One Remarkable Mistake [USUK]

By ElaineChism

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It was a grand scheme, the date would be months before the King's coronation, said King would be under the wa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 7

11 0 0
By ElaineChism

"I've had my suspicions for quite some time Alfred. The only issue was my incapability to pin-point exactly what it was with you, as I lingered in your presence it became increasingly more difficult to trespass your boundaries." Fixed to his left arm, mark temporarily etched into his skin forevermore, long lines that gained volume as they turned in and out, thinning until they reached his inner wrist and elbow, with further examination stirred a throb in his head. "For awhile you had me convinced, unfortunately for you I am not slow enough to believe that is a scar. So, why don't you tell me, who are you?" 

Convinced this was the end he had no way to run, doing his best to rationalize as he scanned the one who stood in-front of him, eyebrows slightly turned up, no anger or patronizing malice laced into his words. Despite what he had been told he saw it now, Arthur was safe, he was concerned in this moment, frail effort to hide what so desperately desired to seep out.

Hand shaking he linked their fingers an action that was reciprocated, expression dipping of concern for the tension now inflicted upon the man. "I'm the King of Spades. Well, I will be, in November." Haste in his tone.

 A clap startled the younger who cringed in turn at the sound, a smile of relief coming over, "No shit!" He cheered in exultation, springing forth from where he had once been nerve wracked. Quickly undoing his ascot without a second of thought over his actions, buttons undone in a quick manner as Alfred jumped attempting to stop the other from stripping, believing he had gone mad. Article dropped to his shoulder he gave a glance over to his respective, smirk danced present where that firm expression once remained. "Fancy what you see?

Had his voice of gone then and he turned silent from then on it would not have mattered, unfocused on what had been presented, "Come, examine for yourself."

The offer taken to either of their awe, one that would not have been given to simply anyone and one that Alfred would never have taken but found himself closer by the mere though, fingers gently brushed along the nape, an honest attempt to remain respectful as an sense of dread and excitement overcame his senses. That of similar marks ingrained into his own skin that turned and twisted in their own graceful manners to form the sequence of a necklace wrapped only around the bottom half of his neck, stopped before the lines reached the front of his throat, a spade settled onto the back where his shirt collar pressed. 

"This is unbelievable." He whispered softly, thumb running across the spade, a sensation sent through the two as Alfred retracted his hand, a tense noticeable in Arthur's shoulders. Lasting only a few seconds before hands laced into his own, grip tight. 

The verity of it, of how unlikely it would be that the very person was the one he desperately had wanted to avoid only to engage in a full-staged rumba, yet fell for in a few short months during their joke of a performance. "It appeared half a decade ago. I did good to keep it hidden, you're the only one who has ever seen it with my permission." Those who had were long gone, but as he reached up to stroked his taller companions cheek he found no ability to do so, for a moment struck that it was weakness that had overtaken him, only to come to the realization that it was far stronger than even his own fear of being exposed. "Alfred, understand, I ran. That life, it's oppressive, they form a mold of you and expect you to uphold it or whatever freedom you're given is taken in exchange for what you are incapable of doing. Never did I run from my responsibilities or my people, it was those who would have changed me, in return I became someone they would fear, someone they wouldn't expect." 

Unlikely to admit to his own misery, the type that had been brought by other's hands and pushed upon him in an attempt to make him the perfect King, more had been done, isolation mandatory that it altered his very being, that once carefree teen long drowned by their own sense of having no place in the world, that they no longer belonged and were to be ashamed of who they were. Focus now turned to one who had realized far longer without placing a foot in the palace walls, who had carried the panic of someone digging too deep, or a loose thread, just the right cut, all of which had accumulated in their time, quelled only through the sound of a mag shoved into place, what sound elicited once the trigger was put under pressure. Years reprimanded for a smile being too genuine, posture not straight enough, hours too short, slacking, those same sentiments that he had strained over only to do the same now, only now for something had induced that overwhelming sickness that he would often work through to lessen; as though someone had forced him to take a break, to breathe and sit back to point that it was more than enough. Arthur would be under no free choice but to be subjected to it, perhaps worse. What personality either of them carved out from deep within, acts of rebellion quelled. The perfect mirror. Glass so eloquently thinned, brought forth from the heat and pressure of those that surrounded and swarmed deep into their very thought process to make it their own, until those very pieces shattered. 

Taken into a tight embrace Arthur didn't attempt to deny the touch, each in seek of their own comfort from the one who had even the slightest understanding of what each were undergoing in these moments after years of holding it together, unable to approach such thoughts of doubt of their own as they held on; nails sinking in and shirts being gripped onto, silencing their cries with each seam that threatened to snap, every crescent moon shaped line in either shoulder or back. Stricken with the reality of what had long since been avoided, knowing now that they were here together and in a way in this as one despite having to separate onto their own paths soon enough, lowered onto the floor in their own despair. Alfred running a hand through the other's hair in a gentle manner, in awe over how soft it was only to ground himself from saying something ridiculous. "Your secret is safe, nobody outside of us will know." 

He shook his head in disbelief, persuaded into a state of ease by the affection, "What a chance in a million." Serene with his words, cheek resting onto his partner's shoulder, brought to present time, still held onto as the two remained together. "Cursed, that's what I am." Able to see the rather baffled sight of a man before him.

As though his thoughts had finally come together, he met the lingering gaze. Alfred had never believed that this man could look sweet, something that would more than likely give him a cavity, as though that would cease his desires to be with him, to hold his hand and be at his side. "We subjected ourselves to quite the situation." 

Apparent that Arthur was well versed on the matter of their topic, he let his eyes rest, curling up into the others arms. "Appears to be so." A gentle motion as he laced their hands. "Don't let it dwell on your mind."

"I won't," No longer worried over what may or may not be exposed, able to look at what resting on his wrist without any fear of what could be brought upon him if someone found out.

Arthur pondered for a moment, strung in his thoughts as he once more begun tracing the King's mark. "How is it that you are able to trust me? I've killed many you know, there had been attempts I almost took your life in turn." 

A smile settled across his features, "Oh, that's easy. I can tell when you're lying, it's part of the King position." 

It took a moment to settle until dawned upon that all those time's he believed he had gotten away with every little act of affection to easily dismiss, was never dismissed. "You've known all this time!" His shriek alerting both of them, each jumping in return.

Quick to cover the Captain's mouth as the two's glance wavered to the door, silent as they waited for any commotion to stir outside. To which none occurred, a relief to both, in full acknowledgement they would have been caught, royal marks on display for all eye's to see; although a relief, it stirred some discontent that even if he had been in danger, or threatened that not one member of the crew would come to his aide in a suitable manner of time. What a disaster he had strung himself into.

Hand falling away Alfred let out an exasperated breath, nerves appeased with a shallow breath. "I thought you would have figured it out. At the most sensed my presence in some means."

Eased he once more laid his head onto the others shoulder, enjoying the small touches. For a moment he had felt betrayed, having gotten so close only to learn of something so significant, then again he had tightened around the same secret, agreeing upon the standards that he too wouldn't want anyone to know, and he had done damn well to keep others quiet; however, silencing Alfred wasn't something he could bring himself to do. "Is that what it was? Believed it was tension." 

A gentle hum emanated from Alfred, off in his own world as he considered that perhaps even he had overlooked that feeling, the one that brought to reason the sparks both received from a sudden brush or caress. "No, I didn't pick it up either. We were both anxious." More so full of adrenaline, after that one night the other had not attempted such nefarious moves, coming to an understanding that even if there was an attempt and, by no means, enough liquor involved, boundaries had quickly been established. That was not his fear, it had not been for quite some time nor could he recall a time it had ever been, more so his method of escape which had all become futile in such a short leisure of their discussion - he truly had no intention of keeping him there. 

While their relationship had been established months prior, this was the time of vulnerability between all that had been up long before. Arthur Kirkland, terrifying and vicious, never afraid for blood to run down the sails, fire to be caught along the terrain he walked, revealed to be sincere and sweet, after nothing more than another individuals affection and pulse, virtue brought in a strangers presence. In no time, tranquil with their decision to go far beyond flirtatious methods, at any point in time taking an unoccupied lap as his seat. Something about him truly had irked his curiosity.

Repositioned once more, he arose from the man's lap as he rested himself across from him, hands reached afar as they gently rested onto the King's cheeks, moving over as thought he would disappear in-front of his eyes. Trying to trace every detail, the way his lips curled into a smile and the warm touch as he linked his fingers around the pirate's wrists. He moved ever so slightly, hands slipped into one another's, entwined as Alfred leaned in to kiss him.

Those sparks simmered between them, Arthur freeing his hands as he pulled the other closer, consumed in the pure ecstasy. "You dare kiss a Queen?" Taunting him ever so gently, that sly remark of Kirkland returning in that spare second. 

Eye's widening, his heart sped up, "Oh my- I'm so sorry, I didn't even ask if I could-" Stopped as Arthur pulled him back in, his panic now left to settle in the depths of the water as he peered at him in complete shock. 

Arthur chuckled, "Well, you best do it again, I'm not getting any younger here."  


"No, you're bent, and stiff. It'll kick and then where will you be?" A silent 'nowhere good' added under his breath as he tended to his partner, hand gliding up as he forced his back to straighten, Arthur far more than enjoying the sight of seeing him in short-sleeves after having found a match to the other's skin that managed to hide his mark. 

Alfred huffed, annoyed with himself that he was failing even the basics of handling, "It's hopeless, I'm just not teachable." 

By now his patience would have thinned, he would have given up, the only reason he hadn't being their connection and knowing at some point a knife and combat spells would not be enough to protect his lover. "Nonsense," Fingers brushing against his jaw as he lifted the others head, "Watch and copy." 

Pistol upholstered he copied that same position he had fixed the other in, less tense as he lined his sights before pulling back on the trigger, a shot ringing out that shattered any silence and conversation around them. The shorter of them unbothered as he took out the used bullet, replacing it with a primed one incase of any emergency.

There was a moment Alfred was half tempted to questioned if he simply carried around a bag or pockets full of ammunition, only to decide not for the best and peace of mind, the other running his hands alone his arms as he stood upon his toes, "Now love, take your shot." He whispered, something about it being a boost of confidence as he stepped back.

Metal barely cold he laid his pointer onto it, lining his sights with the hole made only seconds prior, easy to reprimand himself, to ease onto the trigger, to find a jolt in his entire body as it reached back and safety long since off. Breathless as he heard nothing more than a ringing, eye's unfocused on where to steady themselves, with a mind full of cluttered thoughts, daze broken as a gentle pat was registered to his shoulder. 

Looking down to see Arthur's free hand rest upon his hip, smiling as he looked afar, "That... wasn't as terrible as I thought it would be." A smile pressed to his lips as he lowered the weapon, a newfound confidence as he met those star-crossed eye's. 

Loudly he mused the lift of his spirits, "Not bad." Going over to the target as he lined where Alfred's had only ran a few centimeters above his own. "We'll work on it." 

Joining his side he handed the pistol over, deciding he was far more than tired of it for a day. The build of adrenaline on the line of receding, exhaustion left in it's wake, doing what he could to not let it effect him too much. "Nuh uh, that's yours. Mine was lower."

"No it wasn't, I have perfect aim." Quick to correct him in his own ways, denying such a thing to be even possible. Not to mention with someone who had just started and this being their first shot recorded to Arthur's knowledge. 

Arms crossed he cocked his head to the side, "Maybe you're getting rusty." he jested ever so slightly, cautious to not provoke his ego to stride forward.

Gun held in his left he stood, jabbing his partner's arm with his elbow. "Careful Jones, or your ass is going back in the cells." 

A small 'ow' followed, only to have his attention redirected. "You wouldn't!" 

"Don't test me." He teased smirk present, turned on him as he paced to the quarters door, "I fancy tea, care to join me?" 

He hadn't taken any cup offered, any hot beverage sounded repulsive when the day was already sweltering. Their conversation slim and narrow as Alfred's focused was driven elsewhere, "Is the ring really necessary?"

"It was meant to seal our deal, but there was the addition that if you were a warlock there would be no way for you to go against me." A shrug accompanied as he raised the brimming cup to his lips.

Fiddling with the band on his finger before pulling it off, flicking out a blue flame with a snapping motion.

Arthur panicked, snatching the ring as he forced it back onto Alfred's hand, the cup levitating with no assistance as he sat down, a visible shake to his hands. "Are you trying to get us killed! You imbecile." 

"We're out at sea, there's no way we're going to be killed."

Teacup brought back into his hands, he held onto it in order to provide some warmth to the lack, "I foster a group of vicious men, do you think they would hesitate to kill royalty." In disbelief that he truly had to ask such a thing.

Colour sucked from his cheeks he looked down to his lap, "Guess I didn't think of it like that." Having taken for granted his situation, sure the other wasn't going to place a bullet into him but if they were both to be found out then surely there would be no way to get out without a few injuries, and unfortunate for him he needed to return in one piece so his dear friend wouldn't get sentenced with a penalty.

There was a moment of silence between the two, Arthur shaking his head as he sat the cup down. "No, ofcourse you didn't." Dipped as he moved through his drawers before emerging, up on his feet as he came to his lover's side, hands ran along his shoulders. "I'm sorry Alfred, you're not acquainted with this lifestyle, and that often vanishes from my mind."

"Oh." Turning slightly, a red hue present from the touch. "No, that's alright, you're right. You have every reason to get after me, you're just keeping us safe." A smile offered, he had been taken aback but quickly saw the empathetic look, a vigilant sign that the outburst was not meant and spurred from an act of panic.

It pained him to see him like this, "Even if that may be so, I have no reason to be so rude. You do realize you can be a person around me? I have no ties to the monarchy, nor do I intend to." Sat across in a different chair, taking his left hand.

Gently he made the move to hold onto Arthur's hand. "I'm not upset with you though, I understand where you come from. In only a few seconds I could get both of us shot." Grip tightened as both thought on such a concept.

He nodded, "You don't need to accept everything." The band on Alfred's hand slipped off as it was replaced with a far more elegant one, the younger startled as he gazed up, slack-jawed. "This is a horrible time, but I truly do enjoy spending time with you. This can't be forever unfortunately-"

"Yes it can." Alfred cut him off, both at an understanding as to what they could do.

Shocked he attempted to pull back, only for Alfred to refuse to let go of his hand. "You can't be serious." 

A genuine smile played across his features, both hands now cupped around Arthur's. "There's always winter." Whispering in a way that a child would a secret, a noticeable shake of the blonde's head, about to object before he slowly stood, incapable of speech as he clung on in a gentle embrace, one that was returned as a handkerchief was pulled out of Alfred's pocket, used to wipe his tears away. 

Their night ending in the fashion of star-crossed lovers, unable to leave the ship as there was an over-looming threat for Arthur's head in the area, though quickly dismissed in the moments they held onto one another. Both spun in their own disbeliefs of what they had done, but simply accepting that this was far more than alright, both destined for the other already, so what did it matter if it wasn't done when they were crowned or in-front of a million witnesses. They had themselves, and that was far more than enough to settle with, because wasn't love one of the things each had subconsciously been searching for.

Alfred led to bed by his partner's side, engaged in a fit of hysterics. Incapable of processing that his departure was less than a week away, but that had no impact as they remained in one another's arms through the night, an oath to hold onto one another even after the world was longer in one piece, they could both take to that.


"Alfred dear." His call breaking the other's daze from his work, looking up as his partner entered the sanction, the breeze having brought him to wear a heavier bunch than usual as he worked to rid himself of the garments. Untroubled by a set of wandering eyes he knew were recording every bit he exposed, aware that Alfred had only seen his abdomen which was rather memorable credited to the hideous scar from the bullet.

After a moment he glanced back down to his work, a letter at his side that he occasionally batted from his line of sight. "What's up hun?" Not needing a word as he slid the chair back in order to allow for him to settle on his lap. 

Ever so delicately he leaned back, on an endeavor for relaxation after the rather taxing and rather failed attempt to pull into port, all with the sense of his rather generous lover who had no remark on being bothered despite the workload he had been handed that had delayed any hands, though it wasn't an issue, Alfred having long since been placed in a category that was not essential for the ship or crew to operate, which true to word had been intentional for by now Arthur would have believed that Carriedo would have attempted to come take his precious King back. Although he wouldn't say anything he doubted it was quite glaring, there appeared to be a lack of care from his friend, but he had witnessed the nights when the other would break and fray apart in terror of the man and his crew being sentenced with death. 

Despite his well-intentioned efforts, there was no way to gently edge him into a peaceful state once it started, more than aware of his lover's anxiety except for the severity of it, though not deterred from what could only be a panic attack as he held onto the others hands as he used his thumbs to move across the back of his hands, whispers of denial combatted with those of confirmation, that he had done all he could through the various letters he had sent starting only a few months ago that never had a correspondence. 

Seeing him in such a state was far worse than death itself, once more he had snuck aboard Carriedo's ship, demanding to speak with him in order to settle this, still rather displeased with what he had done but arriving on different terms. Establishing them to meet and for a few days would Alfred be given board once more, a front placed that the other had annoyed him to his wits end and could no longer stand being with him. Thought that did not call for immediate measures to be implemented, and rather a different date to be established. It appeared that Arthur had managed to find someone far more gullible than he intended, but this guaranteed he remained with Alfred for far longer than he had believed to be so.

Upon such knowledge he reached up, gripping onto the collar of his dress shirt as he burrowed his face into the other's neck, a smile slipping as he hooked arms around now indulged in the scent of the woods, of the land he denied to step on but the one who held on now being a reminder of the home he had left behind, but the one he had found.

Pent in work he rubbed the others shoulders, a sigh of displeasure being caught and pressed to the roof of his mouth by his own tongue. This would be his life, along with various non-stop meetings, and that was the worst part of it, he had spent months with Arthur, lost in a life he wasn't accustomed to yet still craved for the solidarity freedom of the wind in your face, the water occasionally rising far too high, the rush to hoist the sails - all of what he could never have or experience again. 

Smoothly pulling back he slipped away, returning in a spare few minutes, in far more casual clothes than he had worn in quite some time. Such a difference enough to raise the azure eyes once more to him, "Um, what's the occasion?"

An immediate answer was not given, only told to dress light to which he complied without a moments of hesitation, brought out to town to which he had cursed the man for more than a few minutes until he had been pulled aside, held onto as a hellish glow appeared in the other's already piercing eyes. Brought out to a cliffside, water lapping  at their feet and moon bright before his hand was grabbed as he was lead into a kiss. 

Arthur motioned him to follow, for an hour they walked, small talk made, each slipping, clothes torn and their muscles aching when they made it, looking over a city full of lights. Brought to sit by the other who was currently out of breath after a nasty fight mere minutes ago to not slip after a branch had snapped out from under his hands. 

While he didn't understand why there had been a lack of use of his magic, but yet he knew what came of those who relied upon it, those who were driven to insanity - the main reason King's were often dethroned, silenced, never heard from again as with the position of Queen often reared the ugly reality of what their responsibilities would be if their fated came down; although, it was not unheard of to occur with the former as well. Spades was known for it's power, for it's ruler's would could easily take the world if driven to that point, and therefore had to be under constant monitor. Let free and unstripped could result in disaster, and it just so happened that Alfred and Arthur were more than an end of the world combination.

From his pocket he took out a small handkerchief, unraveling the cloth to expose two pastries, offering one out to his companion who was slightly surprised to be presented with but accepting without hesitation. "I'm quite shocked these didn't get crumbled." The two quietly eating before Arthur wiped the corners of his mouth, quiet which wasn't an unusual trait for the Captain, but surely it had been strange as this was often not a time he would remain silent, and was rather dismissive in his own way's, dirt kicked up from where his shoe collided with the ground. "Someone informed me that you wanted to see the other Kingdom's before you were-" He stopped himself, the topic freshly tipped as it stabbed his heart, "Well anyways, I thought I ought to take you. This," Gesturing out to the land that was under their feet, "The grand city of Hearts, the one you're never allowed in despite how grand it may be, all the same far too dangerous for someone such as ourselves.

He peered to the other from his peripheral, seeing the awestruck gaze, smirk appearing as he chuckled, "I can take you, if you would like." 

Alfred stood a little too quick, almost falling before he caught himself, "Yes- I mean. Can you?" A quick glance over his shoulder that made Arthur's heart only flutter more, less than blind that he had fallen, and hard at that to the King of Spades.

It was only natural afterall, fate had chosen them for one reason or another, per chance it had been multiple, and while Arthur was unlikely to step up to his place on the throne no matter how strong his feelings may have been for the one who had accepted such a life. Showing his face could lead to him rotting away in a cell, and the chances of him being Queen would not stop them, they would not look twice. Ultimately, he was a murderer in their eyes.

Snapped from such thoughts as he was gently lifted from his place on the boulder they had rested upon, to his chest as he looked up, "Come on, we have three days. Let's make the most of them." 

And with that, tears pricked his eyes as he smiled, the sadness that had welled inside of him loosening it's hold. This was his partner for eternity, the one he would write love sonnets about and rip letter after letter when he decided it simply was not enough, his ray of sunshine and glimmer of gold. All of life held within this man, with his strikingly bright eye's full of the oceans ahead, and sun that streamed down along the deck, that brought rainbows through shards of glass. 

The part of having Arthur around, was the added bonus that people barely came within two feet of them, despite the stares that were directed towards the taller who appeared to ignore or simply not notice them as he remained engaged in conversation with the other, who had fallen into a state of contempt bliss as they walked. Hands entwined as he often had to hide his face, a smile permanently drawn, eye's half-lidded and absolutely smitten. 

Only left alone as the other dismissed himself, having weaved through the morning bustle and rush, until he lost him as he was far too efficient at making his way around and slipping between narrow and slim slots, to the point Arthur would have mistaken that perhaps their lives had been swapped. Lost and concerned, having fought to push to the outside before he found his partner once more, rushing to his side before he dared to enter the stream again, arms flung and tightened on his waist as he lead him back.

Action's met with a hand running through his hair he knew from the first second Alfred had seen him, that he had no intention of going back in, "Are you alright? I've never seen you run off in such a fashion." 

Cocking his head a bit he only nodded, "I'm fine Arthur, I just needed to get something is all." Hair moved from the other's eyes as he gave him a gentle smile, one that made Arthur swear that if he wasn't magic, then surely his mere charm was enough as his fears dwindled as sugar to hot tea.


The door slammed shut, coat quickly thrown into a nearby chair as Arthur fell back and into Alfred's arms who acted quick enough to keep the cup of tea from falling to the ground and shattering. He had finally managed to set it up, to be at each of their convenience, to settle the other's qualms of execution being the fate of his friend. All of it had been successful.

"Is everything alright?" Oh, who was he even kidding, of-course it wasn't. Sure he was dramatic, but never to this extent, placing that aside as he gently rubbed his back.

Moving out of the blonde's affection he sighed, smoothing his hair, "Yes, I simply spoke with Carri- Antonio is all, he'll be expecting you and docked in Spades at your convenience."

It had been unexpected, and hell Alfred hadn't even asked, only taking him back into a hug, "Thank you."


"A-Alfred!" The pull unexpected as he stumbled a bit in order to gain his footing, brought to a garden in the middle of the maze, one they had been caught in some hours ago against both of their better judgement.

The other's stammers weren't enough to deter him as his hands slipped into Arthur's, who was attempting to regain himself, the two surrounded by a chorus of multi-coloured roses. Eventually he understood enough that there had been no threat, shaking his head with a chuckle at his own thoughts that if there had been an emergency the other's first instinct would be to flee the situation.

Though that did not explain any of this, confused as they had been attempting to get out, paying no mind to the other's actions as he had been doing with the date. "Why did you bring us here?"

Lowered onto one knee he took the other's hand, nervous of what he was about to say, more so of what reaction would spawn from his actions. "I couldn't do this on your ship, she's gorgeous but you deserve so much better than this." A visible look of befuddlement had crossed the other's features, though he was yet to pull away, so he continued, "You're absolutely amazing, and have opened my eyes to a life I wish I could indulge in with you, if there was anyway I could turn back time and stay here with you then there wouldn't be a moments of hesitation, but for now I will wait anxiously for winter, and during those time's you are out letter's will appear on your desk, awaiting you to open them. I wish to marry you, but can only do so if you will consent to it." 

Star-struck he had long since caught of what the other was doing, he slowly shook his head, hold almost lethal upon the other's as he broke into tears, accepted into an open embrace to be held, more than a few dozen 'yes's muttered as he clung on. Only pulling away when he needed to breath, tears being wiped away in no time. Arthur settling himself, deep breaths and relentless wipes to his eyes, only for a small velvet box to spur it further. 

"I know this isn't the greatest thing, nor very normal but if you don't want to accept then you don't have to and - is this too much? You can tell me if I jumped the bridge." He asked as he didn't bother to open the box, arms wrapped around him once more as he rubbed the other's back. Gently using his nails he scratched the others scalp, using small touches in order to calm him down as he felt the grip on his shirt loosen. 

Arthur sat back on his haunches, taking the cloth offered as he shook his head. Once he deemed himself to be presentable he looked back up, "No, now is good. Now is perfect. I have your hand, and you my heart." Hand placed into his partners, who in turn slipped the ring on the respective finger, "You know though, I wanted to propose." A box of his own being removed from his pocket, it's black a stark contrast from the blue his own had come from, a smirk slipping as he watched Alfred fall back.

He held on, only to switch his right with his left hand, "Jeez, how long have we been waiting on this?" Lucky to avoid the roses as he fell back onto the grass, querying as he guarded his own eye's from the sun, an emphasis to not cry as the sheer relief and joy rushed and toppled his normal train of thought.

The old band was slipped off, shoved into the place where he had pulled the band he had bought which now gleamed on the King's finger, "Oh, about a month or so. I had intended to that day on the cliff, but I grew nervous. You truly didn't believe I would stuff pastries in my pocket, did you?" He laid beside him in the grass, turning to look at him who only grinned harder, one that he knew would be impossible to get rid of. 

A low laugh rose, clasping onto the Captains hand as their fingers laced, a gentle kiss shared between the two, "I can't believe you actually bought a ring. Thank you though, it's gorgeous." 

"You're far too simplistic, nothing I owned fit you." Bangs moved aside in order to meet the eye's that were already locked with his own, "It's not a bad thing, I would much prefer someone such as yourself than someone who is anything like myself. You gave me a heart for something I did not know I was capable of." Security, and the ability to trust. Such a simple concept he believed he would never be able to obtain. 

The gesture shared once more between the two of them, Alfred on his feet long before either knew fully what was going to happen as he hoisted Arthur into his arms, carrying him until they reached the end, sun now lowering.

"You knew the way out the entire time!" 

"Hey, it was apart of the plan. But I did get lost in some places." Shy smile covering the rather confident expression as he shrugged, and there was no part of the man to stay even remotely upset. It had been rather smart, he had caught on that Arthur had a rather keen mind, so of-course any other way would have made it obvious, and he was rather fair to feign ignorance.

Hours were thin and few, and to be honest, Arthur could easily settle on engagement but, something about this said different. Faced with a smile that told him everything, "Really? We're covered in dirt and.." He trailed off, hands ran up to his shoulders.

Smile present he slipped his own hands into his partners, "What?" 

Never minding the crowd that could visibly see them he grabbed onto the other's collar, "We're gonna need a witness." Lead to a kiss, whispering ever so softly as he smiled into it as he was held onto. 

The entire experience had been quite surreal, taken to Spade's at Arthur's request who simply refused to be proposed and married in Diamonds, reassuring that while he absolutely adored the other he would simply not be wed in the very Kingdom where a bounty had been placed upon him after the King's little infatuation grew too out of hand after an affair where Arthur attempted to break his wrist - though he didn't go deeper in detail, for that would only evoke his own shame.

An officiant being brought, which had both charmed and startled the man for he had never seen exactly how Joker's were called, and from there on wished to never witness such a spectacle again no matter how breathtaking it may have been it also looked as though the other had been pulled from where his feet rested upon the ground, something from a children's book that could not be painted as leaves around them turned gold, the air crisp and cold to which Arthur rushed back as he shivered. To his disbelief he had not been imagining it as the other was lifted from the ground, pulled up as a mist of shimmering blues and whites surrounded his entire body, leaves and wildflowers brought in the mix. Then, as it had started, it ended, Alfred once more on his feet, as though what had happened had been naught, another man at his side as they exchanged greetings.

Spades, the Kingdom of Power, one full of corruption, was truly nothing to mess with from what he had seen. There had been a few time's he had caught sight of Joker's being summoned, this had not been his first-time, but this was the only time something such to this degree of magic had taken place, and minutes after the other's eye's were still bright, as though the very essence he was gifted with was slowly taking over his very being. 

Nonetheless, they had been wed, in secret and in those means they had eloped, but it was nothing more than breathtaking. Gilbert, he found rather quickly after a brief introduction, had been skeptical of doing such a thing, an the two only able to commence once their marks were exposed to the light surrounding them. Silk wrapped around their hands, firmly held together and rings exchanged.

With a steady breath he leaned into his husbands side, taking residence on a trail far up in the mountains, a few trade ships sailing by with the flag of Spade's hoisted to the sky, sun setting as the waterfall masked their words and steps in order to provide some form of security. Both mindful of the fact that if the King had returned home so quickly he would surely be taken back, and while he may have realized that at some point Alfred would leave, these were his hours, desperate to keep him around for as long as he could as he was unable to bottle every moment with the other. 

Gaze slowly settling to his hand, gently moving the band around his finger, admiring the look of it all, something far from their time as a diamond set in the middle of a square that flattened and laid around the finger, the center surrounded by four lines of blue diamonds, their corners adorned with regular diamonds. It was a marvel in all honestly, unable to decide how to feel about it. 

Alfred caught what the other was doing, and in all honestly he had been skeptical about it, but it was practical, flat enough and edges that shaped the finger so it wouldn't cause a conflict when reaching into pockets by snagging, "Is it too much? Really, we can trade it for one you like-"

Finger pressed to the blonde's lips he gave a gentle shake of his head, "Oh, Alfred," His partner's name strung out further in a sweet tone as Arthur cupped the other's cheeks, "Hush, it's absolutely perfect, its from you and that's all that matters." Though he certainly had been upstaged, something he never believed anyone could ever do, but there sat a mind full of surprises and he was indulging in them by the hour.  

Tension caught and wrung dry he gave him a gentle affection, slow to close the proximity between them, "Okay." 


Arthur was the type to always be out and on deck, but today was different, obscuring a lie that was so transparent that both were thankful for his rather foolish choice to hire a group that were as dense as they were. As much as he desired to ignore the papers there was no option, any slack would be reprimanded once he returned, forced to work as his husband had taken place near him, often more than not taking his hand to hold onto, never once having removed his night clothes and bundled in one of the other's sweatshirts, obvious he was not in well shape of mind.

Thus with such an obvious need for his attention, for Alfred to take care of him he rushed through the work, finished far before his regular hour as he turned to face his teary-eyed partner, "It's okay, come here." 

And Arthur smiled, assured that it would indeed be okay, that they would still be them and nothing would interfere with them. 

Night slowly came to rear it's rather rotten and disagreeable hour, stepping out from his quarters to see the other in a sight he had never before, black slacks and clean dress shoes, tucked collar with a blue tie, waistcoat and a longer blue coat pulled over it to top it off, turning to lock eye's with him. 

Coughs contorted to choked laughs, "I wanted to tell you to forget me." Gently rubbing his arm, sleeve moved to expose his arm. 

Thoughts hung up he gave a wide and rather appalled look to him, "You wanted me to forget you?" Unsure if he had heard it right, only responding as his voice trembled, heart at ends with what to do as the beats became more visible, perhaps he was on the verge of faint, or death itself.

He cleared his throat, "Yes, that's what I said." A visible breath taken as his shoulders tensed, gaze adverted and eye's shut in order to draw back the tears that pricked the corners of his eye's.

Alfred understood, he understood and came to view this far worse than death, far worse than torture, hands slightly shaking as he crossed his arms, "Ok," Lips pressing in order to stifle a cry that was on the verge of being brought out to the open. "Forget me too."

Exterior broken it only came time as he made way to the King, unfolded arms brought into his own hands as he slid them down to hold onto them. Choked on his own tears, head hung in defeat. Never had he been through such a turbulent amount of emotion, having lost those he most cherished he was accommodated with grief, yet this was far worse. Grieving for someone who was not dead, for someone who waited for his next word, one who was yet out of his sight, and his voice trembled, words cracked to be long gone with the wind as a squeeze brought him to the walls of his livelihood. "That's not possible."

Silence hung before them for a moment until hands pulled away from the Captain's own who only squeezed their eye's closed once more, head turned in order to not see an inch of the one who stood in-front of him. Feet stumbling as he was brought to a rather quick embrace, "Then I can't forget you either." Barely more than a whisper, rather incapable to maintain a grip that didn't threaten to leave bruises, though who was Arthur to complain as he dug his nails in as an attempt to keep him there.

Using his coat he pulled Arthur closer, "I have to do this even though I love you." 

He wanted to object, to demand he stay right where he was and forfeit the life he had to take on and it was tempting, overly tempting as the very thought lured him in with a curled finger, aware that he could make Alfred stay. That, however, was selfish, while it wasn't a glamourous lifestyle, it had called for them at different point's of their lives, he had already escaped once therefore would not be the one to lead another to his disappearance.

There had been an attempt earlier this morning, as they shared their meal together when Arthur poked his head up, after hours of simmering and stewing in his own thoughts that had pulled the threads of his sanity apart. "Must you leave?" Ashamed of himself as he had asked such a thing, that he had wanted to keep Alfred for himself.

Now clear, he broke their embrace, undoing the vest around his husbands waist in order to establish a better grip, the action never objected to as he proceeded, hands tangled in this fresh fabric of his shirt. Calm as he pulled apart, slowly he worked to collect himself to form something more than a few mutter's. Wiping his husbands tears away, a soft smile crossing his feature's, "I understand." 

He had known this day would come, from the moment a flower had sprouted in his rather shallow heart, each interaction gave that seedling a new root, a new drop of water and despite the lack of sunlight it had festered and begun to sprout until he felt that there was nobody else. Until he had been knocked from his own senses, Alfred's abrupt and rather unexpected request to kiss him, that it was far more than genuine curiosity, for someone such as himself would not desire the power he would later figure out. Every word, every playful tease and jab, each practice and teaching moment had all been genuine months in to knowing one another, and he had been far too blind to notice until he was choking on that flower that night they shared their first kiss. 

Chest heavy he looked out the window, moon once more hidden from their line of sight, a sudden tug of his collar, "But, can I hear it once more?" 

And he did not need to know what he meant by that, removing his waistcoat for his partner, hands taken into his own, "I love you. I love you so much, you're absolutely everything and more than I could ever believe existed." 

Coercion was never Arthur's strong suite, but he didn't need to persuade Alfred who followed without even a minute of hesitance, pulled into a messy kiss as their reality sunk in, frames knocked to the side and more than a few hips were bumped in an attempt to not break the kiss on either of their sides.

Alfred would lie if he said he didn't like their last night, messy and imperfect, just as they were meant to be with their entire story nothing more than a downward spiral that they navigated eachother through, stepping over cracks and assisting based on how far they could jump to hold a hand out in order for the other to take hold and avoid their demise from falling through a hole on this long and rather narrow spiral staircase that they played their own hands at, the danger sinking in further as the floor only became a mere fragment of their minds.

In a way, both expected to wake alone in the morning, yet as the moon started to veer away Arthur was awoken, the other having once more dressed himself, tie and dress shirt regal once more despite the tousle they had been put through the night prior, his cheek kissed as the cover was gently placed over his shoulder, his hand reaching out to take hold of the other's lapel, not letting go.

That seemed to be his undoing, a deep inhale as he rapidly blinked, gently running his hand along the other's cheek. "I apologize for waking you, I thought it best if we saw one another one last time." In their right minds preferably, before Alfred became King.

"Alfred." His voice broke on the last syllable, fighting back the tears but failing, knuckles now slightly white as he held tighter, "Don't stay here but know, I love you."

By some miracle he managed to untangle the other's death grip, brought into a hug that was reciprocated once it was clear he wasn't about to be dragged from his bed. Tears wiped away he sat onto the side, gently ruffling his husbands hair, "I'm absolutely crazy about you." 

He went to get up, to let Arthur get his rest only to find his sleeve caught once more, "Let me walk you out." At the words Arthur's stomach twisted, he felt sick, he didn't want to let him go and he saw now that this wasn't some joke, he truly was going to lose the Alfred he knew and fell in love with. Who would now be a figure to the public, head held high and to never step out of line, but at every night by candlelight and it's own enchanting ways, he would be there in letters, in that uncouth handwriting. It would be him.

With the sweatshirt there was no argument, it had been the one Alfred had married him in and there was not any strive to retrieve it for it would forever be with in the other's hands, to keep him warm on those cold winter nights when he himself could not be there to do so.

Arm wrapped around before he pulled away, hesitance clear as his steps were slow rather than that quick stride he had that made him so efficient for having him assist in the kitchens or with the sails. In this moment he would accept the crown.

"Wait," Arthur called, removing the band from his hand, the one he had adored and been given on their wedding. Only for it to be pushed back to him, his left hand held onto as Alfred gently placed it back on to where it belonged, such gesture followed by a gentle kiss.

Now he felt ready, to an extent, finally moving away and he smiled, the sun making it's appearance through the clouds as the world around them turned darker than the fabric that Alfred was embellished in. "You will always be my husband and Queen, my dearest Arthur." Said with such adoration and a smile that exuded such warmth Arthur forgot the ice cold air that strung his skin and tousled his hair about.

Watching as the King of Spades, Alfred F. Jones, his husband, walked to the edge of the ship, and never hesitating as he had done earlier as he got up on the banister before throwing himself off. He had said what he needed, both had in their own ways, and for some time he pretended that the other was still there, that he was hanging on the edge about to pull himself up, however, Alfred had teleported, back to Carriedo's ship, back to Spades. His dear was gone just as the sun rose and shined on him.

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