Protect Us || 3mix x Fem. Rea...

By twicejihyospecial

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"are you protecting us or are you just protecting yourself?" More



163 10 1
By twicejihyospecial

*loud snoring sound*

"what is that noise???" Jihyo sat up on her bed, eyes still closed, her right hand scratching her head in annoyance.

Her door opened in a speed of light, *KABOOM*

"yah!" Jihyo shouted. 

"oh sorry" Jeongyeon laughed, "well at least you're awake now"

"first you snore so loud and next you're gonna break my door down! Unnie!" 

"HAHA I'm sorry but it's not me that's making the-"

*loud snoring sound*

"Nayeon unnie?" Jihyo said. 

"yup, i'm gonna wake her-"

"wait, don't. Allow me" Jihyo smirked as she walked past Jeongyeon. 

"be my guest" 

Jihyo slowly opened the door and tiptoed to Nayeon's bathroom. 

"what are you going to do?" Jeongyeon whispered. 

"oh, you'll see" Jihyo laughed evilly (softly of course)

She filled the cup with water and slowly walk towards Nayeon before splashing the water on her(remind you that it's cold water)

"what the-" 

"HAHAHAH" Jihyo and Jeongyeon hid under the bed, laughing silently. 

"what is going on?! ugh" Nayeon groaned as she walks to her bathroom. Meanwhile, the other two remained silent. 

"those two.. Jihyo! Jeongyeon!" she shouted for them and walked out the room angrily. 

As she left, the two then finally let out their big laughs. 

"its seem you two are having fun" 

They look up and it was Ace. They then crawled out the bed. 

"Ace, what are you doing here?" 

"i just wanted to make sure you girls were ready but then I saw Nayeon all angry and wet"

"hehehe, umm where did she go?" Jeongyeon asked.

"to the kitchen"

"right.. HAHAHA" Jihyo laughed. 

"anyways, since Y/N isnt here, I'll be your bodyguard for the time being. Just informing"

"alright boss" Jihyo said. 

"there you two are!" the girls looked over and saw Nayeon. 

"alright now, let's focus on getting dress first. The private jet will be here soon and I mean really soon, Nayeon" Ace said. 

"you two are lucky that Ace is here" she angrily walked to the bathroom. 

"why? because you like younger guys?" Jeongyeon folded her arms with a smirk. 

"now now, lets-" Ace tried to calm them down but failed. 

"just you wait"

"we'll see" Jeongyeon smiled before leaving and Nayeon went into her bathroom, slamming the door. 

Ace sighed, "does y/n deal with this too?" he looks over to Jihyo.

"yes, yes she does but she knows how to manage us or should I say them. It's okay, this is your first time with us so you'll get use to it. Take it as one of your first duties of being our bodyguard" Jihyo patted his back before leaving the room. 

Later on, it arrived and they were on their way to LA. Even as they arrived to their destination, those two were still at it but kept their composure. 

Ace and Jihyo were walking side by side. 

"they're still at it?"  he asked. 

"you really don't know woman, huh?"

"not really. The only woman I have ever taken care of is my mom" 

"oh right, your mom is the head of the maids right?"


"your mother is amazing"

"thank you"

"but I got to say, as a man, you really have soft skin"

"I'll take that as a compliment"

"you should because it is" Jihyo smiled. 

"say if you can't understand woman, how are you gonna start a relationship with y/n?" 

Ace was shocked by Jihyo's sudden question. 

"don't act so shock. Everyone knows you like her"


"yups, even your mom, the guards, Mr Kim"

"does Y/N knows?"

"I don't know"

"am i really that transparent?" Ace asked himself. 

"yes, yes you are, Ace" 

"I didn't say anything"

"no you didn't but I could tell from your face. Who knows? Maybe even Y/N knows" Jihyo shrugged her shoulders. 

"everything is all unpacked, girls" 

"DAD!" they shouted and ran to their dad and gave him a big group hug. 

"HAHA i miss my girls too"

Ace bowed.

"nice to see you two, Ace" he then averted his attention to his girls, "from your faces, it seems you three have not eaten, cmon, lets go"

"woohoo!" the girls cheered. 

"shocked, are you?" 

"you're ...!" 

"haha yes, nice to meet you as well, Mr Ace" 

Ace bowed. 

"ah no need for that, we're the same age after all" 

"but still, even at this age, i'm still just a bodyguard while you have been Mr Kim, most trusted assistant alongside Mr J. Even at your age, your talents are amazing"

"Its nice to see another who appreciates me"

"what are you talking about? Of course, i do"

"sadly, the others just think I'm showing off"

"they're just jealous that you were born a genius unlike them"

"thank you, Ace. I hope we can be friends"

"yes, of course"

"you can just call me Dain"

Ace smiled. 

"looks like another friendship is going to blossom" Jihyo said as her and Nayeon were watching. 

"are you two done watching at boys?" Mr Kim asked.

"you know, it's not like that, dad" Jihyo said. 

"haha I know, princess. Now, enjoy your lunch. I need to get back to my work. I'll come over again during your training" 

"bye dad!" the girls said. 

As he walked away, he whispered to Mr J, "any findings about her?"

"not yet sir"

"dad looks stress" Jihyo said as she watched Mr Kim walked off with Mr J. 

"considering that his taking down our enemy, of course he is" Nayeon said. 

"let me guess, you're planning for us to do something nice for him?" Jeongyeon raised an eyebrow. 

"in which he will rest with us, then yes, you are right unnie" Jihyo winked. 

"oh I have an idea!" Nayeon said, "what if we let him join us during our training when he comes over?"

"we could do that" Jihyo nodded her head. 

"and maybe if he is free, we'll offer him to join us for a movie night" Jeongyeon said. 

"no" Nayeon said with a straight face, "we will drag him with us" she smiled. 

"that's even better" Jihyo cheered. 

"have it your way" Jeongyeon sighed.

"I always do" Nayeon said as she walked towards their dining room with confidence. 

[Time skip to training time]

The girls were now doing archery. It wasn't part of their training but they like to do during their break. 

As usual, the girls were spot on, hitting a bullseye almost everytime especially Jeongyeon. Having a winning streak 20 times in a row. 

"that's my girl!" Mr Kim cheered as his approached his daughters. 

"dad!" Nayeon and Jihyo said in unison.

"like I said, I'll come visit" 

"you need to stop threating like their kids. They're already in their 20's dad" Jeongyeon said as she pulled out another arrow and hit a bullseye again. 

"that's 21 in a row, my dear.  Always the sharp shooter and you girls will always be like little kids in my eyes" Mr Kim said. 

"you should have a go dad" Jihyo said. 

"wait, how about a bet?" Nayeon said. 

"and what are we betting on, hmm?" Mr Kim raised an eyebrow. 

"if you can hit a bullseye in one go, we won't force you to spend the day with us and only us" Nayeon said, knowing that he will fail. 

Him knowing what Nayeon was trying to do, he just acted dumb and played along. In one strong pull, he did a bullseye. He was even impressed by himself. Even the girls were, their jaws dropping. 

"well that is shocking" Nayeon said. 

"since you won't force me, I shall ask then. May I join you girls today? I know what you girls are trying to do and I'm grateful" Mr Kim said. 

"ew no need to be so lovely dovey" Jeongyeon faked gagged and pulled another arrow. 

"why is she so moody?" Mr Kim asking the other two. 

"she's probably missing Y/N" Nayeon started to tease and Jihyo giggled.

"HAHA very funny" Jeongyeon playfully rolled her eyes. 

"so dad, how about a movie night?" Jihyo asked and he agreed. 

"great, then it's settled then" Nayeon said. 

"i'll let you girls get back to your training" Mr Kim placed his right hand on Nayeo's left shoulder.

"this is more like a warm-up to be honest" Jihyo complained.

"yeah, when are we gonna have a one on one?" Nayeon said.

"my oh my" Mr Kim chuckled, "maybe after 3 days, once your warm-ups are good. How does that sound like?"

"we are a little rusty, so sure" Jeongyeon said.

"i'll see you girls for dinner" Mr Kim waved them goodbye as he walked away.

"he's always so busy" Jihyo sighed.

"I get that we have to take them down but it wouldn't hurt him to take a day off" Nayeon shrugged.

The two sighed as they watch their foster dad walk back to the mansion.

"Everything has to go smoothly if we want to take them down. He doesn't want any fall backs" Jeongyeon joined them, standing behind.

"but still-" Nayeon was cut off.

"He's tracking someone" Jeongyeon said.

"of course he is, it must be one of their leaders" Nayeon said bluntly.

"He's tracking down Y/N" Jeongyeon replied quickly.

"for what?" Jihyo said.

"I don't know but I overheard his convo with Mr J about finding her. They look suspicious of her"

"so you're saying that dad is suspecting Y/N to be one of them?" Jihyo frowned and Jeongyeon nodded in seriousness.

"that can't be, she has been nothing but sweet to us" Nayeon was quick to defend.

"remember when dad said to be careful because you never know when they will betray you?" Jeongyeon said.

"what are you trying to say? That you're suspecting Y/N too?"

"hey there Jeongie"

"what's with the sad face, Jeongie?"

Jeongyeon took a deep breathe, "I'm just saying to not let our guard down that's all"

She didn't like it either. Y/N has been so sweet and the thought of Y/N just betraying them is making her go crazy as well but she can't let herself fall again if it were to happen.

It just can't..

"whatever you say" Nayeon said as one of the guards called them back for their training.

[Time skip]

After a nice dinner and movie time with their dad, the girls each went into their respective rooms and head for bed.

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