A Militarized New World

De Kk01u2

38.6K 1K 560

Altrainia is a continent filled with warlike yet interesting countries. Needed someone to ensure peace in thi... Mais

Chapter 1 "A Man Of Great Power"
Chapter 2 'War Of Vanitas'
World Map (remade)
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 NC
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Alternate Route: Peace Route
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Countries Info (For better Lore)
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
In-Universe Wikipedia Page
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Opening of Discord Server
New Plans for this story

Chapter 3 'A New Turning Point'

2.5K 57 73
De Kk01u2

Page 19

In the dead of night, fighting broke out between Hodgkins Forces and Elves at the front it was merely a distraction. A small part in a much larger and well-crafted plot. A plot to decimate Hodgkins' Forces.

The elven elders had sensed that the leader of this force was gravely underestimating them. So in a well-organized, they sought to exploit such an opportunity. In a well-crafted plot, they devised to attack their HQ via old mineshafts and tunnels from the Era of the Elven Empire.

Normally, such a plan would have been called plain idiotic considering the state of the tunnels, which were extremely decrepit and old. But it needed to be done to destroy the invaders. The elves also had some access to some underground tunnels which were built as a plan to wage Militia war against any invader either Billian or Charatian.

These tunnels served as weapon and ammunition depots, sometimes artillery was occasionally stored within these structures. While Large dumps of ammunition and weapons were spread throughout the many Villages of "Elfenland". To serve as a continuation of resistance which as planned would slowly bleed any invasion force. But that plan had one weakness, the will to fight. You see the Elven leaders failed to see that you need morale to fight and it failed in having contingencies in a situation where the foe is more beneficial and logical.

But as the saying goes "no plan, survives contact" and this saying would be seen in the following battles that would decide the future of the Elves and this Newcomer. A Newcomer who came from Another world.

The fighting at the front was bloody as the two sides fought each other with rifles, swords, and melee weapons. Both sides took many losses. But the soldiers under Hodgkins' command were slowly but surely prevailing against this brutal onslaught.

However, the elven leader of the elves was determined to keep the enemy forces distracted for their attack on the enemy leader's HQ which was located in the recently captured Elven village, which they had recently found out from some of their agents.

Nonetheless, the bloodshed continued and the numbness of the dead on both sides continuously mounted. By Dawn, the landscape would be strewn out with corpses from Both sides, a testament to the great battle that occurred.

Page 20

Mallus knew what he was getting himself into when he joined the Elven Militia but what he didn't expect was to be deployed as one of the Elves dragging some metal Amalgamation. He joined to fight some Human assholes and this is what he gets?!

'Fuck this! Can't I be deployed somewhere other than this pesky place... Those lucky bastards! Lucky to see some glorious combat.'

The elf thought as the chattering of crickets was heard as he and his beloved comrades were busy dragging this obsolete Billian-Made MWH-9 Howitzer while they were following five groups doing the same thing in front of them. The elf was dressed in his Elven Camouflaged Militia apparel.

In total, the elves in his Unit were dragging 5 Billian MWH-9 Howitzers, which were currently obsolete since the "First Billian-Charatian Conflict", where these artillery Pieces served 3 Decades ago. From what Mallus heard these artillery Pieces were gifted to the Elves from the Billian Government as a Gift to counter the So-Called "Charatian Imperialistic Interests in the Area".

But those bastards in the command couldn't just give him some weapon and send him to do the fighting. He was pretty confident that he could drive those Bastards to Lazaria if he was certain.

"Hey Mallus don't just ponder?? Give a push will ya? Do you seriously believe we can just push this cannon? No questions asked?"

A much older Elven voice yelled out to Mallus. As he merely nodded without a word and pushed harder. Without a word, the much younger elf continued his push as the soldiers continued their attempt at dragging the artillery piece. He couldn't help but think of a much better job.

Page 21

In a Large House, which formerly belonged to the Elven Chieftain, Hodgkins currently sat on a chair in front of a long table, where various officers of British, German, and other descents looked at him back.

Their faces were tense as he and the officers have heard of the vicious fighting occurring at the front and are currently organizing some reinforcements to the trenches their fellow soldiers were fighting in.

"Mr. President, you have to understand that such an idea is preposterous after all the commoners fighting at the front are dealing with those long ears with ease."

A British officer said in an arrogant and uncaring tone, reminiscent of how officers in the Great War were often apathetic to the suffering of the men under their command. While he was speaking Hodgkins was pretty certain that this kind of officer would have been fragged by his soldiers when he wasn't looking.

"This is outrageous, the plan Monsieur Hodgkins has presented is good. After all those tanks could use some good practice against those darned Long ears."

A French officer in his blue WW1 Uniform answered back while muttering "Elfes insenses" under his breath. As Hodgkins merely agreed internally with his statement as the Tanks he had just summoned do need some target practice in the form of the outdated weapons used by the elves.

"Stop butting in you darned frenchie."

The British officer retorted back as his eyes were furrowed and his face uncaring if he insulted the Frenchman, earning the ire of the French officer and starting an argument between the two. To the annoyance of the other officers who stepped in to break the two men apart from each other. While some just watched the conflict with the same interest one would expect from men watching a cockfight between two roosters.

"For Tsar Nicholas Sake, You two can't seem to take a break, first we have been sent to this unknown world because of the President and now you two are content with fighting each other rather than those wretched long ears."

A Russian officer in his officer's uniform yelled, brows furrowed and his face is one of frustration.

"As if you can say that you Russkie, How about you shut your mouth up and let's just watch this interesting conflict from afar."

An American Officer replied while insulting the officer for a little bit while he watched the conflict with interest.

Page 22

Hodgkins observed the escalating argument with a sense of weariness. He had anticipated disagreements among the officers, considering their diverse backgrounds and nationalities. However, he needed them to set aside their differences and focus on the task at hand—the imminent or predicted elven attack.


Hodgkins' booming voice echoed through the room, effectively silencing the bickering officers.

"We don't have the luxury of time to waste on petty arguments. Those damned long-ears are currently planning an attack and planning to slit the throats of every human present yet you are all distracted by the infighting, how about instead of being at each other's throats everyone of you should use this time to plan contingencies considering that we don't even know when or where they will strike."

Hodgkin's voice made the two officers silent as all of the officers present looked at Hodgkins with a look of agreement as they knew that despite Hodgkins' young age he was right every long ear was probably getting ready for an attack to seek vengeance against them and their men.

Hodgkins continued, his voice filled with determination.

"Gentlemen, we have a strategic advantage here. Our Forces have the luxury of using better rifles, machine guns, and even our new Tanks. Thus I firmly believe that despite any defeat we shall endure it will not be without casualties on the Elves."

He paused, making eye contact with each officer to ensure his words resonated.

"We cannot afford to let our differences hinder our cooperation. Unity is key in this battle. Set aside your nationalistic pride and work together as one force—The Qotan Armed Forces. We will show the elves that they have viewed us in a misunderstood way. We shall fight them to establish peace and unite the elves and our forces to form a Nation, A Republic that will stand and bring peace to the new continent we have found ourselves in."

The room fell into a heavy silence as the officers absorbed Hodgkins' words. The weight of the impending battle hung in the air, and a newfound sense of determination began to replace the earlier discord.

Slowly, the officers nodded in agreement, understanding the importance of unity and cooperation in the face of a common enemy. They put their differences aside and focused on the task ahead as Humans who once had knives against each other's throats finally united. The plan to defend themselves and repel any elven assault coming their way became their shared objective.

Hodgkins nodded, satisfied with the response. "Very well, gentlemen. Let us finalize the details of our defense strategy and allocate the necessary resources. The fate of the Qotan Armed Forces and the New Republic rests in our hands."

As the officers started to discuss the tactical aspects and coordinate their efforts, Hodgkins contemplated the challenges that lay ahead. He knew that defeating the elves would not be an easy task, but he was determined to protect his forces and ensure their survival in this foreign and hostile land.

Little did he know that the elves had their surprises in store, and the battles that would ensue would test the limits of both sides' strength and resolve.

Page 23

Trescher had always been a journalist ever since he was a child. He has always sought ways to bring exposure to the current problems of the Continent from his so-called illegal Journalism in the Charatian Federation to his writing news articles for the Secret Freedom Movement "Free Altalthian Express" in the Kriegstanian Empire.

All of these exploits were what helped him rise and become a journalist dedicated to serving the people and exposing the truth.

The voices of the people were always important rather than the words of Politicians. His father had always reminded him in the past that it was easy to hide the truth as the lie was already 2 steps ahead. This prompted and encouraged him to become a journalist which is why he is currently here in the province of Desthia in the Collapsed Qotan Empire.

Trescher always knew the history of the Content from the Collapse of the Great Elven Empire of Qota to the Current times. Hence, why he was here standing amidst the soldiers of the EQC (Elven Qotan Coalition) who seek to liberate a town held by an unknown force.

Back home, The Billian Public was less than concerned about this minor conflict amongst the Elves and were more content with living in peace and not caring for those in the region as the elves could just have their struggles. But not Trescher, he wasn't going to just let the conflict to just be viewed apathetically. No, he was going to expose the truth behind this war and the unknown force.

Currently, he was sitting in a collapsed tree trunk in the dark when an Elven soldier approached him with a modified oil lamp that was suitable for night operations and non-verbally called out for him with a gesture as the soldier and the journalist crouched.

Trescher then thought as the journalist was looking everywhere in case something was going on.

'Something is wrong?!"

Trescher whispered in a hushed tone.

"What is it?"

The Elven soldier, who is a recruit answered in a panicked yet controlled voice.

"We are near."

"Oh. Is that so? Can I at least take a photo of the Elven forces?"

Upon hearing the Journalist's idiotic idea. The Elf immediately shut down such an idea in a quiet voice. So that their enemies likely less than 500 meters away from them could not hear their voices.

"No. Don't be foolish!"

This caused the Journalist to grow silent as he realized his mistake.


He quietly said as the Elven either heard or didn't hear his apology.

The two proceeded to walk for 10 minutes until they saw a Platoon of EQC soldiers who are all trying to conceal their patience. With some either crouching while others are crawling and pointing their rifles at a Group of Men who wear uniforms akin to those worn by the Charatian Federation's Army or Billian Armed Forces.

The leader of this Platoon then quietly said to the Journalist.

"Trescher are you ready for the fireworks?"

Trescher did not know what he meant and looked at the Elf with an incredulous look. But eventually knew what he meant and he looked horrified Elven Artillery was about to pound these men's positions and he didn't know if he should be happy that the Elves' enemies are going to be defeated or horrified knowing that these soldiers are going to get brutalized by Elven Artiller. Considering that these soldiers were Humans and likely had families waiting for them. But alas the Journalist couldn't just the Elf's question hanging and so with a stutter he said.

"Ah, Y-Yes sir."

The Elven leader grinned and then signaled to his radio operator, who was using radio equipment supplied to the Billian Armed Forces to counter Charatian Aggression in the Region.

Page 24

After finally pulling the Artillery piece to a good spot for their artillery pieces to be fired from. Which conveniently overlooked the base of these damned Humans. It was time for Mallus to at least enjoy his time resting as Elven soldiers were preparing to use the artillery. As shells were set up and camouflage netting was placed atop the dugouts where the Billian-made artillery was placed.

Immediately after finishing the construction of the positions. His elven brethren immediately loaded Artillery shells into the Billian MWH-9 Howitzers and with a signal from one Elven Officer. The elves all looked with Bated breath as their elven comrades pulled the lanyards of the Howitzers, Shells were fired with a small explosion, igniting trails of smoke erupting from the flying shells, which were heading to those damned Humans.

Immediately the Elven crews of these howitzers began to load them and repeat as Mallus and his comrades. Although Mallus could not join the fighting at the very least, he and his comrades got to see the Artillery barrage with great effect of the howitzers they pulled with great strength to this mountain.

Chapter End

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