My Little lena

By vatvalentinelover20p

1.2K 8 2

Hi this story is going to be a yelena x reader story where yelena is a little and the reader is a soon to be... More



351 3 1
By vatvalentinelover20p





As i walk out from the gym in the compound tl get some early trianing in as the whole team was on a mission that didnt include my abilities as im just getting new to them.

I was about to walk int the avengers living quarters of the  compound  avengers... you.

You wear a mask not wanting all the other avengers to unleash your identity  as you dont trust them to show your full other things.

An idea of the mask you are wearing:

The mask only covered the half  of your face. It kept your identity hidden, so that nobody would be able  to recognize that you were an avenger or anything else.

Your hair was a little tousled, but at least your shirt wasnt sweaty as you cant go change because you dont have any casual clothes the rest are formal.

You met your own gaze in the reflection and were a little startled, forgetting that you left your knife in your ear thinking youve stabbed yourself in the head.

You tried to flatten out your hair, so that it didn’t look as awful as it did, before continuing your route to the avengers living quarters.

Hood up to hide your face, you trailed down the hallway tp the living quarters to find out who  the unkown person is.

“Who are you?” I hear a thick Russian accent ask me, I raise my hands as I slowly turn to look at the person. My eyebrows raise up when I see the face Natasha’s little sister was holding a gun up to my head.

"Oh thats the new recruit fury gave me his files and a strict set of instructions but i guess he didnt tell you and left it to me"Tony said, earning himself the team’s attention before their eyes settled on you.

Then, he tapped your shoulder, in what seemed to be an affective gesture,  (but you still didnt take it as one and let your shoulders go broad and straighten your back) before making his way to the kitchen to pour himself some coffee.

They were all assembled and gave you a collective greeting. But i could tell they where confused as i didnt talk for myself and had a mask and the other half of my face.

Captain America, Black Widow, Hulk, Thor, Hawkeye, War machine, Falcon,  Bucky Barnes, Wanda Maximoff, Vision,Iron man in his kitchen and unknown person aka the widows younger sister  standing next to the black widow (natasha romanoff).

Steve extended his hand toward you but you felt  abut nerves and your palms started to get sweaty but you remembered that you  had gloves on your hands so you felt a little bit less stressed and shook it.

"Well you know what this calls for" tony says with  an eyebrow raised.
"Oh no please dont say what i think your going to say" natasha say as  the whole group groaned beside me and i and yelena have a confused looke plastered  on our faces. (Well half a face).

"Its time for one of my infamous stark parties starts at 8, dress formal" as he says that he leaves the room with a fresh cup of coffee in his hands and maybe going to his labrotory i came across while exploring the compound i thought.

As tony left the room i looked around it was a very mordern place as i sussed that out this morning i thought.

Everyone slowly started to disappear from the living room to there rooms to get ready for the starks party as it was only and hour away as the team got back at 6 and talked for one whole hour.

As i rushed back to my room i closed the door and shut the door i exhaled a huge breath i didnt know i was holding in.

"that was close one i knew i shouldnt of came to this stuipid group,"

As i walk to my closet i try to get an outfit for starks party that ws actually not that long away i thought as i was trying to find something good out of all the suits and clothes i have (which is not many considering half of them need to go to wash).


Btw wheres the mask:

Thatss all i have for the starting of this story but dont worry if u came hear for a yelana x reader its going to happem but not soon just keep reading to find out:).

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