  knife to his throat angrily shouting "What is your name and why were you trying to kill us?"

"Not both of you.  Only you." Why is this guy after me?  I mean its not like I even know him.  "Why?"  "Well now young lady, that is none of your business, is it?" 

Who does this man think he is?  "Tell me now or I WILL kill you!  You will also tell me your name."  He didn't even flinch which made me even angrier. 

He calmly said "Well then you'll just have to kill me cause you ain't getting no information from me.  But if you DO kill me just know.  I'm not alone.  The others will come after you to." 

"Well I would have taken you hostage and tortured you but I'm afraid I can't let my mom see you because she will get suspicious.  So I'm afraid I have no choice but to kill you since I can't let you escape."

I put some pressure on my dagger letting it cut through his throat.  I hate having to kill someone but unfortunately he's not the first person I've had to kill since I became a warrior girl when I was thirteen.

I looked up at Jason.  He had a weird expression on his face.  Maybe . . . surprise combined with understanding and admiration.  Very strange.

"Jason" He looked up "Are you ok" "Yeah.  I'm just pretty shocked.  I didn't expect this.  You being a . . .  hang on.  Why have you got daggers.  In what organisation are you?"  I could tell he was being careful. 

I guess I should be to but if neither of us can tell the other what we are we'll never find out if we're in the same organisation.  I sighed "I'm in the W"  As careful as I can be. 

He looked relieved.  "The Warriors?"  Wow.  It seems we're safe after all.  Were he not a Warrior to I'd be in big shit.  "Jip.  I joined up four years ago, when I was thirteen.  And you?"  "So your're seventeen.  I'm nineteen.  I joined up when I was thirteen to, meaning six years ago."

"Well, I guess we should do something with the body" I said.  He nodded "Burn it." Duh.  "Yeah I know.  But where.  For sure not here cause the woods'll catch fire." 

He thought for a moment.  "How about the beach?  Nothing'll catch fire there.  We wait till its dark, set the body alight somewhere low and behind rocks or dunes so no one'll see it and then wait by the sea until its done.  If we sit just out of sight of the fire we can just pretend we didn't notice of anyone sees us and the fire there."

I had to admit he was pretty clever.  "That's a really  brilliant idea!"

"So . . . I guess we gotta put the guy in the boot of your car?"  He asked.

"Yeah.  I think I've got a refuge bag in my car.  We should put him in it so I don't get blood in my car.  If that happens my mom is sure to be freaked."

"Ok.  I'll wait here till you get back - make sure no one sees the body."  I just nodded and said "Ok."

I wasn't really looking forward to this - except of course for the part where Jason and I will sit on the beach together.  That part will be fun, that part alone will be fun.

When I got back to Jason, he helped me get the body into the bag.  We got in the car and drove to the beach.  We decided to sit in the car until it was dark enough and . . .

"Jason?  Have you got matches?"  He checked his pockets and silently shook his head.  "Well thank god we didn't take the body out yet cause we'll have to go buy some."  I said as I reversed out of my parking space and back onto the road.

By the time we got back to the beach with matches, firelighters and wood, it was dark enough to do the horrid job.  So we unloaded the body after finding the perfect place for the burning.

We stacked the wood in a neat pile, put some firelighters in between and put the body - minus the bag - on top before lighting the firelighters.  Then we walked away and sat down behind a dune, just outa sight of the fire.

We just sat together in silence with his arm around my back and my arm around his.  After a while he said "It feels so . . . right . . . to be with you.  I don't know how I survived so long with only half of me.  I guess it's just nice to have someone I don't have to lie to, another Warrior."  And then he leaned in and kissed me.

It was so wonderful, to wonderful to last.  It started raining really hard.  Not that I mind rain but it was a bit inconvenient right now.  We both jumped up, looked at each other and ran toward the burning body - which was no longer burning. 

"Oh well" I said "At least it's burned well enough to conceal our fingerprints or anything else that might point to us."

We buried the body deep under the sand.

As we turned to leave, a figure dressed completely in black covering his face and all to hide his identity, turned up.

"Be warned" he said "we know where you live and who your families are.."

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